63 research outputs found

    Uji Inokulasi Fusarium SP Untuk Produksi Gaharu Pada Budidaya a. Beccariana

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    Gaharu (Agarwood) is one of the most valuable of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) commodities in Indonesia that has an important role in economic and income for the community surrounding forest. However, the intensive exploitation and uncontrolled harvest capacity has brought those two potential species tends to decrease, and therefore gaharu is listed in the list of the CITES' Appendix II. One of the solutions to deal with those cases researchers have been developing gaharu plantation as well technique to produce gaharu products through inoculation. Theaim of this study was to find the effectiveness of four different Fusarium sp from different locations in Indonesia (Parung/F1, Banjarmasin/F2, Jambi/F3 and Gorontalo/F4) in order to produce gaharu. These Fusarium were inoculated to 10 year's old of A. Beccariana at Penajam, East Kalimantan. The result show that inoculant from Gorontalo (F4) gave the best result and the highest potential to the production of gaharu compare to other Fusarium sp

    Efek Konsentrasi Hormon Giberelin (Ga3) Dan Lama Perendaman Pada Berbagai Pembelahan Terhadap Perkecambahan Benih Manggis (Garcinia Mangostana L)

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    Purpose of this study is to determine the best number of seeds cuttings, gibberellin concentration and immersion time for the germination of mangosteen seeds. This research conducted at Laboratory of Seed Technology Faculty Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan from December to March 2016. Experimental design used a factorial randomized block design with three factors, seed cutting, gibberellin concentrations and immersion time. Parameters measured were membrane leakage (μmhos), normal seedling (%), abnormal seedling (%), died seeds (%), germination rate (days), vigor Index (%). The results show that intact mangosteen seeds or without cutting, application of gibberellin at a concentration of 75 ppm and 24 hours time immersion are the best treatments to mangosteen seed germination

    Analisis Pendapatan USAhatani pada Kopi Tradisional dan Kopi Sambung di Desa Lubuk Kembang, Kec. Curup Utara, Kab. Rejang Lebong

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    This research was conducted in the Desa Lubuk kembang, Kec. Curup Utara, Kab. Rejang Lebong, Prov. Bengkulu. The purpose of this study are: 1) to calculate revenue on the traditional coffee farming and grafting coffee farming and 2) to determine the condition of efficiency in traditional coffee farming and grafting coffee farming and their difference. The amount of 68 farmers of coffee were chosen by using the accidental sampling method. The respondents of farmers\u27 group consist of 34 farmers. Data analysis used descriptive analysis. The results of this research showed that the average income of traditional coffee farming is Rp. 7,369,461,00/hectar/year, while the average farm income of grafting coffee farming of Rp. 18,792,149/hectar/ year. The average value of R/C ratio in traditional coffee farming was 3.37, while in grafting coffee farming was 3.85. These indicataed that coffe farming, both on traditional coffee farming and grafting coffee farming, were eficient

    Analisis Kualitas Air Gambut dan Keluhan Kesehatan pada Masyarakat di Dusun Pulo Gombut Desa Suka Rame Baru Kecamatan Kuala Hulu Kabupaten Labuhan Batu Utara Tahun 2012

