116 research outputs found

    Ptk (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas) Dengan Pembelajaran Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Dan Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah Di SD Negeri Kalisube, Banyumas

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    IbM activity aims to increase knowledge about local knowledge, improve skills develop proposals PTK Based Local Wisdom, compiling reports PTK (class action research) based Local Wisdom, and improve the skills of writing scientific articles. The method used in this activity is participatory learning and action (PLA), include: 1). coordination with partners in preparation for the implementation of the program, contact the team of experts, 2). preparation of several training modules to guide the activities, 3). training local wisdom Banyumas 4). technical training prepare proposals PTK Based Local Wisdom, 5). technical training prepare reports PTK Based Local Wisdom, 6). training technique of writing scientific articles, and 7). mentoring programs and evaluation. The result of this activity is the partner has insight into local wisdom Banyumas, and understand that PTK can be done using local wisdom as PTK Banyumas specific needs and character of students. Partners have the knowledge and skills in the preparation of proposals, the implementation of the PTK in the classroom, and the preparation of reports based on local wisdom PTK, partners have the knowledge and skill in preparing scientific articles, the partners have managed to draw up a report PTK and scientific articles have been published in scientific journals of education. Keywords: scientific articles, Banyumas, local knowledge, PTK (Classroom Action Research), SD Negeri Kalisub

    Persepsi Mahasiswa Semester VII Pgsd Tentang Pelaksanaan Program Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) Oleh Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan Ums Tahun Akademik 2013/2014

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    This study aimed to describe the implementation of PPL (Professional and Teaching Practiceat School) for PGSD FKIP UMS students; PGSD students' perception towards PPL.This research is descriptive with qualitative approach. Sources of data in this study arestudents, mentor teachers coordinator, and lecturers as PPL supervisor. Data collectiontechniques used were questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The questionnairewere obtained from 60 students to determine VII semester PGSD FKIP UMS students'perceptions about PPL 2013. Interviews were conducted to students who had attendedthe PPL, coordinator of mentor teachers, and lecturers.. Data analysis techniques performedinteractively. The validity of the data used triangulation technique. Based on theresults of research conducted by researchers at the school with good quality, medium, andregular shows that the number of 35 or 58.33 % of the students expressed that one poin tobe improved is in terms of the time of registration. A number of 50 or 83.33 % of thestudents stated that in the partner schools do not have science labs and learning of mathematicsas a suggestion. A total of 60 or 100 % of students stated that the performance ofmentor teachers' coordinator in carrying out the task was quite good. Some 21 or 31 % ofstudents stated that some mentor teachers were still using conventional learning strategiesor unable to model an active and innovative teachers for the student-teachers. Atotal of 40 or 66.67 % of the students stated that the performance of the supervisors needsto be improved, especially to guide students in preparing and developing student-teachers'learning program at school and in assisting them writing final report of PPL. A number of41 or 68.33 % of the students stated that it is mandatory to give a memento to the partnerschool. Some 57 or 95 % of students stated that students are required to have teachingpractice exams at partner school. It was concluded that the good cooperation betweenthe organizers of the PPL, students, supervisors, teacher and mentor teacher coordinatorto facilitate the implementation of the PPL

    Control and Preventive Study of Brucellosis by Using

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    The aims of this research is to determine the ability of sub unit lipopolysacharide(LPS) vaccine of Brucella abortus strain S-19 in mice and goat, including IgM and sub classes IgG antibody humoral response, cellular mediated immune response (IL-2, IFN- γ) in mice, also IgG as humoral immunity, IL-4 and IL-12 as cellular immunity, comparison affectivity with Brucella abortus strain RB-51 vaccine in goat . This research has two steps methods. Step first, 30 Balb C mice were divided into 3 groups and vaccinated subcutaneously, First group injectedB. abortus S-19, second group injected LPS and third group injected sodium chloride solution. Booster vaccination was conducted every two weeks till the eight week after first vaccination. The second step performed vaccinated to 30 goats divided into three groups. First group was injected by subcutaneous LPS 50 µg/ml and second group injected LPS 100 µg/ml and the third group injected with sodium chloride as control. Booster vaccination conducted 2 weeks after first vaccination and second vaccination. Result of the research conferred. Result research, antibody response in mice showed vaccination by LPS of B. abortus S-19 showed higher titer than vaccination by whole cells but inverse cellular response. The both vaccines showed induce subclass antibody response, vaccination by LPS tendency to IgM response but vaccination by Whole cells active vaccine tendency to IgG1, IgG 2a and IgG2b. Response antibody in goat on two weeks after first vaccination, vaccination with LPS of B. abortus S-19, dose 50 µg/ml failed or zero titer IgG response but dose 100 µg/ml was 500response antibody on two weeks after second vaccination by dose 50 µg/ml was 340 but by dose 100 µg/ml was 960, while cellular IL-12 response two weeks after first vaccination by dose 50 µg/ml was 22.88 pg/ml but by 100 µg/ml was 62.15 pg/ml. Response cellular IL -12 two weeks after second vaccination 50 µg/ml was 12.04 pg/ml while by dose100 µg/ml was 130.88pg/ml    Cellular immune response IL-4 on two weeks after first vaccination, dose 50 µg/ml showed 55.57 pg/ml but by dose100 µg/ml was 49.35 pg/ ml. Response cellular IL-4 on two weeks after second vaccination by dose 50 µg/ml  was 22.17 pg/ml but by dose 100 µg/ml was 143.89 pg/ml Keyword: Vaccine sub-unit LPS of Brucella abortus S-19, Humoral antibody, Cellular antibod

