706 research outputs found

    Joint disease mapping using six cancers in the Yorkshire region of England

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    OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were to model jointly the incidence rates of six smoking related cancers in the Yorkshire region of England, to explore the patterns of spatial correlation amongst them, and to estimate the relative weight of smoking and other shared risk factors for the relevant disease sites, both before and after adjustment for socioeconomic background (SEB). METHODS: Data on the incidence of oesophagus, stomach, pancreas, lung, kidney, and bladder cancers between 1983 and 2003 were extracted from the Northern & Yorkshire Cancer Registry database for the 532 electoral wards in the Yorkshire region. Using postcode of residence, each case was assigned an area-based measure of SEB using the Townsend index. Standardised incidence ratios (SIRs) were calculated for each cancer site and their correlations investigated. The joint analysis of the spatial variation in incidence used a Bayesian shared-component model. Three components were included to represent differences in smoking (for all six sites), bodyweight/obesity (for oesophagus, pancreas and kidney cancers) and diet/alcohol consumption (for oesophagus and stomach cancers). RESULTS: The incidence of cancers of the oesophagus, pancreas, kidney, and bladder was relatively evenly distributed across the region. The incidence of stomach and lung cancers was more clustered around the urban areas in the south of the region, and these two cancers were significantly associated with higher levels of area deprivation. The incidence of lung cancer was most impacted by adjustment for SEB, with the rural/urban split becoming less apparent. The component representing smoking had a larger effect on cancer incidence in the eastern part of the region. The effects of the other two components were small and disappeared after adjustment for SEB. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates the feasibility of joint disease modelling using data from six cancer sites. Incidence estimates are more precise than those obtained without smoothing. This methodology may be an important tool to help authorities evaluate healthcare system performance and the impact of policies

    Penyimpangan Sosial Human Trafficking

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    Penelitian yang dilaksanakan merupakan penelitian sosial budaya yang jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan teknik analisis secara kualitatif dengan menggambarkan secara utuh dan jelas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang melatarbelakangi terjadinya human trafficking, bentuk dari human trafficking dan peran dari pemerintah dalam menanggulangi terjadinya human traffiking yang ada di Kota Makassar. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang melatarbelakangi terjadinya human trafficking dikarenakan kebutuhan ekonomi yang mendesak, baik dari korban maupun dari pelaku semuanya beralasan dikarenakan oleh kebutuhan ekonomi dan faktor yang lainnya juga dikarenakan oleh lingkungan dan teman bergaul dari orang yang bersangkutan. Adapun bentuk dari human trafficking itu sendiri adalah yang bersangkutan atau korban dijadikan sebagai PSK oleh pelaku dan hasil dari dengan menjadikan korban PSK sepenuhnya diambil oleh si pelaku. Dan peran dari pemerintah sendiri dalam menanggulangi terjadinya human trafficking itu dengan melakukan sosialisasi dan seminar-semina kepada masyarakat, tempat-tempat hiburan dan hotel-hotel yang berada disekitar pusat hiburan, dalam hal ini pemerintah bekerjasama dengan pihak kepolisian dan Lembaga-lembaga Sosial

    Perempuan Maskulin

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    Penelitian tentang Perempuan Maskulin (study Kasus Kecamatan Patimpeng Kabupaten Bone).Rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini adalah Bagaimanakah Proses pembentukan karakter maskulin pada perempuan, pandangan masyarakat terhadap perempuan maskulin dan bagaimanakah implikasi sosial perempuan maskulin dalam keluarga dan masyarakat.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pandangan masyarakat terhadap perempuan yang berkarakter maskulin dan implikasi sosial perempuan maskulin. Jenis penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif ditunjang dengan pendekatan study kasus, pengumpulan data digunakan dengan cara observasi, wawancara mendalam, teknik dokumentasi dari hasil foto . Dalam penelitian ini, yang menjadi sasaran penelitian adalah pertamam perempuan yang dianggap maskulin, kedua tokoh masyarakat yang dianggap bisa memberikan informasi atau data yang sesuai dengan penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, pembentukan karakter maskulin pada perempuan dipengaruhi oleh faktor kebiasaan yang dilakukan dari kecil, dan faktor lingkungan .serta pandangan masyarakat tentang perempuan maskulin merupakan sebuah penyimpangan identitas gender manusia, walaupun demikian masyarakat menghargainya sebagaimana manusia lainnya, itu adalah hak mereka dalam menjalani hidup serta selama itu tidak melanggar norma norma dan nilai nilai yang ada dimasyarakat. Adanya perempuan maskulin memberikan implikasi sosial dikalangan masyarakat dengan memberikan stereotip

    Work function determination of promising electrode materials for thermionic energy converters

