193 research outputs found

    4D monitoring of active sinkholes with a Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS): A Case study in the evaporite karst of the Ebro Valley, NE Spain

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    This work explores, for the first time, the application of a Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) and a comparison of point clouds in the 4D monitoring of active sinkholes. The approach is tested in three highly-active sinkholes related to the dissolution of salt-bearing evaporites overlain by unconsolidated alluvium. The sinkholes are located in urbanized areas and have caused severe damage to critical infrastructure (flood-control dike, a major highway). The 3D displacement models derived from the comparison of point clouds with exceptionally high spatial resolution allow complex spatial and temporal subsidence patterns within one of the sinkholes to be resolved. Detected changes in the subsidence activity (e.g., sinkhole expansion, translation of the maximum subsidence zone, development of incipient secondary collapses) are related to potential controlling factors such as floods, water table changes or remedial measures. In contrast, with detailed mapping and high-precision leveling, the displacement models, covering a relatively short time span of around 6 months, do not capture the subtle subsidence (< 0.6-1 cm) that affects the marginal zones of the sinkholes, precluding precise mapping of the edges of the subsidence areas. However, the performance of TLS can be adversely affected by some methodological limitations and local conditions: (1) limited accuracy in large investigation areas that require the acquisition of a high number of scans, increasing the registration error; (2) surface changes unrelated to sinkhole activity (e.g., vegetation, loose material); (3) traffic-related vibrations and wind blast that affect the stability of the scanner

    Reproductive potential and performance of fertility preservation strategies in BRCA-mutated breast cancer patients

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    Background: Preclinical evidence suggests a possible negative impact of deleterious BRCA mutations on female fertility. However, limited and rather conflicting clinical data are available. This study assessed the reproductive potential and performance of fertility preservation strategies in BRCA-mutated breast cancer patients. Patients and methods: This was a retrospective analysis of two prospective studies investigating oocyte cryopreservation and ovarian tissue cryopreservation in newly diagnosed early breast cancer patients. In the current analysis, baseline anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) and performance of cryopreservation strategies were compared between patients with or without germline deleterious BRCA mutations. Results: Out of 156 patients included, 101 had known BRCA status of whom 29 (18.6%) were BRCA-mutated and 72 (46.1%) had no mutation. Median age in the entire cohort was 31 years [interquartile range (IQR) 28-33). Median AMH levels were 1.8 lg/l (IQR 1.0-2.7) and 2.6 \u3bcg/l (IQR 1.5-4.1) in the BRCA-positive and BRCA-negative cohorts, respectively (P=0.109). Among patients who underwent oocyte cryopreservation (N=29), women in the BRCA-positive cohort tended to retrieve (6.5 versus 9; P=0.145) and to cryopreserve (3.5 versus 6; P=0.121) less oocytes than those in the BRCA-negative cohort. Poor response rate (i.e. retrieval of 644 oocytes) was 40.0% and 11.1% in the BRCA-positive and BRCA-negative cohorts, respectively (P=0.147). Among patients who underwent ovarian tissue cryopreservation (N=72), women in the BRCA-positive cohort tended to have a numerically lower number of oocytes per fragment (0.08 versus 0.14; P=0.193) and per square millimeter (0.33 versus 0.78; P=0.153) than those in the BRCA-negative cohort. Two BRCA-mutated patients were transplanted after chemotherapy and one delivered at term a healthy baby. No difference between BRCA1- and BRCA2-mutated patients was observed in any of the above-mentioned outcomes. Conclusion: A consistent trend for reduced reproductive potential and performance of cryopreservation strategies was observed in BRCA-mutated breast cancer patients. Independent validation of these results is needed

    Propuesta de un modelo de mesa de partes virtual (MPV) para las entidades de la administraci?n p?blica

