1,378 research outputs found

    ALMA imaging of SDP.81 - I. A pixelated reconstruction of the far-infrared continuum emission

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    We present a sub-50 pc-scale analysis of the gravitational lens system SDP.81 at redshift 3.042 using Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimetre Array (ALMA) science verification data. We model both the mass distribution of the gravitational lensing galaxy and the pixelated surface brightness distribution of the background source using a novel Bayesian technique that fits the data directly in visibility space. We find the 1 and 1.3 mm dust emission to be magnified by a factor of u_tot = 17.6+/-0.4, giving an intrinsic total star-formation rate of 315+/-60 M_sol/yr and a dust mass of 6.4+/-1.5*10^8 M_sol. The reconstructed dust emission is found to be non-uniform, but composed of multiple regions that are heated by both diffuse and strongly clumped star-formation. The highest surface brightness region is a ~1.9*0.7 kpc disk-like structure, whose small extent is consistent with a potential size-bias in gravitationally lensed starbursts. Although surrounded by extended star formation, with a density of 20-30+/-10 M_sol/yr/kpc^2, the disk contains three compact regions with densities that peak between 120-190+/-20 M_sol/yr/kpc^2. Such star-formation rate densities are below what is expected for Eddington-limited star-formation by a radiation pressure supported starburst. There is also a tentative variation in the spectral slope of the different star-forming regions, which is likely due to a change in the dust temperature and/or opacity across the source.Comment: MNRAS accepted 2015 April 1

    ALMA imaging of SDP.81 - II. A pixelated reconstruction of the CO emission lines

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    We present a sub-100 pc-scale analysis of the CO molecular gas emission and kinematics of the gravitational lens system SDP.81 at redshift 3.042 using Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimetre Array (ALMA) science verification data and a visibility-plane lens reconstruction technique. We find clear evidence for an excitation dependent structure in the unlensed molecular gas distribution, with emission in CO (5-4) being significantly more diffuse and structured than in CO (8-7). The intrinsic line luminosity ratio is r_8-7/5-4 = 0.30 +/- 0.04, which is consistent with other low-excitation starbursts at z ~ 3. An analysis of the velocity fields shows evidence for a star-forming disk with multiple velocity components that is consistent with a merger/post-coalescence merger scenario, and a dynamical mass of M(< 1.56 kpc) = 1.6 +/- 0.6 x 10^10 M_sol . Source reconstructions from ALMA and the Hubble Space Telescope show that the stellar component is offset from the molecular gas and dust components. Together with Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array CO (1-0) data, they provide corroborative evidence for a complex ~2 kpc-scale starburst that is embedded within a larger ~15 kpc structure.Comment: MNRAS accepted, 6th July 201

    The impact of virtual reality on the human brain and cognitive processes

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    This paper gives the review of the use of the influence of virtual reality technologies on the human brain and cognitive processes in neuroscience, surgery and cognitive psychology, as well as in the diagnosis, research and treatment of human health disorders

    Reconsiderando la historia del diseño

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    Examinando los escritos de historia del diseño, tanto industrial como gráfico, se puede decir que el diseño comenzó en Argentina antes de lo mencionado en los libros y publicaciones académicas, además de no considerar diseños que se deberían incluir en las historias y artículos sobre el tema. Las visiones divergentes se deben a la manera en que los historiadores y diseñadores piensan sus modelos fundantes, que generalmente fueron, y en gran medida son, coincidentes con los del racionalismo funcionalista. Por otra parte, la memoria fijada en el imaginario colectivo de lo que debe ser diseño está anclado en la Argentina desarrollista, en la era en que se consideraba que el país estaba en vías de desarrollo, en términos de la CEPAL. Hay términos y conceptos que aún se mantienen desde esa época aunque los actores – los diseñadores – se hayan apropiado y actúen sus diseños con otros parámetros. Benedetto Crocce y otros historiadores pregonaron siempre que la historia se hace desde un aquí y ahora. Actualmente, lo producido en la profesión es muy diferente a las condiciones que existían cuando los primeros diseñadores comenzaron a actuar. Nuestra visión actual está influida por la posibilidad de apreciar la realidad y su historia desde un país de la periferia en un contexto de la globalización. Esta es una realidad tangible que modificó las leyes económicas y las condiciones laborales, económicas y políticas en las que la inclusión del diseño y su lugar en la estructura productiva han cambiado. Asumiéndonos como parte de los países subdesarrollados latinoamericanos, tendremos fuertes diferencias con los países centrales o económicamente desarrollados que participan de otra realidad objetiva acerca del estado de las profesiones en las situaciones económicas y de producción que caracterizarán también sus propuestas. También frente a la fuerte circulación de imágenes acelerada por las sociedades informáticas, cambiaron las morfologías aceptadas como válidas que se incluyen desde otras realidades. Las propuestas de los períodos importantes de desarrollo, centradas en las morfologías formuladas por el movimiento moderno ya no son una realidad en Argentina. Estas situaciones plantean que se deben reconsiderar las historias del diseño gráfico e industrial del país.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Evaluation of Standard- and High-Dose Daptomycin versus Linezolid against Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus Isolates in an In Vitro Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Model with Simulated Endocardial Vegetations

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    Daptomycin MICs for enterococci are typically 1- to 2-fold higher than those for Staphylococcus aureus, and there is an imminent need to establish the optimal dose for appropriate treatment of enterococcal infections. We investigated the bactericidal activity of daptomycin at various dose exposures compared to that of linezolid against vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE) in an in vitro pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model utilizing simulated endocardial vegetations over 96 h. Daptomycin at doses of 6, 8, 10, and 12 mg/kg of body weight/day and linezolid at a dose of 600 mg every 12 h were evaluated against two clinical vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium strains (EFm11499 and 09-184D1051), one of which was linezolid resistant (09-184D1051), and one clinical vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis strain (EFs11496). Daptomycin MICs were 4, 2, and 0.5 μg/ml for EFm11499, 09-184D1051, and EFs11496, respectively. Bactericidal activity, defined as a ≥3 log10 CFU/g reduction from the initial colony count, was demonstrated against all three isolates with all doses of daptomycin; however, bactericidal activity was not sustained with the daptomycin 6- and 8-mg/kg/day regimens. Linezolid was bacteriostatic against EFm11499 and displayed no appreciable activity against 09-184D1051 or EFs11496. Concentration-dependent killing was displayed with more sustained reduction in colony count (3.58 to 6.46 and 5.89 to 6.56 log10 CFU/g) at 96 h for the simulated regimen of daptomycin at doses of 10 and 12 mg/kg/day, respectively (P ≤ 0.012). No E. faecium mutants with reduced susceptibility were recovered at any dosage regimen; however, the E. faecalis strain developed reduced daptomycin susceptibility with daptomycin at 6, 8, and 10 but not at 12 mg/kg/day. Daptomycin displayed a dose-dependent response against three VRE isolates, with high-dose daptomycin producing sustained bactericidal activity. Further research is warranted.This investigator-initiated study was funded by a research grant from Cubist Pharmaceuticals. We are grateful to Audrey Wanger for providing isolate 09-184D1051 and to Marcus Zervos for providing isolates SF11496 and SF11499. M.J.R. has received grant support, has served as a consultant, or has participated as a speaker for Astellas, Cubist, Forest Laboratories, Pfizer, Rib-X, and Novartis and is supported in part by grant R21AI092055 from the NIAID. C.A.A. has received lecture fees, research support, and consulting fees from Pfizer, Inc., and Cubist and has served as a speaker for Novartis. C.A.A. is supported in part by NIH grants R00 AI72961 and R01 AI093749 from the NIAID. B.E.M. has received grant support from Johnson & Johnson, Astellas, Palumed, Intercell, and Cubist, has served as a consultant for Astellas, Cubist, The Medicines Company, Pfizer, Rib-X, AstraZeneca, and Duranta Therapeutics, and was supported in part by NIH grant R01 AI72961

    Mancha negra de los cítricos

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    La mancha negra de los cítricos es una enfermedad que causa caída prematura de frutos, reduce el rendimiento y el valor comercial de la fruta. Las esporas producidas en el follaje son la principal fuente de inóculo, y el movimiento de plantas enfermas o su follaje, el principal medio de dispersión. La mancha negra ocurre mundialmente en regiones subtropicales. En el año 2010 fue detectada en los Estados Unidos, en el sur de FloridaFil: Rybak, Myrian Asucena. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Cerro Azul; ArgentinaFil: Schulz, Diana. Fort Myers Florida; Estados UnidosFil: French, Ronald D. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service; Estados Unido

    Sarna de los cítricos y sarna del naranjo dulce

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    La Sarna de los Cítricos y la Sarna del Naranjo Dulce son enfermedades que afectan el valor comercial y la producción de cítricos. La Sarna del Naranjo Dulce ha sido recientemente detectada en Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arizona y Florida; dichos estados están bajo cuarentena.Fil: Rybak, Myrian Asucena. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Cerro Azul; ArgentinaFil: Schulz, Diana. Fort Myers Florida; Estados UnidosFil: French, Ronald D. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service; Estados Unido

    The impact of pulsed electric field on the extraction of bioactive compounds from beetroot

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    Beetroot is a root vegetable rich in different bioactive components, such as vitamins, minerals, phenolics, carotenoids, nitrate, ascorbic acids, and betalains, that can have a positive effect on human health. The aim of this work was to study the influence of the pulsed electric field (PEF) at different electric field strengths (4.38 and 6.25 kV/cm), pulse number 10\u201330, and energy input 0\u201312.5 kJ/kg as a pretreatment method on the extraction of betalains from beetroot. The obtained results showed that the application of PEF pre-treatment significantly (p &lt; 0.05) influenced the efficiency of extraction of bioactive compounds from beetroot. The highest increase in the content of betalain compounds in the red beet\u2019s extract (betanin by 329%, vulgaxanthin by 244%, compared to the control sample), was noted for 20 pulses of electric field at 4.38 kV/cm of strength. Treatment of the plant material with a PEF also resulted in an increase in the electrical conductivity compared to the non-treated sample due to the increase in cell membrane permeability, which was associated with leakage of substances able to conduct electricity, including mineral salts, into the intercellular space