336 research outputs found

    A method for generating a quasi-linear convective system suitable for observing system simulation experiments

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    To understand the impact of different assimilated observations on convection-allowing model forecast skill, a diverse range of observing system simulation experiment (OSSE) case studies are required (different storm modes and environments). Many previous convection-allowing OSSEs predicted the evolution of an isolated supercell generated via a warm air perturbation in a horizontally homogenous environment. This study introduces a new methodology in which a quasi-linear convective system is generated in a highly sheared and modestly unstable environment. Wind, temperature, and moisture perturbations superimposed on a horizontally homogeneous environment simulate a cold front that initiates an organized storm system that spawns multiple mesovortices. Mature boundary layer turbulence is also superimposed onto the initial environment to account for typical convective-scale uncertainties. Creating an initial forecast ensemble remains a challenge for convection-allowing OSSEs because mesoscale uncertainties are difficult to quantify and represent. The generation of the forecast ensemble is described in detail. The forecast ensemble is initialized by 24 h full-physics simulations (e.g., radiative forcing, surface friction, and microphysics). The simulations assume different surface conditions to alter surface moisture and heat fluxes and modify the effects of friction. The subsequent forecast ensemble contains robust non-Gaussian errors that persist until corrected by the data assimilation system. This purposely degraded initial forecast ensemble provides an opportunity to assess whether assimilated environmental observations can improve, e.g., the wind profile. An example OSSE suggests that a combination of radar and conventional (surface and soundings) observations are required to produce a skilled quasi-linear convective system forecast, which is consistent with real-world case studies. The OSSE framework introduced in this study will be used to understand the impact of assimilated environmental observations on forecast skill.</p

    Systematic review of interventions targeting sickness absence among pregnant women in healthcare settings and workplaces

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    Objectives: The high rate of sickness absence from work during pregnancy is recognised as a problem, and may be higher than necessary from a health perspective. The aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions in healthcare settings and workplaces targeting sickness absence among pregnant women. Methods: Studies were eligible if they included pregnant women participating in any intervention in healthcare settings or workplaces. The outcome was length of sickness absence in days or number of episodes. Study design had to be either randomised controlled trials (RCTs) or quasi-experimental studies. The search for studies was conducted in PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL, PsycINFO, ClinicalTrials.gov and WHO trial registry. Risk of bias was assessed by the Joanna Briggs Institute standardised quality assessment instrument. Results: A total of nine studies were quality assessed and of these, four were excluded due to insufficient methodological quality. Five RCTs conducted in healthcare settings in Sweden and Norway were included. Due to heterogeneity, meta-analysis was not performed. Two RCTs examined complementary and alternative medicine and three RCTs the effect of physical exercise. In general, the frequency of women on sickness absence was lower in the intervention groups than the control groups, however, only among pregnant women who participated in a 12-week exercise programme, the frequency was significantly lower (22% vs 30%, p=0.04). Conclusion: The evidence of interventions targeting sickness absence among pregnant women in healthcare settings is sparse, and no studies were conducted at workplaces. Future interventions including physical activity provided in collaboration with healthcare settings and workplaces are requested. Studies should measure sickness absence based on valid methods, measure compliance to the intervention and provide transparency of statistical methods

    Byzantine wall paintings from San Marco d’Alunzio, Sicily: non-invasive diagnostics and microanalytical investigation of pigments and plasters

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    A diagnostic investigation was carried out on twelfth century Byzantine wall paintings preserved in the Museum of Byzantine and Norman Culture and Figurative Arts of San Marco d’Alunzio (Messina, Italy) on the occasion of recent restoration works. First, the wall paintings were analyzed using portable X-Ray Fluorescence (p-XRF) and Fiber Optics Reflectance Spectroscopy (FORS) to obtain a non-invasive preliminary identification of the original palette. Then, five fragments were sampled for a micro-stratigraphy study using Digital Optical Microscope (DOM), Polarizing Optical Microscope (POM), and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) combined with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry (EDS) to characterize the mortars and the blue and black pigments non unequivocally identified through non-invasive techniques. The palette included mainly earthen pigments like red and yellow ochres, green earth, and more valuable lapis lazuli blue applied on a bone black layer; while the analysis of mortars found on the different apses showed the same manufacturing technique and constitutive materials: lime-based binder with the addition of quartz, and rare calcareous lithic fragments as aggregate. The obtained results shed light on the pictorial technique used for the wall paintings and allowed us to compare the Sicilian pictorial cycle with the coeval Byzantine wall paintings preserved in Sardinia and Southern Italy

