18 research outputs found

    Magnetization dynamics in microscopic spin-valve elements: Shortcomings of the macrospin picture

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    We have studied ultrafast magnetodynamics in micropatterned spin-valve structures using time-resolved x-ray photoemission electron microscopy combined with x-ray magnetic circular dichroism. Exciting the system with ultrafast field pulses of 250 ps width, we find the dynamic response of the free layer to fall into two distinctly different contributions. On the one hand, it exhibits localized spin wave modes that strongly depend on the shape of the micropattern. A field pulse applied perpendicular to the exchange bias field along the diagonal of a square pattern leads to the excitation of a standing spin wave mode with two nodes along the field direction. This mode is strongly suppressed for a pattern of elliptical shape. On the other hand, the integrated response of the free layer roughly follows a single-spin model with a damping constant of alpha=0.025 independent of the shape and resembles the response of a critically damped forced oscillator

    The Co/Si(111) interface formation: a temperature dependent reaction

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    We have investigated the reaction of Co with the Si(111) surface both at room temperature (RT) and at high temperature (500-650 degreesC). The temperature evolution of the RT deposited 10 ML film has also been studied. The films, prepared by the different methods, have been structurally characterized by means of primary-beam diffraction modulated electron emission. Auger electron spectroscopy has been used to follow their stoichiometric evolution. For RT deposition the films have been found to have a B-type (180degrees rotated with respect to the underlying Si(111) surface) cubic structure with a Co content and an interlayer spacing increasing with thickness. After 650 degreesC annealing, the films are completely reacted and have an unstrained B-type CoSi2 structure. High temperature (500 degreesC) deposition of Co leads to the formation of stoichiometric CoSi2 films. Both annealed and high temperature grown films are found to be Si terminated

    Initial stages of cobalt disilicide formation on silicon single crystals

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    The initial stages of cobalt disilicide formation on Si(111) and Si(100)surfaces are studied using backscattered electron imaging of the near-surface atomicstructure. Both the reactive deposition and the solid phase epitaxy are investigatedin the coverage range of 1-10 ML of Co. The evidence for CoSi2 island formation atthe earliest stages of the process is found. The epitaxial orientations of disilicidelayers grown on Si(111) and Si(100) surfaces are determined

    Phase defect inspection of multilayer masks for 13.5 nm optical lithography using PEEM in a standing wave mode

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    Maul J, Lin J, Oelsner A, et al. Phase defect inspection of multilayer masks for 13.5 nm optical lithography using PEEM in a standing wave mode. In: Surface Science. SURFACE SCIENCE. Vol 601. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV; 2007: 4758-4763.We report on recent developments of an "at wavelength" full-field imaging technique for defect inspection of multilayer mask blanks for extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUVL). Our approach uses photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM) in a near normal incidence mode at 13.5 nut wavelength to image the photoemission induced by the EUV wave field on the multilayer blank surface. We analyze buried defects on Mo/Si multilayer samples down to a lateral size of 50 nm and report on first, results obtained from a six inches mask blank prototype as prerequisite for industrial usage. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Element-specific magnetic moments from core-absorption magnetic circular dichroism of the doped Heusler alloy Co<sub>2</sub>Cr<sub>0.6</sub>Fe<sub>0.4</sub>Al

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    The magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) of core-level absorption (x-ray absorption spectroscopy, XAS) spectra in the soft x-ray region has been measured for the ferromagnetic Heusler alloy Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al at the Co, Fe, and Cr L-II,L-III edges. The comparison of XAS spectra before and after in situ cleaning of polished surfaces revealed a pronounced selective oxidation of Cr in air. For clean surfaces we observed a MCD for all three elements with Fe showing the largest moment per atom. The MCD can be explained by the density of states of the 3d unoccupied states, predicted by linear muffin-tin orbital atomic sphere approximation. For Fe and Cr the orbital angular momentum component of the magnetic moment is considerably larger than the values reported for metallic alloys, whereas for Co a value close to its bulk value is observed. This observation is discussed in comparison with band structure calculations

    Investigation of a novel material for magnetoelectronics: Co<sub>2</sub>Cr<sub>0.6</sub>Fe<sub>0.4</sub>Al

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    Heusler compounds are promising candidates for future spintronics device applications. The electronic and magnetic properties Of Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al, an electron-doped derivative Of Co2CrAl, are investigated using circularly polarized synchrotron radiation and photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM). Element specific imaging reveals needle shaped Cr rich phases in a homogeneous bulk of the Heusler compound. The ferromagnetic domain structure is investigated on an element-resolved basis using x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) contrast in PEEM. The structure is characterized by micrometre-size domains with a superimposed fine ripple structure; the lateral resolution in these images is about 100 nm. The domains look identical for Co and Fe giving evidence of a ferromagnetic coupling of these elements. No ferromagnetic contrast is observed at the Cr line. Magnetic spectroscopy exploiting XMCD reveals that the lack of magnetic moment, detected in a SQUID magnetometer, is mainly due to the moment of the Cr atom

    Actinic inspection of EUVL mask blank defects by photoemission electron microscopy: Effect of inspection wavelength variation

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    Lin J, Neuhaeusler U, Slieh J, et al. Actinic inspection of EUVL mask blank defects by photoemission electron microscopy: Effect of inspection wavelength variation. In: Microelectronic Engineering. MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING. Vol 84. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV; 2007: 1011-1014.Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM), which employs standing wave field illumination of a sample, is a potential tool for at-wavelength inspection of phase defects on extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUVL) mask blank. In this paper, we will demonstrate that the contrast of an underneath multilayer programmed defect in EUV-PEEM image is strongly dependent on the inspection wavelength. The observed contrast variation at different inspection wavelengths is in good agreement with the simulation result of a standing wave field on surface of multilayer stack in the mask blank sample. We also observed some native defects on the programmed defect sample, and found that some of them reverse their contrast with varying inspection wavelengths while others do not. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Investigation of a novel material for magnetoelectronics : Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al

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    Heusler compounds are promising candidates for future spintronics device applications. The electronic and magnetic properties of Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al, an electron-doped derivative of Co2CrAl, are investigated using circularly polarized synchrotron radiation and photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM). Element specific imaging reveals needle shaped Cr rich phases in a homogeneous bulk of the Heusler compound. The ferromagnetic domain structure is investigated on an element-resolved basis using x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) contrast in PEEM. The structure is characterized by micrometre-size domains with a superimposed fine ripple structure; the lateral resolution in these images is about 100 nm. The domains look identical for Co and Fe giving evidence of a ferromagnetic coupling of these elements. No ferromagnetic contrast is observed at the Cr line. Magnetic spectroscopy exploiting XMCD reveals that the lack of magnetic moment, detected in a SQUID magnetometer, is mainly due to the moment of the Cr atom