144 research outputs found

    CRopland Observatory NOdeS (CRONOS): portable, integrated soil-plant-atmosphere monitoring systems

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    In croplands the conditions within the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum can differ substantially from those at the closest available weather station, thus there is a need for monitoring stations optimized for deployment in cropland. Developed in response to this need, CRopland Observatory NOdeS (CRONOS) are portable in-situ, multi-sensor monitoring stations designed to monitor soil water content, green canopy cover (GCC), and atmospheric conditions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of first-generation CRONOS systems on working farms. During the 2020-2021 winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) growing season, CRONOS stations were installed at three sites across Oklahoma, USA. Each station was equipped with a cosmic-ray neutron sensor to measure soil moisture, a camera to monitor GCC, and an all-in-one weather station. The soil moisture estimates were validated by comparison with distance- and depth-weighted average volumetric water content determined by soil sampling. The station’s GCC estimates were compared with the average GCC at the field scale. Meteorological data from the all-in-one weather stations were compared with observations from the Oklahoma Mesonet closest to each CRONOS site. The CRONOS stations accurately determined field-average soil water content, with a mean average difference (MAD) of 0.022 cm3cm-3 and a Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) of 0.756. The CRONOS GCC estimates showed greater discrepancies from the field-scale averages than did the soil water content estimates, with a MAD of approximately 12% and NSE of 0.43. These differences were most pronounced at one site where the crop growth near the station was less representative of the field as a whole. For atmospheric conditions, the level of agreement between the measurements of the CRONOS stations and the nearest Mesonet station varied, with NSE values ≥ 0.89 for measurements of air temperature, solar radiation, and atmospheric pressure but lower NSE values ranging from 0.34 – 0.87 for precipitation, relative humidity, and wind speed. Sensors were found to be reliable ≥ 98.4% percent of the time except for the cameras, for which 18.5% of the scheduled photos were missing. For subsequent generations of CRONOS stations, development efforts should focus on identifying more reliable and representative vegetation monitoring

    Quantum Statistics and Entanglement of Two Electromagnetic Field Modes Coupled via a Mesoscopic SQUID Ring

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    In this paper we investigate the behaviour of a fully quantum mechanical system consisting of a mesoscopic SQUID ring coupled to one or two electromagnetic field modes. We show that we can use a static magnetic flux threading the SQUID ring to control the transfer of energy, the entanglement and the statistical properties of the fields coupled to the ring. We also demonstrate that at, and around, certain values of static flux the effective coupling between the components of the system is large. The position of these regions in static flux is dependent on the energy level structure of the ring and the relative field mode frequencies, In these regions we find that the entanglement of states in the coupled system, and the energy transfer between its components, is strong.Comment: 15 pages, 19 figures, Uploaded as implementing a policy of arXiving old paper

    Training opportunities in thoracic ultrasound for respiratory trainees: are current guidelines practical?

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    Respiratory trainees in the UK face challenges in meeting current Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) Level 1 training requirements for thoracic ultrasound (TUS) competence, specified as attending 'at least one session per week over a period of no less than 3 months, with approximately five scans per session performed by the trainee (under supervision of an experienced practitioner)'. We aimed to clarify where TUS training opportunities currently exist for respiratory registrars.This is an Open Access article. Click on the Publisher URL to access the full-text

    Quantum superpositions of clockwise and counterclockwise supercurrent states in the dynamics of a rf-SQUID exposed to a quantized electromagnetic field

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    The dynamical behavior of a superconducting quantum interference device (a rf-SQUID) irradiated by a single mode quantized electromagnetic field is theoretically investigated. Treating the SQUID as a flux qubit, we analyze the dynamics of the combined system within the low lying energy Hilbert subspace both in the asymmetric and in the symmetric SQUID potential configurations. We show that the temporal evolution of the system is dominated by an oscillatory behavior characterized by more than one, generally speaking, incommensurable Rabi frequencies whose expressions are explicitly given. We find that the external parameters may fixed in such a way to realize a control on the dynamical replay of the total system which, for instance, may be forced to exhibit a periodic evolution accompanied by the occurrence of an oscillatory disappearance of entanglement between the two subsystems. We demonstrate the possibility of generating quantum maximally entangled superpositions of the two macroscopically distinguishable states describing clockwise and counterclockwise supercurrents in the loop. The experimental feasibility of our proposal is briefly discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, submitted to PR

