257 research outputs found

    An experimental examination of low-energy cosmic ray heavy nuclei

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    Low energy cosmic ray heavy nuclei examination by sounding rocke

    Maturity and spawning of Otolithus argenteus (Cuvier) from Karwar waters

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    The present paper deals in the maturity stages, ova diameter and spawning season, of Otolithus argenteus from Karwar waters. The seven stages of maturity were determined based on the macroscopic appearance and microscopic study of intra ovarian eggs. The average size at first maturity was found to be 160 mm. The diameter of ova varies from 0.01 to 0.82 mm. with various modes, indicating the nature and the frequency of spawning

    Diffusion profiles of high dosage Cr and V ions implanted into silicon

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    The depth profiles of high dosage Cr-52(+) and V-51(+) ions implanted in (100) crystalline silicon after thermal anneal at temperatures between 300 degreesC and 1000 degreesC are studied by secondary ion mass spectrometry and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy. At dosages of 1x10(15) ions/cm(2) and above, the surface layer of silicon substrate is amorphorized. During the subsequent thermal annealing, the depth profiles of the implanted ions are strongly coupled with the solid phase epitaxial growth of amorphous silicon. Silicide precipitate formation is important to understand the differences between Cr and V diffusion. After anneal of the 1x10(15) ions/cm(2) implanted samples at 900 degreesC and 1000 degreesC, most of the Cr has left the silicon, but only 10% of the V has escaped. The 1x10(14) ions/cm(2) Cr-implanted sample shows Cr ions exist only near the surface after 1000 degreesC anneal. The V-implanted sample, on the other hand, only shows a narrowing of the V profile after 1000 degreesC anneal

    Value of long-term streamflow forecasts to reservoir operations for water supply in snow-dominated river catchments

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    We present a forecast-based adaptive management framework for water supply reservoirs and evaluate the contribution of long-term inflow forecasts to reservoir operations. Our framework is developed for snow-dominated river basins that demonstrate large gaps in forecast skill between seasonal and inter-annual time horizons. We quantify and bound the contribution of seasonal and inter-annual forecast components to optimal, adaptive reservoir operation. The framework uses an Ensemble Streamflow Prediction (ESP) approach to generate retrospective, one-year-long streamflow forecasts based on the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) hydrology model. We determine the optimal sequence of daily release decisions using the Model Predictive Control (MPC) optimization scheme. We then assess the forecast value by comparing system performance based on the ESP forecasts with the performances based on climatology and perfect forecasts. We distinguish among the relative contributions of the seasonal component of the forecast versus the inter-annual component by evaluating system performance based on hybrid forecasts, which are designed to isolate the two contributions. As an illustration, we first apply the forecast-based adaptive management framework to a specific case study, i.e., Oroville Reservoir in California, and we then modify the characteristics of the reservoir and the demand to demonstrate the transferability of the findings to other reservoir systems. Results from numerical experiments show that, on average, the overall ESP value in informing reservoir operation is 35% less than the perfect forecast value and the inter-annual component of the ESP forecast contributes 20–60% of the total forecast value.</p

    High-throughput functional analysis of autism genes in zebrafish identifies convergence in dopaminergic and neuroimmune pathways

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    Advancing from gene discovery in autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) to the identification of biologically relevant mechanisms remains a central challenge. Here, we perform parallel in vivo functional analysis of 10 ASD genes at the behavioral, structural, and circuit levels in zebrafish mutants, revealing both unique and overlapping effects of gene loss of function. Whole-brain mapping identifies the forebrain and cerebellum as the most significant contributors to brain size differences, while regions involved in sensory-motor control, particularly dopaminergic regions, are associated with altered baseline brain activity. Finally, we show a global increase in microglia resulting from ASD gene loss of function in select mutants, implicating neuroimmune dysfunction as a key pathway relevant to ASD biology