452 research outputs found

    Complete sequence of the genome of the human isolate of Andes virus CHI-7913: comparative sequence and protein structure analysis

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    Indexación: ScieloWe report here the complete genomic sequence of the Chilean human isolate of Andes virus CHI-7913. The S, M, and L genome segment sequences of this isolate are 1,802, 3,641 and 6,466 bases in length, with an overall GC content of 38.7%. These genome segments code for a nucleocapsid protein of 428 amino acids, a glycoprotein precursor protein of 1,138 amino acids and a RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of 2,152 amino acids. In addition, the genome also has other ORFs coding for putative proteins of 34 to 103 amino acids. The encoded proteins have greater than 98% overall similarity with the proteins of Andes virus isolates AH-1 and Chile R123. Among other sequenced Hantavirus, CHI-7913 is more closely related to Sin Nombre virus, with an overall protein similarity of 92%. The characteristics of the encoded proteins of this isolate, such as hydrophobic domains, glycosylation sites, and conserved amino acid motifs shared with other Hantavirus and other members of the Bunyaviridae family, are identified and discussed

    Determinação de coeficientes de cultura para o milho durante um experimento de evapotranspiração em um oxisol do Brasil

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    Soil water balance components were measured during two periods (from 1989 to 1991) on a Dark Red Latosol (oxisol) in Piracicaba,SP, Brazil. The change in soil water storage and the soil water fluxes at the lower limit of the rooting zone were calculated for a transect of 25 observation plots. Hydraulic head gradients were determined by tensiometer measurements. Soil water flux densities were estimated through Darcy's equation. The actual evapotranspiration of the crops and weeds and the actual evaporation of bare soil were obtained from the water balance equation and this for two periods under different crop rotations. For the first period the sequence was bare soil-corn-weeds and for the second period it was stubble mulch-weeds-corn. For assessing the crop coefficients the potential evapotranspiration was calculated according to two different methods. The first method was based on the modified Penman equation with grass as a reference crop, to obtain this way reference coefficients, and the second method was based on the pan "A" evaporation data in order to obtain pan coefficients. These coefficients were compared with the tabulated crop coefficients. In general when there was no shortage of water during the corn growth, the crop coefficients k c"A" and k c ref were very close to the k c values.Os componentes do balanço hídrico foram medidos durante dois períodos (de 1989 a 1991) em terra roxa estruturada, em Piracicaba,SP, Brasil. As variações de armazenamento de água e os fluxos de água no solo no limite inferior da zona radicular foram calculados para uma transeção de 25 parcelas experimentais. Gradientes hidráulicos foram determinados por meio de medidas tensiométricas. Densidades de fluxo de água foram estimadas através da equação de Darcy. A evapotranspiração atual das culturas e das ervas daninhas e a evaporação atual do solo nú foram obtidas da equação do balanço hídrico, para dois períodos, sob diferentes rotações de cultura. Para o primeiro período a seqüência foi solo nú - milho - ervas daninhas e para o segundo cobertura morta - ervas daninhas - milho. Para determinar os coeficientes de cultura, a evapotranspiração potencial foi calculada por dois métodos. O primeiro foi baseado na equação de Penman modificada, com a grama como cobertura de referência, obtendo assim os coeficientes de referência, e o segundo baseado no tanque de evaporação tipo classe "A", obtendo os coeficientes de tanque. Estes coeficientes foram comparados com os coeficientes de cultura tabulados. De uma forma geral, em períodos sem falta de água para a cultura, os coeficientes de referência e de tanque se assemelharam bastante aos coeficientes de cultura

    Pliocene sigmodontine rodents (Mammalia: Cricetidae) in northernmost South America: test of biogeographic hypotheses and revised evolutionary scenarios

