8 research outputs found

    Immunogenicity and effect of a virosomal influenza vaccine on viral replication and T-cell activation in HIV-infected children receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy

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    In order to evaluate the immunogenicity and the effect of a virosomal influenza vaccine on viral replication and T-cell activation in HIV-infected children receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), 29 children infected with HIV-1 vertically (19 primed with a previous influenza vaccination and 10 who were not been immunized against influenza) were immunized with an intramuscular virosome-adjuvanted influenza vaccine. According to the European Agency for Evaluation of Medical Products (EMEA) criteria, the immunogenicity of the vaccine was adequate against all three influenza strains (A H1N1, A H3N2, and B) in the primed children, and against A H1N1 and A H3N2 in the unprimed children. After in vitro stimulation with vaccine antigens,the IFN-gamma levels in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells cultures increased significantly from a baseline level of 103.0 +/- 229.8 pg/ml to a 30-day level of 390.7 +/- 606.3 pg/ml (P<0.05), with concentrations significantly higher (P<0.05) in the primed children than in the unprimed children. No increase in plasma HIV-1 RNA or HIV-1 proviral DNA was observed in either subgroup, and the immunophenotype analyses demonstrated that the CD4(+) cell counts and percentages, the CD4/CD8 ratio and activated lymphocytes remained stable in either group from baseline to 1 month after each vaccine dose. This study showed that the virosomal influenza vaccine does seem to be immunogenic in the majority of HIV-infected children receiving HAART and does not induce viral replication or T-cell activation. Given the possible influenza-related complications in children infected with HIV, these results support the use of this influenza vaccine in such patients

    Immunogenicity and effect of a virosomal influenza vaccine on viral replication and T-cell activation in HIV-infected children receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy

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    In order to evaluate the immunogenicity and the effect of a virosomal influenza vaccine on viral replication and T-cell activation in HIV-infected children receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), 29 children infected with HIV-1 vertically (19 primed with a previous influenza vaccination and 10 who were not been immunized against influenza) were immunized with an intramuscular virosome-adjuvanted influenza vaccine. According to the European Agency for Evaluation of Medical Products (EMEA) criteria, the immunogenicity of the vaccine was adequate against all three influenza strains (A H1N1, A H3N2, and B) in the primed children, and against A H1N1 and A H3N2 in the unprimed children. After in vitro stimulation with vaccine antigens,the IFN-gamma levels in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells cultures increased significantly from a baseline level of 103.0 +/- 229.8 pg/ml to a 30-day level of 390.7 +/- 606.3 pg/ml (P<0.05), with concentrations significantly higher (P<0.05) in the primed children than in the unprimed children. No increase in plasma HIV-1 RNA or HIV-1 proviral DNA was observed in either subgroup, and the immunophenotype analyses demonstrated that the CD4(+) cell counts and percentages, the CD4/CD8 ratio and activated lymphocytes remained stable in either group from baseline to 1 month after each vaccine dose. This study showed that the virosomal influenza vaccine does seem to be immunogenic in the majority of HIV-infected children receiving HAART and does not induce viral replication or T-cell activation. Given the possible influenza-related complications in children infected with HIV, these results support the use of this influenza vaccine in such patients

    Nishodna regulacija MAPK/MAK/MRK preklapajuče kinaze u mononuklearnim ćelijama periferne krvi pedijatrijskih pacijenata sa tip1 Diiabetes mellitus-om

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    Background Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is one of the most common endocrine diseases in children. T-cell autoreactivity toward b-cells is controlled by significant changes in metabolism of T cells. Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is an important intracellular regulator of metabolism and cell growth. MAPK/MAK/MRK overlapping kinase 1 (MOK1) is one of the less known regulators of mTOR. We sought to investigate if MOK1 and mTOR mRNA levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of T1DM pediatric patients are different compared to healthy subjects. Methods This study included 172 adolescents with T1DM and 36 healthy adolescent volunteers designated for control group (CG). MOK1 and mTOR mRNA levels were determined in PBMCs by qPCR. Results T1DM patients have significant downregulation of MOK1 mRNA levels in PBMCs compared CG (P=0.018), while there was no significant difference in mTOR mRNA levels (P=0.891). Furthermore, in T1DM patients, MOK1 significantly correlated with age, triglycerides and mTOR, while mTOR correlated significantly with BMI and systolic blood pressure. Overweight T1DM subjects had significantly lower MOK1 (P=0.034) and mTOR (P=0.017) mRNA levels, together with significantly higher levels of systolic blood pressure (P<0.001), total cholesterol (P=0.001), LDL-cholesterol (P=0.001) and CRP (P<0.001). Multi - variate analysis showed that MOK1 was independently negatively associated with T1DM when adjusted for sex, age, HDL-C and CRP (OR=0.417 (95%CI: 0.175-0.997), p=0.049). Conclusions Our study demonstrated for the first time that T1DM is associated with MOK1 downregulation. In addition, downregulation of both mTOR and MOK1 gene expressions was associated with cardiovascular risk factors in overweight T1DM patients.Uvod: Dijabetes melitus tip 1 (T1DM) jedno je od največih endokrinih oboljenja kod dece. Autoreaktivnost T-čelija prema beta-čelijama kontroliče se značajnim promenama u metabolizmu T }elija. Cilj delovanja rapamicina kod sisara je važan unutarćelijski regulator metabolizma i rasta ćelija. MAPK/MAK/MRK preklapaju}e kinaze koja se preklapa (MOK1) jedan je od manje poznatih regulatora mTOR-a. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita da li su nivoi iRNK MOK1 i mTOR u mononuklearnim }elijama periferne krvi različiti kod pedijatrijskih pacijenata sa T1DM u odnosu na zdrave ispitanike. Metode: Ovo istraživanje je obuhvatilo 172 adolescenta sa T1DM i 36 zdravih adolescenata dobrovoljaca koji su činili kontrolnu grupu (CG). Nivoi MOK1 i mTOR mRNA određeni su u PBMC-ima pomoću qPCR-a. Rezultati: Pacijenti sa T1DM imali su značajno niže nivoe iRNK MOK1 u PBMC u odnosu na CG, dok razlike u nivoima iRNK mTOR nisu bile zna~ajne (P = 0,891). Štaviše, kod pacijenata sa T1DM, MOK1 je značajno korelirao sa godinama, trigliceri dima i mTOR, dok je mTOR značajno korelirao sa BMI i sistolnim krvnim pritiskom. Ispitanici sa prekomernom težinom T1DM imali su znaćajno niže nivoe iRNK MOK1 (P = 0,034) i mTOR (P = 0,017), zajedno sa značajno večim nivoima sistolnog krvnog pritiska (P <0,001), ukupnog holesterola (P = 0,001), LDL-holesterola (P = 0,001) i CRP (P <0,001). Multivarijantna analiza je pokazala da je MOK1 nezavisno negativno povezan sa HDL-C and CRP (OR=0.417 (95%CI: 0.175–0.997), p=0.049). Zaključak: Naša studija je prva koja je pokazala da je T1DM udružen sa nishodnom regulacijom MOK1. Pored toga, snižena regulacija ekspresije gena mTOR i MOK1 bila je povezana sa kardiovaskularnim faktorima rizika kod pacije nata sa T1DM sa prekomernom težinom

    The association of hs-CRP and fibrinogen with anthropometric and lipid parameters in non-obese adolescent girls with polycystic ovary syndrome

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and fibrinogen in non-obese normoinsulinemic adolescent girls with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and their relationship with anthropometric and lipid parameters. The study comprised a total of 26 adolescent girls newly diagnosed with PCOS and 12 healthy controls with regular ovulatory menstrual cycles. The concentration of hs-CRP, fibrinogen, anthropometric measurements, and biochemical and hormonal testing were assessed. PCOS adolescent girls had significantly higher levels of hs-CRP and fibrinogen compared to healthy controls. In univariate regression analysis, statistically significant associations of hs-CRP and fibrinogen levels of PCOS patients have been shown with body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), hip circumference (HC) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL)/high-density lipoprotein (HDL) ratio, while hs-CRP levels were also associated with cholesterol and LDL. In the multivariate regression model, we found that hs-CRP levels were predicted by BMI (β=0.541, p&lt;0.001) and LDL (β=0.507, p=0.014), while fibrinogen levels were predicted by BMI (β=0.449, p=0.004). We have shown an association of proinflammatory indices hs-CRP and fibrinogen with anthropometric and lipid parameters of adolescent women with PCOS. The inflammatory markers might be useful in monitoring normal-weight adolescent women with PCOS in an effort to timely prevent unfavorable changes in body mass and lipid profile. © 2018 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

    Short-term risk of disease progression in HIV-1-infected children receiving no antiretroviral therapy for zidovudine monotherapy: a meta-analysis

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    Background Data on the short-term risk of disease progression in HIV-1-infected children are needed to address the question of when to begin combination antiretroviral therapy. We estimated 12-month risks of progression to AIDS and death, by age and most recent measurement of CD4 T-cell percentage (CD4%) or viral load, in children receiving no antiretroviral therapy or zidovudine monotherapy only. Methods We undertook a meta-analysis of individual longitudinal data for 3941 children from eight cohort studies and nine randomised trials in Europe and the USA. Estimates of risk were derived from parametric survival models. Findings 997 AIDS-defining events were recorded over 7297 person-years of follow-up in the analysis of CD4%, and 284 events over 2282 person-years in the viral load analysis, corresponding to 568 deaths (9087 person-years) and 129 deaths (2816 person-years), respectively. In children older than 2 years, risk of death increased sharply when CD4% was less than about 10%, or 15% for risk of AIDS, with a low and fairly stable risk at greater CD4%. Children younger than 2 years had worse outlook than older children with the same CD4%. Risk of progression increased when viral load exceeded about 10(5) copies per mL, although this association was more gradual compared with CD4%. Both markers had independent predictive value for disease progression; CD4% was the stronger predictor. Interpretation This information is important for paediatricians making decisions, and for researchers designing trials, about when to initiate or restart antiretroviral therapy

    Changing patterns of clinical events in perinatally HIV-1-infected children during the era of HAART. The Italian Register for HIV Infection in Children

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    Background: The introduction of HAART has decreased mortality and progression to AIDS in perinatally HIV-1-infected children, but information on modification of the rate of specific clinical events is limited. Method: An observational population study on changes in HIV-1-related morbidity was conducted on 1402 perinatally HIV-1-infected children enrolled in the Italian Register for HIV Infection in Children and prospectively followed in the pre-HAART (1985-1995) and post-HAART periods (1996-2000, and 2001 -2005). Of this group, 773 children (55.1%) were followed from birth. Median observation time was 8.58 years (interquartile range, 3.71-13.72). Results: Overall, 666 (47.5%) children developed AIDS and 420 (29.9%) died. improved survival over time was evidenced at Kaplan-Meier analysis (P 15% in 58.5% children with pneumonia. Conclusions: Progressive reductions of both mortality and rates of class B and C clinical events, including organ complications, were evidenced in the HAART era. Nevertheless, severe bacterial infections, particularly pneumonia, still occurred at considerable high rates, even in the absence of a severe CD4 cell depletion. (c) 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins