978 research outputs found

    The MUCHFUSS photometric campaign

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    Hot subdwarfs (sdO/Bs) are the helium-burning cores of red giants, which lost almost all of their hydrogen envelopes. This mass loss is often triggered by common envelope interactions with close stellar or even substellar companions. Cool companions like late-type stars or brown dwarfs are detectable via characteristic light curve variations like reflection effects and often also eclipses. To search for such objects we obtained multi-band light curves of 26 close sdO/B binary candidates from the MUCHFUSS project with the BUSCA instrument. We discovered a new eclipsing reflection effect system (P=0.168938P=0.168938~d) with a low-mass M dwarf companion (0.116M⊙0.116 M_{\rm \odot}). Three more reflection effect binaries found in the course of the campaign were already published, two of them are eclipsing systems, in one system only showing the reflection effect but no eclipses the sdB primary is found to be pulsating. Amongst the targets without reflection effect a new long-period sdB pulsator was discovered and irregular light variations were found in two sdO stars. The found light variations allowed us to constrain the fraction of reflection effect binaries and the substellar companion fraction around sdB stars. The minimum fraction of reflection effect systems amongst the close sdB binaries might be greater than 15\% and the fraction of close substellar companions in sdB binaries might be as high as 8.0%8.0\%. This would result in a close substellar companion fraction to sdB stars of about 3\%. This fraction is much higher than the fraction of brown dwarfs around possible progenitor systems, which are solar-type stars with substellar companions around 1 AU, as well as close binary white dwarfs with brown dwarf companions. This might be a hint that common envelope interactions with substellar objects are preferentially followed by a hot subdwarf phase.Comment: accepted for A&

    GaBoDS: The Garching-Bonn Deep Survey -- II. Confirmation of EIS cluster candidates by weak gravitational lensing

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    We report the first confirmation of colour-selected galaxy cluster candidates by means of weak gravitational lensing. Significant lensing signals were identified in the course of the shear-selection programme of dark matter haloes in the Garching-Bonn Deep Survey, which currently covers 20 square degrees of deep, high-quality imaging data on the southern sky. The detection was made in a field that was previously covered by the ESO Imaging Survey (EIS) in 1997. A highly significant shear-selected mass-concentration perfectly coincides with the richest EIS cluster candidate at z~0.2, thus confirming its cluster nature. Several other shear patterns in the field can also be identified with cluster candidates, one of which could possibly be part of a filament at z~0.45.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to A&A Letter

    GaBoDS: The Garching-Bonn Deep Survey - III. Lyman-Break Galaxies in the Chandra Deep Field South

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    We present first results of our search for high-redshift galaxies in deep CCD mosaic images. As a pilot study for a larger survey, very deep images of the Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS), taken withWFI@MPG/ESO2.2m, are used to select large samples of 1070 U-band and 565 B-band dropouts with the Lyman-break method. The data of these Lyman-break galaxies are made public as an electronic table. These objects are good candidates for galaxies at z~3 and z~4 which is supported by their photometric redshifts. The distributions of apparent magnitudes and the clustering properties of the two populations are analysed, and they show good agreement to earlier studies. We see no evolution in the comoving clustering scale length from z~3 to z~4. The techniques presented here will be applied to a much larger sample of U-dropouts from the whole survey in near future.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, replaced with version accepted by A&A. Minor changes and tabular appendix with LBG catalogues. Version with full resolution figures available at http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~hendrik/2544.pd

    The Frequency Evolution of Interstellar Pulse Broadening from Radio Pulsars

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    In this paper we report multi-frequency measurements of pulse broadening times (tau_d) for nine medium dispersion measure (DM ≈150−400\approx 150-400 pc cm−3^{-3}) pulsars observed over a wide frequency range. The low frequency data at 243, 325 and 610 MHz are new observations done with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT). The frequency dependence of tau_d for all but one (PSR B1933+16) of our sources is consistent with the Kolmogorov spectrum of electron density fluctuations in a turbulent medium. PSR B1933+16, however, shows a very flat spectrum as previously observed for high DM pulsars. Our observations combined with earlier published results enable us to study the spectral index of tau_d over the whole observed DM range. While the spectral properties are generally consistent with a Kolmogorov spectrum, pulsars seen along line-of-sights towards the inner Galaxy or complex regions often show deviations from this expected behaviour.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Zitterbewegung and semiclassical observables for the Dirac equation

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    In a semiclassical context we investigate the Zitterbewegung of relativistic particles with spin 1/2 moving in external fields. It is shown that the analogue of Zitterbewegung for general observables can be removed to arbitrary order in \hbar by projecting to dynamically almost invariant subspaces of the quantum mechanical Hilbert space which are associated with particles and anti-particles. This not only allows to identify observables with a semiclassical meaning, but also to recover combined classical dynamics for the translational and spin degrees of freedom. Finally, we discuss properties of eigenspinors of a Dirac-Hamiltonian when these are projected to the almost invariant subspaces, including the phenomenon of quantum ergodicity

