23 research outputs found

    Analisis Rentabilitas dan Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja pada Agroindustri Keripik Sukun (Studi Kasus pada Perusahaan Keripik Sukun Karya Ayu di Desa Pusakanagara Kecamatan Baregbeg Kabupaten Ciamis)

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    This study aims to find out : 1) The amount of cost, revenue, income and R / C at breadfruit chips agroindustry in one production process, 2) The amount of rentability in breadfruit chips agroindustry in one production process, and 3) The amount of labor absorption on breadfruit chips agroindustry. The method used in this research was a case study. Withdrawal of the respondents in this study used proposive sampling a company breadfruit chips in Pusakanagara village Sub-district Baregbeg Ciamis regency. Result of research on breadfruit chips agroindustry in one production process shows that from the row material of breadfruit as much as 200 pieces of breadfruit at price Rp. 5.000,00 per fruit, resulting in breadfruit chips as much as 150 kologram, selling price of breadfruit chips per kilogram Rp. 25.000, 00. Based on thecalculation results are known: 1) Crafters cost Rp. 2.193.931,00, resulting in revenue of Rp. 6.150.000,00, income of Rp.3.931.068,45 and R / C value of 2,8. 2) Rentability generated by 1,79 percent of total cost incurred. 3) The amount of labor absorbed in the breadfruit chips agroindustry in one production process is 12 people with the absorption of labor by 0,55 percent

    Pembuatan Elektroda Fuel Cell dengan Metode Elektrodeposisi Menggunakan Katalis Pt-Cr/C dan Pt/C dan Karakterisasinya

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian Pembuatan Elektroda Fuel Cell dengan Metode Elektrodeposisi Menggunakan Katalis Pt-Cr/C dan Pt/C yang dilanjutkan dengan karakterisasi konduktivitas dan massa terdeposisi. Penelitian diawali dengan membuat backing layer dari substrat karbon dengan pengikat teflon emulsion dengan perbandingan karbon dan teflon emulsion 1 : 1, kemudian dikarakterisasi konduktivitasnya. Elektroda Fuel Cell dibuat dengan melakukan elektrodeposisi larutan platina (H2PtCl6.6H2O) dan larutan krom (CrCl6.6H2O) pada backing layer dengan konsentrasi bervariasi pada beda potensial 7,5 Volt dan waktu 10 menit. Hasil pengamatan konduktivitas backing layer menunjukkan bahwa backing layer yang dibuat sudah memenuhi syarat sebagai backing layer fuel cell dengan konduktivitas rata-rata sebesar 1,8133.10āˆ’1 mhos untuk permukaan dan 2,397.10āˆ’2 mhos untuk konduktivitas penampangnya. Hasil elektrodeposisi Pt dan Cr pada backing layer untuk membuat elektroda Pt-Cr/C dan Pt pada backing layer untuk membuat elektroda Pt/C menunjukkan konduktivitas elektrik permukaan mengalami kenaikan, sementara konduktivitas penampangnya tidak mengalami kenaikan secara signifikan. Hasil elektrodeposisi juga menunjukkan bahwa massa katalis Pt dan Cr terdeposisi paling banyak dalam elektroda Pt-Cr/C diperoleh pada komposisi massa Pt : Cr = 40 : 60 dan massa katalis Pt terdeposisi paling banyak dalam elektroda Pt/C diperoleh pada massa Pt = 0,6 mg/cm2

    Multimedia Animasi Mekanisme Komponen Pneumatik

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    Tuj uan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan peningkatan hasil belajar siswa, antara siswa yang mengunakan media animasi dengan siswa yang menggunakan media power point sebagai media tayang. Seting pembelajaran di l akukan pada mata pelajaran D KTM khususnya pada kompetensi dasar mengetahui si mbol dan cara kerj a komponen pneumatik. Penel itian menggunakan metode quasi eksperi men dengan posttest only control group design. Data diperoleh melalui tes hasil belajar terhadap 80 siswa yang terdiri atas 44 siswa pada kelas kontrol dan 36 si swa pada kel as eksperi men. H asi l penel iti an menunj ukkan rata-rata hasi l bel aj ar siswa pada kelas eksperi men sebesar 57,48, lebih tinggi dibanding kelas kontrol sebesar 39,68. Penguj ian hi potesis menunj ukkan penggunaan media ani masi mekanisme komponen pneumati k hasi l pengembangan sebagai media tayang memberi kan hasi l bel aj ar yang l ebi h bai k di bandingkan dengan menggunakan power point

    Comparison of The Performance of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) Electrodes with Different Carbon Powder Content and Methods of Manufacture

