59 research outputs found

    Применение моделирования при проектировании инструмента для прессования полых профилей из алюминиевых сплавов

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    In order to simulate the pressing of hollow profiles made from aluminum alloys, the previously developed design algorithms for the pressing tool and the QForm software were utilized. The objective of this study was to enhance the quality and decrease the design timeintervals for pressing tools used in the industrial production of aluminum alloy profiles. A novel design procedure for a combined tool, along with the technology of semi-continuous pressing with welded hollow profiles made from aluminum alloys, was proposed. This was achieved using the QForm software, which enables efficient calculations and adjustments of pressing parameters and tool geometry through a dialog interface. The developed algorithm and design procedures enable the drawing of hollow profiles, technological calculations of pressing parameters, selection of a suitable horizontal hydraulic press, matrix and splitter design, determination of strength parameters, assessment of equipment load, and preparation of working drawings for the pressing tool. In order to validate the effectiveness of the design procedure, it was applied to typical hollow profiles fabricated on a commercial scale. Two variations of the pressing tool design were examined. Simulation results obtained from QForm Extrusion software, specifically designed for pressing analysis, revealed that the initial design of the tool, with predetermined technological parameters and geometry of the splitter and matrix channels, resulted in uneven flow of profile elements and temperature distribution. However, by adjusting the tool parameters, it was possible to achieve a straight profile exit from the matrix and a uniform temperature distribution across its cross section. Industrial verification of the designed tool, utilizing a 33 MN hydraulic horizontal press for pressing profiles made from alloy 6063, demonstrated that significant modifications to the matrix and splitter were not necessary. By employing the proposed pressing tool design, batches of products were successfully manufactured in compliance with the required technical specifications, while reducing the design time intervals of the pressing tool by approximately 50 %.Для моделирования процесса прессования полых профилей из алюминиевых сплавов использованы разработанные ранее алгоритмы проектирования прессового инструмента и программный комплекс «QForm». Целью проведенных исследований являлось повышение качества и снижение сроков проектирования прессового инструмента для промышленных условий производства профилей из алюминиевых сплавов. Предложены новая методика проектирования комбинированного инструмента и технологии для полунепрерывного прессования со сваркой полых профилей из алюминиевых сплавов с помощью программного комплекса «QForm», который позволяет в диалоговом режиме оперативно проводить многовариантные расчеты с последующей, если необходимо, корректировкой технологических параметров прессования и геометрии инструмента. Созданы алгоритм и процедуры проектирования, которые дают возможность выполнить чертеж полого профиля, осуществить технологические расчеты параметров прессования и выбор горизонтального гидравлического пресса, спроектировать матрицу и рассекатель, провести прочностные расчеты, определить силовую загрузку оборудования и подготовить рабочие чертежи прессового инструмента. Для проверки работоспособности разработанной методики проектирования приведен пример ее реализации для одного из типовых полых профилей, изготавливаемого в промышленном производстве. Рассмотрено проектирование двух вариантов прессового инструмента. С помощью моделирования с использованием программы «QForm Extrusion», предназначенной для анализа процессов прессования, установлено, что первый вариант конструкции инструмента при заданных технологических параметрах и геометрии каналов рассекателя и матрицы приводит к неравномерности истечения различных элементов профиля и температур. В результате проведенной корректировки параметров инструмента удалось добиться прямолинейности выхода профиля из матрицы и равномерности распределения температур по его сечению. Промышленное опробование спроектированного инструмента на гидравлическом горизонтальном прессе с усилием 33 МН для прессования профиля из сплава 6063 показало, что существенной доработки матрицы и рассекателя не требуется. С применением предложенной конструкции прессового инструмента получены партии продукции, соответствующей требованиям действующих технических условий, при этом сроки проектирования прессового инструмента сокращены практически в 2 раза

    Study of strength properties of semi-finished products from economically alloyed high-strength aluminium-scandium alloys for application in automobile transport and shipbuilding

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    The results of a study on the strength of rolled products from aluminium alloys doped with scandium under various processing conditions of hot and cold rolling are presented. The regularities of metal flow and the level of strength of deformed semi-finished products from aluminum-scandium alloys are established, depending on the total degree of deformation and the various modes of single reduction during rolling. It is shown that when using one heating of a cast billet to obtain high-quality semi-finished products, the temperature during the rolling process should not be lower than 350-370°, and the total degree of deformation does not exceed 50-60%. It was found that the semi-finished products from alloys with a content of scandium in the range 0.11-0.12% in the deformed state had elevated values of ultimate tensile strength and yield strength of the metal, which allows them to be recommended for industrial production of sheet metal product


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    Изучена микроструктура опытных сплавов системы Al–Mg, экономно легированных скандием в литом, деформированном и отожженном состоянии. Установлено, что микроструктура всех образцов представляет собой твердый раствор на основе алюминия и частицы различных фаз, расположенных преимущественно по границам зерен, вытянутых в направлении деформации. Такая структура обеспечивает сравнительно высокие механические свойства листового проката, при этом с помощью отжига имеется возможность повышать его пластические характеристики.Given the microstructure of the experimental alloys of the system Al–Mg alloy with scandium economically as-cast, deformed and annealed condition. It is established that microstructure of all the samples after deformation contains intermetallic phase located mostly at the grain boundaries along the direction of deformation


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    Приведены результаты исследований прочностных и пластических свойств прокатанных полос из экспериментальных алюминиевых сплавов, содержащих различное количество скандия. Получены зависимости механических свойств новых сплавов от химического состава сплавов, степени деформации при горячей и холодной прокатке, температуры отжига. Установлено, что наиболее близкими к требуемым свойствами обладает сплав с содержанием скандия 0,14 %.Strength and plastic properties research results of rolled strips from experimental aluminium alloys that containing different amounts of scandium represented. Dependences of mechanical properties for new alloys from chemical composition of alloys, deformation degree during hot and cold rolling, temperature of annealing were obtained. Determined that closest to the required properties has alloy containing 0,14 % of scandium


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    The data of experimental studies on determining the mechanical properties of long-length deformed semifinished products in a form of bars and wire made of alloys of aluminum with rare-earth metals, which are fabricated using the combined treatment methods, are presented. The application of the combined technology of casting, rolling, and pressing makes it possible to increase the strength of hot-extruded rod by 15–20 % on average compared with combined rolling–extruding the cast billet formed in an electromagnetic crystallizer. It is also shown that a decrease in the REM content in the alloy leads to the strength reduction and an increase in plastic characteristics. Herewith, it is possible to control the level of physicomechanical characteristics of the final product varying the summary deformation ratio during drawing and applying annealing.Приведены данные экспериментальных исследований по определению механических свойств длинномерных деформируемых полуфабрикатов в виде прутков и проволоки из сплавов алюминия с редкоземельными металлами, полученных с использованием методов совмещенной обработки. Применение совмещенной технологии литья, прокатки и прессования дает возможность увеличить прочность горячепрессованных прутков в среднем на 15–20 % по сравнению с совмещенными процессами прокатки и прессования литой заготовки, полученной в электромагнитном кристаллизаторе. Показано также, что уменьшение содержания РЗМ в сплаве приводит к снижению прочностных и повышению пластических характеристик. При этом, варьируя величиной суммарной степени деформации при волочении и применяя отжиги, можноуправлять уровнем физико-механических характеристик конечной продукции

    Herschelobservations of the W3 GMC (II): clues to the formation of clusters of high-mass stars

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    The W3 giant molecular cloud is a prime target for investigating the formation of high-mass stars and clusters. This second study of W3 within the HOBYS Key Program provides a comparative analysis of subfields within W3 to further constrain the processes leading to the observed structures and stellar population. Probability density functions (PDFs) and cumulative mass distributions (CMDs) were created from dust column density maps, quantified as extinction AV. The shape of the PDF, typically represented with a lognormal function at low Av “breaking” to a power-law tail at high Av, is influenced by various processes including turbulence and selfgravity. The breaks can also be identified, often more readily, in the CMDs. The PDF break from lognormal (Av(SF)» 6–10 mag) appears to shift to higher Av by stellar feedback, so that high-mass star-forming regions tend to have higher PDF breaks. A second break at Av> 50 mag traces structures formed or influenced by a dynamic process. Because such a process has been suggested to drive high-mass star formation in W3, this second break might then identify regions with potential for hosting high-mass stars/clusters. Stellar feedback appears to be a major mechanism driving the local evolution and state of regions within W3. A high initial star formation efficiency in a dense medium could result in a self-enhancing process, leading to more compression and favorable star formation conditions (e.g., colliding flows), a richer stellar content, and massive stars. This scenario would be compatible with the “convergent constructive feedback” model introduced in our previous Herschel study

    Study of Bars and Wires Properties from Al-REM System Alloy

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    The article presents the results of studies on the production of wire with a diameter of 0,5 mm from aluminum alloy 01417 with a content of rare-earth metals (REM) in the amount of 7–9 % for aircraft construction needs. The deformation modes, the experimental technique and equipment for the implementation of the proposed technology are described.В статье представлены результаты исследований по получению проволоки диаметром 0,5 мм из алюминиевого сплава 01417 с содержанием редкоземельных металлов (РЗМ) в количестве 7–9 % для нужд авиастроения. Описаны режимы деформации, методика проведения экспериментов и оборудование для реализации предложенной технологии.Исследования выполнены при финансовой поддержке РФФИ, Правительства Красноярского края и ООО «Научно-производственный центр Магнитной гидродинамики» в рамках научного проекта № 18-48-242021 «Разработка фундаментальных основ получения деформированных полуфабрикатов электротехнического назначения из высоколегированных сплавов системы Al-РЗМ с применением методов совмещенной обработки и исследование их реологических свойств»

    Development of combined machining modes, investigation of mechanical properties and structure of deformed semi-finished products from alloy 01417

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    Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.The article presents the results of studies on the production of wire with a diameter of 0.5 mm from aluminum alloy 01417 with a content of rare-earth metals (REM) in the amount of 7-9% for aircraft construction needs. The deformation modes, the experimental technique and equipment for the implementation of the proposed technology described. The wire was obtained by drawing and bar rolling with subsequent drawing from a rod with a diameter of 5 mm, obtained previously using the process of combined rolling-extruding (CRE) from a continuous ingot with a diameter of 12 mm, cast in an electromagnetic mold (EMM). The wire obtained by the presented technology was subjected to 4 different heat treatment modes with annealing temperatures from 350 to 500 °C and holding time of 1 h in the furnace to achieve mechanical and electrophysical properties corresponding to TS 1-809-1038-2018. The level of strength and plastic properties obtained in the course of research required only one intermediate annealing. The microstructure of the wire was investigated and the modes were revealed that made it possible to obtain the required level of mechanical properties and electrical resistivity, satisfying TS 1-809-1038-2018

    Comparative analysis of properties of wires from alloys of Al-REM system, obtained using the methods of continuous extrusion

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    The article presents the results of experimental studies of the production technology of electrical wire made of aluminum alloy of the Al–REM system with content of rare earth metals in the range of 7-9% using continuous casting and extrusion processing methods. Continuous casting rods with a diameter of 12 mm, obtained by casting into an electromagnetic mold (EMM), were the starting material for research. Methods of continuous extrusion "Conform" and combined rolling-extrusion (CRE) were the main methods to obtain a billet for subsequent drawing. Deformation modes, methods of experiments and equipment for the implementation of two variants of the proposed technology using various methods of continuous extrusion described. At all stages of the technology, samples were taken and the mechanical and electrophysical properties of the obtained deformed semi-finished products (ultimate tensile strength, elongation to failure and electrical resistivity) were studied. Application of the "Conform" method in industrial conditions using standard drawing routes allows obtaining a wire of small diameters with high strength properties, however, the plastic properties and values of electrical resistance do not correspond to the existing requirements of the technical specifications for its production. On the contrary, the plastic properties of hot-extruded rods obtained by the CRE method allow cold deformation using only one intermediate annealing. At the same time, the developed technology using continuous casting, combined rolling-extrusion, drawing modes and final annealing of a wire with a diameter of 0.5 mm provides the required level of plastic and strength properties, as well as minimum values of electrical resistance. The developed modes of deformation and heat treatment can be recommended for the industrial production of electrotechnical wire from high-alloyed Al–REM alloys

    Computer simulation, analy-sis of force and temperature-speed parameters of the pro-cess of combined machining of Al-Mg-Sc alloys

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    The results of studies of the combined processing of alloys of the Al-Mg-Sc system with known rheological properties under various temperature-rate and deformation conditions are presented. A computer model of the combined machining process was created and the DEFORM 3D complex was used to analyze the metal flow, the distribution of the strain rate and the temperature of the metal over the cross section of the workpiece when receiving round bars of various diameters. The results of the research were used to develop the production technology of welding wire from alloys of the Al-Mg-Sc system