2,198 research outputs found

    Predicting the extinction of Ebola spreading in Liberia due to mitigation strategies

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    The Ebola virus is spreading throughout West Africa and is causing thousands of deaths. In order to quantify the effectiveness of different strategies for controlling the spread, we develop a mathematical model in which the propagation of the Ebola virus through Liberia is caused by travel between counties. For the initial months in which the Ebola virus spreads, we find that the arrival times of the disease into the counties predicted by our model are compatible with World Health Organization data, but we also find that reducing mobility is insufficient to contain the epidemic because it delays the arrival of Ebola virus in each county by only a few weeks. We study the effect of a strategy in which safe burials are increased and effective hospitalisation instituted under two scenarios: (i) one implemented in mid-July 2014 and (ii) one in mid-August—which was the actual time that strong interventions began in Liberia. We find that if scenario (i) had been pursued the lifetime of the epidemic would have been three months shorter and the total number of infected individuals 80% less than in scenario (ii). Our projection under scenario (ii) is that the spreading will stop by mid-spring 2015.H.E.S. thanks the NSF (grants CMMI 1125290 and CHE-1213217) and the Keck Foundation for financial support. L.D.V. and L.A.B. wish to thank to UNMdP and FONCyT (Pict 0429/2013) for financial support. (CMMI 1125290 - NSF; CHE-1213217 - NSF; Keck Foundation; UNMdP; Pict 0429/2013 - FONCyT)Published versio

    Some boundary effects in quantum field theory

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    We have constructed a quantum field theory in a finite box, with periodic boundary conditions, using the hypothesis that particles living in a finite box are created and/or annihilated by the creation and/or annihilation operators, respectively, of a quantum harmonic oscillator on a circle. An expression for the effective coupling constant is obtained showing explicitly its dependence on the dimension of the box.Comment: 12 pages, Late

    Generalized quantum field theory: perturbative computation and perspectives

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    We analyze some consequences of two possible interpretations of the action of the ladder operators emerging from generalized Heisenberg algebras in the framework of the second quantized formalism. Within the first interpretation we construct a quantum field theory that creates at any space-time point particles described by a q-deformed Heisenberg algebra and we compute the propagator and a specific first order scattering process. Concerning the second one, we draw attention to the possibility of constructing this theory where each state of a generalized Heisenberg algebra is interpreted as a particle with different mass.Comment: 19 page

    Perfil de competências éticas para gerir Unidades de Saúde

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    A presente investigação decorre de um estudo em curso, no âmbito do doutoramento em Bioética, no qual auscultamos a opinião de 421 profissionais de saúde que exercem a gestão em hospitais da zona Norte. Provocar a reflexão ética nos hospitais bem como contribuir para a identificação de um “Perfil de competências éticas para gerir Unidades de Saúde” revelam-se simultaneamente necessárias e atuais no sentido de recolocar o primado da Pessoa no centro de todas as decisões

    Effect of phonon scattering by surface roughness on the universal thermal conductance

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    The effect of phonon scattering by surface roughness on the thermal conductance in mesoscopic systems at low temperatures is calculated using full elasticity theory. The low frequency behavior of the scattering shows novel power law dependences arising from the unusual properties of the elastic modes. This leads to new predictions for the low temperature depression of the thermal conductance below the ideal universal value. Comparison with the data of Schwab et al. [Nature 404, 974 (2000)] suggests that surface roughness on a scale of the width of the thermal pathway is important in the experiment.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Positive leadership action framework: Simply doing good and doing well

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    This article presents the Positive Leadership Action Framework (PLAF) to structure Positive Leadership (PL). The novelty of the PLAF is that it incorporates the connections of PL to positive outcomes (financial and economic performance and social well-being) and organizational virtuousness. Also, it acknowledges its conditional nature on the virtues to achieve flourishing within the organization and society at large. We argue that the leader’s actions function as the engine for positive change within the organization, bridging the gap between individual virtues and organizational virtuousness and creating a feedback loop among both. To develop a positive organization, a leader needs to create positive assumptions among (and about) coworkers, positively impact the personal and professional development of employees, and balance positive formal and informal conditions at work. To do so, it is a sine qua non condition that the positive leader fosters his/her personal development by exercising the virtues and developing practical wisdom. In this way, the positive leader automatically provides followers with a vision of the final end towards the common good and achieves to set his/her organization on a pathway towards excellence

    Nonlinear regression and plot size to estimate green beans production

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    The objectives of this work were to adjust nonlinear regression models for the green beans production and to identify the plot size which provides the best explanation and adjustment to the models. The authors used two field and two protected environment (plastic tunnel) trials in the autumn-winter and spring-summer seasons. The logistic and von Bertalanffy models were adjusted for average weight of green beans accumulated after multiple harvests and with different plot sizes. The models presented similar estimates and the same parameters estimates in all the plot sizes. The logistic model provided estimates closest to the reality, showing the best description performance for the average weight of pods during the productive cycle. In the autumn-winter season, plot size of 14 basic units (28 plants in the cultivation line direction) in the field and of two basic units (four plants in the cultivation line direction) under the plastic tunnel provide a good quality in the models adjustment. In the springsummer season, the plot sizes are made of six basic units (12 plants in the cultivation line) in the field and seven basic units (14 plants in the cultivation line) under the plastic tunnel.Os objetivos do trabalho foram ajustar modelos de regressão não- -linear para a produção de feijão-de-vagem e identificar o tamanho da parcela com melhor poder de explicação e ajuste dos modelos. Foram utilizados dois ensaios a campo e dois em túnel plástico, realizados nas estações outono-inverno e primavera-verão. Os modelos ajustados foram o logístico e o de von Bertalanffy, para peso médio de vagens acumulado nas múltiplas colheitas e com diferentes tamanhos de parcela. Os modelos apresentaram estimativas semelhantes entre sí e as mesmas estimativas dos parâmetros em todas os casos de tamanho de parcela. O modelo logístico proporcionou estimativas mais próximas da realidade, apresentando melhor desempenho na descrição do comportamento do peso médio de vagens no decorrer do ciclo produtivo da cultura. Na estação sazonal outono-inverno parcelas de 14 UBs (28 plantas no sentido da linha de cultivo) a campo e de duas UBs (quatro plantas no sentido da linha de cultivo) em túnel plástico proporcionam uma boa qualidade no ajuste dos modelos. Na estação sazonal primavera-verão os tamanhos de parcela são de seis UBs (12 plantas no sentido da linha de cultivo) a campo e de sete UBs (14 plantas no sentido da linha de cultivo) em túnel plástico.The authors thank CAPES (Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) for PhD scholarship, abroad, granted, process no BEX 1457/14-4.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio