819 research outputs found

    Use of generic and condition-specific measures of health-related quality of life in NICE decision-making: systematic review, statistical modelling and survey.

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    © Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2014Background: The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence recommends the use of generic preference-based measures (GPBMs) of health for its Health Technology Assessments (HTAs). However, these data may not be available or appropriate for all health conditions. Objectives: To determine whether GPBMs are appropriate for some key conditions and to explore alternative methods of utility estimation when data from GPBMs are unavailable or inappropriate. Design: The project was conducted in three stages: (1) A systematic review of the psychometric properties of three commonly used GPBMs [EQ-5D, SF-6D and Health Utilities Index Mark 3 (HUI3)] in four broadly defined conditions: visual impairment, hearing impairment, cancer and skin conditions. (2) Potential modelling approaches to ‘map’ EQ-5D values from condition-specific and clinical measures of health [European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality-of-life Questionnaire Core 30 (EORTC QLQ-C30) and Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy – General Scale (FACT-G)] are compared for predictive ability and goodness of fit using two separate data sets. (3) Three potential extensions to the EQ-5D are developed as ‘bolt-on’ items relating to hearing, tiredness and vision. They are valued using the time trade-off method. A second valuation study is conducted to fully value the EQ-5D with and without the vision bolt-on item in an additional sample of 300 people. Main outcome measures: Comparisons of EQ-5D, SF-6D and HUI3 in four conditions with various generic and condition-specific measures. Mapping functions were estimated between EORTC QLQ-C30 and FACT-G with EQ-5D. Three bolt-ons to the EQ-5D were developed: EQ + hearing/vision/tiredness. A full valuation study was conducted for the EQ + vision. Results: (1) EQ-5D was valid and responsive for skin conditions and most cancers; in vision, its performance varied according to aetiology; and performance was poor for hearing impairments. The HUI3 performed well for hearing and vision disorders. It also performed well in cancers although evidence was limited and there was no evidence in skin conditions. There were limited data for SF-6D in all four conditions and limited evidence on reliability of all instruments. (2) Mapping algorithms were estimated to predict EQ-5D values from alternative cancer-specific measures of health. Response mapping using all the domain scores was the best performing model for the EORTC QLQ-C30. In an exploratory analysis, a limited dependent variable mixture model performed better than an equivalent linear model. In the full analysis for the FACT-G, linear regression using ordinary least squares gave the best predictions followed by the tobit model. (3) The exploratory valuation study found that bolt-on items for vision, hearing and tiredness had a significant impact on values of the health states, but the direction and magnitude of differences depended on the severity of the health state. The vision bolt-on item had a statistically significant impact on EQ-5D health state values and a full valuation model was estimated. Conclusions: EQ-5D performs well in studies of cancer and skin conditions. Mapping techniques provide a solution to predict EQ-5D values where EQ-5D has not been administered. For conditions where EQ-5D was found to be inappropriate, including some vision disorders and for hearing, bolt-ons provide a promising solution. More primary research into the psychometric properties of the generic preference-based measures is required, particularly in cancer and for the assessment of reliability. Further research is needed for the development and valuation of bolt-ons to EQ-5D.UK Medical Research Council (MRC) as part of the MRC-NIHR methodology research programme (reference G0901486

    Ectopic expression of HNF4α in Het1A cells induces an invasive phenotype

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    \ua9 2023 The AuthorsBarrett\u27s oesophagus (BO) is a pathological condition in which the squamous epithelium of the distal oesophagus is replaced by an intestinal-like columnar epithelium originating from the gastric cardia. Several somatic mutations contribute to the intestinal-like metaplasia. Once these have occurred in a single cell, it will be unable to expand further unless the altered cell can colonise the surrounding squamous epithelium of the oesophagus. The mechanisms by which this happens are still unknown. Here we have established an in vitro system for examining the competitive behaviour of two epithelia. We find that when an oesophageal epithelium model (Het1A cells) is confronted by an intestinal epithelium model (Caco-2 cells), the intestinal cells expand into the oesophageal domain. In this case the boundary involves overgrowth by the Caco-2 cells and the formation of isolated colonies. Two key transcription factors, normally involved in intestinal development, HNF4α and CDX2, are both expressed in BO. We examined the competitive ability of Het1A cells stably expressing HNF4α or CDX2 and placed in confrontation with unmodified Het1A cells. The key result is that stable expression of HNF4α, but not CDX2, increased the ability of the cells to migrate and push into the unmodified Het1A domain. In this situation the boundary between the cell types is a sharp one, as is normally seen in BO. The experiments were conducted using a variety of extracellular substrates, which all tended to increase the cell migration compared to uncoated plastic. These data provide evidence that HNF4α expression could have a potential role in the competitive spread of BO into the oesophagus as HNF4α increases the ability of cells to invade into the adjacent stratified squamous epithelium, thus enabling a single mutant cell eventually to generate a macroscopic patch of metaplasia

