392 research outputs found

    Empirical comparison of discrete choice experiment and best-worst scaling to estimate stakeholders' risk tolerance for hip replacement surgery

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    Objectives Empirical comparison of two preference elicitation methods, discrete choice experiment (DCE) and profile case best-worst scaling (BWS), regarding the estimation of the risk tolerance for hip replacement surgery (total hip arthroplasty and total hip resurfacing arthroplasty). Methods An online survey was constructed, following international guidelines, and consisted of socio-demographic questions and two randomised sections with 12 DCE and 8 BWS questions. The survey was sent to a general population who can be faced with choosing between THA and TRA (males between 45-65 years old) in the US. After an intensive literature search, the following attributes were selected: probability of a first and a second revision in seven years, pain relief, ability to perform moderate daily activities, and hospital stay. In addition, survey respondents rated the difficulty of each method and the time to complete each section was monitored. BWS and DCE data was analysed using conditional logit analysis. The maximum acceptable risk (MAR) for a revision was estimated for four different hypothetical hip replacement scenarios. Results The final data set consisted of 429 respondents. The MARs estimated for four hypothetical hip replacement scenarios differed between both methods, ranging from 0% to 19% difference for a first revision. BWS questions took significantly more time (401 s.) than DCE (228 s.) questions. And respondents found BWS more difficult to complete. Conclusions Both methods to elicit stakeholder preferences produce different results. Yet, both seem to be consistent in predicting risk tolerance if the benefits are changed. However, DCE seems to be more sensitive for a change in benefits and risks while the MAR estimates obtained through BWS have considerably lower uncertainty than DC

    STS in management education: connecting theory and practice

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    This paper explores the value of science and technology studies (STS) to management education. The work draws on an ethnographic study of second year management undergraduates studying decision making. The nature and delivery of the decision making module is outlined and the value of STS is demonstrated in terms of both teaching method and module content. Three particular STS contributions are identified and described: the social construction of technological systems; actor network theory; and ontological politics. Affordances and sensibilities are identified for each contribution and a discussion is developed that illustrates how these versions of STS are put to use in management education. It is concluded that STS has a pivotal role to play in critical management (education) and in the process offers opportunities for new forms of managin

    Age- and puberty-dependent association between IQ score in early childhood and depressive symptoms in adolescence

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    BACKGROUND: Lower cognitive functioning in early childhood has been proposed as a risk factor for depression in later life but its association with depressive symptoms during adolescence has rarely been investigated. Our study examines the relationship between total intelligence quotient (IQ) score at age 8 years, and depressive symptoms at 11, 13, 14 and 17 years. METHOD: Study participants were 5250 children and adolescents from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and their Children (ALSPAC), UK, for whom longitudinal data on depressive symptoms were available. IQ was assessed with the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children III, and self-reported depressive symptoms were measured with the Short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire (SMFQ). RESULTS: Multi-level analysis on continuous SMFQ scores showed that IQ at age 8 years was inversely associated with depressive symptoms at age 11 years, but the association changed direction by age 13 and 14 years (age-IQ interaction, p<0.0001; age squared-IQ interaction, p<0.0001) when a higher IQ score was associated with a higher risk of depressive symptoms. This change in IQ effect was also found in relation to pubertal stage (pubertal stage-IQ interaction, 0.00049<p=0.038). At age 17 years, however, sex-specific differences emerged (sex-age squared-IQ interaction, p=0.0075). Whilst the risk effect of higher childhood IQ scores for depressive symptoms declined in females, and some analyses even supported an inverse association by age 17 years, it persisted in males. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the association between cognitive ability in childhood and depressive symptoms in adolescence varies according to age and/or pubertal stage

    Assessing Expectations: Towards a Toolbox for an Ethics of Emerging Technologies

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    In recent years, several authors have argued that the desirability of novel technologies should be assessed early, when they are still emerging. Such an ethical assessment of emerging technologies is by definition focused on an elusive object. Usually promises, expectations, and visions of the technology are taken as a starting point. As Nordmann and Rip have pointed out in a recent article, however, ethicists should not take for granted the plausibility of such expectations and visions. In this paper, we explore how the quality of expectations on emerging technologies might be assessed when engaging in a reflection on the desirability of emerging technologies. We propose that an assessment of expectations’ plausibility should focus on statements on technological feasibility, societal usability, and desirability of the expected technology. Whereas the feasibility statement and, to a lesser extent, the usability statements are frequently quite futuristic, the claims on desirability, by contrast, often display a conservative stance towards the future. Assessing the quality of expectations and visions on behalf of emerging technologies requires, then, a careful and well-directed use of both skepticism and imagination. We conclude with a brief overview of the tools and methods ethicists could use to assess claims made on behalf of emerging technologies and improve the ethical reflection on them

    The material role of digital media in connecting with, within, and beyond museums

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    The connective potentials of digital media have been positioned as a key part of a contemporary museum visitor experience. Using a sociology of translation, we construct a network of visitor experiences using data from a digital media engagement project at a large and multi-sited museum in the United Kingdom. These experiences relate to (dis)connections with the museum, museum objects, and other visitors. Through this analysis we disclose the often contradictory roles of the non-human, including and going beyond the digital, as contributors to the success and failure of attempts to change museum visitor experiences through engagement activities rooted in narratives of participation and connectivity

    Нарушение межличностных отношений супругов при отдаленных последствиях закрытой черепно−мозговой травмы у мужа

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    Методами психодиагностического исследования выявлены закономерности нарушения межличностной адаптации супругов при отдаленных последствиях военной закрытой черепно−мозговой травмы у мужа.The methods of psychodiagnosis were used to reveal the regularities of interpersonal adaptation disorders in spouses at long−term sequelae of military closed brain injury in the husband

    The Enthusiast’s Eye: The Value of Unsanctioned Knowledge in Design Historical Scholarship

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    If design history research relies solely on institutionalized documentation and academic scholarship – that is, sanctioned knowledge – not only will its purview be limited to a very narrow segment of design culture, it will also lose out on a vast array of sources to valuable knowledge about our material environment produced by amateurs, collectors, and enthusiasts – what we in this article define as “unsanctioned knowledge.” Because of its dissociation with professional institutions and academic protocols and their – albeit admittedly utopian, but nonetheless upheld – ideals of objectivity, this type of knowledge is typically considered fundamentally subjective in nature and therefore of little or no relevance and value to academic scholarship. In this article, we argue that, to the contrary, design historical scholarship has much to gain from engaging more seriously with the unsanctioned knowledge represented by the enthusiast's eye