375 research outputs found

    Quantified vegetation change over 42 years at Cape Hallett, East Antarctica

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    This paper reports on the remapping of a carefully documented vegetation plot at Cape Hallett (72°19′S 170°16′E) to provide an assessment of the rates of vegetation change over decadal time scales. E.D. Rudolph, in 1962, mapped in detail the vegetation of a site approximately 28 m by 120 m at Cape Hallett, Victoria Land, Antarctica. This site was relocated and remapped in January 2004 and changes were assessed using GIS techniques. This appears to be the longest available time period for assessing vegetation change in Antarctica. The analysis indicated that considerable change had occurred in moss and algae distribution patterns and this seems to have been caused by increased water supply, particularly in wetter areas. There was also evidence of some change in lichen distribution. The extent of the change indicates that vegetation cover can be used for monitoring change in areas as extreme as the Ross Sea region. For this analysis to be successful it was important that the mapping techniques used were totally explicit and could easily be replicated. Fortunately, Rudolph had defined his cover classes and the site was also clearly marked. The application of GIS mapping techniques allows the mapping to be more explicitly defined and easily replicated

    Nitsche's prescription of Dirichlet conditions in the finite element approximation of Maxwell's problem

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    In this paper we consider the finite element approximation of Maxwell's problem and analyse the prescription of essential boundary conditions in a weak sense using Nitsche's method. To avoid indefiniteness of the problem, the original equations are augmented with the gradient of a scalar field that allows one to impose the zero divergence of the magnetic induction, even if the exact solution for this scalar field is zero. Two finite element approximations are considered, namely, one in which the approximation spaces are assumed to satisfy the appropriate inf-sup condition that render the standard Galerkin method stable, and another augmented and stabilised one that permits the use of finite element interpolations of arbitrary order. Stability and convergence results are provided for the two finite element formulations considered

    Snow metamorphism: a fractal approach

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    Snow is a porous disordered medium consisting of air and three water phases: ice, vapour and liquid. The ice phase consists of an assemblage of grains, ice matrix, initially arranged over a random load bearing skeleton. The quantitative relationship between density and morphological characteristics of different snow microstructures is still an open issue. In this work, a three-dimensional fractal description of density corresponding to different snow microstructure is put forward. First, snow density is simulated in terms of a generalized Menger sponge model. Then, a fully three-dimensional compact stochastic fractal model is adopted. The latter approach yields a quantitative map of the randomness of the snow texture, which is described as a three-dimensional fractional Brownian field with the Hurst exponent H varying as continuous parameter. The Hurst exponent is found to be strongly dependent on snow morphology and density. The approach might be applied to all those cases where the morphological evolution of snow cover or ice sheets should be conveniently described at a quantitative level

    Self-similarity of higher order moving averages

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    In this work, higher-order moving average polynomials are defined by straightforward generalization of the standard moving average. The self-similarity of the polynomials is analyzed for fractional Brownian series and quantified in terms of the Hurst exponent H by using the detrending moving average method. We prove that the exponentH of the fractional Brownian series and of the detrending moving average variance asymptotically agree for the first-order polynomial. Such asymptotic values are compared with the results obtained by the simulations. The higher-order polynomials correspond to trend estimates at shorter time scales as the degree of the polynomial increases. Importantly, the increase of polynomial degree does not require to change the moving average window. Thus trends at different time scales can be obtained on data sets with the same size. These polynomials could be interesting for those applications relying on trend estimates over different time horizons (financial markets) or on filtering at different frequencies (image analysis)

