5,907 research outputs found

    Possible Effects of the Existence of the 4th Generation Neutrino

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    The 4th generation of fermions predicted by the phenomenology of heterotic string models can possess new strictly conserved charge, which leads, in particular, to the hypothesis of the existence of the 4th generation massive stable neutrino. The compatibility of this hypothesis with the results of underground experiment DAMA searching for weakly interactive particles of dark matter and with the EGRET measurements of galactic gamma--background at energies above 1 GeV fixes the possible mass of the 4th neutrino at the value about 50 GeV. The possibility to test the hypothesis in accelerator experiments is considered. Positron signal from the annihilation of relic massive neutrinos in the galactic halo is calculated and is shown to be accessible for planned cosmic ray experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 4 PostScript figure, Latex2

    Galactic Gamma Halo by Heavy Neutrino annihilations?

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    The diffused gamma halo around our Galaxy recently discovered by EGRET could be produced by annihilations of relic neutrinos N (of fourth generation), whose mass is within a narrow range (Mz /2 < M < Mz). Neutrino annihilations in the halo may lead to either ultrarelativistic electron pairs whose inverse Compton Scattering on infrared or optical galactic photons could be the source of the observed GeV gamma rays, or to prompt 100 MeV- 1 GeV photons (due to neutral pion secondaries) born by N - anti N --> Z--> quark pairs reactions. The consequent gamma flux (10 ^(-7)- 10^(-6) cm ^(-2) s^(-1) sr^(-1)) is well comparable to the EGRET observed one and it is also compatible with the narrow window of neutrino mass : 45 GeV < M < 50 GeV recently required to explain the underground DAMA signals. The presence of heavy neutrinos of fourth generation do not contribute much to solve the dark matter problem of the Universe, but it may be easily detectable by outcoming LEP II data.Comment: 16 pages, Latex text,in press in Astroparticle Physics 199

    Antimatter Bounds by Anti-Asteroids annihilations on Planets and Sun

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    The existence of antimatter stars in the Galaxy as possible signature for inflationary models with non-homogeneous baryo-synthesis may leave the trace by antimatter cosmic rays as well as by their secondaries (anti-planets and anti-meteorites) diffused bodies in our galactic halo. The anti-meteorite flux may leave its explosive gamma signature by colliding on lunar soil as well as on terrestrial, jovian and solar atmospheres. However the propagation in galaxy and the consequent evaporation in galactic matter gas suppress the lightest (m < 10^(-2)g) anti-meteorites. Anisotropic annihilation of larger anti-meteorites within a narrow mass window, maybe rarely deflected, bounced by the galactic gas disk, escaping detection in our solar system. Nevertheless heaviest anti-meteorites (m > 10^(-1)g up to 10^(6)g) are unable to be deflected by the thin galactic gas surface annihilation; they might hit the Sun (or rarely Jupiter) leading to an explosive gamma event and a spectacular track with a bouncing and even a propelling annihilation on cromosphere and photosphere. Their anti-nuclei annihilation in pions and their final hard gammas showering may be observabe as a "solar flare" at a rate nearly comparable to the observed ones. From their absence we may infer bounds on antimatter-matter ratio near or below 10^(-9) limit: already recorded data in BATSE catalog might be applied.Comment: 6 pages, more accurate estimate and minor correction

    A Self-consistent DFT+DMFT scheme in the Projector Augmented Wave : Applications to Cerium, Ce2O3 and Pu2O3 with the Hubbard I solver and comparison to DFT+U

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    An implementation of full self-consistency over the electronic density in the DFT+DMFT framework on the basis of a plane wave-projector augmented wave (PAW) DFT code is presented. It allows for an accurate calculation of the total energy in DFT+DMFT within a plane wave approach. In contrast to frameworks based on the maximally localized Wannier function, the method is easily applied to f electron systems, such as cerium, cerium oxide (Ce2O3) and plutonium oxide (Pu2O3). In order to have a correct and physical calculation of the energy terms, we find that the calculation of the self-consistent density is mandatory. The formalism is general and does not depend on the method used to solve the impurity model. Calculations are carried out within the Hubbard I approximation, which is fast to solve, and gives a good description of strongly correlated insulators. We compare the DFT+DMFT and DFT+U solutions, and underline the qualitative differences of their converged densities. We emphasize that in contrast to DFT+U, DFT+DMFT does not break the spin and orbital symmetry. As a consequence, DFT+DMFT implies, on top of a better physical description of correlated metals and insulators, a reduced occurrence of unphysical metastable solutions in correlated insulators in comparison to DFT+U.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures. This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/24/7/07560

