16,587 research outputs found

    Massive galaxies with very young AGN

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    Gigahertz Peaked Spectrum (GPS) radio galaxies are generally thought to be the young counterparts of classical extended radio sources and live in massive ellipticals. GPS sources are vital for studying the early evolution of radio-loud AGN, the trigger of their nuclear activity, and the importance of feedback in galaxy evolution. We study the Parkes half-Jansky sample of GPS radio galaxies of which now all host galaxies have been identified and 80% has their redshifts determined (0.122 < z < 1.539). Analysis of the absolute magnitudes of the GPS host galaxies show that at z > 1 they are on average a magnitude fainter than classical 3C radio galaxies. This suggests that the AGN in young radio galaxies have not yet much influenced the overall properties of the host galaxy. However their restframe UV luminosities indicate that there is a low level of excess as compared to passive evolution models.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of "Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges", IAUS 245; M. Bureau, E. Athanassoula & B. Barbuy, ed

    Three-body Thomas-Ehrman shifts of analog states of 17^{17}Ne and 17^{17}N

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    The lowest-lying states of the Borromean nucleus 17^{17}Ne (15^{15}O+pp + pp) and its mirror nucleus 17^{17}N (15^{15}N+nn + nn) are compared by using the hyperspheric adiabatic expansion. Three-body resonances are computed by use of the complex scaling method. The measured size of 15^{15}O and the low-lying resonances of 16^{16}F (15^{15}O+pp) are first used as constraints to determine both central and spin-dependent two-body interactions. The interaction obtained reproduces relatively accurately both experimental three-body spectra. The Thomas-Ehrman shifts, involving excitation energy differences, are computed and found to be less than 3% of the total Coulomb energy shift for all states.Comment: 9 pages, 3 postscript figures, revtex style. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Star-Formation in Low Radio Luminosity AGN from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We investigate faint radio emission from low- to high-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Their radio properties are inferred by co-adding large ensembles of radio image cut-outs from the FIRST survey, as almost all of the sources are individually undetected. We correlate the median radio flux densities against a range of other sample properties, including median values for redshift, [OIII] luminosity, emission line ratios, and the strength of the 4000A break. We detect a strong trend for sources that are actively undergoing star-formation to have excess radio emission beyond the ~10^28 ergs/s/Hz level found for sources without any discernible star-formation. Furthermore, this additional radio emission correlates well with the strength of the 4000A break in the optical spectrum, and may be used to assess the age of the star-forming component. We examine two subsamples, one containing the systems with emission line ratios most like star-forming systems, and one with the sources that have characteristic AGN ratios. This division also separates the mechanism responsible for the radio emission (star-formation vs. AGN). For both cases we find a strong, almost identical, correlation between [OIII] and radio luminosity, with the AGN sample extending toward lower, and the star-formation sample toward higher luminosities. A clearer separation between the two subsamples is seen as function of the central velocity dispersion of the host galaxy. For systems with similar redshifts and velocity dispersions, the star-formation subsample is brighter than the AGN in the radio by an order of magnitude. This underlines the notion that the radio emission in star-forming systems can dominate the emission associated with the AGN.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journal; 15 pages, 8 color figure

    GPS radio sources: new optical observations and an updated master list

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    * Aims. Identify optical counterparts, address uncertain identifications and measure previously unknown redshifts of the host galaxies of candidate GPS radio sources, and study their stellar populations. * Methods. Long slit spectroscopy and deep optical imaging in the B, V and R bands, obtained with the Very Large Telescope. * Results. We obtain new redshifts for B0316+161, B0407-658, B0904+039, B1433-040, and identify the optical counterparts of B0008-421 and B0742+103. We confirm the previous identification for B0316+161, B0407-658, B0554-026, and B0904+039, and find that the previous identification for B0914+114 is incorrect. Using updated published radio spectral information we classify as non GPS the following sources: B0407-658, B0437-454, B1648+015. The optical colors of typical GPS sources are consistent with single instantaneous burst stellar population models but do not yield useful information on age or metallicity. A new master list of GPS sources is presented.Comment: 10 pages + GPS master list. Accepeted for publication by A&

    Dust absorption and scattering in the silicon K-edge

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    The composition and properties of interstellar silicate dust are not well understood. In X-rays, interstellar dust can be studied in detail by making use of the fine structure features in the Si K-edge. The features in the Si K-edge offer a range of possibilities to study silicon-bearing dust, such as investigating the crystallinity, abundance, and the chemical composition along a given line of sight. We present newly acquired laboratory measurements of the silicon K-edge of several silicate-compounds that complement our measurements from our earlier pilot study. The resulting dust extinction profiles serve as templates for the interstellar extinction that we observe. The extinction profiles were used to model the interstellar dust in the dense environments of the Galaxy. The laboratory measurements, taken at the Soleil synchrotron facility in Paris, were adapted for astrophysical data analysis and implemented in the SPEX spectral fitting program. The models were used to fit the spectra of nine low-mass X-ray binaries located in the Galactic center neighborhood in order to determine the dust properties along those lines of sight. Most lines of sight can be fit well by amorphous olivine. We also established upper limits on the amount of crystalline material that the modeling allows. We obtained values of the total silicon abundance, silicon dust abundance, and depletion along each of the sightlines. We find a possible gradient of 0.06±0.020.06\pm0.02 dex/kpc for the total silicon abundance versus the Galactocentric distance. We do not find a relation between the depletion and the extinction along the line of sight.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Micron-sized forsterite grains in the pre-planetary nebula of IRAS 17150-3224 - Searching for clues on the mysterious evolution of massive AGB stars

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    We study the grain properties and location of the forsterite crystals in the circumstellar environment of the pre-planetary nebula (PPN) IRAS 17150-3224 in order to learn more about the as yet poorly understood evolutionary phase prior to the PPN. We use the best-fit model for IRAS 17150-3224 of Meixner et al. (2002) and add forsterite to this model. We investigate different spatial distributions and grain sizes of the forsterite crystals in the circumstellar environment. We compare the spectral bands of forsterite in the mid-infrared and at 69 micrometre in radiative transport models to those in ISO-SWS and Herschel/PACS observations. We can reproduce the non-detection of the mid-infrared bands and the detection of the 69 micrometre feature with models where the forsterite is distributed in the whole outflow, in the superwind region, or in the AGB-wind region emitted previous to the superwind, but we cannot discriminate between these three models. To reproduce the observed spectral bands with these three models, the forsterite crystals need to be dominated by a grain size population of 2 micrometre up to 6 micrometre. We hypothesise that the large forsterite crystals were formed after the superwind phase of IRAS 17150-3224, where the star developed an as yet unknown hyperwind with an extremely high mass-loss rate (10^-3 Msol/yr). The high densities of such a hyperwind could be responsible for the efficient grain growth of both amorphous and crystalline dust in the outflow. Several mechanisms are discussed that might explain the lower-limit of 2 micrometre found for the forsterite grains, but none are satisfactory. Among the mechanisms explored is a possible selection effect due to radiation pressure based on photon scattering on micron-sized grains.Comment: Accepted by A&
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