    Sistem Pakar Menentukan Tingkat Kecocokan Lahan Untuk Tanaman Jati Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining

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    Tanaman jati merupakan tanaman yang mempunyai cukup banyak kriteria untuk dapat tumbuh di suatu daerah. Kebanyakan petani jati tidak mengetahui masing-masing dari kriteria tersebut. Kriteria yang dibutuhkan oleh tanaman jati berupa suhu, bulan kering, solum, drainase, lereng, tingkat keasaman, salinitas, batuan permukaan, singkapan batuan, tekstur tanah, bahaya banjir, bahaya erosi. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan seorang ahli untuk dapat mengetahui dan menentukan tingkat kecocokan tanaman jati dilahan mereka. Terbatasnya ahli menyebabkan sulitnya menentukan tingkat kecocokan tanaman tersebut di suatu daerah. Untuk itu dibutuhkan sebuah sistem yang dapat meniru kemampuan seorang ahli dalam bidangnya. Sistem yang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan tingkat kesesuaian tanaman jati tersebut berupa sistem pakar. Sistem pakar merupakan sebuah sistem yang mengadopsi pengetahuan manusia ke komputer agar dapat menyelesaikan masalah yang biasa dilakukan oleh seorang ahli. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan tingkat kecocokan tanaman jati di suatu daerah dengan menggunakan metode forward chaining. Langkah membangun sistem pakar menggunakan metode forward chaining yaitu dengan cara mengakuisisi pengetahuan dari pakar kemudian merepresentasikan pengetahuan tersebut ke dalam sebuah sistem. Sistem pakar dengan metode forward chaining dapat menentukan tingkat kecocokan tanaman jati, sebagai contoh di Kecamatan Pekuncen Kabupaten banyumas dengan memasukkan kriteria-kriteria lahan yang ada untuk mendapatkan kesimpulan atau tingkat kecocokan tanaman jati

    Uji Toksisitas Isolat Kristal Protein Bacillus Thuringensis (Bt) Sebagai Agen Pengendali Hama Terpadu Wereng Hijau (Nepotettix Virescens ) Vektor Penyakit Tungro Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Ketahanan Pangan Nasional

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    Bakteri Bacillus thuringensis adalah salah satu jenis mikroba yang telah dikembangkan sebagai salah satu bioinsektisida karena bersifat pathogen terhadap serangga. Sifat dari Kristal protein bakteri Bacillus thuringensis bersifat spesisfik terhadap serangga sehingga sangat efektif dan tidak membahayakan organisme non target. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bioinsektisida dari isolate Bacillus thuringensis yang memiliki konsentrasi tepat untuk mengendalikan serangan hama wereng hijau sebagai agen virus tungro pada tanaman padi. Tahapan penelitian yang dilakukan meliputi isolasi, pemurnian isolat, pemurnian Kristal protein intaseluler dan aplikasi melalui LD50. Pada penelitian ini digunakan konsentrasi 0,01 ppm, 0,05 ppm, 0,07 ppm, dan 0,1 ppm. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh hasil konsentrasi LD50 adalah 0,07 ppm

    Problem Based Learning to Improve HOTS of High School Students

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    This research aimed to improve the high-order thinking ability of students by applying PBL model in Environment Pollution of 10th MIA 3 graders of SMA Negeri 2 Sukoharjo. This study was a classroom action research followed the Kemmis and Mc. Taggart's, and conducted in two cycles, from April to May 2016. Each cycle consisted of 4 stages: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The participants were 31 students (18 female and 13 male students) of 10th MIA 3 graders of SMA Negeri 2 Sukoharjo. Data was obtained using essay test on the high-order thinking ability, interview, observation sheet on the implementation of PBL syntax, observation sheet on affective and psychomotor aspects of students. Essay test of high-order thinking ability includes: analyzing (C4), evaluating (C5), and creating (C6) based on Bloom's revised taxonomy. Data analysis was descriptively. The target of research was the improvement of students' high-order thinking ability in every aspect more than 23% from based line to the end of research cycle. The result shows that the PBL model in environment pollution material is able to improve the high-order thinking ability of students by ≥23% from based line to the end of research cycle. The increase of percentage gain in each aspect of high-order thinking ability from pre-cycle to cycle II was as follows: 1) the analyzing aspect increased by 25.16%, 2) the evaluating aspect increased by 26.66%, and 3) the creating aspect increased by 23.95%