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    The work function determinations of candidate materials for low temperature (1400 K) thermionics through vacuum emission tests are discussed. Two systems, a vacuum emission test vehicle and a thermionic emission microscope are used for emission measurements. Some nickel and cobalt based super alloys were preliminarily examined. High temperature physical properties and corrosion behavior of some super alloy candidates are presented. The corrosion behavior of sodium is of particular interest since topping cycles might use sodium heat transfer loops. A Marchuk tube was designed for plasma discharge studies with the carbide and possibly some super alloy samples. A series of metal carbides and other alloys were fabricated and tested in a special high temperature mass spectrometer. This information coupled with work function determinations was evaluated in an attempt to learn how electron bonding occurs in transition alloys

    Starving the messenger: A study of journalistsā€™ conditions of service in Malawi

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    This study used in-depth interviews to investigate the conditions of service and welfare of journalists in Malawi. ItĀ found that while the Media Council of Malawi code of professional ethics and standards and in-house policiesĀ expected the best out the journalists, the majority of the journalists, mostly junior reporters, were grossly underpaid;Ā far below the monthly living wage. It also found that dejection, fatalism, and individualism pervade journalists soĀ much so that some of them seemed resigned to their status quo. Media owners seemed unwilling to engage in anyĀ debate about their journalist employeesā€™ welfare. The study concludes that under such circumstances, manyĀ Malawian journalists were likely to be tempted to take bribes and engage in other forms of corruption as copingĀ mechanisms.Key words: Afriethics, umunthu, ubuntu, journalism, welfare, living wag

    The poverty impacts of improved cowpea varieties in Nigeria: a counterfactual analysis

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    Open Access Article; Published online: 12 June 2019Adoption of improved agricultural technologies has long been recognized as critical for reducing poverty through increased productivity, incomes, and asset accumulation. Using a nationally representative survey data from a sample of over 1500 households in Nigeria, this paper evaluates the impacts of adoption of improved cowpea varieties on income and asset poverty reduction using an endogenous switching regression model. The results showed that adoption of improved cowpea varieties increased per capita household income and asset ownership by 17 and 24 percentage points, respectively. The results based on the observed and counterfactual income and asset distributions further showed that adoption reduced both income poverty and asset poverty by 5 percentage points. The paper concludes with a discussion of the policy options for increasing adoption and impacts of improved cowpea varieties in Nigeria

    Study on the metal absorption by two bryophytes from Koyana wildlife sanctuary (India)

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    Two bryophyte species Asterella angusta Beauv. and Cyathodium tuberosum Kash. growing across different regions of Koyana wildlife sanctuary have been used as indicators of metal pollution. The estimation of important heavy metals like Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cd and Cr have been carried out in the two bryophyte species using atomic absorption spectroscopy. The low level of metal pollutants was observed in moss specimens collected from the natural habitats and high level in the specimens collected from traffic areas. Overall, Cu and Pb are responsible for causing major pollution in the studied area and the concentration of metals in plant was found to be higher in study region

    Synthesis and characterization of metallocyclic complexes of palladium(II) with monoalkyl (alpha-anilino-N-benzyl)phosphonates

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    The synthesis, spectroscopic and thermal properties of the novel five-membered [N,O] metallocyclic complexes of palladium(II) with monoethyl (HL1) and monobutyl (HL2) esters of (alpha -amino-N-benzyl)phosphonic acid are reported. Binuclear complexes Pd(2)L(4) (L = L1, L2) were obtained by reaction of sodium salts of monoalkyl phosphonates with PdCl(4)(2-) in aqueous solution. Four organophosphorus ligands bridge two palladium atoms by coordination through the aniline nitrogen and the deprotonated phosphonic acid oxygen. The complexes were identified and characterized by elemental analysis, magnetic and conductance measurements, as well as by spectroscopic (ESI-MS, IR, UV-VIS, (1)H and (31)P NMR) and thermal (TG, DTA) studies. The properties of the complexes are discussed with respect to those of palladium(II) metallocyclic complexes reported for monoalkyl 4-azobenzene-substituted anilinobenzylphosphonates

    Synthesis and Characterization of Metallocyclic Complexes of Palladium(II) with Monoalkyl (α-Anilino-N-benzyl)phosphonates

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    The synthesis, spectroscopic and thermal properties of the novel five-membered [N,O] metallocyclic complexes of palladium(II) with monoethyl (HL1) and monobutyl (HL2) esters of (α-anilino-N-benzyl)phosphonic acid are reported. Binuclear complexes Pd2L4 (L = L1, L2) were obtained by reaction of sodium salts of monoalkyl phosphonates with PdCl42- in aqueous solution. Four organophosphorus ligands bridge two palladium atoms by coordination through the aniline nitrogen and the deprotonated phosphonic acid oxygen. The complexes were identified and characterized by elemental analysis, magnetic and conductance measurements, as well as by spectroscopic (ESI-MS, IR, UV-VIS, 1H and 31P NMR) and thermal (TG, DTA) studies. The properties of the complexes are discussed with respect to those of palladium(II) metallocyclic complexes reported for monoalkyl 4-azobenzene-substituted anilinobenzylphos-phonates
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