263 research outputs found

    Comparison of Commonly Used Sail Cloths through Photogrammetric Acquisitions, Experimental Tests and Numerical Aerodynamic Simulations

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    Abstract The use of polymer composites has been increasing over the years and nowadays the requirements for designing high performance and lightweight fabrics and laminates for sail manufacturing have become more stringent than ever. The present paper offers an effective methodology that enhances the understanding of the influence of fibres orientation and arrangement of panels on sail performance. Constitutive characteristics of the ten commonly used sail cloths are experimentally measured and their influence on sail dynamic performance is compared using an aerodynamic approach. As expected also in industry 4.0 the method allows to control the production process and final product optimization

    Digenean trematodes of Seriolella porosa (Pisces, Centrolophidae) in San Matías Gulf, Argentina

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    Seriolella porosa (Silver warehou) is an important fish resource in the Argentine Sea. No previous studies have been carried out to date on its parasite fauna. The present study aims to (i) identify the digenean trematodes that parasitize Silver warehou, (ii) estimate parasite frequency and abundance, and (iii) establish their relationship with fish size and sex. A total of 100 specimens of S. porosa from San Matías Gulf, Argentina were examined between September and October 2006. Host size and sex were determined. Parasites extracted from the stomach lumen were fixed, conserved in 5% formalin, and stained with Langeron's hydrochloric carmine. The following parameters were also determined: dispersion coefficient, prevalence, intensity, and parasite abundance. Differences in parasitism were assessed using non-parametric tests. Four adult digenean species were found in the stomach, namely Lecithocladium cristatum, Aponurus laguncula, Elytrophalloides oatesi and Gonocerca cf. phycidis. L. cristatum was not only dominant but also the most prevalent and abundant species. None of the digeneans showed interspecific association with each other and therefore they might follow different patterns of colonization (i. e., different intermediate hosts, seasonal and/or spatial distribution of the infective stages). Significant differences were observed among the digeneans analyzed in respect to the sex of the host. Results from this study show that Silver warehou plays a key role as a final host of a significant number of digeneans in the ecosystem. This study is the first step in an attempt to further determine the larval stages in intermediate hosts in San Matías Gulf.Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectore

    Digenean trematodes of Seriolella porosa (Pisces, Centrolophidae) in San Matías Gulf, Argentina

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    Seriolella porosa (Silver warehou) is an important fish resource in the Argentine Sea. No previous studies have been carried out to date on its parasite fauna. The present study aims to (i) identify the digenean trematodes that parasitize Silver warehou, (ii) estimate parasite frequency and abundance, and (iii) establish their relationship with fish size and sex. A total of 100 specimens of S. porosa from San Matías Gulf, Argentina were examined between September and October 2006. Host size and sex were determined. Parasites extracted from the stomach lumen were fixed, conserved in 5% formalin, and stained with Langeron's hydrochloric carmine. The following parameters were also determined: dispersion coefficient, prevalence, intensity, and parasite abundance. Differences in parasitism were assessed using non-parametric tests. Four adult digenean species were found in the stomach, namely Lecithocladium cristatum, Aponurus laguncula, Elytrophalloides oatesi and Gonocerca cf. phycidis. L. cristatum was not only dominant but also the most prevalent and abundant species. None of the digeneans showed interspecific association with each other and therefore they might follow different patterns of colonization (i. e., different intermediate hosts, seasonal and/or spatial distribution of the infective stages). Significant differences were observed among the digeneans analyzed in respect to the sex of the host. Results from this study show that Silver warehou plays a key role as a final host of a significant number of digeneans in the ecosystem. This study is the first step in an attempt to further determine the larval stages in intermediate hosts in San Matías Gulf.Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectore

    Una mirada penal restaurativa del abuso sexual a la infancia: el derecho de las víctimas a la verdad

