1,133 research outputs found

    A Catalogue of Inter-Parameter Dependencies in RESTful Web APIs

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    Web services often impose dependency constraints that re strict the way in which two or more input parameters can be combined to form valid calls to the service. Unfortunately, current specification languages for web services like the OpenAPI Specification provide no support for the formal description of such dependencies, which makes it hardly possible to automatically discover and interact with services without human intervention. Researchers and practitioners are openly requesting support for modelling and validating dependencies among in put parameters in web APIs, but this is not possible unless we share a deep understanding of how dependencies emerge in practice—the aim of this work. In this paper, we present a thorough study on the presence of dependency constraints among input parameters in web APIs in in dustry. The study is based on a review of more than 2.5K operations from 40 real-world RESTful APIs from multiple application domains. Overall, our findings show that input dependencies are the norm, rather than the exception, with 85% of the reviewed APIs having some kind of dependency among their input parameters. As the main outcome of our study, we present a catalogue of seven types of dependencies consistently found in RESTful web APIsMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad BELI (TIN2015-70560-R)Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades Horatio RTI2018-101204-B-C21Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte FPU17/0407

    Design of solvent-assisted plastics recycling: Integrated economics and environmental impacts analysis

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    In 2018, the United States generated over 35. 7 million tons of plastic waste, with only 8.4% being recycled and the other 91.6% incinerated or disposed of in a landfill. The continued growth of the polymer market has raised concerns over the end of life of plastics. Currently, the waste management system is faced with issues of inefficient sorting methods and low-efficiency recycling methods when it comes to plastics recycling. Mechanical recycling is the commonest recycling method but presents a lower-valued recycled material due to the material incompatibilities introduced via the inefficient sorting methods. Chemical recycling offers a promising alternative as it potentially allows for plastics to maintain their original properties. To that end, there is the need to investigate feasible chemical recycling methods to help mitigate the challenging problem posed by plastics at the end-of-life stage. This work proposes a conceptual solvent-assisted plastics recycling framework based on a superstructure optimization approach. This framework is evaluated using a representative case study to recover Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET). In this case study, it is found that polymer recovery is both economically and environmentally favorable when compared to traditional methods of disposal such as incineration

    Resposta de cordeiros ao parasitismo por Haemonchus contortus previamente infectados com Haemonchus placei.

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    Com o objetivo de verificar a resposta de cordeiros ao parasitismo por Haemonchus contortus após a primo-infecção com H. placei foi realizado o presente estudo em 39 ovinos divididos em quatro grupos: grupo HCC (controle positivo, primo-infectado com H. contortus e desafiado com H. contortus); HCP (primo-infectado com H. contortus e desafiado com H. placei); HPC (primo-infectado com H. placei e desafiados com H. contortus) e CNE (controle negativo). Os animais foram avaliados através da contagem de ovos por grama de fezes (OPG), carga parasitária e contagem total de leucócitos. Os resultados mostraram que a média da carga parasitária e da contagem total de leucócitos não apresentaram diferença (P > 0,05) entre os grupos. A média de OPG do grupo HCP foi menor em relação aos grupos HCC e HPC (P < 0,05). Os resultados obtidos até o momento mostram que a primo-infecção com H. placei não é capaz de reduzir os níveis de OPG de subsequentes infecções por H. contortus

    Ferromagnetic ordering along the hard axis in the Kondo lattice YbIr3Ge7

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    Ferromagnetic Kondo lattice compounds are far less common than their antiferromagnetic analogs. In this work, we report the discovery of a new ferromagnetic Kondo lattice compound, YbIr3Ge7. Like almost all ferromagnetic Kondo lattice systems, YbIr3Ge7 shows magnetic order with moments aligned orthogonal to the crystal electric field (CEF) easy axis. YbIr3Ge7 is unique in that it is the only member of this class of compounds that crystallizes in a rhombohedral structure with a trigonal point symmetry of the magnetic site, and it lacks broken inversion symmetry at the local moment site. AC magnetic susceptibility, magnetization, and specific heat measurements show that YbIr3Ge7 has a Kondo temperature TK = 14 K and a Curie temperature TC = 2.4 K. Ferromagnetic order occurs along the crystallographic [100] hard CEF axis despite the large CEF anisotropy of the ground state Kramers doublet with a saturation moment along [001] almost four times larger than the one along [100]. This implies that a mechanism which considers the anisotropy in the exchange interaction to explain the hard axis ordering is unlikely. On the other hand, the broad second-order phase transition at TC favors a fluctuation-induced mechanism

