187 research outputs found

    Building an XML document warehouse

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    International audienceData Warehouses and OLAP (On Line Analytical Processing) technologies are dedicated to analyzing structured data issued from organizations' OLTP (On Line Transaction Processing) systems. Furthermore, in order to enhance their decision support systems, these organizations need to explore XML (eXtensible Markup Language) documents as an additional and important source of unstructured data. In this context, this paper addresses the warehousing of document-centric XML documents. More specifically, we propose a two-method approach to build Document Warehouse conceptual schemas. The first method is for the unification of XML document structures; it aims to elaborate a global and generic view for a set of XML documents belonging to the same domain. The second method is for designing multidimensional galaxy schemas for Document Warehouses

    Numerical visualization and optimization on the core penetration in multi-cavity co-injection molding with a bifurcation runner structure

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    [[abstract]]Co-Injection Molding and multi-cavity molding are common processes for plastic products manufacturing. These two systems are sometimes combined and applied in the manufacture of bifurcation-structure products. In the previous literature results, the dynamic behavior of the core penetration in co-injection multi-cavity molding with a bifurcation structure is quite complicated and the behavior is sensitive to injection flow rates, different materials, and other process conditions. However, how these influential factors truly affect the core penetration behavior and the detailed mechanism of core penetration behavior has not yet been fully understood. In this study, we focused on studying the multi-cavity co-injection system with a bifurcation runner structure. The results showed that when the skin-to-core ratio is fixed (say 72/28), the melt flow behavior of a co-injection system, utilizing the same material for both skin and core, is very similar to that of a single shot injection molding. Specifically, the non-symmetrical bifurcation runner structure will influence the flow behavior greatly and cause the core distribution imbalance between different cavities. Due to the geometric nature of the bifurcation runner design, this core distribution imbalance problem will still persist even if we modify the melt temperature, mold temperature, or even change the plastic material. Furthermore, when the skin-to-core ratio is fixed (say 72/28), the changes of the flow rate have very little effect on the core penetration result in the final molded product; the final molded product will still have a core distribution imbalance issue. However, we observed that when the flow rate is increased, the core material will occupy more volume space in the upstream portion of the runner and the core penetration distance will be reduced in the flow direction downstream. This feature is very useful to further manipulate the skin-core interface in a multi-cavity system. Moreover, regarding how to improve a poor inter-cavity balance of core material distribution, using a suitable adjustment of the skin-to-core ratio will be greatly helpful. However, the core break-through defect can be a common problem in co-injection molding when an unsuitable skin-to-core ratio is used. To prevent the core break-through defect, increasing the flow rate properly can be one of the good options that we can use. Hence, we concluded that a suitable adjustment of the skin-to-core ratio and a proper flow rate control can be used to optimize the core material distribution in multi-cavity co-injection molding with a bifurcation runner structure. Lastly, in order to validate our inference and the effectiveness of our proposal to improve the inter-cavity imbalance and core break-through problem, a series of experimental studies were performed. And, all experimental results are in good agreement with those of our numerical predictions to further validate the feasibility of our proposed method to gain a better control of the core material distribution with a bifurcation runner structure in multi-cavity co-injection molding.[[notice]]補正完

    Finite and infinite-dimensional symmetries of pure N=2 supergravity in D=4

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    We study the symmetries of pure N=2 supergravity in D=4. As is known, this theory reduced on one Killing vector is characterised by a non-linearly realised symmetry SU(2,1) which is a non-split real form of SL(3,C). We consider the BPS brane solutions of the theory preserving half of the supersymmetry and the action of SU(2,1) on them. Furthermore we provide evidence that the theory exhibits an underlying algebraic structure described by the Lorentzian Kac-Moody group SU(2,1)^{+++}. This evidence arises both from the correspondence between the bosonic space-time fields of N=2 supergravity in D=4 and a one-parameter sigma-model based on the hyperbolic group SU(2,1)^{++}, as well as from the fact that the structure of BPS brane solutions is neatly encoded in SU(2,1)^{+++}. As a nice by-product of our analysis, we obtain a regular embedding of the Kac-Moody algebra su(2,1)^{+++} in e_{11} based on brane physics.Comment: 70 pages, final version published in JHE

