173 research outputs found

    General and Intensive Care Outcomes for Hospitalized Patients With Solid Organ Transplants With COVID-19

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    © The Author(s) 2020. Purpose: COVID-19 has been associated with a dysregulated inflammatory response. Patients who have received solid-organ transplants are more susceptible to infections in general due to the use of immunosuppressants. We investigated factors associated with mechanical ventilation and outcomes in solid-organ transplant recipients with COVID-19. Materials and Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of all solid-organ transplant recipients admitted with a diagnosis of COVID-19 in our 23-hospital health system over a 1-month period. Descriptive statistics were used to describe hospital course and laboratory results and bivariate comparisons were performed on variables to determine differences. Results: Twenty-two patients with solid-organ transplants and COVID-19 were identified. Eight patients were admitted to the ICU, of which 7 were intubated. Admission values of CRP (p = 0.045) and N/L ratio (p = 0.047) were associated with the need for mechanical ventilation. Seven patients (32%) died during admission, including 86% (n = 6) of patients who received mechanical ventilation. Conclusions: In solid-organ transplant recipients with COVID-19, initial CRP and N/L ratio were associated with need for mechanical ventilation

    Brightest Cluster Galaxies and Core Gas Density in REXCESS Clusters

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    We investigate the relationship between brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) and their host clusters using a sample of nearby galaxy clusters from the Representative XMM Cluster Structure Survey (REXCESS). The sample was imaged with the Southern Observatory for Astrophysical Research (SOAR) in R band to investigate the mass of the old stellar population. Using a metric radius of 12h^-1 kpc, we found that the BCG luminosity depends weakly on overall cluster mass as L_BCG \propto M_cl^0.18+-0.07, consistent with previous work. We found that 90% of the BCGs are located within 0.035 r_500 of the peak of the X-ray emission, including all of the cool core (CC) clusters. We also found an unexpected correlation between the BCG metric luminosity and the core gas density for non-cool core (non-CC) clusters, following a power law of n_e \propto L_BCG^2.7+-0.4 (where n_e is measured at 0.008 r_500). The correlation is not easily explained by star formation (which is weak in non-CC clusters) or overall cluster mass (which is not correlated with core gas density). The trend persists even when the BCG is not located near the peak of the X-ray emission, so proximity is not necessary. We suggest that, for non-CC clusters, this correlation implies that the same process that sets the central entropy of the cluster gas also determines the central stellar density of the BCG, and that this underlying physical process is likely to be mergers.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, accepted Astrophysical Journa

    Physiologic Response to Angiotensin II Treatment for Coronavirus Disease 2019-Induced Vasodilatory Shock: A Retrospective Matched Cohort Study.

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    Objectives:To assess the early physiologic response to angiotensin-II treatment in patients with coronavirus disease 2019-induced respiratory failure and distributive shock. Design:Retrospective consecutive-sample cohort study. Setting:Three medical ICUs in New York during the coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak. Patients:All patients were admitted to the ICU with respiratory failure and were receiving norepinephrine for distributive shock. Interventions:The treatment groups were patients who received greater than or equal to 1 hour of angiotensin-II treatment. Time-zero was the time of angiotensin-II initiation. Controls were identified using a 2:1 hierarchical process that matched for 1) date and unit of admission; 2) specific organ support modalities; 3) age; 4) chronic lung, cardiovascular, and kidney disease; and 5) sex. Time-zero in the control group was 21 hours post vasopressor initiation, the mean duration of vasopressor therapy prior to angiotensin-II initiation in the treated group. Measurements and Main Results:Main outcomes were trajectories of vasopressor requirements (in norepinephrine-equivalent dose) and mean arterial pressure. Additionally assessed trajectories were respiratory (Pao2/Fio2, Paco2), metabolic (pH, creatinine), and coagulation (d-dimer) dysfunction indices after time-zero. We also recorded adverse events and clinical outcomes. Trajectories were analyzed using mixed-effects models for immediate (first 6 hr), early (48 hr), and sustained (7 d) responses. Twenty-nine patients (n = 10 treated, n = 19 control) were identified. Despite matching, angiotensin-II-treated patients had markedly greater vasopressor requirements (mean: 0.489 vs 0.097 ”g/kg/min), oxygenation impairment, and acidosis at time-zero. Nonetheless, angiotensin-II treatment was associated with an immediate and sustained reduction in norepinephrine-equivalent dose (6 hr model: ÎČ = -0.036 ”g/kg/min/hr; 95% CI: -0.054 to -0.018 ”g/kg/min/hr, p interaction=0.0002) (7 d model: ÎČ = -0.04 ”g/kg/min/d, 95% CI: -0.05 to -0.03 ”g/kg/min/d; p interaction = 0.0002). Compared with controls, angiotensin-II-treated patients had significantly faster improvement in mean arterial pressure, hypercapnia, acidosis, baseline-corrected creatinine, and d-dimer. Three thrombotic events occurred, all in control patients. Conclusions:Angiotensin-II treatment for coronavirus disease 2019-induced distributive shock was associated with rapid improvement in multiple physiologic indices. Angiotensin-II in coronavirus disease 2019-induced shock warrants further study

