123 research outputs found


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    In real world, a large set of mixed signals are available from which each source signal need to be recovered and this problem can be addressed with adaptive dictionary method. In the case of multichannel observations sparsity found to be very useful for source separation. The problem exist is that in most cases the sources are not sparsified in their domain and it will become necessary to sparsify the source by using some known dictionaries. In order to recover the sources successfully a prior knowledge of the sparse domain is required, if not available this problem can be solved by using dictionary learning technique into source separation. The proposed method, a local dictionary is adaptively learned for each source separately along with separation. This approach improves the quality of source separation both in noiseless and different noisy situations. The advantage of this method is that it denoise the sources during separation

    Separation of MECG and FECG using CCA-EMD Process

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    Under-determined blind source separation aims to separate N non-stationary sources from M (

    Turtle conservation activities in Tambaldeg village, Sindhudurg district, Maharashtra

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    Tambaldeg village in Devgad taluka is a famous tourist place in the Sindhudurg district. During a field visit to Tambaldeg beach on 24th April 2017, six carcasses of adult olive ridley turtle Lepidochelys olivacea and one of green turtle Chelonia mydas were observed in decomposed state. This beach is a turtle nesting site and the Forest department of Maharashtra with the support of local fishers is undertaking awareness programs for turtle conservation including hoardings displayed on conservation of turtles along the beach. Protection of nesting turtles and eggs is also undertaken by the local communities

    Experimental Investigation for Detecting Mitotic Cells in Medical Image using an Automated Algorithm

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    Cancer of the breast is a malignant tumour that originates in the cells of the breast tissue. It is by far the most common kind of cancer found in females around the world, with a projected 2.3 million new cases will be discovered in the year 2020 alone. It is projected that one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their life, despite the fact that breast cancer can also occur in men. Breast cancer is a complex condition that can arise from a diverse set of factors, express itself in a variety of ways, and can be treated in a variety of ways. Ductal carcinoma in situ, invasive ductal carcinoma, and invasive lobular carcinoma are all different subtypes. Both the available treatment options and the expected outcome of breast cancer are very variable depending on the particular subtype of the illness. Breast cancer risk factors include drinking alcohol and not getting enough exercise, as well as getting older, having a family history of the disease, having genetic mutations, being exposed to estrogens, and having a family history of the disease. There is not always a connection between having risk factors and developing breast cancer, despite the fact that there can be a link between the two. The prognosis and treatment options for breast cancer are highly dependent on the stage of the disease at the time of diagnosis. During staging, the extent to which the cancer has spread throughout the body and how far it has progressed are both measured. The TNM system, the IAFCM system, the ACM system, and the MPIG system are just few of the staging systems that are used to classify breast cancer. These staging systems consider not only the size of the tumor but also whether or not lymph nodes are involved and whether or not distant metastases are present. The severity of breast cancer symptoms can vary widely, depending not only on the subtype of the disease but also on how far along it has progressed. Alterations in the size or shape of the breast, discharge from the nipple, and alterations in the skin of the breast (such as redness or dimpling) are all common indications. On the other hand, not all cases of breast cancer present themselves in a visible manner, and mammography and other forms of routine screening may be able to detect some of these cases. Options for treating breast cancer vary depending on the patient's condition and the stage of the disease, as well as the patient's overall health and their preferences towards therapy. Common examples of medical interventions include surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and targeted therapy. Other examples include. In certain cases, it may be appropriate to participate in more than one form of treatment

    Rapid multi sample DNA amplification using rotary-linear polymerase chain reaction device (PCRDisc)

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    Multiple sample DNA amplification was done by using a novel rotary-linear motion polymerase chain reaction (PCR) device. A simple compact disc was used to create the stationary sample chambers which are individually temperature controlled. The PCR was performed by shuttling the samples to different temperature zones by using a combined rotary-linear movement of the disc. The device was successfully used to amplify up to 12 samples in less than 30 min with a sample volume of 5 μl. A simple spring loaded heater mechanism was introduced to enable good thermal contact between the samples and the heaters. Each of the heater temperatures are controlled by using a simple proportional–integral–derivative pulse width modulation control system. The results show a good improvement in the amplification rate and duration of the samples. The reagent volume used was reduced to nearly 25% of that used in conventional method

    Sea turtle nesting grounds identification and its conservation status of Southern Tamil Nadu

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    581-589Five non reported new nesting grounds of Olive ridley turtles were recognized by beach surveying along the coast of southern Tamil Nadu covering 201.75 km. The survey indicates that the study areas have apposite beaches for turtle nesting however; the nesting incidences were declined due to predation and habitat alterations. The observed nest site temperature; perpendicular distance from high tide line; egg diameter and weight at Kanyakumari was well suited than the other study sites. The conservation awareness among stakeholders was found to be 41.7 % and mass awareness program has been created through 16 field visits to various fish landing centers and folders and booklets were distributed to 150 stakeholders. Similarly, 650 students belonging to eight schools were enlightened about the importance of sea turtles and their conservation awareness through audio visual aids. From the study it could be concluded that the turtle nesting grounds are found along the southern coast of Tamil Nadu and conservation initiatives need to be strengthened to protect them

    Vibrio splendidus biovar II as the causative agent of bacillary necrosis of Japanese oyster Crassostrea gigas.

