7,141 research outputs found

    Disorder-Induced First Order Transition and Curie Temperature Lowering in Ferromagnatic Manganites

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    We study the effect that size disorder in the cations surrounding manganese ions has on the magnetic properties of manganites. This disorder is mimic with a proper distribution of spatially disordered Manganese energies. Both, the Curie temperature and the order of the transition are strongly affected by disorder. For moderate disorder the Curie temperature decreases linearly with the the variance of the distribution of the manganese site energies, and for a disorder comparable to that present in real materials the transition becomes first order. Our results provide a theoretical framework to understand disorder effects on the magnetic behavior of manganites.Comment: 4 pages, three figures include

    Preliminary study of the genetic differentiation between two variety of cuban creole pig

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    It is admitted an Iberian origin for the Cuban Creole Pig breed. Inside this breed there exist varieties morphologically very well defined, as the Unhaired and Middlehaired types. The existence of these types is traditionally admitted by Cuban producers, researchers and by the society in general. To confirmate the genetic differentiation of these two morphological types, we have analyzed 93 samples of the breed, with representation of the middlehaired (MD) type (58 animals) and unhaired (UH) type (35 animals) taken from several Cuba provinces. We have used a test of 20 microsatellites of the recommended by FAO/ISAG. The obtained values for the parameters GST (0.74 and 0.12 percent) are extremely low. All these results are showing a no existence of varieties inside the Cuban Creole Pig breed.Al cerdo Criollo Cubano (cCC) se le atribuye un origen ibérico. Dentro de este último existen variedades bien definidas, como la Lampiña y la Entrepelada, las cuales han tenido representación al menos morfológica dentro del cCC. La existencia de estos dos tipos es aceptada en Cuba por productores, investigadores y por la sociedad en general. Con el objetivo de determinar la existencia o no de diferenciación genética entre ellos, se analizaron 93 animales, de ellos, 58 entrepelados y 35 lampiños. Se emplearon 20 microsatélites recomendados por la FAO/ISAG (International Society of Animal Genetics) para estudios de biodiversidad porcina. Los microsatélites se amplificaron mediante la Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa (PCR) y los fragmentos amplificados se separaron mediante electroforesis en un secuenciador automático. Los valores que se obtienen en los parámetros GST, 0,74 p.100 y 0,12 p.100 son extremadamente bajos, lo que demuestra que dentro del cCC no existe subdivisión varietal

    Molecular phylogeny of the genera Palaemon and Palaemonetes (Decapoda, Caridea, Palaemonidae) from a European perspective

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    A molecular phylogenetic study by Murphy & Austin (2003) showed that Australian representatives of three shrimp genera of the family Palaemonidae (Palaemon, Palaemonetes, and Macrobrachium) do not cluster according to their generic classification. According to their results, the monophyly of these genera is questioned and the generic classification of the subfamily Palaemoninae is at stake. A large number of representatives of Palaemon and Palaemonetes inhabit European waters, including the type species of each genus. To clarify the phylogeny of these species, and thus the position of the generic names Palaemon and Palaemonetes on a phylogenetic tree, we obtained DNA sequences of the same genetic markers (16S mtDNA) as used by Murphy & Austin (2003) and re-addressed the question of taxonomy and phylogeny of these two genera within the subfamily Palaemoninae. Our results confirm the paraphyly of Palaemon and Palaemonetes. In contrast, the resulting monophyletic clades reflect the geographic distribution of the species according to their respective continents: Africa-Europe, Asia, Australia, and America. With the exception of Palaemon elegans the Afro-European species cluster in a way that would support monophyly of the two genera, if representatives from other continents are excluded. Possible taxonomic solutions are discussed.Research was partly funded by the postdoctoral grant from “Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte” (Spain), and a Research contract “Ramón y Cajal” from “Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología” (Spain) to J.A.C.Peer Reviewe

    Kinetic study of the gas-phase reaction of atomic chlorine with a series of aldehydes

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    The reactions of Cl atoms with a series of unsaturated aldehydes have been investigated for the first time using a relative method. In order to obtain additional information for a qualitative structure versus reactivity discussion, we have also determined the rate coefficients for the reactions of atomic chlorine with their respective saturated aldehydes. These relative measurements were performed at room temperature and atmospheric pressure of air and N<sub>2</sub>, by using ethane, propene and 1-butene as reference compounds. The weighted average relative rate constants obtained, k<sub>Cl</sub>&plusmn;2&sigma; (in units of cm<sup>3</sup> molecule<sup>&minus;1</sup> s<sup>&minus;1</sup>) were: trans-2-pentenal (1.31&plusmn;0.19)&times;10<sup>&minus;10</sup>; trans-2-hexenal (1.92&plusmn;0.22)&times;10<sup>&minus;10</sup>; trans-2-heptenal (2.40&plusmn;0.29)&times;10<sup>&minus;10</sup>; n-pentanal (2.56&plusmn;0.27)&times;10<sup>&minus;10</sup>; n-hexanal (2.88&plusmn;0.37)&times;10<sup>&minus;10</sup>; n-heptanal (3.00&plusmn;0.34)&times;10<sup>&minus;10</sup>. <P style='line-height: 20px;'> Finally, results and atmospheric implications are discussed and compared with the reactivity with OH and NO<sub>3</sub> radicals