    Use of Organ Dysfunction as a Primary Outcome Variable Following Cecal Ligation and Puncture: Recommendations for Future Studies

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    Outcomes variables for research on sepsis have centered on mortality and changes in the host immune response. However, a recent task force (Sepsis-3) revised the definition of sepsis to life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection. This new definition suggests that human studies should focus on organ dysfunction. The appropriate criteria for organ dysfunction in either human sepsis or animal models are, however, poorly delineated, limiting the potential for translation. Further, in many systems, the difference between dysfunction and injury may not be clear. In this review, we identify criteria for organ dysfunction and/or injury in human sepsis and in rodents subjected to cecal ligation and puncture (CLP), the most commonly used animal model of sepsis. We further examine instances where overlap between human sepsis and CLP is sufficient to identify translational endpoints. Additional verification may demonstrate that these endpoints are applicable to other animals and to other sepsis models, for example, pneumonia. We believe that the use of these proposed measures of organ dysfunction will facilitate mechanistic studies on the pathobiology of sepsis and enhance our ability to develop animal model platforms to evaluate therapeutic approaches to human sepsis

    Development and Reporting of Prediction Models: Guidance for Authors From Editors of Respiratory, Sleep, and Critical Care Journals

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    Prediction models aim to use available data to predict a health state or outcome that has not yet been observed. Prediction is primarily relevant to clinical practice, but is also used in research, and administration. While prediction modeling involves estimating the relationship between patient factors and outcomes, it is distinct from casual inference. Prediction modeling thus requires unique considerations for development, validation, and updating. This document represents an effort from editors at 31 respiratory, sleep, and critical care medicine journals to consolidate contemporary best practices and recommendations related to prediction study design, conduct, and reporting. Herein, we address issues commonly encountered in submissions to our various journals. Key topics include considerations for selecting predictor variables, operationalizing variables, dealing with missing data, the importance of appropriate validation, model performance measures and their interpretation, and good reporting practices. Supplemental discussion covers emerging topics such as model fairness, competing risks, pitfalls of “modifiable risk factors”, measurement error, and risk for bias. This guidance is not meant to be overly prescriptive; we acknowledge that every study is different, and no set of rules will fit all cases. Additional best practices can be found in the Transparent Reporting of a multivariable prediction model for Individual Prognosis Or Diagnosis (TRIPOD) guidelines, to which we refer readers for further details

    A mouse model reproducing the pathophysiology of neonatal group B streptococcal infection

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    Group B streptococcal (GBS) meningitis remains a devastating disease. The absence of an animal model reproducing the natural infectious process has limited our understanding of the disease and, consequently, delayed the development of effective treatments. We describe here a mouse model in which bacteria are transmitted to the offspring from vaginally colonised pregnant females, the natural route of infection. We show that GBS strain BM110, belonging to the CC17 clonal complex, is more virulent in this vertical transmission model than the isogenic mutant BM110∆cylE, which is deprived of hemolysin/cytolysin. Pups exposed to the more virulent strain exhibit higher mortality rates and lung inflammation than those exposed to the attenuated strain. Moreover, pups that survive to BM110 infection present neurological developmental disability, revealed by impaired learning performance and memory in adulthood. The use of this new mouse model, that reproduces key steps of GBS infection in newborns, will promote a better understanding of the physiopathology of GBS-induced meningitis.The authors gratefully acknowledge the help of Encarnaca̧ ̃o Ribeiro for excellent technical assistance, Joana Tavares for assisting with IVIS Lumina LT, Susana Roque for the luminex instrument experiments, the Molecular Microbiology group at i3S for microscope use, and the Portuguese architect and artist Gil Ferreira da Silva for the artworks included in the last figure. This work was supported by funds from Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) and Compete under project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016607 (PTDC/IMI-MIC/1049/2014) and from the project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000012, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). T.S. and A.M. were supported by Investigador FCT (IF/00875/2012 and IF/00753/2014), POPH and Fundo Social Europeu. E.B.A. and C.C.P. hold postdoctoral fellowships from FCT (PTDC/IMI-MIC/1049/2014 and SFRH/BPD/91962/2012). Ar.F. and P.T.C. were supported by Laboratoire d’Excellence (LABEX) Integrative Biology of Emerging Infectious Diseases (grant ANR-10-LABX-62-IBEID).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