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    Dentro del contexto del Estado de Emergencia Sanitaria como consecuencia del COVID-19 y como parte de las medidas destinadas para modernizar la gesti?n en las entidades de la Administraci?n P?blica, la investigaci?n busca analizar si existerelaci?n entrela implementaci?n de una mesa de partes virtual est?ndar para todas las entidades de la Administraci?n P?blica y el desarrollo de los procesos de simplificaci?n administrativa, con el prop?sito de brindar valor p?blico a los ciudadanos en sus relaciones con las entidades estatales, de todos los niveles de gobierno.La existencia de un marco normativo que regula la implementaci?n de esta soluci?n no es suficiente, ya que las mesas de partes virtuales existentes difieren entre s?, dificultando el acceso a los ciudadanos a este canal de atenci?n, por lo que, luego de analizar c?mo es que los lineamientos para la implementaci?n de una mesa de partes virtual est?ndar influyen positivamenteen la simplificaci?n administrativa en las entidades p?blicasy de concluir en la existencia de una relaci?n entre ambos conceptos, se incluye una propuesta y los beneficios que se espera conseguir con su puesta en funcionamiento

    A Functional Polymorphism in Renalase (Glu37Asp) Is Associated with Cardiac Hypertrophy, Dysfunction, and Ischemia: Data from the Heart and Soul Study

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    Renalase is a soluble enzyme that metabolizes circulating catecholamines. A common missense polymorphism in the flavin-adenine dinucleotide-binding domain of human renalase (Glu37Asp) has recently been described. The association of this polymorphism with cardiac structure, function, and ischemia has not previously been reported.We genotyped the rs2296545 single-nucleotide polymorphism (Glu37Asp) in 590 Caucasian individuals and performed resting and stress echocardiography. Logistic regression was used to examine the associations of the Glu37Asp polymorphism (C allele) with cardiac hypertrophy (LV mass>100 g/m2), systolic dysfunction (LVEF<50%), diastolic dysfunction, poor treadmill exercise capacity (METS<5) and inducible ischemia.Compared with the 406 participants who had GG or CG genotypes, the 184 participants with the CC genotype had increased odds of left ventricular hypertrophy (OR = 1.43; 95% CI 0.99-2.06), systolic dysfunction (OR = 1.72; 95% CI 1.01-2.94), diastolic dysfunction (OR = 1.75; 95% CI 1.05-2.93), poor exercise capacity (OR = 1.61; 95% CI 1.05-2.47), and inducible ischemia (OR = 1.49, 95% CI 0.99-2.24). The Glu37Asp (CC genotype) caused a 24-fold decrease in affinity for NADH and a 2.3-fold reduction in maximal renalase enzymatic activity.A functional missense polymorphism in renalase (Glu37Asp) is associated with cardiac hypertrophy, ventricular dysfunction, poor exercise capacity, and inducible ischemia in persons with stable coronary artery disease. Further studies investigating the therapeutic implications of this polymorphism should be considered

    European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) open label phase II study on glufosfamide administered as a 60-minute infusion every 3 weeks in recurrent glioblastoma multiforme

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    Background: Glufosfamide is a new alkylating agent in which the active metabolite of isophosphoramide mustard is covalently linked to ÎČ-d-glucose to target the glucose transporter system and increase intracellular uptake in tumor cells. We investigated this drug in a multicenter prospective phase II trial in recurrent glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Patients and methods: Eligible patients had recurrent GBM following surgery, radiotherapy and no more than one prior line of chemotherapy. Patients were treated with glufosfamide 5000 mg/m2 administered as a 1-h intravenous infusion. Treatment success was defined as patients with either an objective response according to Macdonald's criteria or 6 months progression-free survival. Toxicity was assessed with the Common Toxicity Criteria (CTC) version 2.0. Results: Thirty-one eligible patients were included. Toxicity was modest, the main clinically relevant toxicities being leukopenia (CTC grade >3 in five patients) and hepatotoxicity (in three patients). No responses were observed; one patient (3%; 95% confidence interval 0 to 17%) was free from progression at 6 months. Pharmacokinetic analysis showed a 15% decrease in area under the curve and glufosfamide clearance in patients treated with enzyme-inducing antiepileptic drugs, but no effect of these drugs on maximum concentration and plasma half-life. Conclusion: Glufosfamide did not show significant clinical antitumor activity in patients with recurrent GB