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    Abstract: Carbon powder in the gas diffusion layer (GDL) contained in the membrane electrode assembly (MEA) has an important role in the flow of electrons and reactant gas. Meanwhile, the method of making the electrode is one of the many studies conducted to determine the most appropriate method to use. Comparative study of the performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) electrodes with different carbon powder content (vulcan XC-72) in the GDL andĀ  methods of manufacture of the electrode between casting and spraying method has been carried out. The spraying method consists of one layer and three layer of catalyst layer (CL). The content of carbon powder in the GDL as much as 3 mg cm-2 has a better performance compared to 1.5 mg cm-2 with an increase of 177.78% current density at 0.6 V. Meanwhile, the manufacture of CL with three-layer spraying method has better performance compared with one-layer spraying and casting method.Key words: casting method, spraying method, catalyst layer (CL), GDL.Abstrak (Indonesian): Serbuk karbon pada lapisan difusi gas (LDG) yang menyusun elektroda membran memiliki peran penting dalam mengatur aliran elektron dan gas reaktan. Pada sisi lain metoda pembuatan elektroda adalah salah satu dari banyak studi yang dilakukan untuk menentukan metoda yang paling sesuai yang dapat dikerjakan. Telah dikerjakan studi komparatif kinerja membran penukar proton pada elektroda sel bahan bakar dengan kandungan serbuk karbon (vulcan XC-72) dalam LDG yang bervariasi dan studi komparasi metoda pembuatan elektroda secara tuang dan semprot. Metoda semprot dikerjakan dalam dua variasi yakni pembuatan lapisan katalis (LK) satu dan tiga lapisan. Kandungan serbuk karbon dalam LDG hingga 3 mg cm-2 memiliki kinerja lebih baik dibanding 1,5 mg cm-2 dengan peningkatan kerapatan arus 17,78% pada 0,6 V. Pembuatan LK dengan metoda semprot tiga lapisan memperlihatkan kinerja terbaik dibanding metoda semprot satu lapisan dan metoda tuang.Kata kunci: metode casting, metode spraying, layer katalis, GD


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    Indonesia was currently fighting disinfodemic COVID-19. During this situation, several hoaxes related to COVID-19 were circulating. Of course, the hoax news makes people even more worried and afraid. One way to prove the facts in that news is through a fact-checking system. This system is intended to check facts and verify information so that the truth can be identified. Fact-checking needs to be known by the public to suppress the spread of hoax news, especially related to the circulation of COVID-19 in Indonesia. Based on this phenomenon, the purpose of this study is to determine the informantsā€™ experience related to the fact-checking process. The study informant referred to Mafindo, an internationally licensed fact-checking agency. To answer the objective of the research, the researcher used an ethnographic study of public relations with a qualitative approach. The ethnographic study of public relations focuses on examining communication activity planning using analysis units of Insight, Strategic Program, Program Implementation, Action, and Reputation or the IPPAR Model. The results of this study indicate that the Mafindo fact checker interprets the fact-checking for COVID-19 news as important, to reduce public concerns. The lack of reference sources to be used as data and evidence of hoax news becomes a challenge when doing fact-checking. The fact-checking phases include data collection, sorting, analyzing, and checking the results before publishing them to the public. The discussion is an effort to maintain the credibility of the results, image, and reputation of the fact-checker institution

    Learning Three-Dimensional Shapes in Geometry Using Mobile-Based Augmented Reality

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    Learning three-dimensional shape of geometry is important for improving studentsā€™ spatial abilities. However, the concept of three-dimensional shape is still considered as one of difficult subject matters for teacher to teach and for student to understand in Indonesia. Therefore, it is necessary to find an alternative way that can allow teachers and students to easily understand some concepts of geometry.Ā  In this research, we try to implement mobile-based augmented reality in presenting three-dimensional geometry materials to help teachers and students of junior high school in Bandung, Indonesia.Ā  The results show that by using mobile based augmented reality, teachers can teach three dimensional shape of geometry clearly and students could understand the concept of three-dimensional shape of geometry faster. In addition, students can learn the concept of geometry comprehensively through geometry objects that can be seen from all points of view and students' spatial activities are increase

    Learning Three-Dimensional Shapes in Geometry Using Mobile-Based Augmented Reality

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    Learning three-dimensional shape of geometry is important for improving studentsā€™ spatial abilities. However, the concept of three-dimensional shape is still considered as one of difficult subject matters for teacher to teach and for student to understand in Indonesia. Therefore, it is necessary to find an alternative way that can allow teachers and students to easily understand some concepts of geometry.Ā  In this research, we try to implement mobile-based augmented reality in presenting three-dimensional geometry materials to help teachers and students of junior high school in Bandung, Indonesia.Ā  The results show that by using mobile based augmented reality, teachers can teach three dimensional shape of geometry clearly and students could understand the concept of three-dimensional shape of geometry faster. In addition, students can learn the concept of geometry comprehensively through geometry objects that can be seen from all points of view and students' spatial activities are increased</pre