    Planktonic Aggregates as Hotspots for Heterotrophic Diazotrophy: The Plot Thickens

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    Biological dinitrogen (N-2) fixation is performed solely by specialized bacteria and archaea termed diazotrophs, introducing new reactive nitrogen into aquatic environments. Conventionally, phototrophic cyanobacteria are considered the major diazotrophs in aquatic environments. However, accumulating evidence indicates that diverse non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs (NCDs) inhabit a wide range of aquatic ecosystems, including temperate and polar latitudes, coastal environments and the deep ocean. NCDs are thus suspected to impact global nitrogen cycling decisively, yet their ecological and quantitative importance remain unknown. Here we review recent molecular and biogeochemical evidence demonstrating that pelagic NCDs inhabit and thrive especially on aggregates in diverse aquatic ecosystems. Aggregates are characterized by reduced-oxygen microzones, high C:N ratio (above Redfield) and high availability of labile carbon as compared to the ambient water. We argue that planktonic aggregates are important loci for energetically-expensive N-2 fixation by NCDs and propose a conceptual framework for aggregate-associated N-2 fixation. Future studies on aggregate-associated diazotrophy, using novel methodological approaches, are encouraged to address the ecological relevance of NCDs for nitrogen cycling in aquatic environments

    Quiescent ultra-diffuse galaxies in the field originating from backsplash orbits

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    Ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs) are the lowest-surface-brightness galaxies known, with typical stellar masses of dwarf galaxies but sizes similar to those of larger galaxies such as the Milky Way1. The reason for their extended sizes is debated, with suggested internal processes such as angular momentum2, feedback3,4 or mergers5 versus external mechanisms6–9 or a combination of both10. Observationally, we know that UDGs are red and quiescent in groups and clusters11,12 whereas their counterparts in the field are blue and star-forming13–16. This dichotomy suggests environmental effects as the main culprits. However, this scenario is challenged by recent observations of isolated quiescent UDGs in the field17–19. Here we use the ΛCDM (or Λ cold dark matter, where Λ is the cosmological constant) cosmological hydrodynamical simulation to show that isolated quenched UDGs are formed as backsplash galaxies that were once satellites of another galactic, group or cluster halo but are today a few Mpc away from them. These interactions, albeit brief, remove the gas and tidally strip the outskirts of the dark matter haloes of the now quenched and seemingly isolated UDGs, which are born as star-forming field UDGs occupying dwarf-mass dark matter haloes. Quiescent UDGs may therefore be found in non-negligible numbers in filaments and voids, bearing the mark of past interactions as stripped outer haloes devoid of dark matter and gas compared to dwarfs with similar stellar content

    Demographic and environmental drivers of metagenomic viral diversity in vampire bats

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    Indexación: Scopus.Viruses infect all forms of life and play critical roles as agents of disease, drivers of biochemical cycles and sources of genetic diversity for their hosts. Our understanding of viral diversity derives primarily from comparisons among host species, precluding insight into how intraspecific variation in host ecology affects viral communities or how predictable viral communities are across populations. Here we test spatial, demographic and environmental hypotheses explaining viral richness and community composition across populations of common vampire bats, which occur in diverse habitats of North, Central and South America. We demonstrate marked variation in viral communities that was not consistently predicted by a null model of declining community similarity with increasing spatial or genetic distances separating populations. We also find no evidence that larger bat colonies host greater viral diversity. Instead, viral diversity follows an elevational gradient, is enriched by juvenile-biased age structure, and declines with local anthropogenic food resources as measured by livestock density. Our results establish the value of linking the modern influx of metagenomic sequence data with comparative ecology, reveal that snapshot views of viral diversity are unlikely to be representative at the species level, and affirm existing ecological theories that link host ecology not only to single pathogen dynamics but also to viral communities.https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/mec.1525

    Database of Diazotrophs in Global Ocean: Abundance, Biomass, and Nitrogen Fixation Rates

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    Marine N2 fixing microorganisms, termed di-azotrophs, are a key functional group in marine pelagic ecosystems. The biological fixation of dinitrogen (N2) to bioavailable nitrogen provides an important new source of nitrogen for pelagic marine ecosystems and influences primary productivity and organic matter export to the deep ocean. As one of a series of efforts to collect biomass and rates specific to different phytoplankton functional groups, we have constructed a database on diazotrophic organisms in the global pelagic upper ocean by compiling about 12 000 direct field measurements of cyanobacterial diazotroph abundances (based on microscopic cell counts or qPCR assays targeting the nifH genes) and N2 fixation rates. Biomass conversion factors are estimated based on cell sizes to convert abundance data to diazotrophic biomass. The database is limited spatially, lacking large regions of the ocean especially in the Indian Ocean. The data are approximately log-normal distributed, and large variances exist in most sub-databases with non-zero values differing 5 to 8 orders of magnitude. Reporting the geometric mean and the range of one geometric standard error below and above the geometric mean, the pelagic N2 fixation rate in the global ocean is estimated to be 62 (52-73) Tg N yr-1 and the pelagic diazotrophic biomass in the global ocean is estimated to be 2.1 (1.4-3.1) Tg C from cell counts and to 89 (43-150) Tg C from nifH- based abundances. Reporting the arithmetic mean and one standard error instead, these three global estimates are 140 ± 9.2 Tg Nyr-1, 18 ± 1.8 Tg C and 590 ± 70 Tg C, respectively. Uncertainties related to biomass conversion factors can change the estimate of geometric mean pelagic diazotrophic biomass in the global ocean by about ± 70 %. It was recently established that the most commonly applied method used to measure N2 fixation has underestimated the true rates. As a result, one can expect that future rate measurements will shift the mean N2 fixation rate upward and may result in significantly higher estimates for the global N2 fixation. The evolving database can nevertheless be used to study spatial and temporal distributions and variations of marine N2 fixation, to validate geochemical estimates and to parameterize and validate biogeochemical models, keeping in mind that future rate measurements may rise in the future

    Carrying Ideas from Knowledge-Based Configuration to Software Product Lines

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    Software variability modelling (SVM) has become a central concern in software product lines -- especially configurable software product lines (CSPL) require rigorous SVM. Dynamic SPLs, service oriented SPLs, and autonomous or pervasive systems are examples where CSPLs are applied. Knowledge-based configuration (KBC) is an established way to address variability modelling aiming for the automatic product configuration of physical products. Our aim was to study what major ideas from KBC can be applied to SVM, particularly in the context of CSPLs. Our main contribution is the identification of major ideas from KBC that could be applied to SVM. First, we call for the separation of types and instances. Second, conceptual clarity of modelling concepts, e.g., having both taxonomical and compositional relations would be useful. Third, we argue for the importance of a conceptual basis that provides a foundation for multiple representations, e.g., graphical and textual. Applying the insights and experiences embedded in these ideas may help in the development of modelling support for software product lines, particularly in terms of conceptual clarity and as a basis for tool support with a high level of automation.Peer reviewe

    CeIr3_{3}Ge7_{7}: a local moment antiferromagnetic metal with extremely low ordering temperature

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    CeIr3_3Ge7_7 is an antiferromagnetic metal with a remarkably low ordering temperature TNT_{\rm N} = 0.63 K, while most Ce-based magnets order between 2 and 15 K. Thermodynamic and transport properties as a function of magnetic field or pressure do not show signatures of Kondo correlations, interaction competition, or frustration, as had been observed in a few antiferromagnets with comparably low or lower TNT_{\rm N}. The averaged Weiss temperature measured below 10 K is comparable to TNT_{\rm N} suggesting that the RKKY exchange coupling is very weak in this material. The unusually low TNT_{\rm N} in CeIr3_3Ge7_7 can therefore be attributed to the large Ce-Ce bond length of about 5.7 {\AA}, which is about 1.5 {\AA} larger than in the most Ce-based intermetallic systems.Comment: 4 figure
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