689 research outputs found

    Estimativas de parâmetros genéticos para características reprodutivas e de crescimento em bovinos da raça Canchim.

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    Estudou-se neste trabalho dados referentes às características de idade ao segundo parto (ISP), perímetro escrotal aos 420 dias de idade (PE420) e peso aos 420 dias de idade de machos e fêmeas (P420) de animais da raça Canchim, para as quais foram obtidas estimativas de herdabilidade e correlações genéticas. No modelo animal, foram incluídos os efeitos fixos de grupo de contemporâneos e os efeitos aleatórios aditivos diretos e residuais. Utilizou-se o método da máxima verossimilhança restrita em análise bi-característica. As médias de ISP, PE420 e P420 foram iguais a 57,07±8,69 meses, 24,63±3,84 cm e 260,37±46,5l kg, respectivamente. As estimativas de herdabilidade foram 0,07±0,01, 0,2l±0,05 e 0,24±0,03, respectivamente para ISP, PE420 e P420. As correlações genéticas foram iguais a -0,47 (ISPXPE420) e 0,10 (ISPxP420). A seleção direta para perímetro escrotal aos 420 dias de idade poderá resultar em progresso genético favoráveis na assiduidade reprodutiva de fêmeas da raça Canchim, considerando que o PE420 apresentou correlação genética aditiva com idade ao segundo parto

    Learning to Generate Ambiguous Sequences

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    In this paper, we experiment with methods for obtaining binary sequences with a random probability mass function and with low autocorrelation and use it to generate ambiguous outcomes. Outputs from a neural network are mixed and shuffled, resulting in binary sequences whose probability mass function is non-convergent, constantly moving and changing. Empirical comparison with algorithms that generate ambiguity shows that the sequences generated by the proposed method have a significantly lower serial dependence. Therefore, the method is useful in scenarios where observes can see and record the outcome of each draw sequentially, by hindering the ability to make useful statistical inferences

    Estimativas de componentes de variância e herdabilidade para características reprodutivas e de crescimento em bovinos da raça Canchim.

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    Estudou-se neste trabalho dados referentes às características de idade ao primeiro parto (lPP), idade ao segundo parto (ISP), perímetro escrotal aos 420 dias de idade (PE420) e peso aos 420 dias de idade de machos e fêmeas (P420) de animais da raça Canchim, para as quais foram obtidas estimativas de herdabilidade. No modelo animal, foram incluídos os efeitos fixos de grupo de contemporâneos e os efeitos aleatórios aditivos diretos e residuais. Empregou-se o método da máxima verossimilhança restrita em análise uni-característica. As médias observadas de IPP, ISP, PE420 e P420 foram iguais a 39,47±7,20 meses, 57,08±8,79 meses, 24,63±3,84 cm e 260,37±46,5l kg, respectivamente. As herdabilidades foram iguais a 0,03±0,Ol, 0,07±0,Ol, 0,22±0,05 e 0,24±0,03 para IPP, ISP, PE420 e P420, respectivamente. Dentre as características reprodutivas e de crescimento estudadas o perímetro escrotal e o peso aos 420 dias de idade apresentaram estimativas de herdabilidade de moderada magnitude, indicando que a seleção para estas características poderá contribuir para o melhoramento genético da raça Canchim

    Different spatial distribution of inflammatory cells in the tumor microenvironment of ABC and GBC subgroups of diffuse large B cell lymphoma

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    Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) presents a high clinical and biological heterogeneity, and the tumor microenvironment chracteristics are important in its progression. The aim of this study was to evaluate tumor T, B cells, macrophages and mast cells distribution in GBC and ABC DLBCL subgroups through a set of morphometric parameters allowing to provide a quantitative evaluation of the morphological features of the spatial patterns generated by these inflammatory cells. Histological ABC and GCB samples were immunostained for CD4, CD8, CD68, CD 163, and tryptase in order to determine both percentage and position of positive cells in the tissue characterizing their spatial distribution. The results evidenced that cell patterns generated by CD4-, CD8-, CD68-, CD163- and tryptase-positive cell profiles exhibited a significantly higher uniformity index in ABC than in GCB subgroup. The positive-cell distributions appeared clustered in tissues from GCB, while in tissues from ABC such a feature was lower or absent. The combinations of spatial statistics-derived parameters can lead to better predictions of tumor cell infiltration than any classical morphometric method providing a more accurate description of the functional status of the tumor, useful for patient prognosis

    Bioinformatics and mathematical modelling in the study of receptor-receptor interactions and receptor oligomerization: focus on adenosine receptors.

