1,391 research outputs found

    Propellant tank pressurization system Patent

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    Method and apparatus for pressurizing propellant tanks used in propulsion motor feed syste

    Resilience testing device Patent

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    Automated ball rebound resilience test equipment for determining viscoelastic properties of polymer

    High precision cryogenic thermal conductivity standards

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    New apparatus allows accurate simultaneous measurement of thermal conductivity, electrical resistivity, and thermopower for technically important materials, such as new or uncommon alloys. A list of materials investigated is presented. Sources for obtaining data on these materials, as well as the source giving a description of the apparatus, are cited

    Hydrogen slush density reference system

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    A hydrogen slush density reference system was designed for calibration of field-type instruments and/or transfer standards. The device is based on the buoyancy principle of Archimedes. The solids are weighed in a low-mass container so arranged that solids and container are buoyed by triple-point liquid hydrogen during the weighing process. Several types of hydrogen slush density transducers were developed and tested for possible use as transfer standards. The most successful transducers found were those which depend on change in dielectric constant, after which the Clausius-Mossotti function is used to relate dielectric constant and density

    Instrumentation for hydrogen slush storage containers

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    Hydrogen liquid and slush tank continuous inventory during ground storag

    An Apparatus to Control and Monitor the Para-D2 Concentration in a Solid Deuterium, Superthermal Source of Ultra-cold Neutrons

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    Controlling and measuring the concentration of para-D2 is an essential step toward realizing solid deuterium as an intense ultra-cold neutron (UCN) source. To this end, we implemented an experimental technique to convert para- to ortho-deuterium molecules by flowing D2 gas through a cryogenic cell filled with paramagnetic hydrous ferric oxide granules. This process efficiently reduced the para-D2 concentration from 33.3% to 1.5%. Rotational Raman spectroscopy was applied to measure the residual para-D2 contamination to better than 2 parts in 10^3, and the hydrogen contamination to 1 part in 10^3. We also contrast our optical technique to conventional thermal conductivity measurements of the para-D2 concentration, reporting some of the relevant strengths and weaknesses of our implementation of each technique.Comment: accepted for publication in NIM

    Development Of Specifications For Engineered Cementitious Composites For Use In Bridge Deck Overlays

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    Engineered cementitious composite (ECC) material is a high strength, fiber-reinforced, ductile mortar mixture that can exhibit tensile strains of up to 5%. ECC has a dense matrix, giving the material exceptional durability characteristics. The durability and mechanical properties of ECC make it a desirable, though expensive, construction material. This study presents an extensive evaluation of modified engineered cementitious composite (MECC) using locally sourced raw materials for use as a bridge deck overlay material. MECC is a mixture of cement, fly ash, water, concrete sand, and poly-vinyl alcohol fibers. The concrete sand used in this study was used in lieu of the typically used silica sand to reduce the high material cost for ECC. Three different representative aggregates from throughout Nevada were selected to understand how the local aggregates would perform in MECC mixes. In total, eighteen different laboratory mixes of MECC were evaluated using multiple performance and mechanical tests. After the completion of the laboratory phase, two different field trials were conducted to determine the feasibility of batching large amounts of MECC at commercial concrete batch plants. Based on the results of the laboratory evaluation, large-scale trial batc

    Range from Birth to Adulthood

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    Renal volume is an important parameter of renal development. Deviations from normal volume may indicate pathologic conditions. us, during childhood, the ever changing renal volumes require the continuous referral to normal volume charts in order to classify actual volumes, which is rather inconvenient. In daily practice this is frequently disregarded and kidneys are evaluated by their appearance only. erefore, we tested the hypothesis that body surface area (BSA) and renal volume grow proportionally from birth to adulthood. We divided the renal volume of a child by its BSA to get the BSA-related renal volume (BSARV) and found no differences between le and right kidneys and a normal distribution for all kidneys regardless of the patient's age. BSARV has a common normal range for all age groups with the 10th percentile of 45 and the 90th percentile of 85 mL/m 2 . 80% of all kidneys do not exceed the volume of their counterparts by more than 20%. BSARV alleviates the correct evaluation of a child's renal volume regardless of age and reveals pathological in�uences by the simple observation that a kidney deviates from a former percentile or z-value. is is especially valuable in the followup of kidneys with chronic diseases

    Thermal conductivity, electrical resistivity, and thermopower of aerospace alloys from 4 to 300 K

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    Measurement apparatus for broad thermal conductivity testing of aerospace alloys used in low temperature system

    Epidemiological and clinical features of travel-associated cryptosporidiosis

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    ABSTRACTData concerning the clinical and epidemiological features of travel-associated cryptosporidiosis are lacking. In order to investigate the impact of this disease on travellers' health, a retrospective study was conducted at the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Berlin. In total, 57 cryptosporidial infections were identified between 2000 and 2004, resulting in a prevalence of 2.9% in patients with travel-associated diarrhoea. Travel to south-central Asia, especially India, was associated with a higher prevalence of infection than was travel to other destinations. Clinically, the disease resembled giardiasis, but fever and arthralgias seemed to occur more frequently