569 research outputs found

    Manipulating the Quantum State of an Electrical Circuit

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    We have designed and operated a superconducting tunnel junction circuit that behaves as a two-level atom: the ``quantronium''. An arbitrary evolution of its quantum state can be programmed with a series of microwave pulses, and a projective measurement of the state can be performed by a pulsed readout sub-circuit. The measured quality factor of quantum coherence Qphi=25000 is sufficiently high that a solid-state quantum processor based on this type of circuit can be envisioned.Comment: 4 figures include

    Positive cross-correlations in a three-terminal quantum dot with ferromagnetic contacts

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    We study current fluctuations in an interacting three-terminal quantum dot with ferromagnetic leads. For appropriately polarized contacts, the transport through the dot is governed by a novel dynamical spin blockade, i.e., a spin-dependent bunching of tunneling events not present in the paramagnetic case. This leads for instance to positive zero-frequency cross-correlations of the currents in the output leads even in the absence of spin accumulation on the dot. We include the influence of spin-flip scattering and identify favorable conditions for the experimental observation of this effect with respect to polarization of the contacts and tunneling rates.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Modeling a Schottky-barrier carbon nanotube field-effect transistor with ferromagnetic contacts

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    In this study, a model of a Schottky-barrier carbon nanotube field- effect transistor (CNT-FET), with ferromagnetic contacts, has been developed. The emphasis is put on analysis of current-voltage characteristics as well as shot (and thermal) noise. The method is based on the tight-binding model and the non- equilibrium Green's function technique. The calculations show that, at room temperature, the shot noise of the CNT FET is Poissonian in the sub-threshold region, whereas in elevated gate and drain/source voltage regions the Fano factor gets strongly reduced. Moreover, transport properties strongly depend on relative magnetization orientations in the source and drain contacts. In particular, one observes quite a large tunnel magnetoresistance, whose absolute value may exceed 50%.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Dephasing of qubits by transverse low-frequency noise

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    We analyze the dissipative dynamics of a two-level quantum system subject to low-frequency, e.g. 1/f noise, motivated by recent experiments with superconducting quantum circuits. We show that the effect of transverse linear coupling of the system to low-frequency noise is equivalent to that of quadratic longitudinal coupling. We further find the decay law of quantum coherent oscillations under the influence of both low- and high-frequency fluctuations, in particular, for the case of comparable rates of relaxation and pure dephasing

    Conserved spin and orbital phase along carbon nanotubes connected with multiple ferromagnetic contacts

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    We report on spin dependent transport measurements in carbon nanotubes based multi-terminal circuits. We observe a gate-controlled spin signal in non-local voltages and an anomalous conductance spin signal, which reveal that both the spin and the orbital phase can be conserved along carbon nanotubes with multiple ferromagnetic contacts. This paves the way for spintronics devices exploiting both these quantum mechanical degrees of freedom on the same footing.Comment: 8 pages - minor differences with published versio

    Vortex methods: theory and practice

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    Positive cross-correlations due to Dynamical Channel-Blockade in a three-terminal quantum dot

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    We investigate current fluctuations in a three-terminal quantum dot in the sequential tunneling regime. In the voltage-bias configuration chosen here, the circuit is operated like a beam splitter, i.e. one lead is used as an input and the other two as outputs. In the limit where a double occupancy of the dot is not possible, a super-Poissonian Fano factor of the current in the input lead and positive cross-correlations between the current fluctuations in the two output leads can be obtained, due to dynamical channel-blockade. When a single orbital of the dot transports current, this effect can be obtained by lifting the spin-degeneracy of the circuit with ferromagnetic leads or with a magnetic field. When several orbitals participate in the electronic conduction, lifting spin-degeneracy is not necessary. In all cases, we show that a super-Poissonian Fano factor for the input current is not equivalent to positive cross-correlations between the outputs. We identify the conditions for obtaining these two effects and discuss possible experimental realizations.Comment: 18 pages, 20 Figures, submitted to Phys. rev.

    Nanospintronics with carbon nanotubes

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    One of the actual challenges of spintronics is the realization of a spin-transistor allowing to control spin transport through an electrostatic gate. In this review, we report on different experiments which demonstrate a gate control of spin transport in a carbon nanotube connected to ferromagnetic leads. We also discuss some theoretical approaches which can be used to analyze spin transport in these systems. We emphasize the roles of the gate-tunable quasi-bound states inside the nanotube and the coherent spin-dependent scattering at the interfaces between the nanotube and its ferromagnetic contacts.Comment: 35 pages, 15 figures, some figures in gi

    Harnessing spin precession with dissipation

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    International audienceNon-collinear spin transport is at the heart of spin or magnetization control in spintronics devices. The use of nanoscale conductors exhibiting quantum effects in transport could provide new paths for that purpose. Here we study non-collinear spin transport in a quantum dot. We use a device made out of a single-wall carbon nanotube connected to orthogonal ferromagnetic electrodes. In the spin transport signals, we observe signatures of out of equilibrium spin precession that are electrically tunable through dissipation. This could provide a new path to harness spin precession in nanoscale conductors

    Spin-dependent boundary conditions for isotropic superconducting Green's functions

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    The quasiclassical theory of superconductivity provides the most successful description of diffusive heterostructures comprising superconducting elements, namely, the Usadel equations for isotropic Green's functions. Since the quasiclassical and isotropic approximations break down close to interfaces, the Usadel equations have to be supplemented with boundary conditions for isotropic Green's functions (BCIGF), which are not derivable within the quasiclassical description. For a long time, the BCIGF were available only for spin-degenerate tunnel contacts, which posed a serious limitation on the applicability of the Usadel description to modern structures containing ferromagnetic elements. In this article, we close this gap and derive spin-dependent BCIGF for a contact encompassing superconducting and ferromagnetic correlations. This finally justifies several simplified versions of the spin-dependent BCIGF, which have been used in the literature so far. In the general case, our BCIGF are valid as soon as the quasiclassical isotropic approximation can be performed. However, their use require the knowledge of the full scattering matrix of the contact, an information usually not available for realistic interfaces. In the case of a weakly polarized tunnel interface, the BCIGF can be expressed in terms of a few parameters, i.e. the tunnel conductance of the interface and five conductance-like parameters accounting for the spin-dependence of the interface scattering amplitudes. In the case of a contact with a ferromagnetic insulator, it is possible to find explicit BCIGF also for stronger polarizations. The BCIGF derived in this article are sufficienly general to describe a variety of physical situations and may serve as a basis for modelling realistic nanostructures.Comment: This paper presents an improvement of arXiv:cond-mat/0204116. The present version takes into account corrections from the erratum Phys. Rev. B 83, 139901 (2011
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