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    Recurrent outbreaks of a disease leading to mass mortalities in an oyster (Crassostrea gigas) hatchery located in western Japan were investigated. The disease occurred regularly in 2- to 8-d-old larvae and has been experimentally controlled in the hatchery by treating the larval rearing water with streptomycin, without ascertaining the etiological agent. The signs of the disease and the course of infection resembled bacillary necrosis reported in oysters and other bivalve molluscs in the USA and Europe. Quantitative and qualitative examinations of the bacterial flora of hatchery samples including source water, broodstock, larval feed and larvae revealed a very high total bacterial load and presumptive vibrios in diseased larvae. Further, the bacterial profile revealed that Vibrio spp. constituted approximately 60 to 95% of the bacteria isolated from infected larvae and most isolates were identified as V. splendidus biovar II and V. harveyi, suggesting their possible role in the disease. However, experimental challenges proved the pathogenicity of V. splendidus II. Several isolates of V. splendidus II from infected larvae were highly pathogenic, producing 100% mortality at levels of 105 cfu ml-1 in 24 h, while isolates from other sources demonstrated a low degree of virulence. Detection of V. splendidus II from broodstock, especially in the gonad of a few breeders, suggests the probability that broodstock could be the source and route of transmission of this pathogen

    Challenges in machine learning based approaches for real-time anomaly detection in industrial control systems

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    Data-centric approaches are becoming increasingly common in the creation of defense mechanisms for critical infrastructure such as the electric power grid and water treatment plants. Such approaches often use well-known methods from machine learning and system identification, i.e., the Multi-Layer Perceptron, Convolutional Neural Network, and Deep Auto Encoders to create process anomaly detectors. Such detectors are then evaluated using data generated from an operational plant or a simulator; rarely is the assessment conducted in real time on a live plant. Regardless of the method to create an anomaly detector, and the data used for performance evaluation, there remain significant challenges that ought to be overcome before such detectors can be deployed with confidence in city-scale plants or large electric power grids. This position paper enumerates such challenges that the authors have faced when creating data-centric anomaly detectors and using them in a live plant

    Calculation of the efficacy of vaccines against tick infestations on cattle

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    Articles in International JournalsCattle ticks are responsible for great economic losses in cattle farming worldwide, and their main control method, chemicals, has been showing problems, whether resulting from the development of resistant strains of ticks or environmental contamination. Research studies directed toward developing vaccines against ticks are emerging. One way to evaluate those vaccines is to calculate the percentage of efficacy. The aim of this study was to analyze scientific publications archived in PubMed that used this method of assessment and discuss the main factors that may affect its calculation. Thus, 25 articles addressing this subject were selected. The percentage of efficacy was usually calculated in one of two ways, with one considering the reduced fertility of eggs and the other not. The latter method may underestimate the vaccine efficacy, and the most complete formula for calculating the efficacy reflects how much the vaccine actually affects the infestation. In our view, the use of the complete formula for calculating the percentage of efficacy is broader and more representative of the vaccine effect on the tick population.RESUMO - Carrapatos de bovinos são responsáveis por grandes perdas econômicas para a pecuária bovina mundial e seu principal método de controle, o químico, vem apresentando problemas, seja pelo desenvolvimento de amostras de carrapatos resistentes ou pela contaminação ambiental. Na tentativa de diminuir a utilização dos acaricidas, surgem pesquisas direcionadas ao desenvolvimento de vacinas contra carrapatos. Uma maneira de avaliar essas vacinas é pelo cálculo de percentagem de eficácia. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar as publicações científicas indexadas no PubMed que utilizaram este método de avaliação e discutir os principais fatores que podem interferir no seu cálculo. Dessa maneira, selecionaram-se 25 artigos que tratavam desse assunto. A percentagem de eficácia apareceu sendo calculada de duas formas, uma considerando a redução da fertilidade dos ovos e a outra não. Essa última pode subestimar a eficiência da vacina, e a fórmula de cálculo da eficácia mais completa representa o quanto da infestação a vacina realmente reduziu. Em nosso entendimento, a utilização da fórmula completa para o cálculo da percentagem de eficácia é mais abrangente e representativa do efeito da vacina na população de carrapatos