580 research outputs found

    Coincidence isometries of a shifted square lattice

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    We consider the coincidence problem for the square lattice that is translated by an arbitrary vector. General results are obtained about the set of coincidence isometries and the coincidence site lattices of a shifted square lattice by identifying the square lattice with the ring of Gaussian integers. To illustrate them, we calculate the set of coincidence isometries, as well as generating functions for the number of coincidence site lattices and coincidence isometries, for specific examples.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure; paper presented at Aperiodic 2009 (Liverpool

    Time scales in shear banding of wormlike micelles

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    Transient stress and birefringence measurements are performed on wormlike micellar solutions that "shear band", i.e. undergo flow-induced coexistence of states of different viscosities along a constant stress "plateau". Three well-defined relaxation times are found after a strain rate step between two banded flow states on the stress plateau. Using the Johnson-Segalman model, we relate these time scales to three qualitatively different stages in the evolution of the bands and the interface between them: band destabilization, reconstruction of the interface, and travel of the fully formed interface. The longest timescale is then used to estimate the magnitude of the (unknown) "gradient" terms that must be added to constitutive relations to explain the history independence of the steady flow and the plateau stress selection

    The Johnson-Segalman model with a diffusion term in Couette flow

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    We study the Johnson-Segalman (JS) model as a paradigm for some complex fluids which are observed to phase separate, or ``shear-band'' in flow. We analyze the behavior of this model in cylindrical Couette flow and demonstrate the history dependence inherent in the local JS model. We add a simple gradient term to the stress dynamics and demonstrate how this term breaks the degeneracy of the local model and prescribes a much smaller (discrete, rather than continuous) set of banded steady state solutions. We investigate some of the effects of the curvature of Couette flow on the observable steady state behavior and kinetics, and discuss some of the implications for metastability.Comment: 14 pp, to be published in Journal of Rheolog

    XAS signatures of Am(III) adsorbed onto magnetite and maghemite

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    Trivalent americium was adsorbed on magnetite and maghemite under similar chemical conditions and the local environment probed by EXAFS spectroscopy. In both samples, partially hydrated Am(III) binds the surface but slightly different surface complexes were identified. On Fe3O4, Am(III) forms monomeric tridentate surface complexes similar to that reported for Pu(III) at the (111) surface. In contrast, the lower number of detected Fe atoms may suggest that Am(III) forms monomeric bidentate surface complexes on γ-Fe2O3. Alternatively, the lower Fe coordination number can also be due to the presence of vacancies in maghemite. XPS data imply very similar binding environments for Am at both Fe oxide surfaces

    Rheological Chaos in a Scalar Shear-Thickening Model

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    We study a simple scalar constitutive equation for a shear-thickening material at zero Reynolds number, in which the shear stress \sigma is driven at a constant shear rate \dot\gamma and relaxes by two parallel decay processes: a nonlinear decay at a nonmonotonic rate R(\sigma_1) and a linear decay at rate \lambda\sigma_2. Here \sigma_{1,2}(t) = \tau_{1,2}^{-1}\int_0^t\sigma(t')\exp[-(t-t')/\tau_{1,2}] {\rm d}t' are two retarded stresses. For suitable parameters, the steady state flow curve is monotonic but unstable; this arises when \tau_2>\tau_1 and 0>R'(\sigma)>-\lambda so that monotonicity is restored only through the strongly retarded term (which might model a slow evolution of material structure under stress). Within the unstable region we find a period-doubling sequence leading to chaos. Instability, but not chaos, persists even for the case \tau_1\to 0. A similar generic mechanism might also arise in shear thinning systems and in some banded flows.Comment: Reference added; typos corrected. To appear in PRE Rap. Com

    Ordering and Demixing Transitions in Multicomponent Widom-Rowlinson Models

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    We use Monte Carlo techniques and analytical methods to study the phase diagram of multicomponent Widom-Rowlinson models on a square lattice: there are M species all with the same fugacity z and a nearest neighbor hard core exclusion between unlike particles. Simulations show that for M between two and six there is a direct transition from the gas phase at z < z_d (M) to a demixed phase consisting mostly of one species at z > z_d (M) while for M \geq 7 there is an intermediate ``crystal phase'' for z lying between z_c(M) and z_d(M). In this phase, which is driven by entropy, particles, independent of species, preferentially occupy one of the sublattices, i.e. spatial symmetry but not particle symmetry is broken. The transition at z_d(M) appears to be first order for M \geq 5 putting it in the Potts model universality class. For large M the transition between the crystalline and demixed phase at z_d(M) can be proven to be first order with z_d(M) \sim M-2 + 1/M + ..., while z_c(M) is argued to behave as \mu_{cr}/M, with \mu_{cr} the value of the fugacity at which the one component hard square lattice gas has a transition, and to be always of the Ising type. Explicit calculations for the Bethe lattice with the coordination number q=4 give results similar to those for the square lattice except that the transition at z_d(M) becomes first order at M>2. This happens for all q, consistent with the model being in the Potts universality class.Comment: 26 pages, 15 postscript figure

    Absence of Phase Transition for Antiferromagnetic Potts Models via the Dobrushin Uniqueness Theorem

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    We prove that the qq-state Potts antiferromagnet on a lattice of maximum coordination number rr exhibits exponential decay of correlations uniformly at all temperatures (including zero temperature) whenever q>2rq > 2r. We also prove slightly better bounds for several two-dimensional lattices: square lattice (exponential decay for q≥7q \ge 7), triangular lattice (q≥11q \ge 11), hexagonal lattice (q≥4q \ge 4), and Kagom\'e lattice (q≥6q \ge 6). The proofs are based on the Dobrushin uniqueness theorem.Comment: 32 pages including 3 figures. Self-unpacking file containing the tex file, the needed macros (epsf.sty, indent.sty, subeqnarray.sty, and eqsection.sty) and the 3 ps file

    Cardiac Remodeling and Dysfunction in Childhood Obesity: A Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Study

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    Background: Obesity affects nearly one in five children and is associated with increased risk of premature death. Obesity-related heart disease contributes to premature death. We aimed to use cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) to comprehensively characterize the changes in cardiac geometry and function in obese children. Methods and results: Forty-one obese/overweight (age 12 ± 3 years, 56 % female) and 29 healthy weight children (age 14 ± 3 years, 41 % female) underwent CMR, including both standard cine imaging and displacement encoded imaging, for a complete assessment of left ventricular (LV) structure and function. After adjusting for age, LV mass index was 23 % greater (27 ± 4 g/m2.7 vs 22 ± 3 g/m2.7, p \u3c 0.001) and the LV myocardium was 10 % thicker (5.6 ± 0.8 mm vs 5.1 ± 0.8 mm, p \u3c 0.001) in the obese/overweight children. This evidence of cardiac remodeling was present in obese children as young as age 8. Twenty four percent of obese/overweight children had concentric hypertrophy, 59 % had normal geometry and 17 % had either eccentric hypertrophy or concentric remodeling. LV mass index, thickness, ejection fraction and peak longitudinal and circumferential strains all correlated with epicardial adipose tissue after adjusting for height and gender (all p \u3c 0.05). Peak longitudinal and circumferential strains showed a significant relationship with the type of LV remodeling, and were most impaired in children with concentric hypertrophy (p \u3c 0.001 and p = 0.003, respectively). Conclusions: Obese children show evidence of significant cardiac remodeling and dysfunction, which begins as young as age 8. Obese children with concentric hypertrophy and impaired strain may represent a particularly high risk subgroup that demands further investigation
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