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    Nalysis of peat water quality and health complaint at community on Pulo Gombut Orchard Suka Rame Baru Village Kuala Hulu Subdistrict Labuhan Batu Utara Regency in 2012. Peat water was one of water source which used by Dusun Pulo Gombut Desa Suka Rame Baru Kecamatan Kuala Hulu Kabupaten Labuhan Batu people. In order to assure water quality which used by people is safety therefore need a water quality control. The purpose of this study is to analyze peat water quality for physic quality, biological quality, chemical quality and health complain which sequenced by peat water used. The method used was descriptive with 136 population. Sampling based on random sampling thus got 58 sample. Water sampling points taken at the upstream, midstream and downstream with depth 1,5 m. The result are obtained that physic quality of peat water each in the upstream, midstream and downstream, smell parameter (not smell), TDS (35 - 36 mg/L), temperature (27,7 - 27,90C) and taste (not taste) completed I class standard, but colour parameter (419 - 430 Pt.Co), turbidity (37 - 236 NTU) uncompleted I class standard. Chemical quality, Cd parameter (0,00429 - 0,00476 mg/L) and sulfate (17 - 21 mg/L) completed I class standard, but pH parameter (4,5 - 4,8), Fe (0,89662 - 0,93007 mg/L), Mn (0,17630 - 0,19402 mg/L) and BOD (15,73 - 16,27 mg/L) uncompleted I class standard. Biological parameter, total coliform parameter (79/100 - 130/100 ml) completed I class standard. Health complaints are suffered people, itching (72,4%), diarrhea (19,0%) and scaly skin (8,6%). So suggested to make water filter, use plengsengan latrines, cook water maturely and take a bath by using soap

    Tampilan Lemak Dan Solid Non Fat Pada Susu Sapi Perah Akibat Asupan Neutral Detergent Fiber Yang Berbeda (the Display of Fats and Solid Non Fat of Dairy Cows Aaffected by Neutral Detergent Fiber Intake of Different Rations)

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    This study was aimed to assess the optimal ration of Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF) content to improve the performance of milk fat and Solid Non Fat (SNF) milk of dairy cows. This research was conducted at the Regional Operational Unit Mulyorejo, Livestock Breeding Barukan village, Tengaran Sub District of Semarang Regency and Banyu Aji Cooperative, Sub District of Getasan, Semarang Regency from June 29 to July 31, 2014. Animal used as experimental materials were 12 Friesien Holstein dairy cows in second and third months of lactation with estimated body weight averaged at 408.5 ± 30.86 kg (Coefisien Variance (CV) = 10.68%) and milk production averaged of 9.3 ± 1.01 liters (CV = 14.33%). The experimental design used in this study was a completely randomized design for three treatments, i.e. T0 (NDF content of 61%), T1 (NDF content of 63%), and T2 (NDF content of 64%). The results showed that milk fat T1 (3.28%) affected with T0 (3.51%), but not affected (P>0.05) with T2 (3.45%). SNF content of T0 (7.31%) affected (P<0.05) less than T1 (7.83%) and T2 (7.75%). This study concluded that increasing NDF content to 63% in feed can improve SNF and milk fat content

    Hyperhomocysteinemia : an Independent Risk Factor for Acute Ischemic Stroke in Immanuel Hospital Bandung

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    Stroke merupakan suatu penyakit dengan morbiditas dan mortalitas yang tinggi, baik di Indonesia maupun negara-negara lain. Hiperhomosisteinemia merupakan salah satu faktor risiko penyakit pembuluh darah, antara lain stroke iskemik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi apakah hiperhomosisteinemia merupakan suatu faktor risiko independen pada kejadian stroke iskemik di Rumah Sakit Immnuel Bandung.Pada penelitian yang bersifat observasional deskriptif ini, dicari data berbagai faktor risiko penderita stroke iskemik akuta (SIA). Data diperoleh dari rekam medik RS Immanuel periode Juli 2003 sampai dengan Agustus 2004. Kemudian data dianalisis secara statistik untuk mencari nilai rerata, standar deviasi, dan proporsi dari setiap faktor risiko yang menimbulkan SIA pada selang kepercayaan 95%.Dari 37 orang penderita SIA ( 23 pria, 14 wanita, usia rata-rata 58,35 tahun ) yang memenuhi kriteria penelitian, didapatkan hasil kadar plasma homosistein total (tHcy) 12,08μmol/L , SD 6,57μmol/L , proporsi 43,2% (95%CI:27,2-59,2). Sedangkan kadar plasma kolesterol total, trigliserida, LDL kolesterol, HDL kolesterol berturut turut adalah 188 mg/dl , SD 33,3 mg/dl , proporsi 35,1% (95%CI:16,1-36,9) ; 141 mg/dl , SD 45,1 mg/dl , proporsi 24,1% (95%CI:10,2-26,1) ; 120,5 mg/dl , SD 30,1 mg/dl , proporsi 37,8% (95%CI:18,2-39,5) ; 43,7 mg/dl , SD 10,4 mg/dl , proporsi 27,1% (95%CI:11,8-40,8). Faktor risiko lain seperti hipertensi, diabetes mellitus, dan merokok merupakan kriteria eksklusi. Dari 37 orang sehat yang menjadi kontrol (serupa dalam usia dan gender) didapatkan hasil kadar tHcy 8.48μmol/L, SD 2.48μmol/L, proporsi 10.8% (95%CI : 2.78-13.2), p<0.005. Odds rasio hiperhomosisteinemia sebagai faktor risiko SIA adalah 6.28.Dapat disimpulkan bahwa hiperhomosisteinemia nampaknya merupakan suatu faktor risiko independen terhadap penderita stroke iskemik akuta di Rumah Sakit Immanuel Bandung

