14,137 research outputs found

    Strapdown calibration and alignment study. Volume 2 - Procedural and parametric trade-off analyses document Final report

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    Parametric and procedural tradeoffs for alignment and calibration of inertial sensing uni

    Strapdown calibration and alignment study. Volume 2 - Procedural and parametric trade- off analyses document

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    Techniques for laboratory calibration and alignment of strapdown inertial sensing unit - procedural and parametric trade-off analyse

    Stabilization and precise calibration of a continuous-wave difference frequency spectrometer by use of a simple transfer cavity

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    A novel, simple, and inexpensive calibration scheme for a continuous-wave difference frequency spectrometer is presented, based on the stabilization of an open transfer cavity by locking onto the output of a polarization stabilized HeNe laser. High frequency, acoustic fluctuations of the transfer cavity length are compensated with a piezoelectric transducer mounted mirror, while long term drift in cavity length is controlled by thermal feedback. A single mode Ar+ laser, used with a single mode ring dye laser in the difference frequency generation of 2–4 µm light, is then locked onto a suitable fringe of this stable cavity, achieving a very small long term drift and furthermore reducing the free running Ar+ linewidth to about 1 MHz. The dye laser scan provides tunability in the difference frequency mixing process, and is calibrated by marker fringes with the same stable cavity. Due to the absolute stability of the marker cavity, precise frequency determination of near infrared molecular transitions is achieved via interpolation between these marker fringes. It is shown theoretically that the residual error of this scheme due to the dispersion of air in the transfer cavity is quite small, and experimentally that a frequency precision on the order of 1 MHz per hour is routinely obtained with respect to molecular transitions. Review of Scientific Instruments is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics

    Pattern formation in self-propelled particles with density-dependent motility

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    We study the behaviour of interacting self-propelled particles, whose self-propulsion speed decreases with their local density. By combining direct simulations of the microscopic model with an analysis of the hydrodynamic equations obtained by explicitly coarse graining the model, we show that interactions lead generically to the formation of a host of patterns, including moving clumps, active lanes and asters. This general mechanism could explain many of the patterns seen in recent experiments and simulations

    Strapdown calibration and alignment study. Volume 1 - Development document Final report

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    Calibration and alignment techniques for inertial sensing uni

    First-Order Vortex Lattice Melting and Magnetization of YBa2_2Cu3_3O$_{7-\delta}

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    We present the first non-mean-field calculation of the magnetization M(T)M(T) of YBa2_2Cu3_3O7−δ_{7-\delta} both above and below the flux-lattice melting temperature Tm(H)T_m(H). The results are in good agreement with experiment as a function of transverse applied field HH. The effects of fluctuations in both order parameter ψ(r)\psi({\bf r}) and magnetic induction BB are included in the Ginzburg-Landau free energy functional: ψ(r)\psi({\bf r}) fluctuates within the lowest Landau level in each layer, while BB fluctuates uniformly according to the appropriate Boltzmann factor. The second derivative (∂2M/∂T2)H(\partial^2 M/\partial T^2)_H is predicted to be negative throughout the vortex liquid state and positive in the solid state. The discontinuities in entropy and magnetization at melting are calculated to be ∼0.034 kB\sim 0.034\, k_B per flux line per layer and ∼0.0014\sim 0.0014~emu~cm−3^{-3} at a field of 50 kOe.Comment: 11 pages, 4 PostScript figures in one uuencoded fil

    Data compression for the Cassini radio and plasma wave instrument

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    The Cassini Radio and Plasma Wave Science experiment will employ data compression to make effective use of the available data telemetry bandwidth. Some compression will be achieved by use of a lossless data compression chip and some by software in a dedicated 80C85 processor. A description of the instrument and data compression system are included in this report. Also, the selection of data compression systems and acceptability of data degradation is addressed

    Optical variability of the accretion disk around the intermediate mass black hole ESO 243-49 HLX-1 during the 2012 outburst

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    We present dedicated quasi-simultaneous X-ray (Swift) and optical (Very Large Telescope (VLT), V- and R-band) observations of the intermediate mass black hole candidate ESO 243-49 HLX-1 before and during the 2012 outburst. We show that the V-band magnitudes vary with time, thus proving that a portion of the observed emission originates in the accretion disk. Using the first quiescent optical observations of HLX-1, we show that the stellar population surrounding HLX-1 is fainter than V~25.1 and R~24.2. We show that the optical emission may increase before the X-ray emission consistent with the scenario proposed by Lasota et al. (2011) in which the regular outbursts could be related to the passage at periastron of a star circling the intermediate mass black hole in an eccentric orbit, which triggers mass transfer into a quasi-permanent accretion disk around the black hole. Further, if there is indeed a delay in the X-ray emission we estimate the mass-transfer delivery radius to be ~1e11 cm.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ
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