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    We document the first occurrence of Sigmodontinae (Mammalia, Rodentia, Cricetidae) from the Pliocene of northern South America, from the San Gregorio Formation of northwestern Venezuela. The recovered isolated molars are identified as Oligoryzomys sp. and Zygodontomys sp., two currently widespread sigmodontines in South America. These records constitute the oldest representatives of these genera, potentially new species, and the first Pliocene occurrence for Oryzomyini and the whole subfamily outside Argentina. Hypotheses on the historical biogeography of sigmodontines have been constructed almost exclusively using genetic data and the fossils we report provide a new kind of evidence. The occurrence of Oligoryzomys sp. and Zygodontomys sp. in Venezuela provides novel information for the diversification models suggested for Oligoryzomys, by supporting a potential eastern corridor of open environments from northern to southern South America. The presence of sigmodontines from the locality home of the new reports, Norte Casa Chiguaje, is consistent with the palaeoenvironmental conditions originally proposed for it based on mammals and botanical records, being characterized as mixed open grassland/forest areas surrounding permanent freshwater systems. The new sigmodontine evidence is used to discuss the putative scenarios of the ancient evolution of the subfamily in South America, favouring a model in which open areas (savannahs) to the east of the Andes played crucial role aiding or obstructing Late Miocene-Pliocene sigmodontine dispersion southwards

    Damaged glyptodontid skulls from Late Pleistocene sites of northwestern Venezuela: evidence of hunting by humans?

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    The Muaco and Taima-Taima sites, in Falcón State of northwestern Venezuela, are among the earliest sites of human occupation in South America containing artifacts associated with preserved megafaunal remains and dating between 19,810 and 15,780 calybp. Here we report novel visual and CT scanning analysis of six glyptodont skulls of Glyptotherium cf. cylindricum from these sites, of which four exhibit distinct and similar patterns of breakages in the fronto-parietal region that suggest intentional blows by direct percussion by humans, with fractures not being diagenetic but instead antemortem or transmortem. This hypothesized and unreported hunting technique focused in an area of the skull where the cephalic shield becomes thin, thus increasing the effectiveness of the blow. From Taima-Taima other glyptodont remains included an inverted carapace, also previously reported as probable evidence of human–glyptodont interaction during the latest Pleistocene. We estimated that roughly 150-170 Kg of potentially accessible muscles and fat of an adult Glyptotherium cylindricum could be used as food sources.Fil: Carlini, Alfredo Armando. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Paleontología Vertebrados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Carrillo Briceño, Jorge D.. Universitat Zurich; SuizaFil: Jaimes, Arturo. Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas; VenezuelaFil: Aguilera, Orangel. Universidade Federal Fluminense; BrasilFil: Zurita, Alfredo Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Iriarte, Jose. University of Exeter; Reino UnidoFil: Sánchez Villagra, Marcelo Ricardo. Universitat Zurich; Suiz

    Modelo electrocardiográfico de la enfermedad de Chagas crónica en ratón para la evaluación de nuevos fármacos

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    El tratamiento de la enfermedad de Chagas es actualmente insatisfactorio. Los compuestos empleados (nifurtimox y benznidazol) tienen actividad solo en la fase aguda siendo ineficaces en la fase crónica por presentar serios efectos adversos. Nuevos compuestos son necesarios. La manifestación clínica más importante es la miocarditis crónica tardía, siendo menos frecuente la miocarditis aguda. Debido a que la afección se disemina por todo el corazón (miocitos y sistema especializado de conducción) los trastornos electrocardiográficos (TECG) son representativos de la patología como arritmias y trastornos de conducción y repolarización ventricular. Nuestro objetivo fue obtener un modelo electrocardiográfico de la enfermedad de Chagas crónica en ratón para la evaluación de nuevos fármacos.Trabajo en modalidad posters que recibió premio en las "Cuartas Jornadas de Actualización en Clínica Pediátrica" 200

    Crocodylian diversity peak and extinction in the late Cenozoic of the northern Neotropics

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    Northern South America and South East Asia are today’s hotspots of crocodylian diversity with up to six (mainly alligatorid) and four (mainly crocodylid) living species respectively, of which usually no more than two or three occur sympatrically. In contrast, during the late Miocene, 14 species existed in South America. Here we show a diversity peak in sympatric occurrence of at least seven species, based on detailed stratigraphic sequence sampling and correlation, involving four geological formations from the middle Miocene to the Pliocene, and on the discovery of two new species and a new occurrence. This degree of crocodylian sympatry is unique in the world and shows that at least several members of Alligatoroidea and Gavialoidea coexisted. By the Pliocene, all these species became extinct, and their extinction was probably related to hydrographic changes linked to the Andean uplift. The extant fauna is first recorded with the oldest Crocodylus species from South America.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Nearctic Pleistocene ungulates from the Pampean region (Argentina) in the historical collections of Santiago Roth in Switzerland: an overview