    Dynamic Necking of Notched Tensile Bars: An Experimental Study

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    The mechanics of necking inception in dynamically-stretched notched specimens have been investigated. For that task, a systematic experimental campaign of quasi-static and dynamic tensile tests on martensitic steel specimens has been conducted. Samples with and without notches have been considered. Unlike the quasi-static tests, the dynamically-tested notched samples revealed that, under certain loading conditions, flow localization may develop away from the groove. The experimental results presented in this investigation show that the presence of sharp geometrical imperfections in ductile materials subjected to dynamic loading does not necessarily dictate the necking and fracture locus.D. Rittel acknowledges the support of Carlos III University with a Cátedra de Excelencia funded by Banco Santander during academic year 2011–2012. The researchers of the University Carlos III of Madrid are indebted to the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España (Projects DPI/2011-24068 and DPI/2011-23191) for the financial support.Publicad

    Point defects on graphene on metals

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    Understanding the coupling of graphene with its local environment is critical to be able to integrate it in tomorrow's electronic devices. Here we show how the presence of a metallic substrate affects the properties of an atomically tailored graphene layer. We have deliberately introduced single carbon vacancies on a graphene monolayer grown on a Pt(111) surface and investigated its impact in the electronic, structural and magnetic properties of the graphene layer. Our low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy studies, complemented by density functional theory, show the existence of a broad electronic resonance above the Fermi energy associated with the vacancies. Vacancy sites become reactive leading to an increase of the coupling between the graphene layer and the metal substrate at these points; this gives rise to a rapid decay of the localized state and the quenching of the magnetic moment associated with carbon vacancies in free-standing graphene layers

    Dynamic tensile necking: influence of specimen geometry and boundary conditions

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    This paper examines the effects of sample size and boundary conditions on the necking inception and development in dynamically stretched steel specimens. For that task, a coordinated systematic experimental&-numerical work on the dynamic tensile test has been conducted. Experiments were performed using a tensile Kolsky apparatus for impact velocities ranging from 10 to 40 m/s. Three different sample-gauge lengths &- 7, 30 and 50 mm &- were considered for which the cross section diameter is 3.4 mm. The experiments revealed that the specimens' ductility to fracture depends on strain rate and sample length. Furthermore it was observed that, for those specimens having gauge lengths of 30 and 50 mm, the necking location varies with impact velocity. Numerical simulations of the dynamic tensile tests were carried out in order to characterize the dynamics of neck inception and development. For each specimen calculated, three types of boundary conditions were used, all of which match the experimentally measured strain-rate. It was pointed out that, while boundary conditions hardly affect the calculated stress&-strain characteristics, they strongly affect the wave propagation dynamics in the specimen thus dictating the necking location.The researchers of the University Carlos III of Madridare indebted to the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (Project CCG10 UC3M/DPI 5596) and to the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España (Project DPI/2011 24068) for the financial support received which allowed conducting part of this work. D. Rittel acknowledges the support of Carlos III Univer sity with a Catedra de Excelencia funded by Banco Santan der during academic year 2011 2012

    Haemophilus parasuis

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    The expression of chemokines (CCL-2 and CXCL-8) and cytokines (IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-10) was evaluated by RT-qPCR in colostrum-deprived pigs vaccinated and challenged with Haemophilus parasuis serovar 5. Two vaccines containing native proteins with affinity to porcine transferrin (NPAPTim and NPAPTit) were tested, along with two control groups: one inoculated with PBS instead of antigen (challenge group (CHG)), and another one nonimmunized and noninfected (blank group). The use of NPAPTim and NPAPTit resulted in complete protection against H. parasuis (no clinical signs and/or lesions), and both vaccines were capable of avoiding the expression of the proinflammatory molecules to levels similar to physiological values in blank group. However, overexpression of all proinflammatory molecules was observed in CHG group, mainly in the target infection tissues (brain, lungs, and spleen). High expression of CCL-2, CXCL-8, IL-1α, IL-1β, and IL-6 can be considered one of the characteristics of H. parasuis infection by serovar 5