297 research outputs found

    Penguins Don't Fly: Reasoning about Generics through Instantiations and Exceptions

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    Generics express generalizations about the world (e.g., birds can fly) that are not universally true (e.g., newborn birds and penguins cannot fly). Commonsense knowledge bases, used extensively in NLP, encode some generic knowledge but rarely enumerate such exceptions and knowing when a generic statement holds or does not hold true is crucial for developing a comprehensive understanding of generics. We present a novel framework informed by linguistic theory to generate exemplars -- specific cases when a generic holds true or false. We generate ~19k exemplars for ~650 generics and show that our framework outperforms a strong GPT-3 baseline by 12.8 precision points. Our analysis highlights the importance of linguistic theory-based controllability for generating exemplars, the insufficiency of knowledge bases as a source of exemplars, and the challenges exemplars pose for the task of natural language inference.Comment: EACL 202

    Can Acute Galactic Cosmic Radiation-Induced Bone Loss Be Mitigated By Dietary Modulation Of Inflammatory Cytokines?

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    The space environment includes weightlessness and galactic cosmic radiation (GCR), both of which can have a negative impact on bone parameters. In particular, acute exposures to space-relevant doses (2 Gy or less) of simulated GCR lead to a rapid acceleration of bone resorption activity and suppression of bone forming osteoblasts, resulting in diminished bone mineral density (BMD), strength and altered microarchitecture. A key mechanism driving these changes may be a radiation-induced increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-α. Consuming a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids has been associated with attenuated reductions in bone parameters in astronauts, mice and elderly humans with corresponding reductions in circulating inflammatory cytokines. PURPOSE: To test the hypothesis thata diet high in omega-3 fatty acids will mitigate radiation-induced bone loss and reduce inflammatory cytokines in bone osteocytes and serum. METHODS: Adult (30- to 50-week-old) female Lgr5-EGFP C57BL/6 mice (n=4-6 per group) were acclimated to a corn oil/cellulose (COC) or fish oil/pectin (FOP) diet for 3 weeks. Animals were subsequently randomized to total body low dose high-energy radiation (0.1, 0.25, 0.5 Gy of 1000 MeV/n 56Fe at 25 cGy/min at Brookhaven National Lab) or non-irradiated control (sham) and euthanized 8 weeks later. MicroCT (ScanCo, Switzerland) analyses were performed to assess bone geometry and microarchitecture at the mid-shaft and distal end of the femur. Significance was assessed using an αof 0.10. RESULTS:There was a significant main effect of diet on mid-shaft femur periosteal diameter (Peri.Dm) (p=0.001) and endocortical diameter (Endo. Dm.) (p\u3c0.001). The FOP diet led to larger Peri.Dm. (p\u3c0.051 for all) and Endo.Dm. (p\u3c0.41 for all) than did the COC diet at all doses. We could not detect an impact of 56Fe on cortical area or cancellous bone volume at the distal femur. Irradiation with 0.25 and 0.5 Gy in the FOP mice showed significant increases in distal femur volumetric BMD (p=0.014, p=0.063) and trabecular thickness (p=0.058, p=0.028), as compared with sham FOP mice. CONCLUSION: Though we did not detect a significant impact of radiation on bone parameters, these early data analyses suggest some modest benefits from a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids on cortical and cancellous bone parameters

    Identification of a putative LPS-associated cation exporter from Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. Viciae

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    A gene, cpaA, with similarity to calcium proton antiporters has been identified adjacent to lpcAB in Rhizobiumleguminosarum. LpcA is a galactosyl transferase while LpcB is a 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate transferase, both of which are required to form the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) core in R. leguminosarum. Mutations in lpcAB result in a rough LPS phenotype with a requirement for elevated calcium concentrations to allow growth, suggesting that truncation of the LPS core exposes a highly negatively charged molecule. This is consistent with the LPS core being one of the main sites for binding calcium in the Gram-negative outer membrane. Strain RU1109 (cpaA::Tn5-lacZ) has a normal LPS layer, as measured by silver staining and Western blotting. This indicates that cpaA mutants are not grossly affected in their LPS layer. LacZ fusion analysis indicates that cpaA is constitutively expressed and is not directly regulated by the calcium concentration. Over-expression of cpaA increased the concentration of calcium required for growth, consistent with CpaA mediating calcium export from the cytosol. The location of lpcA, lpcB and cpaA as well as the phenotype of lpcB mutants suggests that CpaA might provide a specific export pathway for calcium to the LPS core

    Modeling the adoption of innovations in the presence of geographic and media influences

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    While there has been much work examining the affects of social network structure on innovation adoption, models to date have lacked important features such as meta-populations reflecting real geography or influence from mass media forces. In this article, we show these are features crucial to producing more accurate predictions of a social contagion and technology adoption at the city level. Using data from the adoption of the popular micro-blogging platform, Twitter, we present a model of adoption on a network that places friendships in real geographic space and exposes individuals to mass media influence. We show that homopholy both amongst individuals with similar propensities to adopt a technology and geographic location are critical to reproduce features of real spatiotemporal adoption. Furthermore, we estimate that mass media was responsible for increasing Twitter's user base two to four fold. To reflect this strength, we extend traditional contagion models to include an endogenous mass media agent that responds to those adopting an innovation as well as influencing agents to adopt themselves

    Suitability of Dried Blood Spots for Accelerating Veterinary Biobank Collections and Identifying Metabolomics Biomarkers With Minimal Resources

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    Biomarker discovery using biobank samples collected from veterinary clinics would deliver insights into the diverse population of pets and accelerate diagnostic development. The acquisition, preparation, processing, and storage of biofluid samples in sufficient volumes and at a quality suitable for later analysis with most suitable discovery methods remain challenging. Metabolomics analysis is a valuable approach to detect health/disease phenotypes. Pre-processing changes during preparation of plasma/serum samples may induce variability that may be overcome using dried blood spots (DBSs). We report a proof of principle study by metabolite fingerprinting applying UHPLC-MS of plasma and DBSs acquired from healthy adult dogs and cats (age range 1-9 years), representing each of 4 dog breeds (Labrador retriever, Beagle, Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen, and Norfolk terrier) and the British domestic shorthair cat (n = 10 per group). Blood samples (20 and 40 μL) for DBSs were loaded onto filter paper, air-dried at room temperature (3 h), and sealed and stored (4°C for ~72 h) prior to storage at -80°C. Plasma from the same blood draw (250 μL) was prepared and stored at -80°C within 1 h of sampling. Metabolite fingerprinting of the DBSs and plasma produced similar numbers of metabolite features that had similar abilities to discriminate between biological classes and correctly assign blinded samples. These provide evidence that DBSs, sampled in a manner amenable to application in in-clinic/in-field processing, are a suitable sample for biomarker discovery using UHPLC-MS metabolomics. Further, given appropriate owner consent, the volumes tested (20-40 μL) make the acquisition of remnant blood from blood samples drawn for other reasons available for biobanking and other research activities. Together, this makes possible large-scale biobanking of veterinary samples, gaining sufficient material sooner and enabling quicker identification of biomarkers of interest

    Crowdsourced mapping of unexplored target space of kinase inhibitors

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    Despite decades of intensive search for compounds that modulate the activity of particular protein targets, a large proportion of the human kinome remains as yet undrugged. Effective approaches are therefore required to map the massive space of unexplored compound–kinase interactions for novel and potent activities. Here, we carry out a crowdsourced benchmarking of predictive algorithms for kinase inhibitor potencies across multiple kinase families tested on unpublished bioactivity data. We find the top-performing predictions are based on various models, including kernel learning, gradient boosting and deep learning, and their ensemble leads to a predictive accuracy exceeding that of single-dose kinase activity assays. We design experiments based on the model predictions and identify unexpected activities even for under-studied kinases, thereby accelerating experimental mapping efforts. The open-source prediction algorithms together with the bioactivities between 95 compounds and 295 kinases provide a resource for benchmarking prediction algorithms and for extending the druggable kinome

    Potent Activity of the HIV-1 Maturation Inhibitor Bevirimat in SCID-hu Thy/Liv Mice

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    The HIV-1 maturation inhibitor, 3-O-(3',3'-dimethylsuccinyl) betulinic acid (bevirimat, PA-457) is a promising drug candidate with 10 nM in vitro antiviral activity against multiple wild-type (WT) and drug-resistant HIV-1 isolates. Bevirimat has a novel mechanism of action, specifically inhibiting cleavage of spacer peptide 1 (SP1) from the C-terminus of capsid which results in defective core condensation.Oral administration of bevirimat to HIV-1-infected SCID-hu Thy/Liv mice reduced viral RNA by >2 log(10) and protected immature and mature T cells from virus-mediated depletion. This activity was observed at plasma concentrations that are achievable in humans after oral dosing, and bevirimat was active up to 3 days after inoculation with both WT HIV-1 and an AZT-resistant HIV-1 clinical isolate. Consistent with its mechanism of action, bevirimat caused a dose-dependent inhibition of capsid-SP1 cleavage in HIV-1-infected human thymocytes obtained from these mice. HIV-1 NL4-3 with an alanine-to-valine substitution at the N-terminus of SP1 (SP1/A1V), which is resistant to bevirimat in vitro, was also resistant to bevirimat treatment in the mice, and SP1/AIV had replication and thymocyte kinetics similar to that of WT NL4-3 with no evidence of fitness impairment in in vivo competition assays. Interestingly, protease inhibitor-resistant HIV-1 with impaired capsid-SP1 cleavage was hypersensitive to bevirimat in vitro with a 50% inhibitory concentration 140 times lower than for WT HIV-1.These results support further clinical development of this first-in-class maturation inhibitor and confirm the usefulness of the SCID-hu Thy/Liv model for evaluation of in vivo antiretroviral efficacy, drug resistance, and viral fitness