20 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of body cavity volume in terrestrial tetrapods

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    tracts required for the digestion of plant fiber, this concept has not been addressed quantitatively. We estimated the volume of the torso in 126 terrestrial tetrapods (synapsids including basal synapsids and mammals, and diapsids including birds, non-avian dinosaurs and reptiles) classified as either herbivore or carnivore in digital models of mounted skeletons, using the convex hull method. The difference in relative torso volume between diet types was significant in mammals, where relative torso volumes of herbivores were about twice as large as that of carnivores, supporting the general hypothesis. However, this effect was not evident in diapsids. This may either reflect the difficulty to reliably reconstruct mounted skeletons in non-avian dinosaurs, or a fundamental difference in the bauplan of different groups of tetrapods, for example due to differences in respiratory anatomy. Evidently, the condition in mammals should not be automatically assumed in other, including more basal, tetrapod lineages. In both synapsids and diapsids, large animals showed a high degree of divergence with respect to the proportion of their convex hull directly supported by bone, with animals like elephants or Triceratops having a low proportion, and animals such as rhinoceros having a high proportion of bony support. The relevance of this difference remains to be further investigated

    Routine Screening for Depression: Identifying a Challenge for Successful HIV Care

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    Individuals with HIV experience fluctuating levels of distress throughout the course of HIV infection. This study was conducted to examine the associations of depressive symptomatology with HIV disease in a cohort of individuals who are engaged in routine medical care. This cross-sectional study examined the prevalence of depressive symptoms that were measured as part of a standard of care behavioral assessment among individuals at an urban HIV clinic in the Midwest. Demographic characteristics, depressive symptoms, and behavioral risk factors were collected. A total of 514 individuals participated in the study, the majority of whom was male and African American. One quarter of the sample endorsed symptoms of other depressive disorder, while 18% (n = 91) endorsed symptoms of major depressive disorder as measured by the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). Among those on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), individuals who were unemployed (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 2.47, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.54, 3.97), had a minor dependent (AOR = 2.17, 95% CI = 1.25, 3.77), or between the ages of 18 and 34 years (AOR = 1.37, CI = 1.03, 1.94) and detectable HIV viral load (AOR = 2.52, 95% CI = 1.22, 5.23) were more likely to report depressive disorder symptoms when controlling for age, gender, race, and education. Nearly 15% of the sample endorsed having suicidal thoughts at least once in the past two weeks. Regardless of HAART prescription, individuals who were unemployed had a higher likelihood of expressing suicidal ideation (AOR = 3.43, 95% CI = 1.66, 7.06). Given the association between depressive symptomatology and poor rates of HIV viral suppression, screening and appropriate interventions for depressive symptoms are warranted in the HIV outpatient setting to improve outcomes

    Infant Growth Outcomes After Maternal Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate Use During Pregnancy

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine whether maternal use of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) for treatment of HIV in pregnancy predicts fetal and infant growth. METHODS: The study population included HIV-uninfected liveborn singleton infants of mothers enrolled in the International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Group protocol P1025 (born 2002-2011) in the United States and exposed in utero to a combined (triple or more) antiretroviral (ARV) regimen. Infant weight at birth and 6 months was compared between infants exposed and unexposed to tenofovir in utero using two-sample T- and Chi-square tests and multivariable linear and logistic regression models including demographic and maternal characteristics. RESULTS: Among 2025 infants with measured birth weight, there was no difference between those exposed (N=630, 31%) versus unexposed to tenofovir in mean birth weight (2.75 vs. 2.77 kg, p=0.64), or mean gestational age- and sex-adjusted birth weight z-score (WASZ) (0.14 vs. 0.14, p=0.90). Among 1496 infants followed for 6 months, there was no difference in mean weight at 6 months between tenofovir-exposed (N=457, 31%) and tenofovir-unexposed infants (7.64 vs. 7.59 kg, p= 0.52), or in mean WASZ (0.29 vs. 0.26, p= 0.61). Tenofovir exposure during the 2(nd)/3(rd) trimester, relative to no exposure, significantly predicted under-weight (WASZ < 5%) at age 6 months (OR [95% CI]: 2.06 [1.01, 3.95], p=0.04). Duration of tenofovir exposure did not predict neonatal or infant growth. CONCLUSIONS: By most measures, in utero exposure to tenofovir did not significantly predict infant birth weight or growth through 6 months of age

    Safety of tenofovir use during pregnancy

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) use during pregnancy with early growth parameters in HIV-exposed, uninfected (HEU) infants. DESIGN: US-based prospective cohort study of HEU children to examine potential adverse effects of prenatal TDF exposure. METHODS: We evaluated the association of maternal TDF use during pregnancy with small for gestational age (SGA); low birth weight (LBW, <2.5kg); weight-for-age z-scores (WAZ), length-forage z-scores (LAZ) and head circumference-for-age (HCAZ) z-scores at newborn visit; and LAZ, HCAZ, and WAZ at age one year. Logistic regression models for LBW and SGA were fit, adjusting for maternal and sociodemographic factors. Adjusted linear regression models were used to evaluate LAZ, WAZ and HCAZ by TDF exposure. RESULTS: Of 2029 enrolled children with maternal antiretroviral information, TDF was used by 449 (21%) HIV-infected mothers, increasing from 14% in 2003 to 43% in 2010. There was no difference between those exposed to combination regimens with versus without TDF for SGA, LBW, and newborn LAZ and HCAZ. However, at age one year, infants exposed to combination regimens with TDF had significantly lower adjusted mean LAZ and HCAZ than those without TDF (LAZ: −0.17 vs. −0.03, p=0.04; HCAZ: 0.17 vs. 0.42, p=0.02). CONCLUSIONS: TDF use during pregnancy was not associated with increased risk for LBW or SGA. The slightly lower mean LAZ and HCAZ observed at age one year in TDF-exposed infants are of uncertain significance but underscore the need for additional studies of growth outcomes after TDF use during pregnancy

    The cost of comorbidities in treatment for HIV/AIDS in California

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    BACKGROUND:Antiretroviral therapy has increased longevity for people living with HIV (PLWH). As a result, PLWH increasingly experience the common diseases of aging and the resources needed to manage these comorbidities are increasing. This paper characterizes the number and types of comorbidities diagnosed among PLWH covered by Medicare and examines how non-HIV comorbidities relate to outpatient, inpatient, and pharmaceutical expenditures. METHODS:The study examined Medicare expenditures for 9767 HIV-positive Californians enrolled in Medicare in 2010 (7208 persons dually covered by Medicare and Medicaid and 2559 with Medicare only). Costs included both out of pocket costs and those paid by Medicare and Medicaid. Comorbidities were determined by examining diagnosis codes. FINDINGS:Medicare expenditures for Californians with HIV averaged $47,036 in 2010, with drugs accounting for about 2/3 of the total and outpatient costs 19% of the total. Inpatient costs accounted for 18% of the total. About 64% of the sample had at least one comorbidity in addition to HIV. Cross-validation showed that adding information on comorbidities to the quantile regression improved the accuracy of predicted individual expenditures. Non-HIV comorbidities relating to health habits-diabetes, hypertension, liver disease (hepatitis C), renal insufficiency-are common among PLWH. Cancer was relatively rare, but added significantly to cost. Comorbidities had little effect on pharmaceutical costs, which were dominated by the cost of antiretroviral therapy, but had a major effect on hospital admission. CONCLUSIONS:Comorbidities are prevalent among PLWH and add substantially to treatment costs for PLWH. Many of these comorbidities relate to health habits that could be addressed with additional prevention in ambulatory care, thereby improving health outcomes and ultimately reducing costs