120 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Recruitment Strategies on Inclusiveness of Populations at Risk for Health Disparities in the Statewide Remote Online COVIDsmart Registry

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    Background The COVID-19 pandemic affected health research practices. The large-scale impacts of COVID-19 and restrictions on face-to-face interaction led to increased use of remote online data collection methods. However, it is unclear if such efforts led to the representation of populations at risk for health disparities. We evaluated whether multiple recruitment strategies would capture a representative sample of individuals at risk for health disparities. Methods The COVIDsmart registry collected clinical, social, economic, and behavioral data in the state of Virginia from March to November, 2021. Seven hundred eighty-two adult participants were enrolled. We compared the representation of COVIDsmart participants at risk for health disparities against state data with two-tailed Z tests. Monte-Carlo estimates evaluated the association between recruitment strategies utilized and health disparity risk status. Results The majority of participants were non-Hispanic White (81.5%), female (78.6%), non-rural (98%), had a Masters’ degree or higher (62.6%), and an income of $100,000 or higher (51%). The recruitment strategy that brought participants into the study did not differ significantly based on racial/ethnic minority status (p\u3e.05), but did differ for low SES versus high SES groups, p=.03. Low SES and ethnic/racial minority representation proportions were significantly lower for COVIDsmart participants than state data, (p\u3e.05). Conclusions Participants at risk for health disparities were not well represented in this registry despite multiple recruitment strategies. The use of targeted emails, social media, and community collaboration may improve the participation of populations at risk for health disparities in remote online research studies

    To Adapt or Not to Adapt – Consequences of Adapting Driver and Traffic Light Agents

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    One way to cope with the increasing traffic demand is to integrate standard solutions with more intelligent control measures. However, the result of possible interferences between intelligent control or information provision tools and other components of the overall traffic system is not easily predictable. This paper discusses the effects of integrating co-adaptive decision-making regarding route choices (by drivers) and control measures (by traffic lights). The motivation behind this is that optimization of traffic light control is starting to be integrated with navigation support for drivers. We use microscopic, agent-based modelling and simulation, in opposition to the classical network analysis, as this work focuses on the effect of local adaptation. In a scenario that exhibits features comparable to real-world networks, we evaluate different types of adaptation by drivers and by traffic lights, based on local perceptions. In order to compare the performance, we have also used a global level optimization method based on genetic algorithms

    A process for developing a sustainable and scalable approach to community engagement : community dialogue approach for addressing the drivers of antibiotic resistance in Bangladesh

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    BACKGROUND: Community engagement approaches that have impacted on health outcomes are often time intensive, small-scale and require high levels of financial and human resources. They can be difficult to sustain and scale-up in low resource settings. Given the reach of health services into communities in low income countries, the health system provides a valuable and potentially sustainable entry point that would allow for scale-up of community engagement interventions. This study explores the process of developing an embedded approach to community engagement taking the global challenge of antibiotic resistance as an example. METHODS: The intervention was developed using a sequential mixed methods study design. This consisted of: exploring the evidence base through an umbrella review, and identifying key international standards on the appropriate use of antibiotics; undertaking detailed formative research through a) a qualitative study to explore the most appropriate mechanisms through which to embed the intervention within the existing health system and community infrastructure, and to understand patterns of knowledge, attitudes and practice regarding antibiotics and antibiotic resistance; and b) a household survey - which drew on the qualitative findings - to quantify knowledge, and reported attitudes and practice regarding antibiotics and antibiotic resistance within the target population; and c) drawing on appropriate theories regarding change mechanisms and experience of implementing community engagement interventions to co-produce the intervention processes and materials with key stakeholders at policy, health system and community level. RESULTS: A community engagement intervention was co-produced and was explicitly designed to link into existing health system and community structures and be appropriate for the cultural context, and therefore have the potential to be implemented at scale. We anticipate that taking this approach increases local ownership, as well as the likelihood that the intervention will be sustainable and scalable. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates the value of ensuring that a range of stakeholders co-produce the intervention, and ensuring that the intervention is designed to be appropriate for the health system, community and cultural context

    Albumin and mammalian cell culture: implications for biotechnology applications

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    Albumin has a long historical involvement in design of media for the successful culture of mammalian cells, in both the research and commercial fields. The potential application of albumins, bovine or human serum albumin, for cell culture is a by-product of the physico-chemical, biochemical and cell-specific properties of the molecule. In this review an analysis of these features of albumin leads to a consideration of the extracellular and intracellular actions of the molecule, and importantly the role of its interactions with numerous ligands or bioactive factors that influence the growth of cells in culture: these include hormones, growth factors, lipids, amino acids, metal ions, reactive oxygen and nitrogen species to name a few. The interaction of albumin with the cell in relation to these co-factors has a potential impact on metabolic and biosynthetic activity, cell proliferation and survival. Application of this knowledge to improve the performance in manufacturing biotechnology and in the emerging uses of cell culture for tissue engineering and stem cell derived therapies is an important prospect

    A review of zoonotic infection risks associated with the wild meat trade in Malaysia.

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    The overhunting of wildlife for food and commercial gain presents a major threat to biodiversity in tropical forests and poses health risks to humans from contact with wild animals. Using a recent survey of wildlife offered at wild meat markets in Malaysia as a basis, we review the literature to determine the potential zoonotic infection risks from hunting, butchering and consuming the species offered. We also determine which taxa potentially host the highest number of pathogens and discuss the significant disease risks from traded wildlife, considering how cultural practices influence zoonotic transmission. We identify 51 zoonotic pathogens (16 viruses, 19 bacteria and 16 parasites) potentially hosted by wildlife and describe the human health risks. The Suidae and the Cervidae families potentially host the highest number of pathogens. We conclude that there are substantial gaps in our knowledge of zoonotic pathogens and recommend performing microbial food safety risk assessments to assess the hazards of wild meat consumption. Overall, there may be considerable zoonotic risks to people involved in the hunting, butchering or consumption of wild meat in Southeast Asia, and these should be considered in public health strategies

    Dynamics of molecules involved in antigen presentation: effects of fixation

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    Antigen presentation by MHC class II molecules can be enhanced by paraformaldehyde fixation of antigen-presenting cells prior to assay. This treatment might be expected to aggregate membrane proteins and thus stabilize and strengthen transient protein-protein interactions involved in intercellular cooperation. Lateral and rotational dynamics of the MHC class II antigen I-A(d) on A20 cells fixed with various concentrations of paraformaldehyde were examined by fluorescence photobleaching recovery and time-resolved phosphorescence anisotropy, respectively. Probes were tetramethylrhodamine and erythrosin conjugates of MKD6 Fab fragments. Increasing concentrations of paraformaldehyde led to a progressive increase in the limiting anisotropy of I-A(d) at 4 degrees C from the value of 0.042 for untreated cells, indicative of large aggregate formation, while leaving the rotational correlation time of 29 mu s unchanged, a measure of the unperturbed molecule. On the other hand, the translational diffusion constants decreased from similar to 2 x 10(-10) cm(2) s(-1), while me fractional recovery remained unchanged at about 40-50%. Taken together, these results suggest that fixation crosslinks class II molecules to each other or to other membrane proteins into structures large enough (> 500,000 kDa) to diffuse translationally with perceptibly size-dependent rates. The fixation effects on both class II rotation and lateral diffusion were half-maximal at paraformaldehyde concentrations of similar to 0.2%, Possible relations between the biological effector functions of class II and the physical sizes of fixation-induced aggregates are discussed. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved