36 research outputs found

    Uptake of trace elements by food crops grown within the Kilembe copper mine catchment, Western Uganda

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    The mining and processing of copper from the Kilembe mine between 1956 and 1982 left behind millions of tons of cupriferous and cobalt ferrous mine tailings within the Kilembe mine catchment. Subsequent erosion and deposition of the tailings into adjacent areas led to increased concentrations of Cu, Co, Ni, Zn, and Pb in the catchment soils. The Kilembe catchment is utilised for subsistence farming, producing mainly food crops, but there are also a number of settlements in the contaminated area. A study was conducted in 2016 to establish the concentrations of trace elements in a range of food crops grown within the catchment. Samples of maize, bananas, cassava, sweet potatoes, ground nuts, amaranthus, onions, beans and yams were collected, washed and oven dried at 80 °C. The dried foods were finely ground, microwave- digested in nitric acid and analysed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS). All the foods grown in contaminated soils showed instances of higher concentrations of Cu, Co, Ni, Zn, and in some cases Pb, compared with controls grown in uncontaminated soils. Amaranthus accumulated a range of trace elements with 26% of the samples exceeding EC thresholds for Cu in vegetables of 26 mg kg−1.Other crops with elemental concentrations exceeding recommended thresholds in some of the samples included beans (Zn), yams (Zn and Pb) and ground nuts (Zn). The concentrations of trace elements in onions, cassava, sweet potatoes, bananas and maize were not significantly different from controls. However, strong and positive correlations between the trace elements were found in beans, yams, amaranthus, maize and ground nuts, suggesting a common source of trace metals. There was strong evidence of soil dust retention on leaf vegetables (Amaranthus) despite washing. The accumulation of trace elements in the edible parts of vegetables and foods could have a direct impact on the health of local people, because the foods produced from gardens are mostly consumed locally

    Population exposure to trace elements in the Kilembe copper mine area, Western Uganda: a pilot study

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    The mining and processing of copper in Kilembe, Western Uganda, from 1956 to 1982 left over 15 Mt. of tailings containing cupriferous and cobaltiferous pyrite dumped within a mountain river valley. This pilot study was conducted to assess the nature and extent of risk to local populations from metal contamination arising from those mining activities. We determined trace element concentrations in mine tailings, soils, locally cultivated foods,house dust, drinking water and human biomarkers (toenails) using ICP-MS analysis of acid digested samples. The results showed that tailings, containing higher concentrations of Co, Cu, Ni and As compared with world average crust values had eroded and contaminated local soils. Pollution load indices revealed that 51% of agricultural soils sampled were contaminated with trace elements. Local water supplies were contaminated, with Co concentrations that exceeded Wisconsin (US) thresholds in 25% of domestic water supplies and 40% of Nyamwamba river water samples. Zinc exceeded WHO/FAO thresholds of 99.4 mg kg−1 in 36% of Amaranthus vegetable samples, Cu exceeded EC thresholds of 20 mg kg−1 in 19% of Amaranthus while Pb exceeded WHO thresholds of 0.3 mg kg−1 in 47% of Amaranthus vegetables. In bananas, 20% of samples contained Pb concentrations that exceeded the WHO/FAO recommended threshold of 0.3 mg kg−1. However, risk assessment of local foods and water, based on hazard quotients (HQ values) revealed no potential health effects. The high external contamination of volunteers' toenails with some elements (even after a washing process) calls into question their use as a biomarker for metal exposure in human populations where feet are frequently exposed to soil

    Uganda's experience in Ebola virus disease outbreak preparedness, 2018-2019.

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    BACKGROUND: Since the declaration of the 10th Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak in DRC on 1st Aug 2018, several neighboring countries have been developing and implementing preparedness efforts to prevent EVD cross-border transmission to enable timely detection, investigation, and response in the event of a confirmed EVD outbreak in the country. We describe Uganda's experience in EVD preparedness. RESULTS: On 4 August 2018, the Uganda Ministry of Health (MoH) activated the Public Health Emergency Operations Centre (PHEOC) and the National Task Force (NTF) for public health emergencies to plan, guide, and coordinate EVD preparedness in the country. The NTF selected an Incident Management Team (IMT), constituting a National Rapid Response Team (NRRT) that supported activation of the District Task Forces (DTFs) and District Rapid Response Teams (DRRTs) that jointly assessed levels of preparedness in 30 designated high-risk districts representing category 1 (20 districts) and category 2 (10 districts). The MoH, with technical guidance from the World Health Organisation (WHO), led EVD preparedness activities and worked together with other ministries and partner organisations to enhance community-based surveillance systems, develop and disseminate risk communication messages, engage communities, reinforce EVD screening and infection prevention measures at Points of Entry (PoEs) and in high-risk health facilities, construct and equip EVD isolation and treatment units, and establish coordination and procurement mechanisms. CONCLUSION: As of 31 May 2019, there was no confirmed case of EVD as Uganda has continued to make significant and verifiable progress in EVD preparedness. There is a need to sustain these efforts, not only in EVD preparedness but also across the entire spectrum of a multi-hazard framework. These efforts strengthen country capacity and compel the country to avail resources for preparedness and management of incidents at the source while effectively cutting costs of using a "fire-fighting" approach during public health emergencies

    Development and validation of quantitative PCR assays for HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis in sub-Saharan Africa: a diagnostic accuracy study

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    Background: HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis is the second leading cause of AIDS-related deaths, with a 10-week mortality rate of 25–30%. Fungal load assessed by colony-forming unit (CFU) counts is used as a prognostic marker and to monitor response to treatment in research studies. PCR-based assessment of fungal load could be quicker and less labour-intensive. We sought to design, optimise, and validate quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays for the detection, identification, and quantification of Cryptococcus infections in patients with cryptococcal meningitis in sub-Saharan Africa. Methods: We developed and validated species-specific qPCR assays based on DNA amplification of QSP1 (QSP1A specific to Cryptococcus neoformans, QSP1B/C specific to Cryptococcus deneoformans, and QSP1D specific to Cryptococcus gattii species) and a pan-Cryptococcus assay based on a multicopy 28S rRNA gene. This was a longitudinal study that validated the designed assays on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 209 patients with cryptococcal meningitis at baseline (day 0) and during anti-fungal therapy (day 7 and day 14), from the AMBITION-cm trial in Botswana and Malawi (2018–21). Eligible patients were aged 18 years or older and presenting with a first case of cryptococcal meningitis. Findings: When compared with quantitative cryptococcal culture as the reference, the sensitivity of the 28S rRNA was 98·2% (95% CI 95·1–99·5) and of the QSP1 assay was 90·4% (85·2–94·0) in CSF at day 0. Quantification of the fungal load with QSP1 and 28S rRNA qPCR correlated with quantitative cryptococcal culture (R2=0·73 and R2=0·78, respectively). Both Botswana and Malawi had a predominant C neoformans prevalence of 67% (95% CI 55–75) and 68% (57–73), respectively, and lower C gattii rates of 21% (14–31) and 8% (4–14), respectively. We identified ten patients that, after 14 days of treatment, harboured viable but non-culturable yeasts based on QSP1 RNA detection (without any positive CFU in CSF culture). Interpretation: QSP1 and 28S rRNA assays are useful in identifying Cryptococcus species. qPCR results correlate well with baseline quantitative cryptococcal culture and show a similar decline in fungal load during induction therapy. These assays could be a faster alternative to quantitative cryptococcal culture to determine fungal load clearance. The clinical implications of the possible detection of viable but non-culturable cells in CSF during induction therapy remain unclear. Funding: European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership; Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency; Wellcome Trust/UK Medical Research Council/UKAID Joint Global Health Trials; and UK National Institute for Health Research

    Development and validation of quantitative PCR assays for HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis in sub-Saharan Africa: a diagnostic accuracy study

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    Background: HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis is the second leading cause of AIDS-related deaths, with a 10-week mortality rate of 25–30%. Fungal load assessed by colony-forming unit (CFU) counts is used as a prognostic marker and to monitor response to treatment in research studies. PCR-based assessment of fungal load could be quicker and less labour-intensive. We sought to design, optimise, and validate quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays for the detection, identification, and quantification of Cryptococcus infections in patients with cryptococcal meningitis in sub-Saharan Africa. Methods: We developed and validated species-specific qPCR assays based on DNA amplification of QSP1 (QSP1A specific to Cryptococcus neoformans, QSP1B/C specific to Cryptococcus deneoformans, and QSP1D specific to Cryptococcus gattii species) and a pan-Cryptococcus assay based on a multicopy 28S rRNA gene. This was a longitudinal study that validated the designed assays on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 209 patients with cryptococcal meningitis at baseline (day 0) and during anti-fungal therapy (day 7 and day 14), from the AMBITION-cm trial in Botswana and Malawi (2018–21). Eligible patients were aged 18 years or older and presenting with a first case of cryptococcal meningitis. Findings: When compared with quantitative cryptococcal culture as the reference, the sensitivity of the 28S rRNA was 98·2% (95% CI 95·1–99·5) and of the QSP1 assay was 90·4% (85·2–94·0) in CSF at day 0. Quantification of the fungal load with QSP1 and 28S rRNA qPCR correlated with quantitative cryptococcal culture (R2=0·73 and R2=0·78, respectively). Both Botswana and Malawi had a predominant C neoformans prevalence of 67% (95% CI 55–75) and 68% (57–73), respectively, and lower C gattii rates of 21% (14–31) and 8% (4–14), respectively. We identified ten patients that, after 14 days of treatment, harboured viable but non-culturable yeasts based on QSP1 RNA detection (without any positive CFU in CSF culture). Interpretation: QSP1 and 28S rRNA assays are useful in identifying Cryptococcus species. qPCR results correlate well with baseline quantitative cryptococcal culture and show a similar decline in fungal load during induction therapy. These assays could be a faster alternative to quantitative cryptococcal culture to determine fungal load clearance. The clinical implications of the possible detection of viable but non-culturable cells in CSF during induction therapy remain unclear

    The private sector activities of public health workers in Uganda

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    The economic behaviour of health workers in Uganda

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    Informal health markets and formal health financing policy in Uganda: final report

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