    European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) open label phase II study on glufosfamide administered as a 60-minute infusion every 3 weeks in recurrent glioblastoma multiforme

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    BACKGROUND: Glufosfamide is a new alkylating agent in which the active metabolite of isophosphoramide mustard is covalently linked to beta-D-glucose to target the glucose transporter system and increase intracellular uptake in tumor cells. We investigated this drug in a multicenter prospective phase II trial in recurrent glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eligible patients had recurrent GBM following surgery, radiotherapy and no more than one prior line of chemotherapy. Patients were treated with glufosfamide 5000 mg/m(2) administered as a 1-h intravenous infusion. Treatment success was defined as patients with either an objective response according to Macdonald's criteria or 6 months progression-free survival. Toxicity was assessed with the Common Toxicity Criteria (CTC) version 2.0. RESULTS: Thirty-one eligible patients were included. Toxicity was modest, the main clinically relevant toxicities being leukopenia (CTC grade >3 in five patients) and hepatotoxicity (in three patients). No responses were observed; one patient (3%; 95% confidence interval 0 to 17%) was free from progression at 6 months. Pharmacokinetic analysis showed a 15% decrease in area under the curve and glufosfamide clearance in patients treated with enzyme-inducing antiepileptic drugs, but no effect of these drugs on maximum concentration and plasma half-life. CONCLUSION: Glufosfamide did not show significant clinical antitumor activity in patients with recurrent GBM

    Acceptability, feasibility, drug safety, and effectiveness of a pilot mass drug administration with a single round of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine plus primaquine and indoor residual spraying in communities with malaria transmission in Haiti, 2018

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    For a malaria elimination strategy, Haiti's National Malaria Control Program piloted a mass drug administration (MDA) with indoor residual spraying (IRS) in 12 high-transmission areas across five communes after implementing community case management and strengthened surveillance. The MDA distributed sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and single low-dose primaquine to eligible residents during house visits. The IRS campaign applied pirimiphos-methyl insecticide on walls of eligible houses. Pre- and post-campaign cross-sectional surveys were conducted to assess acceptability, feasibility, drug safety, and effectiveness of the combined interventions. Stated acceptability for MDA before the campaign was 99.2%; MDA coverage estimated at 10 weeks post-campaign was 89.6%. Similarly, stated acceptability of IRS at baseline was 99.9%; however, household IRS coverage was 48.9% because of the high number of ineligible houses. Effectiveness measured by Plasmodium falciparum prevalence at baseline and 10 weeks post-campaign were similar: 1.31% versus 1.43%, respectively. Prevalence of serological markers were similar at 10 weeks post-campaign compared with baseline, and increased at 6 months. No severe adverse events associated with the MDA were identified in the pilot; there were severe adverse events in a separate, subsequent campaign. Both MDA and IRS are acceptable and feasible interventions in Haiti. Although a significant impact of a single round of MDA/IRS on malaria transmission was not found using a standard pre- and post-intervention comparison, it is possible there was blunting of the peak transmission. Seasonal malaria transmission patterns, suboptimal IRS coverage, and low baseline parasitemia may have limited the effectiveness or the ability to measure effectiveness

    Effect of personal exposure to black carbon on changes in allergic asthma gene methylation measured 5 days later in urban children: importance of allergic sensitization