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    El transcurso del tiempo en los delitos de ASI cumple un rol fundamental. La prescripción extingue la potestad represiva del Estado. La reforma legislativa establece que se suspende la prescripción mientras la víctima sea menor de edad y hasta que habiendo cumplido la mayoría, formule por sí la denuncia o ratifique la formulada por sus representantes legales durante su minoría de edad. Existen personas adultas, que durante su niñez fueron víctimas de actos de abuso sexual, cuando la CADH y la CDN gozaban de jerarquía constitucional. Atendiendo al interés superior del niño en relación con el derecho a la tutela judicial efectiva, consideramos que toda víctima -ahora adulta- gozaba al momento del ASI de la protección de las garantías enunciadas. Promovemos la realización del juicio por la verdad para las causas en las que fuese decretada la prescripción de la acción penal por delitos de ASI, a fin de constituir un mínimo umbral jurídico al que las víctimas puedan acceder. La única diferencia con los procesos ordinarios -en caso de acceder al debate oral y público- recae en la imposibilidad de aplicar la pena de una eventual sentencia condenatoria, sin perjuicio de determinar la responsabilidad del imputado.The passage of time incrimes ASI complies with a fundamental role. The prescription extinguishes the repressive power of the State. The legislative reform establishes that the statute of limitations is suspended as long as the victim is a minor and until after having completed the majority, he or she makes the complaint or ratifies the one made by his legal representatives during his minority. There are adults, who during their childhood were victims of acts of sexual abuse, when the ACHR and the CRC enjoyed constitutional hierarchy. Considering the best interests of the child in relation to the right to effective judicial protection, we consider that every victim - now an adult - enjoyed at the time of the ASI the protection of the aforementioned guarantees. We promote the realization of the trial for the truth for the causes in which the prescription of the criminal action for crimes of ASI was decreed, in order to constitute a minimum legal threshold to which the victims can access. The only difference with ordinary proceedings -in case of accessing the oral and public debate- lies in the impossibility of applying the penalty of an eventual conviction, without prejudice to determining the responsibility of the accused.Facultad de Psicologí

    Basin-scale interaction between post-LGM faulting and morpho-sedimentary processes in the S. Eufemia Gulf (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea)

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    The integrated interpretation of high-resolution multibeam bathymetry, seismic profiles and backscatter data in the S. Eufemia Gulf (SEG; Calabro-Tyrrhenian continental margin, south-eastern Tyrrhenian Sea) documents the relationship between postglacial fault activity and morpho-sedimentary processes. Three systems of active normal faults that affect the seafloor or the shallow subsurface, have been identified: 1) the S. Eufemia fault system located on the continental shelf with fault planes mainly oriented N26E-N40E; 2) the offshore fault system that lies on the continental slope off Capo Suvero with fault planes mainly oriented N28E-N60E; 3) the Angitola Canyon fault system located on the seafloor adjacent to the canyon having fault planes oriented N60EN85E. The faults produce a belt of linear escarpments with vertical displacement varying from a few decimeters to about 12 m. One of the most prominent active structures is the fault F1 with the highest fault length (about 9.5 km). Two main segments of this fault are identified: a segment characterised by seafloor deformation with metric slip affecting Holocene deposits; a segment characterised by folding of the seafloor. A combined tectonostratigraphic model of an extensional fault propagation fold is proposed here to explain such different deformation.In addition to the seabed escarpments produced by fault deformation, in the SEG, a strong control of fault activity on recent sedimentary processes is clearly observed. For example, canyons and channels frequently change their course in response to their interaction with main tectonic structures. Moreover, the upper branch of the Angitola Canyon shows straight flanks determined by fault scarps. Tectonics also determined different sediment accumulation rates and types of sedimentation (e.g., the accumulation of hanging wall turbidite deposits and the development of contourite deposits around the Maida Ridge). Furthermore, the distribution of landslides is often connected to main fault scarps and fluids are locally confined in the hanging wall side of faults and can escape at the seabed, generating pockmarks aligned along their footwall

    A BARF1-specific mAb as a new immunotherapeutic tool for the management of EBV-related tumors.