    Transdifferentiation of pancreatic progenitor cells to hepatocyte-like cells is not serum-dependent when facilitated by extracellular matrix proteins

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    The rising prevalence of chronic liver disease, coupled with a permanent shortage of organs for liver transplantation, has sparked enormous interest in alternative treatment strategies. Previous protocols to generate hepatocyte-like cells (HLCs) via pancreas-to-liver transdifferentiation have utilised fetal bovine serum, introducing unknown variables and severely limiting study reproducibility. Therefore, the main goal of this study was to develop a protocol for transdifferentiation of pancreatic progenitor cells to HLCs in a chemically defined, serum-free culture medium. The clonal pancreatic progenitor cell line AR42J-B13 was cultured in basal growth medium on uncoated plastic culture dishes in the absence or presence of Dexamethasone on uncoated, laminin-or fibronectin-coated culture substrata, with or without serum supplementation. The hepatocytic differentiation potential was evaluated: (i) morphologically through bright-field and scanning electron microscopy, (ii) by assessing pancreatic and hepatic marker expression and (iii) by determining the function of HLCs through their ability to synthesise glycogen or take up and release indocyanine green. Here we demonstrate for the first time that transdifferentiation of pancreatic cells to HLCs is not dependent on serum. These results will assist in converting current differentiation protocols into procedures that are compliant with clinical use in future cell-based therapies to treat liver-related metabolic disorders

    Spatiotemporal regulation of liver development by the Wnt/β- catenin pathway

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    While the Wnt/β-catenin pathway plays a critical role in the maintenance of the zonation of ammonia metabolizing enzymes in the adult liver, the mechanisms responsible for inducing zonation in the embryo are not well understood. Herein we address the spatiotemporal role of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway in the development of zonation in embryonic mouse liver by conditional deletion of Apc and β-catenin at different stages of mouse liver development. In normal development, the ammonia metabolising enzymes carbamoylphosphate synthetase I (CPSI) and Glutamine synthetase (GS) begin to be expressed in separate hepatoblasts from E13.5 and E15.5 respectively and gradually increase in number thereafter. Restriction of GS expression occurs at E18 and becomes increasingly limited to the terminal perivenous hepatocytes postnatally. Expression of nuclear β-catenin coincides with the restriction of GS expression to the terminal perivenous hepatocytes. Conditional loss of Apc resulted in the expression of nuclear β-catenin throughout the developing liver and increased number of cells expressing GS. Conversely, conditional loss of β-catenin resulted in loss of GS expression. These data suggest that the Wnt pathway is critical to the development of zonation as well as maintaining the zonation in the adult liver

    Central Station power switching characteristics

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    This ATM summarizes the conditions which led to the ALSEP Central Station Discrepancy Report AA 7344 and analyzes the results of trouble shooting steps performed to isolate and define the anomaly. Recommendations are made regarding proper operational procedures.prepared by D. Douthat, O. Neau, W. Tosh

    A Mutation in Amino Acid Permease AAP6 Reduces the Amino Acid Content of the Arabidopsis Sieve Elements but Leaves Aphid Herbivores Unaffected.

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the amino acid permease gene AAP6 in regulating phloem amino acid composition and then to determine the effects of this altered diet on aphid performance. A genotype of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) was produced in which the function of the amino acid permease gene AAP6 (At5g49630) was abolished. Plants homozygous for the insertionally inactivated AAP6 gene had a significantly larger mean rosette width than the wild type and a greater number of cauline leaves. Seeds from the aap6 mutant were also significantly larger than those from the wild-type plants. Sieve element (SE) sap was collected by aphid stylectomy and the amino acids derivatized, separated, and quantified using Capillary Electrophoresis with Laser Induced Fluorescence (CE-LIF). In spite of the large variation across samples, the total amino acid concentration of SE sap of the aap6 mutant plants was significantly lower than that of the wild-type plants. The concentrations of lysine, phenylalanine, leucine, and aspartic acid were all significantly lower in concentration in the aap6 mutant plants compared with wild-type plants. This is the first direct demonstration of a physiological role for an amino acid transporter in regulating SE composition in vivo. The amino acid availability in sieve element sap is thought to be the major limiting factor for aphid growth and reproduction. Despite the changes in their diet, the aphid Myzus persicae(Sulzer) displayed only small changes in feeding behaviour on mutant plants when measured using the Electronic Penetration Graph (EPG) technique. Salivation by the aphid into the SE (E1 phase) was increased on mutant plants but there was no significant effect on other feeding EPG behaviours, or in the rate of honeydew production. Consistent with the small effect on aphid feeding behaviour, there was only a small effect of reduced sieve element amino acid concentration on aphid reproduction. The data are discussed in relation to the regulation of phloem composition and the role of phloem amino acids in regulating aphid performance