    Invisible Higgs Boson Decay into Massive Neutrinos of 4th Generation

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    Results from several recent experiments provide inderect evidences in the favor of existence of a 4th generation neutrino. Such a neutrino of mass about 50 GeV is compatible with current physical and astrophysical constraints and well motivated in the framework of superstring phenomenology. If sufficiently stable the existence of such a neutrino leads to the drastic change of Higgs boson physics: for a wide range of Higgs boson masses the dominant mode of Higgs boson decay is invisible and the branching ratios for the most promising modes of Higgs boson search are significantly reduced. The proper strategy of Higgs boson searches in such a framework is discussed. It is shown that in the same framework the absence of a signal in the search for invisible Higgs boson decay at LEP means either that the mass of Higgs is greater than 113.5 GeV or that the mass difference between the Higgs mass and doubled neutrino mass is small.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Size-dependent bandgap and particle size distribution of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals

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    A new analytical expression for the size-dependent bandgap of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals is proposed within the framework of the finite-depth square-well effective mass approximation in order to provide a quantitative description of the quantum confinement effect. This allows one to convert optical spectroscopic data (photoluminescence spectrum and absorbance edge) into accurate estimates for the particle size distributions of colloidal systems even if the traditional effective mass model is expected to fail, which occurs typically for very small particles belonging to the so-called strong confinement limit. By applying the reported theoretical methodologies to CdTe nanocrystals synthesized through wet chemical routes, size distributions are inferred and compared directly to those obtained from atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. This analysis can be used as a complementary tool for the characterization of nanocrystal samples of many other systems such as the II-VI and III-V semiconductor materials.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Antiprotons Annihilation in the Galaxy As A Source of Diffuse Gamma Background

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    The existence of antimatter domains in baryon asymmetrical Universe can appear as the cosmological consequence of particle theory in inflationary models with non-homogeneous baryosynthesis. Such a domain can survive in the early Universe and form globular cluster of antimatter stars in our Galaxy. The model of antimatter pollution of Galaxy and annihilation with matter gas is developed. The proton-antiproton annihilation gamma flux is shown to reproduce the observed galactic gamma background measured by EGRET. From comparison with observational data the estimation on the maximally allowed amount of antimatter stars, possibly present in our Galaxy, is found.Comment: LaTeX2e, 18 pages, 3 PostScript figures. Submitted to Yad.Fi

    Tensor polarizability of the vector mesons from SU(3)SU(3) lattice gauge theory

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    The magnetic dipole polarizabilities of the vector ρ0\rho^0 and ρ±\rho^{\pm} mesons in SU(3)SU(3) pure gauge theory are calculated in the article. Based on this the authors explore the contribution of the dipole magnetic polarizabilities to the tensor polarization of the vector mesons in external abelian magnetic field. The tensor polarization leads to the dilepton asymmetry observed in non-central heavy ion collisions and can be also estimated in lattice gauge theory.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, 6 table

    Self-consistency over the charge-density in dynamical mean-field theory: a linear muffin-tin implementation and some physical implications

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    We present a simple implementation of the dynamical mean-field theory approach to the electronic structure of strongly correlated materials. This implementation achieves full self-consistency over the charge density, taking into account correlation-induced changes to the total charge density and effective Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian. A linear muffin-tin orbital basis-set is used, and the charge density is computed from moments of the many body momentum-distribution matrix. The calculation of the total energy is also considered, with a proper treatment of high-frequency tails of the Green's function and self-energy. The method is illustrated on two materials with well-localized 4f electrons, insulating cerium sesquioxide Ce2O3 and the gamma-phase of metallic cerium, using the Hubbard-I approximation to the dynamical mean-field self-energy. The momentum-integrated spectral function and momentum-resolved dispersion of the Hubbard bands are calculated, as well as the volume-dependence of the total energy. We show that full self-consistency over the charge density, taking into account its modification by strong correlations, can be important for the computation of both thermodynamical and spectral properties, particularly in the case of the oxide material.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures (submitted in The Physical Review B