    Renal involvement in HCV related cirrhosis evidenced as glomerular and tubular derangement

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    Introduction and Aims: The relation between HCV infection and glomerular damage is well recognized, with evidences of negative impact on renal function. HCV replication in renal tubular cells on kidney biopsies has been reported but very limited data are available on HCV-mediated tubular damage. The aim of the study was to assess the presence of renal involvement (RI), glomerular or tubular, in patients with HCV cirrhosis. Methods: 98 patients with HCV cirrhosis Child Pugh-A were consecutively enrolled. Glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was estimated with CKD-EPI 2009 equation. Urinary albumin/creatinine (ACR) and alpha1microglobulin/creatinine (a1MCR) ratios were calculated. Glomerular involvement was defined based on ACR&gt;20μg/mg, tubular involvement based on a1MCR&gt;14μg/mg plus fractional sodium excretion (FeNa)&gt;1%. Urine concentration of Liver-type Fatty Acid-Binding Protein (L-FABP) and Kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1) were examined in morning midstream urine samples (ELISA) and the values normalized to urine creatinine concentration as expression of tubular derangement. Results: eGFR was ≥60 mL/min/1.73 m2 in 92 patients (93.8%) and between 45-59 mL/min/1.73 m2 in 6 patients (6.1%). Glomerular involvement was found in 19 patients (19.4%), tubular involvement in 31 patients (31.6%) and these co-occurred in 10 patients ( p=0.034). Patients with glomerular or tubular involvement, or both, considered as patients with RI, showed significantly lower eGFR values ( p=0.005) (Tab 1). A ROC curve was drafted and a cut point of 90 ml/min predicted RI (AUC: 0.700; sensitivity 63%, specificity 75%). Patients with RI were older, had higher ACR and a1MCR levels and exhibited a higher KDIGO stage (Tab 1). No association was found between RI and: HCV-RNA levels, liver stiffness and liver function tests. L-FABP and KIM-1 levels were significantly higher in patients with RI. Conclusions: Tubular and/or glomerular involvement is quite frequent in HCV cirrhotic patients, despite a normal eGFR. The evidence of tubular involvement suggests an alternative localization of HCV as renal disease

    RECK is not an independent prognostic marker for breast cancer

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud The REversion-inducing Cysteine-rich protein with Kazal motif (RECK) is a well-known inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and cellular invasion. Although high expression levels of RECK have already been correlated with a better clinical outcome for several tumor types, its main function, as well as its potential prognostic value for breast cancer patients, remain unclear.\ud \ud \ud Methods\ud The RECK expression profile was investigated in a panel of human breast cell lines with distinct aggressiveness potential. RECK functional analysis was undertaken using RNA interference methodology. RECK protein levels were also analyzed in 1040 cases of breast cancer using immunohistochemistry and tissue microarrays (TMAs). The association between RECK expression and different clinico-pathological parameters, as well as the overall (OS) and disease-free (DFS) survival rates, were evaluated.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud Higher RECK protein expression levels were detected in more aggressive breast cancer cell lines (T4-2, MDA-MB-231 and Hs578T) than in non-invasive (MCF-7 and T47D) and non-tumorigenic (S1) cell lines. Indeed, silencing RECK in MDA-MB-231 cells resulted in elevated levels of pro-MMP-9 and increased invasion compared with scrambled (control) cells, without any effect on cell proliferation. Surprisingly, by RECK immunoreactivity analysis on TMAs, we found no association between RECK positivity and survival (OS and DFS) in breast cancer patients. Even considering the different tumor subtypes (luminal A, luminal B, Her2 type and basal-like) or lymph node status, RECK remained ineffective for predicting the disease outcome. Moreover, by multivariate Cox regression analysis, we found that RECK has no prognostic impact for OS and DFS, relative to standard clinical variables.\ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud Although it continues to serve as an invasion and MMP inhibitor in breast cancer, RECK expression analysis is not useful for prognosis of these patients.Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa (CNPq)Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (FINEP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Social e Econômico (BNDES – FUNTEC)Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia em Saúde - Ministério da Saúde (DECIT-MS) and Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (MCTI)
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