    Kajian Pengaruh Tingkat Pendidikan Terhadap Perilaku Masyarakat Dalam Pengelolaan Lahan Rawan Longsorlahan Di Kecamatan Pekuncen Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Perilaku masyarakat dalam pengelolaan lahan bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pemanfaata lahan seoptimal mungkin.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji pengaruh tingkat pendidikan terhadap perilaku masyarakat dalam pengelolaan lahan rawan longsorlahan di Kecamatan Pekuncen Kabupaten Banyumas.Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dengan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alat untuk pengumpul data.Data yang dikumpulkan terdiri atas tingkat pendidikan terhadap perilaku masyarakat dalam pengelolaan lahan rawan longsorlahan. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan stratified random sampling.Kelas kerawanan longsorlahan sebagai stratanya, pada tiap strata diambil 40 KK sebagai responden.Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik dengan uji regresi.Daerah penelitian terbagi atas tiga kelas kerawanan longsorlahan yaitu kelas rendah, sedang, dan tinggi. Tingkat pendidikan berpengaruh positif terhadap perilaku masyarakat dalam pengelolaan lahan pada masing-masing kelas kerawanan longsorlahan. Pengaruh tingkat pendidikan terbesar (koefisien determinasi sebesar (R²) = 44,5 %) terdapat pada kelas kerawanan sedang. Kata-kata kunci: perilaku masyarakat, tingkat pendidikan, kerawanan longsorlaha

    Bahan Organik Tanah di Lahan Marjinal dan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhinya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar Bahan Organik Tanah di lahan marjinal dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Tujuan ini dimaksudkan agar USAha pertanian secara berkelanjutan dapat dilaksanakan tanpa merusak lingkungan. Tujuan jangka panjang dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengupayakan lahan marjinal yang miskin hara menjadi lahan yang berdaya guna sehingga bisa memberikan kontribusi daya dukung tanah. Lokasi penelitian di kabupaten karanganyar dengan lima penggunaan lahan yaitu: agroforestri kompleks, agroforestri sederhana, monokultur jati, polikultur jati-akasia dan tanaman semusim kacang tanah. Pengambilan data dengan observasi lapang dan laboratorium. Analisis kadar bahan organik dilakukan di laboratorium dengan metode spektrofotometer. Untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar bahan organik tanah diberbagai lahan menggunakan analysis of variance (ANOVA) dengan taraf kepercayaan 95 %. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan banyaknya kadar bahan organik tanah pada berbagai penggunaan lahan (sig < 0.05). Lahan yang paling banyak mengandung bahan organik tanah adalah lahan tanaman semusim kacangtanah karena pemberian penggunaan pupuk lebih efektif daripada lahan yang lain. Faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap bahan organik tanah pada berbagai lahan berturut-turut adalah pemupukan, iklim mikro, dan tipe lahan

    Supplementation of Red Betel Leaf (Piper Crocatum) in Dairy Cattle Feed on Fermentation Characteristics by in Vitro

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    The aim of this study was to assess the impact and efficiency of red betel leaf\u27s extract supplementation in the diet of dairy cattle on fermentation characteristics by in vitro. The research method was experiment by using completely randomized design. The treatments that were tested were R1: basal feed, R2: R1 + 15 ppm of red betel leaf (Piper crocatum) extract, R3: R1 + 30 ppm of red betel leaf (Piper crocatum) extract, R4: R1 + 45 ppm of red betel leaf (Piper crocatum) extract, R5: R1 + 60 ppm of red betel leaf (Piper crocatum) extract. The parameters measured in this study were (1)Dry MatterDigestibility (DMD),(2)Organic Matter Digestibility (OMD) (3) total gas production (4) methane production (CH4) and (5) total Volatille Fatty Acid (VFA). The data were analyzed using analysis of variance followed Orthogonal Polynomial Test.The results showed that the suplementation red batel extract in the diet of dairy cow was significant (P < 0.01) on DMD, OMD, total gas production, methane production (CH4) and total VFA.Orthogonal Polynomial test showed the effect of treatment on Dry MatterDigestibility (DMD), total gas and CH4 gas production were in the form of cubic curve, as well as Organic Matter Digestibility (OMD) and Volatille Fatty Acid (VFA) in the form of quadrate curvewith supplementation of red betel leaf


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    The purpose of this research is to describe theequivalence of local knowledge and scientific knowledgeor western knowledge in terms of medicinal plantusage for traditional medicine (TM) or ethnomedicineand modern herbal medicine or jamu (MM), and therecognition of both. This descriptive-comparative researchwas accomplished using the case study method.The research used participant observation and semistructuredinterview techniques to collect data andinformation from traditional healers, communityleaders, and villagers. The research results show thaton the one hand, local people particularly traditionalhealers (dukun) have developed knowledge of medicinalplants and TM compounds. This knowledgehas been based on the existence of illnesses in thecommunity and availability of medicinal plants in theirenvironment. On the other hand, rural communityhas known, acknowledged, and consumed MM as acomplement to TM produced by traditional healers(dukun). Comparison of medicinal plants used for TMand MM is not appropriate to prove the equivalenceof local knowledge and scientific knowledge, becausedifferent plant species mayhave the same efficacy. Onthe other hand, different local communities may usedifferent plants with similar efficacy for TM. Likewise,different MM industries may use different plants forMM to have the same efficacy.Key words: Local knowledge, ethnomedicine, medicinalplants, NTFPs, East Kalimantan Indonesi
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