    Complete Ascertainment of Intragenic Copy Number Mutations (CNMs) in the CFTR Gene and its Implications for CNM Formation at Other Autosomal Loci

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    Over the last 20 years since the discovery of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, more than 1,600 different putatively pathological CFTR mutations have been identified. Until now, however, copy number mutations (CNMs) involving the CFTR gene have not been methodically analyzed, resulting almost certainly in the under-ascertainment of CFTR gene duplications compared with deletions. Here, high-resolution array comparative genomic hybridization (averaging one interrogating probe every 95 bp) was used to analyze the entire length of the CFTR gene (189 kb) in 233 cystic fibrosis chromosomes lacking conventional mutations. We succeeded in identifying five duplication CNMs that would otherwise have been refractory to analysis. Based upon findings from this and other studies, we propose that deletion and duplication CNMs in the human autosomal genome are likely to be generated in the proportion of approximately 2-3:1. We further postulate that intragenic gene duplication CNMs in other disease loci may have been routinely underascertained. Finally, our analysis of +/-20 bp flanking each of the 40 CFTR breakpoints characterized at the DNA sequence level provide support for the emerging concept that non-B DNA conformations in combination with specific sequence motifs predispose to both recurring and nonrecurring genomic rearrangements. Hum Mutat 31:421-428, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Game theory framework for MAC parameter optimization in energy-delay constrained sensor networks

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    Optimizing energy consumption and end-to-end (e2e) packet delay in energy-constrained, delay-sensitive wireless sensor networks is a conflicting multiobjective optimization problem. We investigate the problem from a game theory perspective, where the two optimization objectives are considered as game players. The cost model of each player is mapped through a generalized optimization framework onto protocol-specific MAC parameters. From the optimization framework, a game is first defined by the Nash bargaining solution (NBS) to assure energy consumption and e2e delay balancing. Secondy, the Kalai-Smorodinsky bargaining solution (KSBS) is used to find an equal proportion of gain between players. Both methods offer a bargaining solution to the duty-cycle MAC protocol under different axioms. As a result, given the two performance requirements (i.e., the maximum latency tolerated by the application and the initial energy budget of nodes), the proposed framework allows to set tunable system parameters to reach a fair equilibrium point that dually minimizes the system latency and energy consumption. For illustration, this formulation is applied to six state-of-the-art wireless sensor network (WSN) MAC protocols: B-MAC, X-MAC, RI-MAC, SMAC, DMAC, and LMAC. The article shows the effectiveness and scalability of such a framework in optimizing protocol parameters that achieve a fair energy-delay performance trade-off under the application requirements

    Spacelike Singularities and Hidden Symmetries of Gravity

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    We review the intimate connection between (super-)gravity close to a spacelike singularity (the "BKL-limit") and the theory of Lorentzian Kac-Moody algebras. We show that in this limit the gravitational theory can be reformulated in terms of billiard motion in a region of hyperbolic space, revealing that the dynamics is completely determined by a (possibly infinite) sequence of reflections, which are elements of a Lorentzian Coxeter group. Such Coxeter groups are the Weyl groups of infinite-dimensional Kac-Moody algebras, suggesting that these algebras yield symmetries of gravitational theories. Our presentation is aimed to be a self-contained and comprehensive treatment of the subject, with all the relevant mathematical background material introduced and explained in detail. We also review attempts at making the infinite-dimensional symmetries manifest, through the construction of a geodesic sigma model based on a Lorentzian Kac-Moody algebra. An explicit example is provided for the case of the hyperbolic algebra E10, which is conjectured to be an underlying symmetry of M-theory. Illustrations of this conjecture are also discussed in the context of cosmological solutions to eleven-dimensional supergravity.Comment: 228 pages. Typos corrected. References added. Subject index added. Published versio

    Self Assembly and Properties of C:WO3 Nano-Platelets and C:VO2/V2O5 Triangular Capsules Produced by Laser Solution Photolysis