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    Background Asthma gene DNA methylation may underlie the effects of air pollution on airway inflammation. However, the temporality and individual susceptibility to environmental epigenetic regulation of asthma has not been fully elucidated. Our objective was to determine the timeline of black carbon (BC) exposure, measured by personal sampling, on DNA methylation of allergic asthma genes 5 days later to capture usual weather variations and differences related to changes in behavior and activities. We also sought to determine how methylation may vary by seroatopy and cockroach sensitization and by elevated fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO). Methods Personal BC levels were measured during two 24-h periods over a 6-day sampling period in 163 New York City children (age 9–14 years), repeated 6 months later. During home visits, buccal cells were collected as noninvasive surrogates for lower airway epithelial cells and FeNO measured as an indicator of airway inflammation. CpG promoter loci of allergic asthma genes (e.g., interleukin 4 (IL4), interferon gamma (IFNγ), inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS2A)), arginase 2 (ARG2)) were pyrosequenced at the start and end of each sampling period. Results Higher levels of BC were associated with lower methylation of IL4 promoter CpG−48 5 days later. The magnitude of association between BC exposure and demethylation of IL4 CpG−48 and NOS2A CpG+5099 measured 5 days later appeared to be greater among seroatopic children, especially those sensitized to cockroach allergens (RR [95% CI] 0.55 [0.37–0.82] and 0.67 [0.45–0.98] for IL4 CpG−48 and NOS2A CpG+5099, respectively), compared to non-sensitized children (RR [95% CI] 0.87 [0.65–1.17] and 0.95 [0.69–1.33] for IL4 CpG−48 and NOS2A CpG+5099, respectively); however, the difference was not statistically different. In multivariable linear regression models, lower DNA methylation of IL4 CpG−48 and NOS2A CpG+5099 were associated with increased FeNO. Conclusions Our results suggest that exposure to BC may exert asthma proinflammatory gene demethylation 5 days later that in turn may link to airway inflammation. Our results further suggest that seroatopic children, especially those sensitized to cockroach allergens, may be more susceptible to the effect of acute BC exposure on epigenetic changes

    European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) open label phase II study on glufosfamide administered as a 60-minute infusion every 3 weeks in recurrent glioblastoma multiforme

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    BACKGROUND: Glufosfamide is a new alkylating agent in which the active metabolite of isophosphoramide mustard is covalently linked to beta-D-glucose to target the glucose transporter system and increase intracellular uptake in tumor cells. We investigated this drug in a multicenter prospective phase II trial in recurrent glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eligible patients had recurrent GBM following surgery, radiotherapy and no more than one prior line of chemotherapy. Patients were treated with glufosfamide 5000 mg/m(2) administered as a 1-h intravenous infusion. Treatment success was defined as patients with either an objective response according to Macdonald's criteria or 6 months progression-free survival. Toxicity was assessed with the Common Toxicity Criteria (CTC) version 2.0. RESULTS: Thirty-one eligible patients were included. Toxicity was modest, the main clinically relevant toxicities being leukopenia (CTC grade &gt;3 in five patients) and hepatotoxicity (in three patients). No responses were observed; one patient (3%; 95% confidence interval 0 to 17%) was free from progression at 6 months. Pharmacokinetic analysis showed a 15% decrease in area under the curve and glufosfamide clearance in patients treated with enzyme-inducing antiepileptic drugs, but no effect of these drugs on maximum concentration and plasma half-life. CONCLUSION: Glufosfamide did not show significant clinical antitumor activity in patients with recurrent GBM

    Air Pollution, Urgent Asthma Medical Visits and the Modifying Effect of Neighborhood Asthma Prevalence

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    Background: Social and environmental stressors, may modify associations between environmental pollutants and asthma symptoms. We examined if neighborhood asthma prevalence (higher: HAPN vs. lower: LAPN), a surrogate for underlying risk factors for asthma, modified the relationship between pollutants and urgent asthma visits. Methods: Through zip code, home addresses were linked to New York City Community Air Survey’s land use regression model for street-level, annual average nitrogen dioxide (NO2), particulate matter (PM2.5), elemental carbon (EC); summer average ozone (O3); winter average sulfur dioxide (SO2) concentrations. Poisson regression models were fit to estimate the association (prevalence ratio, PR) between pollutant exposures and seeking urgent asthma care. Results: All pollutants, except O3 were higher in HAPN than LAPN (P0.05). Conclusions: Relationships between modeled street-level pollutants and urgent asthma were stronger in LAPN compared to HAPN. Social stressors that may be more prevalent in HAPN than LAPN, could play a greater role in asthma exacerbations in HAPN versus pollutant exposure alone
