412 research outputs found

    Analysis of Radar Doppler Signature from Human Data

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    This paper presents the results of time (autocorrelation) and time-frequency (spectrogram) analyses of radar signals returned from the moving human targets. When a radar signal falls on the human target which is moving toward or away from the radar, the signals reflected from different parts of his body produce a Doppler shift that is proportional to the velocity of those parts. Moving parts of the body causes the characteristic Doppler signature. The main contribution comes from the torso which causes the central Doppler frequency of target. The motion of arms and legs induces modulation on the returned radar signal and generates sidebands around the central Doppler frequency, referred to as micro-Doppler signatures. Through analyses on experimental data it was demonstrated that the human motion signature extraction is better using spectrogram. While the central Doppler frequency can be determined using the autocorrelation and the spectrogram, the extraction of the fundamental cadence frequency using the autocorrelation is unreliable when the target is in the clutter presence. It was shown that the fundamental cadence frequency increases with increasing dynamic movement of people and simultaneously the possibility of its extraction is proportional to the degree of synchronization movements of persons in the group

    An application of a hybrid intelligent system for diagnosing primary headaches

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    [Abstract] (1) Background: Modern medicine generates a great deal of information that stored in medical databases. Simultaneously, extracting useful knowledge and making scientific decisions for diagnosis and treatment of diseases becomes increasingly necessary. Headache disorders are the most prevalent of all the neurological conditions. Headaches have not only medical but also great socioeconomic significance. The aim of this research is to develop an intelligent system for diagnosing primary headache disorders. (2) Methods: This research applied various mathematical, statistical and artificial intelligence techniques, among which the most important are: Calinski-Harabasz index, Analytical Hierarchy Process, and Weighted Fuzzy C-means Clustering Algorithm. These methods, techniques and methodologies are used to create a hybrid intelligent system for diagnosing primary headache disorders. The proposed intelligent diagnostic system is tested with original real-world data set with different metrics. (3) Results: First at all, nine of 20 attributes ā€“ features from International Headache Society (IHS) criteria are selected, and then only five most important attributes from IHS criteria are selected. The calculation result based on the Calinskiā€“Harabasz index value (178) for the optimal number of clusters is three, and they present three classes of headaches: (i) migraine, (ii) tension-type headaches (TTHs), and (iii) other primary headaches (OPHs). The proposed hybrid intelligent system shows the following quality metrics: Accuracy 75%; Precision 67% for migraine, 74% for TTHs, 86% for OPHs, and Average Precision 77%; Recall 86% for migraine, 73% for TTHs, 67% for OPHs, Average Recall 75%; F1 score 75% for migraine, 74% for TTHs, 75% for OPHs, and Average F1 score 75%. (4) Conclusions: The hybrid intelligent system presents qualitative and respectable experimental results. The implementation of existing diagnostics systems and the development of new diagnostics systems in medicine is necessary in order to help physicians make quality diagnosis and decide the best treatments for the patients.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĆ³n; MINECO-TIN2017-84804-RGobierno del Principado de Asturias; FCGRUPIN-IDI/2018/000226Serbia. Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development; 451-03-68/2020-14/20015


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    In 2006, the Commission for drafting the Civil Code of the Republic of Serbia was established. The first book of the Civil Code was completed and made available to the public in 2007. To the present, not much progress has been made in the effort to adopt and enter into force the Civil Code, with primaly work being done developong amendments to the working versions. The working versions of the code envisage the regulation of a new and specific agreement, the franchise agreement. Listening to the needs of the market, as well as the need to introduce this type of business into legal frameworks, the editors of the Civil Code (now the Draft Civil Code ā€“ DCC) for the first time legally standardise a franchise agreement.  It should be noted that legal standardisation of franchising agreements has significant advantages in terms of legal transactions and contracting parties.  However, although there is are strong intentions, it should be noted that there are some shortcomings in the legal standardisation of the franchising agreement in the Serbian document. Shortcomings are observed in the standardisation of the franchising agreement, especially in circumstances where the franchising agreement is unknown to much of the legal theory, business and case law of the Republic of Serbia. This creates the feeling that this business was approached in a superficial manner without a deeper analytical approach, looking at solutions provided in the legal acts and case law of countries with developed franchising business.  The shortcomings of the DCC of the Republic of Serbia are in the part related to legal standardisation of franchising agreements that could be brought to the attention of: a) the concept of contracting parties; b) the subject matter of the agreement; c) specific obligations (e.g. obligation of the franchisee to apply the business concept of franchise network in an independent business); d) use of legal implants without explaining their content (e.g. goodwill), etc.  The author will point out the shortcomings of legal standardisation of the franchise agreement in the DCC and the possible solutions.  Keywords: Draft Civil Code of Serbia, franchising, franchisor, franchisee, franchising agreement, regulation, registration, sub-franchising, transferred rights, pre-contractual disclosure, goodwil

    Mehanizmi reparacije kod ozračenih stanica

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    Many aspects of bacterial mutations which lead to enhanced sensitivity to UV and X radiations have been studied. Radiosensitivity appears to result from a loss of the capacity to repair damaged DNA. The genetic map of these mutations in the chromosome of E. coli is shown. Sofar the best known DNA repair mechanisms are by excision repair (excision of pyrimidine dimers controlled by nonlinked uvr genes) and by recombination repair (elimination of similar damage as a result of genetic recombination between undamaged regions of the DNA). The understanding of the lethal and mutagenic effects of radiation on cells rests on the quantitative and qualitative identification of the various lesions in the DNA. Exposure to UV irradiation causes the production of many different types of photoproducts, but pyrimidine dimers appear to be the most important damage causing biological inactivation. The study of biochemical defects of UV sensitive mutants has allowed a partial understanding of the repair mechanisms. Generally, they consist in removing the UV induced-pyrimidine dimers by cellular enzyme systems (monomerization through photoreactivation, excision or recombination by the action of endo and exonucleases, polymerases and polynucleotides ligases). The X-ray induced lesions arc very heterogenous and not yet as well defined and the mechanisms of recovery are far less understood than in the case of U. V.Mnogi aspekti mutacija koje vode povećanoj osjetljivosti na UV i X zračenje izučavani su u Escherichia coli i u velikom broju slučajeva povećanje osjetljivosti je smatrano kao gubitak kapaciteta za reparaciju DNK. Predstavljena je genetska karta ovih mutacija na kromosomu E. coli. Da bi se shvatio mehanizam bioloÅ”kog učinka zračenja na živu stanicu, neophodno je dovesti u vezu kvalitativno i kvantitativno oÅ”tećenje DNK. Nakon zračenja UV, u zavisnosti od eksperimetalnih uvjeta i fizikalnog stanja DNK, otkriveni su različiti tipovi fotoprodukata. Dokazano je da je među ovim lezijama fotoprodukt pirimidinski dimer značajan u bioloÅ”koj inaktivaciji. Mehanizmi reparacije u stanicama koje sadrže enzime potrebne za ovaj proces, dovode do uklanjanja ovog fotoprodukta (Ā»brisanjeĀ«) pa uslijed toga i do povećanog preživljavanja. Za razliku od oÅ”tećenja induciranih zračenjem UV, oÅ”tećenja inducirana jonizirajućim zračenjem su ne samo veoma heterogena već i velikim dijelom neidentificirana. Sudeći po mnogim rezultatima moglo bi se reći da letalno oÅ”tećenje nastaje zbog diskontinuiteta genoma prouzrokovanog jonizujućim zračenjem. Iznijeti su također radovi koji izučavaju biokemijske defekte mutanata koji su osjetljivi na UV zračenje, Å”to dovodi do djelomičnog shvatanja mehanizma reparacije DNK. Ovaj mehanizam uključuje fotorestauraciju ("brisanje" lezije dimer pirimidina, monomerizacijom dimer pirimidina) i restauraciju (rekonstrukcija oÅ”tećenih regiona DNK uslijed procesa isijecanja (ekscizije) dimer pirimidina i reparativne sinteze DNK. Reparacija nakon X zračenja samo je djelomično shvaćena i odnosi se na uspostavljanje kontinuiteta DNK u jednom od lanaca dvolančane DNK. Postoje indikacije da restauracija pomoću isijecanja sinteze DNK (replikacije) i rekombinacije može biti uvjetovana enzimskim kompleksima. Letalne radiolezije razmatrane su u svjetlosti mehanizma reparacije

    Intermetallics ā€“ advanced cathode materials in the electrolytic production of hydrogen

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    The intermetallics, Tiā€“Pt, Nb-Pd (80%Nb), Pd-Ta, Nb-Pd (65% Nb), Zr-Pt, Hf2Fe and PtMo3, of transition metals have been investigated as cathode materials for the electrolytic hydrogen evolution in an attempt to increase the electrolytic process efficiency. These materials were compared with conventional cathode, Ni. An significant upgrade of the electrolytic efficiency using intermetallics was achived. The effects of those cathode materials on the process efficiency were discussed in the context of transition metal features that issue from their d-electronic configuration.Physical chemistry 2004 : 7th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 21-23 September 200

    Etika tranzicionog prava

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    Number of cattle in Serbia during two decades of the 21st century shows the tendency of decreasing. The main source for sustainable livestock production in Serbia are grasslands. Permanent grasslands occupy approximately 30% of agricultural land in Serbia, thereby playing an important role in forage production and ecosystem services. The majority of natural meadows and pastures are located in hilly-mountainous regions. The general characteristics of grasslands in the central Balkans are low production and insufficient quality. The yield of permanent grasslands in Serbia is influenced very strongly by climatic conditions, type of grassland and level of organic and mineral fertilization. On areas that are not managed by mowing and fertilizing, forbs make up over half of the plant production.This paper presents some recent experiences and results in livestock feed production obtained from permanent and sown meadows and pastures in Serbia. There is survey of permanent grassland botanical composition and productivity with special emphasis on importance of preserving legume species. Also, recent trials assessed the benefits of mineral and organic fertilizers application in terms of forage production, testing whether the mineral or organic sources improves the stability of the grassland and evaluated response patterns over a large environmental gradient. Nutrient availability in permanent grasslands has a strong influence on plant species biodiversity, plant cover, and speciesā€™ dominance in the vegetation canopy. Dry matter yield is very low with high variation in crude protein content, which confirms that grasslands need to be maintained through fertilizer application, with special emphasis being given to the new role of manure enriched by zeolite.Ā The above-stated lead to poor production potential of these grasslands for livestock production, nonetheless offering sustainable means of soil and biodiversity protection in the area
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