    Photosynthetic responses of three common mosses from continental Antarctica

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    Predicting the effects of climate change on Antarctic terrestrial vegetation requires a better knowledge of the ecophysiology of common moss species. In this paper we provide a comprehensive matrix for photosynthesis and major environmental parameters for three dominant Antarctic moss species (Bryum subrotundifolium, B. pseudotriquetrum and Ceratodon purpureus). Using locations in southern Victoria Land, (Granite Harbour, 77°S) and northern Victoria Land (Cape Hallett, 72°S) we determined the responses of net photosynthesis and dark respiration to thallus water content, thallus temperature, photosynthetic photon flux densities and CO2 concentration over several summer seasons. The studies also included microclimate recordings at all sites where the research was carried out in field laboratories. Plant temperature was influenced predominantly by the water regime at the site with dry mosses being warmer. Optimal temperatures for net photosynthesis were 13.7°C, 12.0°C and 6.6°C for B. subrotundifolium, B. pseudotriquetrum and C. purpureus, respectively and fall within the known range for Antarctic mosses. Maximal net photosynthesis at 10°C ranked as B. subrotundifolium > B. pseudotriquetrum > C. purpureus. Net photosynthesis was strongly depressed at subzero temperatures but was substantial at 0°C. Net photosynthesis of the mosses was not saturated by light at optimal water content and thallus temperature. Response of net photosynthesis to increase in water content was as expected for mosses although B. subrotundifolium showed a large depression (60%) at the highest hydrations. Net photosynthesis of both B. subrotundifolium and B. pseudotriquetrum showed a large response to increase in CO2 concentration and this rose with increase in temperature; saturation was not reached for B. pseudotriquetrum at 20°C. There was a high level of variability for species at the same sites in different years and between different locations. This was substantial enough to make prediction of the effects of climate change very difficult at the moment

    Resolving genetic relationships in manna group of lichens from genus Aspicilia

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    As in many lichen-forming fungi, species of Aspicilia genus are widely distributed all over the world, but no reports exist about their phylogenetic relations based on molecular biological methods. In thecurrent study the phylogenetic relations of some Aspicilia species mainly manna group of lichens were investigated. The ITS rDNA sequence information of 12 samples from six species were generated. The samples examined were collected from different provinces of Anatolia and all the sequences were aligned with the other allied groups; Pertusaria sp., Thamnolia sp., Dibaeis sp., Diploschistes sp.,Ochrolechia sp. and Lecanora sp. sequence data obtained from GenBank. The phylogenetic tree obtained by minimum evolution analysis displayed two major branches. One of the branches with itssix members (Aspicilia contorta subsp. contorta, A. contorta subsp. hoffmanniana, Aspicilia hispida, Aspicilia fruticulosa, Aspicilia desertorum Aspicilia calcarea) composed solely of Aspicilia samplesfrom Anatolia. Three of the manna groups of lichens were placed in this branch of the tree. The other related taxa from Ostropomycetidae and Lecanoromycetidae took place in the other branch of the treewith Aspicilia samples from Anatolia. Results displayed that manna group of lichens, although do not represent taxonomical unit tend to form a group especially apperent by the Neigbour Joining analysiswith Anatolian samples. Also the sequence information from Anatolian samples displayed that Aspicilia genus is phylogenetically closer to the orders and families from Ostropomycetidae subclass rather than Lecanoromycetidae which support the placement of Hymeneliaceae within Ostropomycetidae

    Assessment of Austrian contribution toward EU 2020 target sharing: Responding to the energy and climate package of the European Commission

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    The overarching implications of the EU 2020 targets for Austria call for a fundamental restructuring of the Austrian energy sector towards increased energy efficiency. Two guiding principles for this restructuring are required in order to be compatible with the targets for greenhouse gas emissions and renewables (RES) expected for Austria: final energy consumption needs to be stabilised at the levels of 2005; renewable energy sources need to be expanded at least by 40 percent. For the final negotiations on phase 3 of the EU Emissions Trading System we propose contributions on three issues: 1. operational procedures for dealing with carbon leakage and competitiveness in all sectors that provide criteria for allocating free allowances: 2. empowering the carbon market by extending the task of the emissions allowances issuing carbon authority to control the liquidity of the carbon market in view of stabilising the carbon price; 3. designing the auctioning mechanism by considering timing and auctioning as a strategic instrument for enhancing the carbon market and considering unified auc-tioning with revenues split among EU countries. Similarly we suggest for the final negotiations on the RES Directive improvements that overcome discrepancies between national RES targets and available resources for implementation. This requires in particular improved cooperation between EU countries for a better mapping of targets and potentials

