57 research outputs found

    The democracy of Green Infrastructure

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    With the understanding of nature in terms of ecosystem services and the recognition of the vital role these play for human wellbeing (Millennium Assessment, 2005), the value of the natural realm is scientifically and socially defined while at the same time institutionalised. Within this frame of interpretation, nature is a supplier of provision-ing, regulating, supporting welfare and cultural services, thus becoming not only a life-enabling factor for humanity but also a conceptual construct comparable to cornerstones of democracy, such as equality, freedom and citizenship. The idea of green infrastructure is another recently coined term envisioning nature in cities in the form of a net-work and enabling a broad life-furthering vision of society. Standards for green open spaces embedded in some planning frameworks further state the right for all to a common good. Yet, evidence shows that this common right is not always met. Within the current context of advanced and neoliberal capitalism, green areas are sometimes used as an added financial value for real estate, thus increasing restrictions to their free access and full utilization. In developing countries with young democracies, such as Brazil, this process implies another significant factor of social inequality insofar the restricted access to nature by the poorest people means also diminished food safety, and the jeopardizing of certain cultural practices. In developed countries, loss of land for food production and movements reclaiming the right to the city by squatting unoccupied open spaces to initiate community gar-dens, demonstrates that the access to green spaces is also problematic, although in different ways if compared to developing countries. This chapter contributes to this topic by discussing the inequality in provision of green spaces in informal settlements and social housing development in Brazil, as well as in the globalised north. The chapter concludes with recommendations to enhance democracy through a just provision of nature in cities

    Salmonella Type III Effector AvrA Stabilizes Cell Tight Junctions to Inhibit Inflammation in Intestinal Epithelial Cells

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    Salmonella Typhimurium is a major cause of human gastroenteritis. The Salmonella type III secretory system secretes virulence proteins, called effectors. Effectors are responsible for the alteration of tight junction (TJ) structure and function in intestinal epithelial cells. AvrA is a newly described bacterial effector found in Salmonella. We report here that AvrA expression stabilizes cell permeability and tight junctions in intestinal epithelial cells. Cells colonized with an AvrA-deficient bacterial strain (AvrA−) displayed decreased cell permeability, disruption of TJs, and an increased inflammatory response. Western blot data showed that TJ proteins, such as ZO-1, claudin-1, decreased after AvrA- colonization for only 1 hour. In contrast, cells colonized with AvrA-sufficient bacteria maintained cell permeability with stabilized TJ structure. This difference was confirmed in vivo. Fluorescent tracer studies showed increased fluorescence in the blood of mice infected with AvrA- compared to those infected with the AvrA-sufficient strains. AvrA- disrupted TJ structure and function and increased inflammation in vivo, compared to the AvrA- sufficient strain. Additionally, AvrA overexpression increased TJ protein expression when transfected into colonic epithelial cells. An intriguing aspect of this study is that AvrA stabilized TJs, even though the other TTSS proteins, SopB, SopE, and SopE2, are known to disrupt TJs. AvrA may play a role in stabilizing TJs and balancing the opposing action of other bacterial effectors. Our findings indicate an important role for the bacterial effector AvrA in regulation of intestinal epithelial cell TJs during inflammation. The role of AvrA represents a highly refined bacterial strategy that helps the bacteria survive in the host and dampen the inflammatory response

    A Modifier Screen for Bazooka/PAR-3 Interacting Genes in the Drosophila Embryo Epithelium

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    The development and homeostasis of multicellular organisms depends on sheets of epithelial cells. Bazooka (Baz; PAR-3) localizes to the apical circumference of epithelial cells and is a key hub in the protein interaction network regulating epithelial structure. We sought to identify additional proteins that function with Baz to regulate epithelial structure in the Drosophila embryo.The baz zygotic mutant cuticle phenotype could be dominantly enhanced by loss of known interaction partners. To identify additional enhancers, we screened molecularly defined chromosome 2 and 3 deficiencies. 37 deficiencies acted as strong dominant enhancers. Using deficiency mapping, bioinformatics, and available single gene mutations, we identified 17 interacting genes encoding known and predicted polarity, cytoskeletal, transmembrane, trafficking and signaling proteins. For each gene, their loss of function enhanced adherens junction defects in zygotic baz mutants during early embryogenesis. To further evaluate involvement in epithelial polarity, we generated GFP fusion proteins for 15 of the genes which had not been found to localize to the apical domain previously. We found that GFP fusion proteins for Drosophila ASAP, Arf79F, CG11210, Septin 5 and Sds22 could be recruited to the apical circumference of epithelial cells. Nine of the other proteins showed various intracellular distributions, and one was not detected.Our enhancer screen identified 17 genes that function with Baz to regulate epithelial structure in the Drosophila embryo. Our secondary localization screen indicated that some of the proteins may affect epithelial cell polarity by acting at the apical cell cortex while others may act through intracellular processes. For 13 of the 17 genes, this is the first report of a link to baz or the regulation of epithelial structure

    An intriguing shift occurs in the novel protein phosphatase 1 binding partner, TCTEX1D4: evidence of positive selection in a pika model