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    The use of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) for the diagnosis and treatment of malignancies is acquiring an increasing clinical importance, thanks to their specificity, efficacy and relative easiness of use. However, in the context of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-related malignancies, only cancers of B-cell origin can benefit from therapeutic mAb targeting specific B-cell lineage antigens. To overcome this limitation, we generated a new mAb specific for BARF1, an EBV-encoded protein with transforming and immune-modulating properties. BARF1 is expressed as a latent protein in nasopharyngeal (NPC) and gastric carcinoma (GC), and also in neoplastic B cells mainly upon lytic cycle induction, thus representing a potential target for all EBV-related malignancies. Considering that BARF1 is largely but not exclusively secreted, the BARF1 mAb was selected on the basis of its ability to bind a domain of the protein retained at the cell surface of tumor cells. In vitro, the newly generated mAb recognized the target molecule in its native conformation, and was highly effective in mediating both ADCC and CDC against BARF1-positive tumor cells. In vivo, biodistribution analysis in mice engrafted with BARF1-positive and -negative tumor cells confirmed its high specificity for the target. More importantly, the mAb disclosed a relevant antitumor potential in preclinical models of NPC and lymphoma, as evaluated in terms of both reduction of tumor masses and long-term survival. Taken together, these data not only confirm BARF1 as a promising target for immunotherapeutic interventions, but also pave the way for a successful translation of this new mAb to the clinical use

    Towards Critical Occidentalism Studies: Re-inventing the 'West' and 'Japan' in Mangaesque Popular Cultures

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    This paper investigates the reproduction of the imagined geography of the ‘West’ in contemporary Japan by employing a relational, intersectional and positional approach in order to examine Occidentalism and its hegemonic identification and othering process. Particular attention will be paid to emerging Japanese subcultures enacting a parodic and sexualised re-invention of Westernness and Japaneseness within a globalising mangaesque media mix

    An Integrated Multiscale Method for the Characterisation of Active Faults in Offshore Areas. The Case of Sant\u2019Eufemia Gulf (Offshore Calabria, Italy)

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    Diagnostic morphological features (e.g., rectilinear seafloor scarps) and lateral offsets of the Upper Quaternary deposits are used to infer active faults in offshore areas. Although they deform a significant seafloor region, the active faults are not necessarily capable of producing large earthquakes as they correspond to shallow structures formed in response to local stresses. We present a multiscale approach to reconstruct the structural pattern in offshore areas and distinguish between shallow, non-seismogenic, active faults, and deep blind faults, potentially associated with large seismic moment release. The approach is based on the interpretation of marine seismic reflection data and quantitative morphometric analysis of multibeam bathymetry, and tested on the Sant\u2019Eufemia Gulf (southeastern Tyrrhenian Sea). Data highlights the occurrence of three major tectonic events since the Late Miocene. The first extensional or transtensional phase occurred during the Late Miocene. Since the Early Pliocene, a right-lateral transpressional tectonic event caused the positive inversion of deep (>3 km) tectonic features, and the formation of NE-SW faults in the central sector of the gulf. Also, NNE-SSW to NE-SW trending anticlines (e.g., Maida Ridge) developed in the eastern part of the area. Since the Early Pleistocene (Calabrian), shallow (<1.5 km) NNE-SSW oriented structures formed in a left-lateral transtensional regime. The new results integrated with previous literature indicates that the Late Miocene to Recent transpressional/transtensional structures developed in an 3cE-W oriented main displacement zone that extends from the Sant\u2019Eufemia Gulf to the Squillace Basin (Ionian offshore), and likely represents the upper plate response to a tear fault of the lower plate. The quantitative morphometric analysis of the study area and the bathymetric analysis of the Angitola Canyon indicate that NNE-SSW to NE-SW trending anticlines were negatively reactivated during the last tectonic phase. We also suggest that the deep structure below the Maida Ridge may correspond to the seismogenic source of the large magnitude earthquake that struck the western Calabrian region in 1905. The multiscale approach contributes to understanding the tectonic imprint of active faults from different hierarchical orders and the geometry of seismogenic faults developed in a lithospheric strike-slip zone orthogonal to the Calabrian Arc

    Mid-to-late Holocene upper slope contourite deposits off Capo Vaticano (Mediterranean Sea): High-resolution record of contourite cyclicity, bottom current variability and sandy facies

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    none13noThe upper continental slope offshore Capo Vaticano (southern Tyrrhenian Sea) is characterized by a contourite depositional system with well-developed elongated sediment drifts. This system is related to a northward paleo-bottom current, similar to the present-day modified-Levantine Intermediate Water (modified-LIW) flowing from the Messina Strait. In this work, we show results from an integrated analysis of descriptive oceanography, high-resolution seismic profiles and core data (i.e., grain size, foraminiferal assemblages, tephrostratigraphy and AMS radiocarbon dating) collected from the crest and moat sectors of drift deposits. The studied succession formed since the mid Holocene, under the action of the modified-LIW and the stratigraphic architecture indicates an upslope migration of the moat and rather stable position of the crest sector. Grain-size features recorded from two sediment cores indicate the occurrence of a succession of complete bi-gradational sand-rich contourite sequences. Sandy facies were observed both as lag deposits formed in active moat channel and as coarser intervals of bi-gradational sequences forming drift deposits close to its crest. Their occurrence would highlight that upper slope environments impacted by intermediate water masses and proximal to sandy sources may represent favorable settings for accumulation of sandy sediment. The moat sector is characterized by a more complex stratigraphic record, where either moat sedimentation or lateral deposition of finer sediment occur, suggesting that further investigation is required to better understand this complex element of contourite systems. Based on available age information, some of the bi-gradational sequences probably formed during the Dark Age Cold Period, providing example of a small-scale cyclicity of contourite deposition, likely related to short-term (possibly multicentennial scale) fluctuations of the paleo modified-LIW. According to age constraints and analysis of foraminiferal assemblages, these fluctuations were likely governed by climate variations, with a weaker activity during warmer periods and faster currents during colder events.openMartorelli E., Bosman A., Casalbore D., Chiocci F., Conte A.M., Di Bella L., Ercilla G., Falcini F., Falco P., Frezza V., Gaglianone G., Giaccio B., Mancini M.Martorelli, E.; Bosman, A.; Casalbore, D.; Chiocci, F.; Conte, A. M.; Di Bella, L.; Ercilla, G.; Falcini, F.; Falco, P.; Frezza, V.; Gaglianone, G.; Giaccio, B.; Mancini, M

    Requirements for the formal representation of pathophysiology mechanisms by clinicians

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    Knowledge of multiscale mechanisms in pathophysiology is the bedrock of clinical practice. If quantitative methods, predicting patient-specific behaviour of these pathophysiology mechanisms, are to be brought to bear on clinical decision-making, the Human Physiome community and Clinical community must share a common computational blueprint for pathophysiology mechanisms. A number of obstacles stand in the way of this sharing—not least the technical and operational challenges that must be overcome to ensure that (i) the explicit biological meanings of the Physiome's quantitative methods to represent mechanisms are open to articulation, verification and study by clinicians, and that (ii) clinicians are given the tools and training to explicitly express disease manifestations in direct contribution to modelling. To this end, the Physiome and Clinical communities must co-develop a common computational toolkit, based on this blueprint, to bridge the representation of knowledge of pathophysiology mechanisms (a) that is implicitly depicted in electronic health records and the literature, with (b) that found in mathematical models explicitly describing mechanisms. In particular, this paper makes use of a step-wise description of a specific disease mechanism as a means to elicit the requirements of representing pathophysiological meaning explicitly. The computational blueprint developed from these requirements addresses the Clinical community goals to (i) organize and manage healthcare resources in terms of relevant disease-related knowledge of mechanisms and (ii) train the next generation of physicians in the application of quantitative methods relevant to their research and practice