    A new fluorescent dye accumulation assay for parallel measurements of the ABCG2, ABCB1 and ABCC1 multidrug transporter functions

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    ABC multidrug transporters are key players in cancer multidrug resistance and in general xenobiotic elimination, thus their functional assays provide important tools for research and diagnostic applications. In this study we have examined the potential interactions of three key human ABC multidrug transporters with PhenGreen diacetate (PGD), a cell permeable fluorescent metal ion indicator. The non-fluorescent, hydrophobic PGD rapidly enters the cells and, after cleavage by cellular esterases, in the absence of quenching metal ions, PhenGreen (PG) becomes highly fluorescent. We found that in cells expressing functional ABCG2, ABCB1, or ABCC1 transporters, cellular PG fluorescence is strongly reduced. This fluorescence signal in the presence of specific transporter inhibitors is increased to the fluorescence levels in the control cells. Thus the PG accumulation assay is a new, unique tool for the parallel determination of the function of the ABCG2, ABCB1, and ABCC1 multidrug transporters. Since PG has very low cellular toxicity, the PG accumulation assay also allows the selection, separation and culturing of selected cell populations expressing either of these transporters

    Sr Surface Enrichment in Solid Oxide Cells – Approaching the Limits of EDX Analysis by Multivariate Statistical Analysis and Simulations

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    In solid oxide cells, Sr segregation has been correlated with degradation. Yet, the atomistic mechanism remains unknown. Here we begin to localize the origin of Sr surface nucleation by combining force field based simulations, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), and multi-variate statistical analysis. We find increased ion mobility in the complexion between yttria-stabilized zirconia and strontium-doped lanthanum manganite. Furthermore, we developed a robust and automated routine to detect localized nucleation seeds of Sr at the complexion surface. This hints at a mechanism originating at the complexion and requires in-depth studies at the atomistic level, where the developed routine can be beneficial for analyzing large hyperspectral EDX datasets

    Organometallic iridium(III) anticancer complexes with new mechanisms of action: NCI-60 screening, mitochondrial targeting, and apoptosis

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    Platinum complexes related to cisplatin, cis-[PtCl2(NH3)2], are successful anticancer drugs; however, other transition metal complexes offer potential for combating cisplatin resistance, decreasing side effects, and widening the spectrum of activity. Organometallic half-sandwich iridium (IrIII) complexes [Ir(Cpx)(XY)Cl]+/0 (Cpx = biphenyltetramethylcyclopentadienyl and XY = phenanthroline (1), bipyridine (2), or phenylpyridine (3)) all hydrolyze rapidly, forming monofunctional G adducts on DNA with additional intercalation of the phenyl substituents on the Cpx ring. In comparison, highly potent complex 4 (Cpx = phenyltetramethylcyclopentadienyl and XY = N,N-dimethylphenylazopyridine) does not hydrolyze. All show higher potency toward A2780 human ovarian cancer cells compared to cisplatin, with 1, 3, and 4 also demonstrating higher potency in the National Cancer Institute (NCI) NCI-60 cell-line screen. Use of the NCI COMPARE algorithm (which predicts mechanisms of action (MoAs) for emerging anticancer compounds by correlating NCI-60 patterns of sensitivity) shows that the MoA of these IrIII complexes has no correlation to cisplatin (or oxaliplatin), with 3 and 4 emerging as particularly novel compounds. Those findings by COMPARE were experimentally probed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of A2780 cells exposed to 1, showing mitochondrial swelling and activation of apoptosis after 24 h. Significant changes in mitochondrial membrane polarization were detected by flow cytometry, and the potency of the complexes was enhanced ca. 5× by co-administration with a low concentration (5 μM) of the γ-glutamyl cysteine synthetase inhibitor L-buthionine sulfoximine (L-BSO). These studies reveal potential polypharmacology of organometallic IrIII complexes, with MoA and cell selectivity governed by structural changes in the chelating ligands