261 research outputs found

    Statistical shape analysis of brain structures using spherical wavelets

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    journal articleWe present a novel method of statistical surface-based morphometry based on the use of non-parametric permutation tests and a spherical wavelet (SWC) shape representation. As an application, we analyze two brain structures, the caudate nucleus and the hippocampus, and compare the results obtained to shape analysis using a sampled point representation. Our results show that the SWC representation indicates new areas of significance preserved under the FDR correction for both the left caudate nucleus and left hippocampus. Additionally, the spherical wavelet representation provides a natural way to interpret the significance results in terms of scale in addition to knowing the spatial location of the regions

    Volumetric and Viscometric Studies of Molecular Interactions in Binary N,N-Dimethylacetamide + Benzyl Alcohol Mixtures at Different Temperatures

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    The densities, ρ, and viscosities, η, of pure N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMA) and benzyl alcohol (BA), and nine of their binary mixtures covering the entire composition range have been measured at 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45°C. The experimental ρ and η values were correlated with composition and temperature by using some empirical relations. The excess volumes, VE, deviation in viscosities, Δη , excess Gibbs energies of activation of viscous flow, ΔG*E, and paal molar volumes, Vo1 and Vo2 ,of DMA in BA and BA in DMA, respectively, at infinite dilution have been evaluated from the experimental data. The variations of these parameters with composition and temperature indicate the presence of specific interactions, namely hydrogen bonding and dipole-dipole forces between unlike molecules, which decrease with rise in temperature. Furthermore, the enthalpies, ΔH*, and entropies, ΔS*, of activation of viscous flow have also been obtained by using the Eyring viscosity equation and fitting the results to some empirical relations. The ΔH* values were found to be dependent on temperature. The dependencies of ΔH* and ΔS* on the compositions of the mixtures have been discussed.Keywords: Density, viscosity, binary mixtures, molecular interactions

    Multilinear Wavelets: A Statistical Shape Space for Human Faces

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    We present a statistical model for 33D human faces in varying expression, which decomposes the surface of the face using a wavelet transform, and learns many localized, decorrelated multilinear models on the resulting coefficients. Using this model we are able to reconstruct faces from noisy and occluded 33D face scans, and facial motion sequences. Accurate reconstruction of face shape is important for applications such as tele-presence and gaming. The localized and multi-scale nature of our model allows for recovery of fine-scale detail while retaining robustness to severe noise and occlusion, and is computationally efficient and scalable. We validate these properties experimentally on challenging data in the form of static scans and motion sequences. We show that in comparison to a global multilinear model, our model better preserves fine detail and is computationally faster, while in comparison to a localized PCA model, our model better handles variation in expression, is faster, and allows us to fix identity parameters for a given subject.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures; accepted to ECCV 201

    Pemberdayaan UMKM “Kusuma Wijaya” Poncokusumo, Kabupaten Malang Melalui Penyediaan Infrastruktur Berupa Rak Besi Susun

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    Sarana yang representatif merupakan hal penting untuk menunjang kegiatan usaha di bidang penjualan kebutuhan pokok. Tampilan produk yang menarik tentu akan menarik minat konsumen untuk membeli. Usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah (UMKM) memiliki peran besar dalam perkonomian rakyat di Jawa Timur, tak terkecuali di Kabupaten Malang. Keberadaan UMKM selama ini mampu menjadi sumber nafkah masyarakat, terutama di pedesaan. Kelompok tenaga usaha mandiri “Kusuma Wijaya” merupakan UMKM yang beranggotakan masyarakat prasejahtera di desa Wonorejo, Kecamatan Poncokusumo. Karena keterbatasan modal untuk memulai usaha, anggota kelompok UMKM ini hanya menggunakan sarana seadanya untuk malaksanakan kegiatan usaha. Salah satu yang paling nampak adalah dengan meletakkan produk mereka di meja atau lantai teras. PPM ini dilakukan untuk merevitalisasi sarana UMKM tersebut melalui pembuatan rak besi siku berlubang untuk display produk sembako. Adanya kegiatan PPM ini diharapkan mampu mendorong pelaku UMKM untuk meningkatkan pendapatan usaha mereka. Ketersediaan sarana yang representatif sebagai tempat display produk, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan ketertarikan atau minat konsumen, serta memudahkan pelaku UMKM dalam menunjang kegiatan usaha mereka. Dalam kegiatan PPM ini telah dilakukan beberapa tahapan kegiatan yaitu survei lapangan, pembuatan alat, pelatihan penggunaan dan pernyerahan alat. Kegiatan PPM ini sejalan dengan Renstra PPM Polinema yaitu pemberdayaan koperasi dan UMKM melalui penyediaan insfrastruktur

    Experimental and theoretical studies of transport and optical properties of binary mixtures of acetonitrile with some alkyl methacrylates at temperatures from 298.15 to 318.15 K

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    1457-1469The viscosities, η and refractive indices, nD of pure acetonitrile, methyl methacrylate, ethyl methacrylate, n-butyl methacrylate and of their binary mixtures with acetonitrile as the common component, covering the entire composition range has been measured at temperatures (298.15, 303.15, 308.15, 313.15 and 318.15) K and atmospheric pressure. Using these experimental data, the deviations in viscosity ∆η, deviations in refractive index, ∆nD, deviations in molar refraction, ∆RMhave been calculated. These excess properties are correlated by the Redlich-Kister polynomial equation. The variations of ∆η, ∆nD, ∆RM and with composition and temperature has been discussed in terms of intermolecular interactions existing in these mixtures. Further, the viscosities and refractive indices of these binary mixtures have been calculated theoretically by using various empirical and semi-empirical relations and the results are compared with the experimental findings

    Prevalensi Penyakit Gondok Endemik Pada Anak-anak Sekolah Dasar Di Beberapa Daerah Di Sumatera, Jawa Dan Bali

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    Suatu penyelidikan gondok endemik pada anak-anak Sekolah Dasar dilakukan di empat propinsi di beberapa daerah yang dikenal sebagai daerah endemik dalam bulan Juli dan Nopember 1972. Pemeriksaan dilakukan terhadap sejumlah 6703 anak-anak sekolah dari 46 Sekolah Dasar yang terdapat di 39 desa diberbagai tempat di propinsi Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Barat, Jawa Timur dan Bali.Penyelidikan ini menunjukkan bahwa angka prevalensi penyakit gondok pada anak sekolah di keempat propinsi berkisar antara 62.1% di Sumatera Utara dan 89.4% di Sumatera Barat. Walaupun Sumatera Barat menunjukkan angka prevalensi tertinggi, persentase gondok yang tampak pada anak-anak di Jawa Timur adalah yang tertinggi. Tidak seorangpun dari anak-anak yang diperiksa mempunyai gondok yang tergolong tingkat 3.Penelitian yang mendalam dan intensif dianjurkan sebelum dilaksanakan program pencegahan gondok endemik dengan iodisasi garam