    Pioglitazone administration alters ovarian gene expression in aging obese lethal yellow mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are often treated with insulin-sensitizing agents, e.g. thiazolidinediones (TZD), which have been shown to reduce androgen levels and improved ovulatory function. Acting via peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) gamma, TZD alter the expression of a large variety of genes. Lethal yellow (LY; C57BL/6J Ay/a) mice, possessing a mutation (Ay) in the agouti gene locus, exhibit progressive obesity, reproductive dysfunction, and altered metabolic regulation similar to women with PCOS. The current study was designed to test the hypothesis that prolonged treatment of aging LY mice with the TZD, pioglitazone, alters the ovarian expression of genes that may impact reproduction.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Female LY mice received daily oral doses of either 0.01 mg pioglitazone (n = 4) or an equal volume of vehicle (DMSO; n = 4) for 8 weeks. At the end of treatment, ovaries were removed and DNA microarrays were used to analyze differential gene expression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Twenty-seven genes showed at least a two-fold difference in ovarian expression with pioglitazone treatment. These included leptin, angiopoietin, angiopoietin-like 4, Foxa3, PGE1 receptor, resistin-like molecule-alpha (RELM), and actin-related protein 6 homolog (ARP6). For most altered genes, pioglitazone changed levels of expression to those seen in untreated C57BL/6J(a/a) non-mutant lean mice.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>TZD administration may influence ovarian function via numerous diverse mechanisms that may or may not be directly related to insulin/IGF signaling.</p

    A community-based intervention (Young SMILES) to improve the health-related quality of life of children and young people of parents with serious mental illness: randomised feasibility protocol

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    Children and young people of parents with mental illness (COPMI) are at risk of poor mental, physical and emotional health, which can persist into adulthood. They also experience poorer social outcomes and wellbeing as well as poorer quality of life than their peers with ‘healthy’ parents. The needs of COPMI are likely to be significant; however, their prevalence is unknown, although estimates suggest over 60% of adults with a serious mental illness have children. Many receive little or no support and remain ‘hidden’, stigmatised or do not regard themselves as ‘in need’. Recent UK policies have identified supporting COPMI as a key priority, but this alone is insufficient and healthrelated quality of life has been neglected as an outcome

    Scoping Review: Digital mental health interventions for children and adolescents affected by war

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    Objective Over 200 million children and adolescents live in countries affected by violent conflict, are likely to have complex mental health needs, and struggle to access traditional mental health services. Digital mental health interventions have the potential to overcome some of the barriers in accessing mental health support. We performed a scoping review to map existing digital mental health interventions relevant for children and adolescents affected by war, examine the strength of the evidence base, and inform the development of future interventions. Method Based on a pre-registered strategy, we systematically searched MEDLINE, Embase, Global Health, APA PsychInfo, and Google Scholar from the creation of each database to 30th September 2022, identifying k=6,843 studies. Our systematic search was complemented by extensive consultation with experts from the GROW Network. Results The systematic search identified 6 relevant studies: one evaluating digital mental health interventions for children and adolescents affected by war and five for those affected by disasters. Experts identified 35 interventions of possible relevance. The interventions spanned from universal prevention to specialist-guided treatment. Most interventions directly targeted young people and parents/carers and were self-guided. A quarter of the interventions were tested through randomized controlled trials. Because most interventions were not culturally or linguistically adapted to relevant contexts, their implementation potential was unclear. Conclusion There is very limited evidence for the use of digital mental health interventions for children and adolescents affected by war at present. The review provides a framework to inform the development of new interventions