    Kendali Kecepatan Motor DC dengan Metode Pulse Width Modulation Menggunakan N-channel Mosfet

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    The DC motor is one component of robot, the main function of a DC motor is as a driver, whether it's a legged robot or not, as used in a mobile robot. DC motor control is necessary to be one thing that must be considered, because if the motor does not run properly, it will renew the purpose of the motor when it is created. The ability to control a DC motor is needed when building a robot. Many things can affect a person's ability to design DC motor controller, one of which is the development of science, especially computer science, the use of algorithms to achieve the effectiveness of DC motor movements is very necessary today, so that the robot can move well and according to what is desired. The algorithm requires some information from the system that is built either as input or output so that the algorithm can perform the control process properly. in this study the motor speed controller circuit has been designed using transistor IR630 (n-channel mosfet), in this study the motor speed controller circuit has been designed using transistor IR630 (n-channel mosfet), the potentiometer is used as an analog input on the microcontroller and then converted to a PWM signal which will be used as input to the controller circuit to drive a DC motor. In the tests that have been carried out, the results obtained that the motor can be controlled properly, the use of resistors with a certain amount (220 ohms) can increase the resulting motor rotation and at what voltage the motor starts to spin at a voltage of 0.436 volts, and continues to increase and the maximum voltage recorded at 6.40 Volts

    Pelatihan Status Gizi pada Atlet Sepak Bola SSB Elang Muda Sigi

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    Pelatihan ini mencakup gambaran umum kebugaran jasmani, aspek-aspek kebugaran jasmani, bentuk tes Status Gizi, bentuk program Status Gizi dan pemahaman terhadap Status Gizi. Dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini, mitra menghadapi permasalahan seperti rendahnya pemahaman masyarakat tentang bentuk Status Gizi dan Status Gizi itu sendiri. Target dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan Status Gizi pada atlet sepak bola SSB Elang Muda dan meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat tentang Status Gizi. Luaran yang diharapkan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah peningkatan penerapan IPTEK di masyarakat, perbaikan tata nilai masyarakat, dan artikel. Metode yang digunakan untuk mendukung tercapainya solusi dan target yang ingin dicapai adalah sosialisasi dan pelatihan terhadap mitra pengabdian agar dapat membimbing masyarakat dan atlet dalam menerapkan konsep yang telah diberikan dan pada akhirnya bisa meningkatkan Status Gizi. Setelah melakukan evaluasi secara menyeluruh, dalam kegiatan ini dimendapati bahwa pelatihan ini sangat berguna dan efektif bagi para atlet. Pelatihan ini memberikan pengaruh positif yang kami lihat dari hasil observasi yang teliti dan wawancara yang mendalam yang kami lakukan
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