    The mass of the sdB primary of the binary HS 2333+3927

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    Short period sdB binaries with cool companions are crucial to understand pre-CV evolution, because they will evolve into cataclysmic variables, when the sdB will have left the extended horizontal branch. Recently we discovered the sixth such system, HS 2333+3927, consisting of an sdB star and an M dwarf (period: 0.172 d) with a very strong reflection effect, but no eclipses. The reflection is stronger than in any of the other similar systems which renders a quantitative spectral analysis very difficult because the Balmer line profiles may be disturbed by the reflected light. A spectroscopic analysis results in Teff = 36500 K, log g = 5.70, and log (n_He/n_H) = -2.15. Mass-radius relations were derived from the results of the analysis of light and radial-velocity curves. Comparison with the mass-radius relation derived from the surface gravity of the sdB star favours a rather low mass of 0.38 Msun for the primary. The mass of the companion is 0.29 M_sun. HS 2333+3927 is the only known sdB+dM system with a period above the CV period gap.Comment: 6 pages, 3 Fig., to appear in 14th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, ASP Conference Series, eds. D. Koester, S. Moehle

    Quantum ergodicity of C* dynamical systems

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    This paper contains a very simple and general proof that eigenfunctions of quantizations of classically ergodic systems become uniformly distributed in phase space. This ergodicity property of eigenfunctions f is shown to follow from a convexity inequality for the invariant states (Af,f). This proof of ergodicity of eigenfunctions simplifies previous proofs (due to A.I. Shnirelman, Colin de Verdiere and the author) and extends the result to the much more general framework of C* dynamical systems.Comment: Only very minor differences with the published versio

    Long duration radio transients lacking optical counterparts are possibly Galactic Neutron Stars

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    (abridged) Recently, a new class of radio transients in the 5-GHz band was detected by Bower et al. We present new deep near-Infrared (IR) observations of the field containing these transients, and find no counterparts down to a limiting magnitude of K=20.4 mag. We argue that the bright (>1 Jy) radio transients recently reported by Kida et al. are consistent with being additional examples of the Bower et al. transients. We refer to these groups of events as "long-duration radio transients". The main characteristics of this population are: time scales longer than 30 minute but shorter than several days; rate, ~10^3 deg^-2 yr^-1; progenitors sky surface density of >60 deg^-2 (95% C.L.) at Galactic latitude ~40 deg; 1.4-5 GHz spectral slopes, f_\nu ~ \nu^alpha, with alpha>0; and most notably the lack of any counterparts in quiescence in any wavelength. We rule out an association with many types of objects. Galactic brown-dwarfs or some sort of exotic explosions remain plausible options. We argue that an attractive progenitor candidate for these radio transients is the class of Galactic isolated old neutron stars (NS). We confront this hypothesis with Monte-Carlo simulations of the space distribution of old NSs, and find satisfactory agreement for the large areal density. Furthermore, the lack of quiescent counterparts is explained quite naturally. In this framework we find: the mean distance to events in the Bower et al. sample is of order kpc; the typical distance to the Kida et al. transients are constrained to be between 30 pc and 900 pc (95% C.L.); these events should repeat with a time scale of order several months; and sub-mJy level bursts should exhibit Galactic latitude dependence. We discuss possible mechanisms giving rise to the observed radio emission.Comment: Submitted to ApJ, 17 pages, 10 figure

    Topological features of massive bosons on two dimensional Einstein space-time

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    In this paper we tackle the problem of constructing explicit examples of topological cocycles of Roberts' net cohomology, as defined abstractly by Brunetti and Ruzzi. We consider the simple case of massive bosonic quantum field theory on the two dimensional Einstein cylinder. After deriving some crucial results of the algebraic framework of quantization, we address the problem of the construction of the topological cocycles. All constructed cocycles lead to unitarily equivalent representations of the fundamental group of the circle (seen as a diffeomorphic image of all possible Cauchy surfaces). The construction is carried out using only Cauchy data and related net of local algebras on the circle.Comment: 41 pages, title changed, minor changes, typos corrected, references added. Accepted for publication in Ann. Henri Poincare

    Neutrino-Nucleon Interactions in Magnetized Neutron-Star Matter: The Effects of Parity Violation

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    We study neutrino-nucleon scattering and absorption in a dense, magnetized nuclear medium. These are the most important sources of neutrino opacity governing the cooling of a proto-neutron star in the first tens of seconds after its formation. Because the weak interaction is parity violating, the absorption and scattering cross-sections depend asymmetrically on the directions of the neutrino momenta with respect to the magnetic field. We develop the moment formalism of neutrino transport in the presence of such asymmetric opacities and derive explicit expressions for the neutrino flux and other angular moments of the Boltzmann transport equation. For a given neutrino species, there is a drift flux of neutrinos along the magnetic field in addition to the usual diffusive flux. This drift flux depends on the deviation of the neutrino distribution function from thermal equilibrium. Hence, despite the fact that the neutrino cross-sections are asymmetric throughout the star, asymmetric neutrino flux can be generated only in the outer region of the proto-neutron star where the neutrino distribution deviates significantly from thermal equilibrium. In addition to the asymmetric absorption opacity arising from nucleon polarization, we find the contribution of the electron (or positron) ground state Landau level. For neutrinos of energy less than a few times the temperature, this is the dominant source of asymmetric opacity. Lastly, we discuss the implication of our result to the origin of pulsar kicks: in order to generate kick velocity of a few hundred km/s from asymmetric neutrino emission using the parity violation effect, the proto-neutron star must have a dipole magnetic field of at least 1015−101610^{15}-10^{16} G.Comment: 35 pages, no figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.
