20,709 research outputs found

    Quantum autoencoders via quantum adders with genetic algorithms

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    The quantum autoencoder is a recent paradigm in the field of quantum machine learning, which may enable an enhanced use of resources in quantum technologies. To this end, quantum neural networks with less nodes in the inner than in the outer layers were considered. Here, we propose a useful connection between approximate quantum adders and quantum autoencoders. Specifically, this link allows us to employ optimized approximate quantum adders, obtained with genetic algorithms, for the implementation of quantum autoencoders for a variety of initial states. Furthermore, we can also directly optimize the quantum autoencoders via genetic algorithms. Our approach opens a different path for the design of quantum autoencoders in controllable quantum platforms

    Measurements of thermodynamic and transport properties of EuC2_2: a low-temperature analogue of EuO

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    EuC2_2 is a ferromagnet with a Curie-temperature of TC≃15 T_C \simeq 15\,K. It is semiconducting with the particularity that the resistivity drops by about 5 orders of magnitude on cooling through TCT_C, which is therefore called a metal-insulator transition. In this paper we study the magnetization, specific heat, thermal expansion, and the resistivity around this ferromagnetic transition on high-quality EuC2_2 samples. At TCT_C we observe well defined anomalies in the specific heat cp(T)c_p(T) and thermal expansion α(T)\alpha(T) data. The magnetic contributions of cp(T)c_p(T) and α(T)\alpha(T) can satisfactorily be described within a mean-field theory, taking into account the magnetization data. In zero magnetic field the magnetic contributions of the specific heat and thermal expansion fulfill a Gr\"uneisen-scaling, which is not preserved in finite fields. From an estimation of the pressure dependence of TCT_C via Ehrenfest's relation, we expect a considerable increase of TCT_C under applied pressure due to a strong spin-lattice coupling. Furthermore the influence of weak off stoichiometries δ\delta in EuC2±δ_{2 \pm \delta} was studied. It is found that δ\delta strongly affects the resistivity, but hardly changes the transition temperature. In all these aspects, the behavior of EuC2_2 strongly resembles that of EuO.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum levitation by left-handed metamaterials

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    Left-handed metamaterials make perfect lenses that image classical electromagnetic fields with significantly higher resolution than the diffraction limit. Here we consider the quantum physics of such devices. We show that the Casimir force of two conducting plates may turn from attraction to repulsion if a perfect lens is sandwiched between them. For optical left-handed metamaterials this repulsive force of the quantum vacuum may levitate ultra-thin mirrors

    Chiral properties of hematite ({\alpha}-Fe2O3) inferred from resonant Bragg diffraction using circularly polarized x-rays

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    Chiral properties of the two phases - collinear motif (below Morin transition temperature, TM=250 K) and canted motif (above TM) - of magnetically ordered hematite ({\alpha}-Fe2O3) have been identified in single crystal resonant x-ray Bragg diffraction, using circular polarized incident x-rays tuned near the iron K-edge. Magneto-electric multipoles, including an anapole, fully characterize the high-temperature canted phase, whereas the low-temperature collinear phase supports both parity-odd and parity-even multipoles that are time-odd. Orbital angular momentum accompanies the collinear motif, while it is conspicuously absent with the canted motif. Intensities have been successfully confronted with analytic expressions derived from an atomic model fully compliant with chemical and magnetic structures. Values of Fe atomic multipoles previously derived from independent experimental data, are shown to be completely trustworthy

    Casimir forces on a silicon micromechanical chip

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    Quantum fluctuations give rise to van der Waals and Casimir forces that dominate the interaction between electrically neutral objects at sub-micron separations. Under the trend of miniaturization, such quantum electrodynamical effects are expected to play an important role in micro- and nano-mechanical devices. Nevertheless, utilization of Casimir forces on the chip level remains a major challenge because all experiments so far require an external object to be manually positioned close to the mechanical element. Here, by integrating a force-sensing micromechanical beam and an electrostatic actuator on a single chip, we demonstrate the Casimir effect between two micromachined silicon components on the same substrate. A high degree of parallelism between the two near-planar interacting surfaces can be achieved because they are defined in a single lithographic step. Apart from providing a compact platform for Casimir force measurements, this scheme also opens the possibility of tailoring the Casimir force using lithographically defined components of non-conventional shapes

    Prototyping of petalets for the Phase-II Upgrade of the silicon strip tracking detector of the ATLAS Experiment