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    Laser photolysis of WCl6 in ethanol and a specific mixture of V2O5 and VCl3 in ethanol lead to carbon modified vanadium and tungsten oxides with interesting properties. The presence of graphene’s aromatic rings (from the vibrational frequency of 1,600 cm−1) together with C–C bonding of carbon (from the Raman shift of 1,124 cm−1) present unique optical, vibrational, electronic and structural properties of the intended tungsten trioxide and vanadium dioxide materials. The morphology of these samples shows nano-platelets in WOx samples and, in VOx samples, encapsulated spherical quantum dots in conjunction with fullerenes of VOx. Conductivity studies revealed that the VO2/V2O5 nanostructures are more sensitive to Cl than to the presence of ethanol, whereas the C:WO3 nano-platelets are more sensitive to ethanol than atomic C

    Variation of Maximum Tree Height and Annual Shoot Growth of Smith Fir at Various Elevations in the Sygera Mountains, Southeastern Tibetan Plateau

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    Little is known about tree height and height growth (as annual shoot elongation of the apical part of vertical stems) of coniferous trees growing at various altitudes on the Tibetan Plateau, which provides a high-elevation natural platform for assessing tree growth performance in relation to future climate change. We here investigated the variation of maximum tree height and annual height increment of Smith fir (Abies georgei var. smithii) in seven forest plots (30 m×40 m) along two altitudinal transects between 3,800 m and 4,200/4,390 m above sea level (a.s.l.) in the Sygera Mountains, southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Four plots were located on north-facing slopes and three plots on southeast-facing slopes. At each site, annual shoot growth was obtained by measuring the distance between successive terminal bud scars along the main stem of 25 trees that were between 2 and 4 m high. Maximum/mean tree height and mean annual height increment of Smith fir decreased with increasing altitude up to the tree line, indicative of a stress gradient (the dominant temperature gradient) along the altitudinal transect. Above-average mean minimum summer (particularly July) temperatures affected height increment positively, whereas precipitation had no significant effect on shoot growth. The time series of annual height increments of Smith fir can be used for the reconstruction of past climate on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. In addition, it can be expected that the rising summer temperatures observed in the recent past and anticipated for the future will enhance Smith fir's growth throughout its altitudinal distribution range

    Lymnaea schirazensis, an Overlooked Snail Distorting Fascioliasis Data: Genotype, Phenotype, Ecology, Worldwide Spread, Susceptibility, Applicability

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    BACKGROUND: Lymnaeid snails transmit medical and veterinary important trematodiases, mainly fascioliasis. Vector specificity of fasciolid parasites defines disease distribution and characteristics. Different lymnaeid species appear linked to different transmission and epidemiological patterns. Pronounced susceptibility differences to absolute resistance have been described among lymnaeid populations. When assessing disease characteristics in different endemic areas, unexpected results were obtained in studies on lymnaeid susceptibility to Fasciola. We undertook studies to understand this disease transmission heterogeneity. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A ten-year study in Iran, Egypt, Spain, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru, demonstrated that such heterogeneity is not due to susceptibility differences, but to a hitherto overlooked cryptic species, Lymnaea schirazensis, confused with the main vector Galba truncatula and/or other Galba/Fossaria vectors. Nuclear rDNA and mtDNA sequences and phylogenetic reconstruction highlighted an old evolutionary divergence from other Galba/Fossaria species, and a low intraspecific variability suggesting a recent spread from one geographical source. Morphometry, anatomy and egg cluster analyses allowed for phenotypic differentiation. Selfing, egg laying, and habitat characteristics indicated a migration capacity by passive transport. Studies showed that it is not a vector species (n = 8572 field collected, 20 populations): snail finding and penetration by F. hepatica miracidium occur but never lead to cercarial production (n = 338 experimentally infected). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This species has been distorting fasciolid specificity/susceptibility and fascioliasis geographical distribution data. Hence, a large body of literature on G. truncatula should be revised. Its existence has henceforth to be considered in research. Genetic data on livestock, archeology and history along the 10,000-year post-domestication period explain its wide spread from the Neolithic Fertile Crescent. It is an efficient biomarker for the follow-up of livestock movements, a crucial aspect in fascioliasis emergence. It offers an outstanding laboratory model for genetic studies on susceptibility/resistance in F. hepatica/lymnaeid interaction, a field of applied research with disease control perspectives