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    T-complex testis expressed protein 1 domain containing 4 (TCTEX1D4) contains the canonical phosphoprotein phosphatase 1 (PPP1) binding motif, composed by the amino acid sequence RVSF. We identified and validated the binding of TCTEX1D4 to PPP1 and demonstrated that indeed this protein is a novel PPP1 interacting protein. Analyses of twenty-one mammalian species available in public databases and seven Lagomorpha sequences obtained in this work showed that the PPP1 binding motif 90RVSF93 is present in all of them and is flanked by a palindromic sequence, PLGS, except in three species of pikas (Ochotona princeps, O. dauurica and O. pusilla). Furthermore, for the Ochotona species an extra glycosylation site, motif 96NLS98, and the loss of the palindromic sequence were observed. Comparison with other lagomorphs suggests that this event happened before the Ochotona radiation. The dN/dS for the sequence region comprising the PPP1 binding motif and the flanking palindrome highly supports the hypothesis that for Ochotona species this region has been evolving under positive selection. In addition, mutational screening shows that the ability of pikas TCTEX1D4 to bind to PPP1 is maintained, although the PPP1 binding motif is disrupted, and the N- and C-terminal surrounding residues are also abrogated. These observations suggest pika as an ideal model to study novel PPP1 complexes regulatory mechanisms.publishe

    TNFAIP3 Maintains Intestinal Barrier Function and Supports Epithelial Cell Tight Junctions

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    Tight junctions between intestinal epithelial cells mediate the permeability of the intestinal barrier, and loss of intestinal barrier function mediated by TNF signaling is associated with the inflammatory pathophysiology observed in Crohn's disease and celiac disease. Thus, factors that modulate intestinal epithelial cell response to TNF may be critical for the maintenance of barrier function. TNF alpha-induced protein 3 (TNFAIP3) is a cytosolic protein that acts in a negative feedback loop to regulate cell signaling induced by Toll-like receptor ligands and TNF, suggesting that TNFAIP3 may play a role in regulating the intestinal barrier. To investigate the specific role of TNFAIP3 in intestinal barrier function we assessed barrier permeability in TNFAIP3−/− mice and LPS-treated villin-TNFAIP3 transgenic mice. TNFAIP3−/− mice had greater intestinal permeability compared to wild-type littermates, while villin-TNFAIP3 transgenic mice were protected from increases in permeability seen within LPS-treated wild-type littermates, indicating that barrier permeability is controlled by TNFAIP3. In cultured human intestinal epithelial cell lines, TNFAIP3 expression regulated both TNF-induced and myosin light chain kinase-regulated tight junction dynamics but did not affect myosin light chain kinase activity. Immunohistochemistry of mouse intestine revealed that TNFAIP3 expression inhibits LPS-induced loss of the tight junction protein occludin from the apical border of the intestinal epithelium. We also found that TNFAIP3 deubiquitinates polyubiquitinated occludin. These in vivo and in vitro studies support the role of TNFAIP3 in promoting intestinal epithelial barrier integrity and demonstrate its novel ability to maintain intestinal homeostasis through tight junction protein regulation

    Organization of multiprotein complexes at cell–cell junctions

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    The formation of stable cell–cell contacts is required for the generation of barrier-forming sheets of epithelial and endothelial cells. During various physiological processes like tissue development, wound healing or tumorigenesis, cellular junctions are reorganized to allow the release or the incorporation of individual cells. Cell–cell contact formation is regulated by multiprotein complexes which are localized at specific structures along the lateral cell junctions like the tight junctions and adherens junctions and which are targeted to these site through their association with cell adhesion molecules. Recent evidence indicates that several major protein complexes exist which have distinct functions during junction formation. However, this evidence also indicates that their composition is dynamic and subject to changes depending on the state of junction maturation. Thus, cell–cell contact formation and integrity is regulated by a complex network of protein complexes. Imbalancing this network by oncogenic proteins or pathogens results in barrier breakdown and eventually in cancer. Here, I will review the molecular organization of the major multiprotein complexes at junctions of epithelial cells and discuss their function in cell–cell contact formation and maintenance

    Macromechanics and polycaprolactone fiber organization drive macrophage polarization and regulate inflammatory activation of tendon in vitro and in vivo

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    Appropriate macrophage response to an implanted biomaterial is crucial for successful tissue healing outcomes. In this work we investigated how intrinsic topological cues from electrospun biomaterials and extrinsic mechanical loads cooperate to guide macrophage activation and macrophage-tendon fibroblast cross-talk. We performed a series of in vitro and in vivo experiments using aligned or randomly oriented polycaprolactone nanofiber substrates in both mechanically loaded and unloaded conditions. Across all experiments a disorganized biomaterial fiber topography was alone sufficient to promote a pro-inflammatory signature in macrophages, tendon fibroblasts, and tendon tissue. Extrinsic mechanical loading was found to strongly regulate the character of this signature by reducing pro-inflammatory markers both in vitro and in vivo. We observed that macrophages generally displayed a stronger response to biophysical cues than tendon fibroblasts, with dominant effects of cross-talk between these cell types observed in mechanical co-culture models. Collectively our data suggest that macrophages play a potentially important role as mechanosensory cells in tendon repair, and provide insight into how biological response might be therapeutically modulated by rational biomaterial designs that address the biomechanical niche of recruited cells
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