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    none8sìThe concept of intra-membrane receptor-receptor interactions (RRIs) between different types of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and evidence for their existence was introduced by Agnati and Fuxe in 1980/81 through the biochemical analysis of the effects of neuropeptides on the binding characteristics of monoamine receptors in membrane preparations from discrete brain regions and functional studies of the interactions between neuropeptides and monoamines in the control of specific functions such as motor control and arterial blood pressure control in animal models. Whether GPCRs can form high-order structures is still a topic of an intense debate. Increasing evidence, however, suggests that the hypothesis of the existence of high-order receptor oligomers is correct. A fundamental consequence of the view describing GPCRs as interacting structures, with the likely formation at the plasma membrane of receptor aggregates of multiple receptors (Receptor Mosaics) is that it is no longer possible to describe signal transduction simply as the result of the binding of the chemical signal to its receptor, but rather as the result of a filtering/integration of chemical signals by the Receptor Mosaics (RMs) and membrane-associated proteins. Thus, in parallel with experimental research, significant efforts were spent in bioinformatics and mathematical modelling. We review here the main approaches that have been used to assess the interaction interfaces allowing the assembly of GPCRs and to shed some light on the integrative functions emerging from the complex behaviour of these RMs. Particular attention was paid to the RMs generated by adenosine A(2A), dopamine D-2, cannabinoid CB1, and metabotropic glutamate mGlu(5) receptors (A(2A). D-2, CB1, and mGlu(5), respectively), and a possible approach to model the interplay between the D-2-A(2A)-CB1 and D-2-A(2A)-mGlu(5) trimers is proposed. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: "Adenosine Receptors". (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.openD. GUIDOLIN; F. CIRUELA; S. GENEDANI; M. GUESCINI; C. TORTORELLA; G. ALBERTIN; K. FUXE; L.F. AGNATID., Guidolin; F., Ciruela; S., Genedani; Guescini, Michele; C., Tortorella; G., Albertin; K., Fuxe; L. F., Agnat

    ITS-rDNA phylogeny of Colletotrichum spp. causal agent of apple glomerella leaf spot.

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    Several diseases have affected apple production, among them there is Glomerella leaf spot (GLS) caused by Colletotrichum spp. The first report of this disease in apple was in plants nearby citrus orchards in São Paulo State, Brazil. The origin of this disease is still not clear, and studies based on the molecular phylogeny could relate the organisms evolutionarily and characterize possible mechanisms of divergent evolution. The amplification of 5.8S-ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacer) of rDNA of 51 pathogenic Colletotrichum spp. isolates from apples, pineapple guava and citrus produced one fragment of approximately 600 bases pairs (bp) for all the isolates analyzed. The amplified fragments were cleaved with restriction enzymes, and fragments from 90 to 500bp were obtained. The sequencing of this region allowed the generation of a phylogenetic tree, regardless of their hosts, and 5 isolated groups were obtained. From the "in silico" comparison, it was possible to verify a variation from 93 to 100% of similarity between the sequences studied and the Genbank data base. The causal agent of GLS is nearly related (clustered) to isolates of pineapple guava and to the citrus isolates used as control

    Increased Cardiovascular Risk Associated with Chemical Sensitivity to Perfluoro-Octanoic Acid: Role of Impaired Platelet Aggregation

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    Perfluoro\u2013alkyl substances (PFAS), particularly perfluoro\u2013octanoic acid (PFOA), are persisting environmental chemicals showing bioaccumulation in human tissues. Recently, exposure to PFAS has been associated with increased prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). However, a causal role of PFAS in atherosclerosis pathogenesis is under-investigated. Here, we investigated the effect of PFOA exposure on platelets\u2019 function, a key player in atherosclerosis process. PFOA accumulation in platelets was evaluated by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Changes in platelets\u2019 membrane fluidity and activation after dose-dependent exposure to PFOA were evaluated by merocyanine 540 (MC540) and anti P-Selectin immune staining at flow cytometry, respectively. Intracellular calcium trafficking was analyzed with Fluo4M probe, time-lapse live imaging. Platelets\u2019 aggregation state was also evaluated with Multiplate\uae aggregometry analyzer in 48 male subjects living in a specific area of the Veneto region with high PFAS environmental pollution, and compared with 30 low-exposure control subjects. Platelets\u2019 membrane was the major target of PFOA, whose dose-dependent accumulation was associated in turn with increased membrane fluidity, as expected by a computational model; increased activation at resting condition; and both calcium uptake and aggregation upon activation. Finally, exposed subjects had higher serum and platelets levels of PFOA, together with increased aggregation parameters at Multiplate\uae, compared with controls. These data help to explain the emerging association between PFAS exposure and CVD

    Interindividual variation and consistency of migratory behavior in the Eurasian woodcock

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    Diverse spatio-temporal aspects of avian migration rely on relatively rigid endogenous programs. However, flexibility in migratory behavior may allow effective coping with unpredictable variation in ecological conditions that can occur during migration. We aimed at characterizing inter- and intraindividual variation of migratory behavior in a forest-dwelling wader species, the Eurasian woodcock Scolopax rusticola, focusing on spatio-temporal consistency across repeated migration episodes. By satellite-tracking birds from their wintering sites along the Italian peninsula to their breeding areas, we disclosed a remarkable variability in migration distances, with some birds flying more than 6,000 km to Central Asian breeding grounds (up to 101\ub0E). Prebreeding migration was faster and of shorter duration than postbreeding migration. Birds moving over longer distances migrated faster during prebreeding migration, and those breeding at northernmost latitudes left their wintering areas earlier. Moreover, birds making longer migrations departed earlier from their breeding sites. Breeding site fidelity was very high, whereas fidelity to wintering areas increased with age. Migration routes were significantly consistent, both among repeated migration episodes and between pre- and postbreeding migration. Prebreeding migration departure date was not significantly repeatable, whereas arrival date to the breeding areas was highly repeatable. Hence, interindividual variation in migratory behavior of woodcocks was mostly explained by the location of the breeding areas, and spatial consistency was relatively large through the entire annual cycle. Flexibility in prebreeding migration departure date may suggest that environmental effects have a larger influence on temporal than on spatial aspects of migratory behavior
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