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    In the high luminosity era of the Large Hadron Collider, the HL-LHC, the instantaneous luminosity is expected to reach unprecedented values, resulting in about 200 proton-proton interactions in a typical bunch crossing. To cope with the resultant increase in occupancy, bandwidth and radiation damage, the ATLAS Inner Detector will be replaced by an all-silicon system, the Inner Tracker (ITk). The ITk consists of a silicon pixel and a strip detector and exploits the concept of modularity. Prototyping and testing of various strip detector components has been carried out. This paper presents the developments and results obtained with reduced-size structures equivalent to those foreseen to be used in the forward region of the silicon strip detector. Referred to as petalets, these structures are built around a composite sandwich with embedded cooling pipes and electrical tapes for routing the signals and power. Detector modules built using electronic flex boards and silicon strip sensors are glued on both the front and back side surfaces of the carbon structure. Details are given on the assembly, testing and evaluation of several petalets. Measurement results of both mechanical and electrical quantities are shown. Moreover, an outlook is given for improved prototyping plans for large structures.Comment: 22 pages for submission for Journal of Instrumentatio

    Ectopic expression of HNF4α in Het1A cells induces an invasive phenotype

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    \ua9 2023 The AuthorsBarrett\u27s oesophagus (BO) is a pathological condition in which the squamous epithelium of the distal oesophagus is replaced by an intestinal-like columnar epithelium originating from the gastric cardia. Several somatic mutations contribute to the intestinal-like metaplasia. Once these have occurred in a single cell, it will be unable to expand further unless the altered cell can colonise the surrounding squamous epithelium of the oesophagus. The mechanisms by which this happens are still unknown. Here we have established an in vitro system for examining the competitive behaviour of two epithelia. We find that when an oesophageal epithelium model (Het1A cells) is confronted by an intestinal epithelium model (Caco-2 cells), the intestinal cells expand into the oesophageal domain. In this case the boundary involves overgrowth by the Caco-2 cells and the formation of isolated colonies. Two key transcription factors, normally involved in intestinal development, HNF4α and CDX2, are both expressed in BO. We examined the competitive ability of Het1A cells stably expressing HNF4α or CDX2 and placed in confrontation with unmodified Het1A cells. The key result is that stable expression of HNF4α, but not CDX2, increased the ability of the cells to migrate and push into the unmodified Het1A domain. In this situation the boundary between the cell types is a sharp one, as is normally seen in BO. The experiments were conducted using a variety of extracellular substrates, which all tended to increase the cell migration compared to uncoated plastic. These data provide evidence that HNF4α expression could have a potential role in the competitive spread of BO into the oesophagus as HNF4α increases the ability of cells to invade into the adjacent stratified squamous epithelium, thus enabling a single mutant cell eventually to generate a macroscopic patch of metaplasia

    GRB 170817A-GW170817-AT 2017gfo and the observations of NS-NS, NS-WD and WD-WD mergers

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    The LIGO-Virgo Collaboration has announced the detection of GW170817 and has associated it with GRB 170817A. These signals have been followed after 11 hours by the optical and infrared emission of AT 2017gfo. The origin of this complex phenomenon has been attributed to a neutron star-neutron star (NS-NS) merger. In order to probe this association we confront our current understanding of the gravitational waves and associated electromagnetic radiation with four observed GRBs originating in binaries composed of different combinations NSs and white dwarfs (WDs). We consider 1) GRB 090510 the prototype of NS-NS merger leading to a black hole (BH); 2) GRB 130603B the prototype of a NS-NS merger leading to massive NS (MNS) with an associated kilonova; 3) GRB 060614 the prototype of a NS-WD merger leading to a MNS with an associated kilonova candidate; 4) GRB 170817A the prototype of a WD-WD merger leading to massive WD with an associated AT 2017gfo-like emission. None of these systems support the above mentioned association. The clear association between GRB 170817A and AT 2017gfo has led to introduce a new model based on on a new subfamily of GRBs originating from WD-WD mergers. We show how this novel model is in agreement with the exceptional observations in the optical, infrared, X- and gamma-rays of GRB 170817A-AT 2017gfo.Comment: version accepted for publication in JCAP. Missing references adde

    Quasilocal equilibrium condition for black ring

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    We use the conservation of the renormalized boundary stress-energy tensor to obtain the equilibrium condition for a general (thin or fat) black ring solution. We also investigate the role of the spatial stress in the thermodynamics of deformation within the quasilocal formalism of Brown and York and discuss the relation with other methods. In particular, we discuss the quantum statistical relation for the unbalanced black ring solution.Comment: v2: refs. added, matches the published versio
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