88 research outputs found

    Customer Attitude Towards Loyalty Card of Budget Hotel in Bandung

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    Abstract. The increasing number of hotels in Bandung would lead to the tight competition. To survive the competition, one of the strategies is retaining the customer through loyalty card. However, it is very common to find budget hotel loyalty card which is similar to Luxury hotel. From previous research findings, it is found that offering a single loyalty card to customers that patronize different hotel segments could result in the failure. Therefore, budget hotel need to know what kind of loyalty card is customer really like and prefer that could be measured by calculating customer attitude towards loyalty card of budget hotel. By using Fishbein Multi-attribute Attitude Mode, this research aims to measure and quantify customers’ attitude. Variables of the research are resulted based on combining the result of previous research about hotel loyalty card and customer loyalty. The result of Fishbein Multi-attribute Attitude measurement is + 529.07 or can be translated to positive attitude. Moreover, Above all features, Discount Room Rates has the highest evaluation score which is considered as the most desirable and important to the customer. As recommendation to hotel business, since budget hotel customer are very conscious about price, for further business development, the management should emphasize price and value consideration of its loyalty card features, its benefits, and pricing to make the features attractive. Keywords: budget hotel, loyalty card, customer attitude, Fishbein Multi-attribute

    Customer Attitude Towards Loyalty Card of Budget Hotel in Bandung

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    Abstract. The increasing number of hotels in Bandung would lead to the tight competition. To survive the competition, one of the strategies is retaining the customer through loyalty card. However, it is very common to find budget hotel loyalty card which is similar to Luxury hotel. From previous research findings, it is found that offering a single loyalty card to customers that patronize different hotel segments could result in the failure. Therefore, budget hotel need to know what kind of loyalty card is customer really like and prefer that could be measured by calculating customer attitude towards loyalty card of budget hotel. By using Fishbein Multi-attribute Attitude Mode, this research aims to measure and quantify customers’ attitude. Variables of the research are resulted based on combining the result of previous research about hotel loyalty card and customer loyalty. The result of Fishbein Multi-attribute Attitude measurement is + 529.07 or can be translated to positive attitude. Moreover, Above all features, Discount Room Rates has the highest evaluation score which is considered as the most desirable and important to the customer. As recommendation to hotel business, since budget hotel customer are very conscious about price, for further business development, the management should emphasize price and value consideration of its loyalty card features, its benefits, and pricing to make the features attractive. Keywords: budget hotel, loyalty card, customer attitude, Fishbein Multi-attribute

    Pengembangan Media Video Tutorial dalam Pembelajaran Komputer untuk Keterampilan Membuat Server di Smk

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    This study aims to find a video tutorial media design, media profile that will be used sebgai tutorial learning media skills computer to make the server. It is also to determine the acquisition of learning achieved after students using ini.Langkah-step tutorial videos in this tutorial video media development is, (1) the preliminary study, (2) planning, (3) manufacture of the initial product, (4) test experts namely media experts, materials specialists and colleagues, revision I (5), limited test (6), revised II (7), field testing (8), revision III (9) and the last (10) making a video tutorial. Results of this study were (1) Design Video Tutorial which includes learning design in the form of a matrix component of learning and storyboards (2) Profile Video tutorials load on the initial menu screen and display the contents of the video tutorial video tutorials. (3) the acquisition of such skills students learn to make the server, in this case the students were more skilled in mengadministasi server in the network and the students look happy in learning administering servers in the network

    Pengobatan Malaria Kombinasi Artemisinin (ACT) Di Provinsi Papua Barat Tahun 2013

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    Malaria is still a disease with highest incidence rate in Indonesias. Based on Riskesdas 2013, the prevalence of malaria in West Papua was generally increasing. This study aimed to find the correlation of type of malaria found in blood examination and distribution status of ACT. Samples of data obtained by stratified random sampling from 1490 people who had suffered from malaria in West Papua. Data analysis using univariate descriptive and correlation analysis The result showed that the most common type of malaria was tertiana malaria caused by Plasmodium vivax (51%). Early detection performed within the first 24 hours when the patient is suffering from fever can be used as the basis for a policy that early detection can reduce malaria morbidity. It can be concluded ACT suitable for any type of malaria. The concistency of provision of ACT can be implemented by increasing public awareness of taking prophylactic. In addition the ideal combination antimalarial drugs be able to heal in a short time and if the patients performs the compliance of taking the drug, it will not be antimalarial resistance.Malaria merupakan penyakit dengan angka kesakitan tinggi di Indonesia. Data Riskesdas 2013 menunjukkan prevalensi malaria di Papua Barat meningkat. Tujuan penelitian untuk mencari hubungan antara jenis malaria yang ditemukan dalam pemeriksan darah dengan status pemberian obat antimalaria ACT (Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy). Pengambilan sampel secara stratified random sampling dan diperoleh 1490 penduduk yang seluruhnya dikonfirmasi menderita malaria dari populasi penduduk di Provinsi Papua Barat. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif univariat dan analisis korelasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis malaria yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah malaria tertiana yang disebabkan oleh Plasmodium vivax (51%). Deteksi dini yang dilakukan dalam 24 jam pertama saat penderita mengalami demam dapat dijadikan dasar untuk mengambil kebijakan bahwa deteksi dini mampu mengurangi angka kesakitan malaria. Pemberian obat antimalaria tidak tergantung pada jenis malaria yang diderita. ACT sesuai untuk jenis malaria apa saja. Konsistensi pemberian ACT diperoleh dengan cara meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat untuk mengonsumsi obat profilaksis. Selain itu obat antimalaria kombinasi yang ideal mampu menyembuhkan dalam waktu yang singkat dan jika penderita melaksanakan kepatuhan mengonsumsi obat maka tidak akan terjadi resistensi terhadap antimalaria

