66 research outputs found

    A Satellite Frost Forecasting System for Florida

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    Since the first of two minicomputers that are the main components of the satellite frost forecast system was delivered in 1977, the system has evolved appreciably. A geostationary operational environmental satellite (GOES) system provides the satellite data. The freeze of January 12-14, 1981, was documented with increasing interest in potential of such systems. Satellite data is now acquired digitally rather than by redigitizing the GOES-Tap transmissions. Data acquisition is now automated, i.e., the computers are programmed to operate the system with little, if any, operation intervention

    Satellite freeze forecast system. Operating/troubleshooting manual

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    Examples of operational procedures are given to assist users of the satellites freeze forecasting system (SFFS) in logging in on to the computer, executing the programs in the menu, logging off the computer, and setting up the automatic system. Directions are also given for displaying, acquiring, and listing satellite maps; for communicating via terminal and monitor displays; and for what to do when the SFFS doesn't work. Administrative procedures are included

    Satellite freeze forecast system

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    Provisions for back-up operations for the satellite freeze forecast system are discussed including software and hardware maintenance and DS/1000-1V linkage; troubleshooting; and digitized radar usage. The documentation developed; dissemination of data products via television and the IFAS computer network; data base management; predictive models; the installation of and progress towards the operational status of key stations; and digital data acquisition are also considered. The d addition of dew point temperature into the P-model is outlined

    Satellite freeze forecast system: Executive summary

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    A satellite-based temperature monitoring and prediction system consisting of a computer controlled acquisition, processing, and display system and the ten automated weather stations called by that computer was developed and transferred to the national weather service. This satellite freeze forecasting system (SFFS) acquires satellite data from either one of two sources, surface data from 10 sites, displays the observed data in the form of color-coded thermal maps and in tables of automated weather station temperatures, computes predicted thermal maps when requested and displays such maps either automatically or manually, archives the data acquired, and makes comparisons with historical data. Except for the last function, SFFS handles these tasks in a highly automated fashion if the user so directs. The predicted thermal maps are the result of two models, one a physical energy budget of the soil and atmosphere interface and the other a statistical relationship between the sites at which the physical model predicts temperatures and each of the pixels of the satellite thermal map

    Satellite freeze forecast system. System software documentation manual

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    The title, author, purpose, methodology, and operation are described for all software written for and used by the satellite freeze forecasting system

    Photosynthetic Efficiency of Drought-Induced Leaves in Neviusia alabamensis

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    Plants in one stand of Neviusia alabamensis Gray (Rosaceae), a rare shrub, became drought deciduous in July, 1990, and grew new leaves following rains in August. In September the photosynthetic efficiency of the new leaves was compared with that of old leaves in another stand of the same population. Although leaf area from regrowth was much less than old leaf area retained, photosynthetic efficiency in new leaves was about 3 times higher than in old leaves. This response is discussed in terms of compensation for drought-induced loss of leaves

    Application of Satellite Frost Forecast Technology to Other Parts of the United States

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    Thermal infrared data taken from the GOES satellite over a period of several hours was color enhanced by computer according to temperature. The varying temperatures were then used to assist in frost forecasting. Input from Michigan and Pennsylvania to the cold climate mapping project is emphasized in the report of the second year's activities of a two year effort

    Use of thermal inertia determined by HCMM to predict nocturnal cold prone areas in Florida

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    Surface temperatures derived from HCMM data were compared with to those obtained by GOES satellite and the apparent thermal inertia (ATI) calculated. For two dates, the HCMM temperatures appear to be about 5 C lower than the GOES temperatures. The ATI for excessively-drained to well-drained mineral soils was greater than for drained organic soils possibly because of long periods of low rainfall during late 1980 and early 1981. Organic soils cropped to sugar cane showed lower ATI after a severe killing freeze. With dead leaves, there was less transpiration and more solar radiation probably reached the dark soil surface. This would explain the larger diurnal temperature amplitude observed

    Use of thermal inertia determined by HCMM to predict nocturnal cold prone areas in Florida

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    Transparencies, prints, and computer compatible tapes of temperature differential and thermal inertia for the winter of 1978 to 1979 were obtained. Thermal inertial differences in the South Florida depicted include: drained organic soils of the Everglades agricultural area, undrained organic soils of the managed water conservation areas of the South Florida water management district, the urbanized area around Miami, Lake Okeechobee, and the mineral soil west of the Everglades agricultural area. The range of wetlands and uplands conditions within the Suwanee River basin was also identified. It is shown that the combination of wetlands uplands surface features of Florida yield a wide range of surface temperatures related to wetness of the surface features

    Use of thermal inertia determined by HCMM to predict nocturnal cold prone areas in Florida

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    The HCMM transparency scenes for the available winter of 1978-1979 were evaluated; scenes were identified on processed magnetic tapes; other remote sensing information was identified; and a soil heat flux model with variable-depth thermal profile was developed. The Image 100 system was used to compare HCMM and GOES transparent images of surface thermal patterns. Excellent correspondence of patterns was found, with HCMM giving the greater resolution. One image shows details of thermal patterns in Florida that are attributable to difference in near surface water contents. The wide range of surface temperatures attributable to surface thermal inertia that exist in the relatively flat Florida topography is demonstrated