39 research outputs found

    Computational Models for Prediction of Yeast Strain Potential for Winemaking from Phenotypic Profiles

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    Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains from diverse natural habitats harbour a vast amount of phenotypic diversity, driven by interactions between yeast and the respective environment. In grape juice fermentations, strains are exposed to a wide array of biotic and abiotic stressors, which may lead to strain selection and generate naturally arising strain diversity. Certain phenotypes are of particular interest for the winemaking industry and could be identified by screening of large number of different strains. The objective of the present work was to use data mining approaches to identify those phenotypic tests that are most useful to predict a strain's potential for winemaking. We have constituted a S. cerevisiae collection comprising 172 strains of worldwide geographical origins or technological applications. Their phenotype was screened by considering 30 physiological traits that are important from an oenological point of view. Growth in the presence of potassium bisulphite, growth at 40 degrees C, and resistance to ethanol were mostly contributing to strain variability, as shown by the principal component analysis. In the hierarchical clustering of phenotypic profiles the strains isolated from the same wines and vineyards were scattered throughout all clusters, whereas commercial winemaking strains tended to co-cluster. Mann-Whitney test revealed significant associations between phenotypic results and strain's technological application or origin. Naive Bayesian classifier identified 3 of the 30 phenotypic tests of growth in iprodion (0.05 mg/mL), cycloheximide (0.1 mu g/mL) and potassium bisulphite (150 mg/mL) that provided most information for the assignment of a strain to the group of commercial strains. The probability of a strain to be assigned to this group was 27% using the entire phenotypic profile and increased to 95%, when only results from the three tests were considered. Results show the usefulness of computational approaches to simplify strain selection procedures.Ines Mendes and Ricardo Franco-Duarte are recipients of a fellowship from the Portuguese Science Foundation, FCT (SFRH/BD/74798/2010, SFRH/BD/48591/2008, respectively) and Joao Drumonde-Neves is recipient of a fellowship from the Azores government (M3.1.2/F/006/2008 (DRCT)). Financial support was obtained from FEDER funds through the program COMPETE and by national funds through FCT by the projects FCOMP-01-0124-008775 (PTDC/AGR-ALI/103392/2008) and PTDC/AGR-ALI/121062/2010. Lan Umek and Blaz Zupan acknowledge financial support from Slovene Research Agency (P2-0209). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Unsupervised assessment of microarray data quality using a Gaussian mixture model

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Quality assessment of microarray data is an important and often challenging aspect of gene expression analysis. This task frequently involves the examination of a variety of summary statistics and diagnostic plots. The interpretation of these diagnostics is often subjective, and generally requires careful expert scrutiny.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show how an unsupervised classification technique based on the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm and the naïve Bayes model can be used to automate microarray quality assessment. The method is flexible and can be easily adapted to accommodate alternate quality statistics and platforms. We evaluate our approach using Affymetrix 3' gene expression and exon arrays and compare the performance of this method to a similar supervised approach.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This research illustrates the efficacy of an unsupervised classification approach for the purpose of automated microarray data quality assessment. Since our approach requires only unannotated training data, it is easy to customize and to keep up-to-date as technology evolves. In contrast to other "black box" classification systems, this method also allows for intuitive explanations.</p

    Pulsed photoacoustic studies of thermoset curing reaction

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    A pulsed photoacoustic technique was used for generation of ultrasonic pulses along with optical detection inside a transparent polymer resin undergoing a curing reaction. The changes in acoustic parameters during the solidification process was measured and were found to agree with the accepted general model for the kinetics of the curing reaction for polyester and epoxy resins. The advantages of the acoustic characterization compared to the more common calorimetric techniques are considered

    Overcoming concerns in collaborative transactions

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    Platforms that facilitate the sharing economy promise to help create a circular economy on a peer2peer level. When a consumer is acting as a “prosumer” offering goods or services to a peer, the other party may not profit from consumer protection. This negative consequence of a possible positive development is an incentive for the legislator to start regulating platform activities. This article translates the concerns to a positive platform policy instead

    Characterization and luminescent properties of Eu3+ doped Gd2Zr2O7 nanopowders

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    Nanopowders based on gadolinium zirconium oxide (Gd2Zr2O7) doped by europium ions (Eu3+) were successfully prepared using a flame combustion method. This material is suitable for various optical devices. The structure of prepared materials has been confirmed and characterized using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and photoluminescence (PL) techniques. The luminescence properties of synthesized nanopowders were characterized by emission spectra and luminescence lifetimes by using the streak camera system. PL spectra were obtained at three different excitation wavelengths (Optical Parametric Oscilator (OPO) at 360 nm, laser diode at 365 nm and Ar laser line at 514.5 nm). The strong emission lines at 611 nm and 630 nm corresponding to the D-5(0) - GT F-7(2) long lived transition could be used as a new red light source in optical devices. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Relative contributions of norspermidine synthesis and signaling pathways to the regulation of Vibrio cholerae biofilm formation.

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    The polyamine norspermidine is one of the major polyamines synthesized by Vibrionales and has also been found in various aquatic organisms. Norspermidine is among the environmental signals that positively regulate Vibrio cholerae biofilm formation. The NspS/MbaA signaling complex detects extracellular norspermidine and mediates the response to this polyamine. Norspermidine binding to the NspS periplasmic binding protein is thought to inhibit the phosphodiesterase activity of MbaA, increasing levels of the biofilm-promoting second messenger cyclic diguanylate monophosphate, thus enhancing biofilm formation. V. cholerae can also synthesize norspermidine using the enzyme NspC as well as import it from the environment. Deletion of the nspC gene was shown to reduce accumulation of bacteria in biofilms, leading to the conclusion that intracellular norspermidine is also a positive regulator of biofilm formation. Because V. cholerae uses norspermidine to synthesize the siderophore vibriobactin it is possible that intracellular norspermidine is required to obtain sufficient amounts of iron, which is also necessary for robust biofilm formation. The objective of this study was to assess the relative contributions of intracellular and extracellular norspermidine to the regulation of biofilm formation in V. cholerae. We show the biofilm defect of norspermidine synthesis mutants does not result from an inability to produce vibriobactin as vibriobactin synthesis mutants do not have diminished biofilm forming abilities. Furthermore, our work shows that extracellular, but not intracellular norspermidine, is mainly responsible for promoting biofilm formation. We establish that the NspS/MbaA signaling complex is the dominant mediator of biofilm formation in response to extracellular norspermidine, rather than norspermidine synthesized by NspC or imported into the cell