    Potensi Birdwatching sebagai Salah Satu Daya Tarik Wisata di Desa Wisata Jatimulyo, Kecamatan Girimulyo,kabupaten Kulon Progo

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    This study aims to identify the response of tourists in Jatimulyo Tourism Village towards the plan of developing birdwatching tourism. Birds have a strong attractiveness for certain groups of people, such as bird hobbies due to their diverse characteristics which have a high selling value. Jatimulyo Tourism Village is one of the tourism villages known for its bird diversity. Regarding that situation, the Jatimulyo government issued a Village Regulation (so-called Peraturan Desa or PerDes) about prohibition of hunting activities. It was already applied by sanctioning wild-life hunters, including bird hunter. However, the application of PerDes was not strong enough to protect the bird diversity. Thus, there must be alternatives program by utilizing the bird diversity to give economic advantages for the people. Birdwatching tourism is one of the alternatives and there is possibility to develop it in this village, considering this village has already been recognized as tourism village. This research was a quantitative research and employing survey with questionnaire as the instrument. There were 100 questionnaires given to the tourists in Jatimulyo Tourism Village to gather valid data. The term of birdwatching is still a foreign term for the people. The observation results show that most of the tourists had ever heard the term but did not know its meaning. However, most of the tourists were agreed with the alternative of developing this tourism village with birdwatching as one of the attractions but in one condition i.e. the tour package was not more than one day with affordable budget. They also wanted bird observation and photography as the activities of birdwatching. Furthermore, they needed professional guide to guide them along the tour. Keywords : birdwatching, avitourism, tourism, tourism villag

    Adaptation responses to climate change differ between global megacities

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    Urban areas are increasingly at risk from climate change, with negative impacts predicted for human health, the economy and ecosystems1, 2. These risks require responses from cities to improve their resilience. Policymakers need to understand current adaptation spend to plan comprehensively and effectively. Through the measurement of spend in the newly defined ‘adaptation economy’, we analyse current climate change adaptation efforts in ten megacities. In all cases, the adaptation economy remains a small part of the overall economy, representing a maximum of 0.33% of a city’s gross domestic product (here referred to as GDPc). Differences in total spend are significant between cities in developed, emerging and developing countries, ranging from £15 million to £1,600 million. Comparing key subsectors, we demonstrate the differences in adaptation profiles. Developing cities have higher proportional spend on health and agriculture, whereas developed cities have higher spend on energy and water. Spend per capita and percentage of GDPc comparisons more clearly show disparities between cities. Developing country cities spend half the proportion of GDPc and significantly less per capita, suggesting that adaptation spend is driven by wealth rather than the number of vulnerable people. This indicates that current adaptation activities are insufficient in major population centres in developing and emerging economies

    Loss and damage and limits to adaptation: recent IPCC insights and implications for climate science and policy

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    Recent evidence shows that climate change is leading to irreversible and existential impacts on vulnerable communities and countries across the globe. Among other effects, this has given rise to public debate and engagement around notions of climate crisis and emergency. The Loss and Damage (L&D) policy debate has emphasized these aspects over the last three decades. Yet, despite institutionalization through an article on L&D by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in the Paris Agreement, the debate has remained vague, particularly with reference to its remit and relationship to adaptation policy and practice. Research has recently made important strides forward in terms of developing a science perspective on L&D. This article reviews insights derived from recent publications by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and others, and presents the implications for science and policy. Emerging evidence on hard and soft adaptation limits in certain systems, sectors and regions holds the potential to further build momentum for climate policy to live up to the Paris ambition of stringent emission reductions and to increase efforts to support the most vulnerable. L&D policy may want to consider actions to extend soft adaptation limits and spur transformational, that is, non-standard risk management and adaptation, so that limits are not breached. Financial, technical, and legal support would be appropriate for instances where hard limits are transgressed. Research is well positioned to further develop robust evidence on critical and relevant risks at scale in the most vulnerable countries and communities, as well as options to reduce barriers and limits to adaptation
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