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    Nearctic ungulates such as artiodactyls, perissodactyls, and proboscideans arrived in South America during the Great American Biotic Interchange. Among them are camelids, cervids, tayassuids, equids, tapirids and gomphotherids. A historical collection of Nearctic ungulates from Pleistocene deposits of the Pampean region in Argentina is here studied and described. The collection consists of specimens collected by Santiago Roth in the nineteenth century and brought to Europe, where they are housed in the paleontological collections of the University of Zurich and the Natural History Museum of Geneva. Among the taxa reported here are Notiomastodon platensis,Lama guanicoe, Hemiauchenia paradoxa, Tayassu pecari, Morenelaphus sp., Hippidion cf. H. principale, Equus cf. E. neogeus, and other indeterminate gomphotherids, camelids, tayassuids, cervids, and equids. The exact stratigraphic position of these fossils collected more than 130 years ago is in many cases uncertain. The historical collection is still relevant for taxonomic studies and for offering new insights into palaeobiogeography and palaeobiology of mammalian fauna of the region during the Pleistocene

    Impacto del equipo multidisciplinario “ECMO Team” en el pronóstico de pacientes sometidos a membrana de oxigenación extracorpórea venoarterial por choque cardiogénico o paro cardiorrespiratorio refractario

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    Objectives. Veno-arterial Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA ECMO) is a salvage intervention in patients with cardiogenic shock (CS), and cardiac arrest  (CA) refractory to standard therapies. The design of ECMO Teams has achieved the standardization of processes, although its impact on survival and prognosis is unknown. Objective: We aimed to analyze whether the creation of an ECMO Team has modified the prognosis of patients undergoing VA ECMO for refractory CS or CA. Materials and methods. We conducted a single-center retrospective cohort study. Patients with refractory CS or CA who underwent VA ECMO were divided in two consecutive periods: from 2014 to April 2019 (pre-ECMO T) and from May 2019 to December 2022 (Post ECMO T). The main outcomes were survival on ECMO, in-hospital survival, complications, and annual ECMO volume. Results. Eighty-three patients were included (36 pre-ECMO T and 47 post-ECMO T). The mean age was 53 +/-13 years. The most common reason for  device indication was different:  postcardiotomy shock (47.2%) pre-ECMO T and refractory cardiogenic shock (29.7%) post-ECMO T. The rate of extracorporeal  cardiopulmonary resuscitation was 14.5%.  The median duration of VA ECMO was longer after ECMO team implementation: 8 days (IQR 5-12.5) vs. five days (IQR 2-9, p=0.04). Global in-hospital survival was 45.8% (38.9% pre-ECMO T vs. 51.1% post-ECMO T; p=0.37),  and the survival rate from VA ECMO was 60.2% (55.6% pre-ECMO T vs 63.8% post-ECMO T; p= 0.50). The volume of VA ECMO implantation was significantly higher in the post-ECMO team period (13.2  +/3.5 per year vs. 6.5 +/-3.5 per year, p: 0.02). The rate of complications was similar in both groups. Conclusions. After the implementation of an ECMO team, there was no statistical difference in the survival rate of patients treated with VA ECMO. However, a significant increase in the number of patients supported per year was observed after the implementation of this multidisciplinary team. Post-ECMO T, the most common reason for device indication was cardiogenic shock, with longer run times and a higher rate of extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation.Introducción. La oxigenación por membrana extracorpórea venoarterial (ECMO VA) es una intervención de rescate utilizada en choque cardiogénico (CC) o paro cardiorrespiratorio (PCR) refractario. La creación de equipos multidisciplinarios ECMO Teams (ECMO T), ha permitido la estandarización de procesos, aunque se desconoce su impacto en  sobrevida y pronóstico. Objetivo: El propósito es analizar si la creación del ECMO Team ha modificado el pronóstico de los pacientes sometidos a ECMO VA por CC o PCR refractario. Materiales y métodos. Estudio observacional, unicéntrico, retrospectivo, que comparó los resultados del implante de ECMO VA por CC o PCR refractario en dos períodos consecutivos: entre 2014 y abril de 2019 (pre-ECMO T), y entre mayo de 2019 y diciembre de 2022 (pos-ECMO T). Como puntos finales, se evaluó la sobrevida intrahospitalaria y en ECMO, complicaciones, y volumen de ECMO anual. Resultados. Se analizaron 83 pacientes (36 pre-ECMO T, y 47 pos-ECMO T), con edad de 53 +/-13 años. La causa más frecuente de asistencia fue: poscardiotomía pre-ECMO T (47,2%) y CC refractario pos-ECMO T (29,7%). En el 14,5% se realizó ECMO en PCR. La mediana de asistencia fue mayor pos-ECMO T (8 días, RIC 5-12,5 vs. 5 días, RIC 2-9 pre-ECMO T; p:0,04). La supervivencia al alta fue del 45,8% (38,9% pre-ECMO T vs. 51,1% pos-ECMO T;p:0,37) y en ECMO VA del 60,2% (55,6% pre-ECMO T y 63,8% pos-ECMO T; p:0,50). El volumen de ECMO VA fue significativamente mayor pos-ECMO T (13,2+/3,5 por año vs. 6,5+/-3,5 por año, p: 0,02). La tasa de complicaciones fue similar en ambos períodos. Conclusiones.Luego de la implementación del ECMO Team no se observó una diferencia significativa en la sobrevida en pacientes asistidoscon ECMO VA. Sin embargo, luego de su creación se evidenció un aumento significativo del volumen de pacientes asistidos por año. Pos-ECMO T se asistió mayor número de pacientes por choque cardiogénico, en PCR y con más días de asistencia

    Shark and ray diversity in the Tropical America (Neotropics)—an examination of environmental and historical factors affecting diversity

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    We present the first comprehensive review of the present and past shark and ray diversity in marine waters of Tropical America, examining the patterns of distribution in the Eastern Central Pacific (EP) and Western Central Atlantic (WA) realms. We identified the major regions of diversity and of endemism, and explored the relations to physical variables. We found a strong relationship between shark and ray diversity with area and coastal length of each province. The Tropical Northwestern Atlantic Province is characterized by high diversity and greater occurrence of endemic species, suggesting this province as the hotspot of sharks and rays in Tropical America. The historical background for the current biogeography is explored and analyzed. Referential data from 67 geological units in 17 countries, from both shallow and deep-water habitats, across five time-clusters from the Miocene to the Pleistocene were studied. New data include 20 new assemblages from six countries. The most diverse Neogene and extant groups of shark and ray are Carcharhiniformes and Myliobatiformes, respectively. The differentiation between Pacific and Atlantic faunas goes to at least the middle Miocene, probably related with the increasing closure of the Central American Seaway acting as a barrier. The highest faunal similarity between the assemblages from the EP and the WA at the early Miocene could be related to the lack of a barrier back then, but increased sampling is needed to substantiate this hypothesis

    Inteligencia colectiva para una recuperación sostenible de residuos tecnológicos

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    La creciente demanda en el uso las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) han revolucionado nuestra vida cotidiana, sin embargo, han contribuido a aumentar las preocupaciones ambientales y sociales. La aceleración de factores como el agotamiento y escasez de recursos, daños ambientales, uso de agua y energía, y un incremento insostenible de desechos tecnológicos en zonas urbanas, se ha convertido en una preocupación para el gobierno. El sostenimiento del ritmo de consumo depende de estrategias que permitan el reciclaje de los desechos y el fortalecimiento de una economía circular realizando un cambio sistémico, en la investigación y la innovación, tanto tecnológica como logística Este trabajo consiste en generar rutas recolección dado una cantidad de clientes por atender, un conjunto de vehículos de recogida, permitiendo minimizar ciertos factores que ayuden a la empresa a obtener beneficios. La programación de la logística de recolección de residuos tecnológicos corresponde al problema de enrutamiento de vehículos (Vehicle Routing Problem, VRP) que presentan una extensa disponibilidad bibliográfica de los problemas de enrutamiento verde de vehículos (GVRP). En particular, se propone identificar, resolver y realizar un prototipo de planificación eficiente para este problema aplicando principalmente técnicas de inteligencia colectiva y otras inspiradas en computación evolutiva.Eje: Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic