14 research outputs found

    Análisis de los resultados del proyecto de innovación educativa PIRAMIDE

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    El objetivo de PIRAMIDE ha sido potenciar los resultados académicos de los estudiantes de grado y máster mediante la investigación en ingeniería espacial. Este proyecto ha sido llevado a cabo por profesores del Instituto IDR/UPM y del grupo STRAST. El programa se estructuró en cinco estudios diferentes: 1) Diseño de una misión espacial (fase 0/A) en una Instalación de Diseño Concurrente (CDF); 2) Selección y estudio de un ordenador de a bordo para una misión CubeSat; 3) Metodologías de diseño inteligente aplicadas a la ingeniería gráfica; 4) Análisis de sistemas de potencia para aplicaciones espaciales; y 5) Diseño de un Subsistema de Control y Determinación de Actitud (ADCS) de una nave espacial. En el presente trabajo se analizan los resultados de realizar 5 encuestas a los alumnos para cada uno de los casos de estudio que componen PIRAMIDE y una encuesta al profesorado. Además, se incluye un análisis crítico con las lecciones aprendidas que podrían ayudar a diseñar mejores proyectos de innovación educativa en el futuro

    The atmospheric science of JEM-EUSO

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    An Atmospheric Monitoring System (AMS) is critical suite of instruments for JEM-EUSO whose aim is to detect Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) and (EHECR) from Space. The AMS comprises an advanced space qualified infrared camera and a LIDAR with cross checks provided by a ground-based and airborne Global Light System Stations. Moreover the Slow Data Mode of JEM-EUSO has been proven crucial for the UV background analysis by comparing the UV and IR images. It will also contribute to the investigation of atmospheric effects seen in the data from the GLS or even to our understanding of Space Weather

    Collisional line broadening and mixing in the Raman spectrum of CO perturbed by N2: Experimental measurements and theoretical calculations

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    International audienceWe present a joint experimental and theoretical study of line broadening and mixing in the Q branch of the Raman spectrum of CO perturbed by N2 at 77, 195 and 298 K. Advanced methods and facilities have been used for both aspects of the study: the experiments were conducted using a high-resolution stimulated Raman spectroscopy setup, while the calculations were performed using a quantum dynamical formalism and one of the most recent potential energy surfaces available. Line broadening coefficients were determined experimentally for rovibrational lines up to j=11 at 77 K, j=15 at 195 K and j=19 at 298 K, and calculated for lines up to j=6 at the three temperatures. Line mixing was also observed and coefficients measured for lines up to j=8 at 77 K and j=5 at 195 K, and again calculated up to j=6 at the three temperatures. A comparison shows an overall very good agreement between experiments and calculations for both sets of coefficients. Additional calculated data for the pure rotational R and S lines are also provided

    Design and first simulations of the TASEC-Lab power subsystem

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    This paper describes the modelling and simulation of the Electrical Power Subsystem (EPS) of the Thermal Analysis Support and Environment Characterization Laboratory (TASEC-Lab). TASEC-Lab is a university experiment on board a sub-orbital platform. It is designed to measure the convection heat transfer in high-altitude balloon missions. The EPS provides, regulates, and distributes electric power to the different systems, parts, and sensors that compose the TASEC-Lab (e.g., On Board Computer (OBC), temperature and pressure sensors, cup anemometer, GPS, heaters...). It mainly consists of a Li-ion battery and two DC-DC converters, and they have been characterized by conducting laboratory tests and fitting to experimental data. A real power consumption profile of the first TASEC-Lab’s mission (designed by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) is used as input to simulate the EPS. The mathematical model is validated by comparison with experimental results

    Modelling of the 2ν1-ν1 and ν1 band transitions of 13CH4 using high resolution Raman spectroscopy measurements

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    The pump-probe technique for investigating vibrationally excited states via high 13 resolution Raman spectroscopy was applied to CH4 methane isotopologue. The dipole transitions between A1 totally symmetric vibrational states are not active in IR spectra but these states can be efficiently studied using selective high resolution Raman spectroscopy. 80 vibration-rotation transitions, most of which belong to the 2ν1– ν1 band have been assigned in the observed Raman spectra reported in this work. Including the Raman transitions in the simultaneous data fit improves the accuracy of the effective Hamiltonian and also rovibrational upper state levels of the ν1, 2ν1 and 2ν3 (A1) bands. A more accurate model of the ν1 vibration-rotation transitions improves the interpretation of the temperature dependence of Raman spectra involving the Pentad and Tetradecad polyads

    Mobile TV

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    This article explores how mobile television is being constructed and understood, focusing on four concepts used in contemporary public debate to discuss the technology, namely 'TV in your pocket', 'TV anytime, anywhere', 'TV on the go', and 'Enhanced TV'. Drawing on an analysis of industry reports, conference proceedings, websites, academic studies, press coverage, results of trials, advertisements and expert interviews, we examine the ways in which experts involved in the production, marketing, delivery and analysis of mobile TV regard this emergent technology. It is argued that mobile TV is constructed by these experts as a novel technological and cultural experience and form, while at the same time the rhetoric of novelty is paralleled with a continuous emphasis on the new medium's relation to familiar technological worlds. The article concludes by offering an explanation for this new/old articulation of mobile TV

    Household adoption of water-efficient equipment: The role of socio-economic factors, environmental attitudes and policy

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    Using survey data of around 10,000 households from 10 OECD countries, we identify the driving factors of household adoption of water-efficient equipment by estimating Probit models of a household’s probability to invest in such equipment. The results indicate that environmental attitudes and ownership status are strong predictors of adoption of water-efficient equipment. In terms of policy, we find that households that were both metered and charged for their water individually had a much higher probability to invest in water-efficient equipment compared to households that paid a flat fee