375 research outputs found

    Boundary-value problems in plane strain non-linear elastostatics.

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    The impact of poor asthma control among asthma patients treated with inhaled corticosteroids plus long-acting Ī²2-agonists in the United Kingdom : a cross-sectional analysis

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    This study was sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd UK, which was involved in all stages of the study conduct and analysis and also funded all costs associated with the development of the manuscript. The authors acknowledge Kantar Health and Errol J Philip for providing medical writing support. Editorial assistance and medical writing support was also provided by Michelle Rebello, PhD, and Suchita Nath-Sain, PhD, of Cactus Communications. This study was sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd., UK, which also funded all costs associated with the development of the manuscript. Author Correction, npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine 27, Article number: 65 (2017) doi:10.1038/s41533-017-0063-5, 05 December 2017 Correction to:npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine (2017); doi:10.1038/s41533-017-0014-1; Published 09 March 2017Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Towards the production of radiotherapy treatment shells on 3D printers using data derived from DICOM CT and MRI: preclinical feasibility studies

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    Background: Immobilisation for patients undergoing brain or head and neck radiotherapy is achieved using perspex or thermoplastic devices that require direct moulding to patient anatomy. The mould room visit can be distressing for patients and the shells do not always fit perfectly. In addition the mould room process can be time consuming. With recent developments in three-dimensional (3D) printing technologies comes the potential to generate a treatment shell directly from a computer model of a patient. Typically, a patient requiring radiotherapy treatment will have had a computed tomography (CT) scan and if a computer model of a shell could be obtained directly from the CT data it would reduce patient distress, reduce visits, obtain a close fitting shell and possibly enable the patient to start their radiotherapy treatment more quickly. Purpose: This paper focuses on the first stage of generating the front part of the shell and investigates the dosimetric properties of the materials to show the feasibility of 3D printer materials for the production of a radiotherapy treatment shell. Materials and methods: Computer algorithms are used to segment the surface of the patientā€™s head from CT and MRI datasets. After segmentation approaches are used to construct a 3D model suitable for printing on a 3D printer. To ensure that 3D printing is feasible the properties of a set of 3D printing materials are tested. Conclusions: The majority of the possible candidate 3D printing materials tested result in very similar attenuation of a therapeutic radiotherapy beam as the Orfit soft-drape masks currently in use in many UK radiotherapy centres. The costs involved in 3D printing are reducing and the applications to medicine are becoming more widely adopted. In this paper we show that 3D printing of bespoke radiotherapy masks is feasible and warrants further investigation

    Baseline groundwater monitoring for shale gas extraction: definition of baseline conditions and recommendations from a real site (Wysin, Northern Poland)

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    Public concerns have been raised regarding the use of hydraulic fracturing for shale gas extraction and its potential impact on the environment. The absence of baseline monitoring data in the US experience has been identified as a major issue. Here, results from a 6-month groundwater baseline monitoring study near an active shale gas pad in northern Poland are presented. The data collected in dedicated boreholes include groundwater samples analysed for inorganic constituents, dissolved gases and stables isotopes (Ī“2H and Ī“18O) and downhole temperature and conductivity measurements at 15-min intervals. A robust statistical analysis combined with an estimation of data uncertainty helps to identify spatial and temporal variability within the datasets. As a result, baseline conditions are defined using confidence intervals around the mean on a per-well basis and these will serve for future reference for this site. The groundwater chemical composition is similar to regional background levels and typical of Quaternary aquifers in the region. It is also consistent with previous baseline monitoring carried out by the Polish Geological Institute. Only manganese and bromide occur in groundwater at concentrations above Polish drinking water standards. Based on this work, the paper provides some recommendations for future baseline monitoring and identifies areas for future research such as use of statistics for high-frequency datasets

    EQ3/6 geochemical modeling task plan for Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations (NNWSI)

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    This task plan outlines work needed to upgrade the EQ3/6 geochemical code and expand the supporting data bases to allow the Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations (NNWSI) to model chemical processes important to the storage of nuclear waste in a tuff repository in the unsaturated zone. The plan covers the fiscal years 1984 to 1988. The scope of work includes the development of sub-models in the EQ3/6 code package for studying the effects of sorption, precipitation kinetics, redox disequilibrium, and radiolysis on radionuclide speciation and solubility. The work also includes a glass/water interactions model and a geochemical flow model which will allow us to study waste form leaching and reactions involving the waste package. A special emphasis is placed on verification of new capabilities as they are developed and code documentation to meet NRC requirements. Data base expansion includes the addition of elements and associated aqueous species and solid phases that are specific to nuclear waste (e.g., actinides and fission products) and the upgrading and documentation of the thermodynamic data for other species of interest

    Program Plan: field radionuclide migration studies in Climax granite

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    This Program Plan describes the field radionuclide migration studies we plan to conduct in the Climax granite at the Nevada Test Site. Laboratory support studies are included to help us understand the geochemical and hydrologic processes involved in the field. The Program Plan begins with background information (Section 1) on how this program fits into the National Waste Terminal Storage Program Plan and discusses the needs for field studies of this type. The objectives stated in Section 2 are in direct response to these needs, particularly the need to determine whether laboratory studies accurately reflect actual field conditions and the need for field testing to provide a data base for verification of hydrologic and mass transport models. The technical scope (Section 3) provides a work breakdown structure that integrates the various activities and establishes a base for the technical approach described in Section 4. Our approach combines an interactive system of field and laboratory migration experiments with the use of hydrologic models for pre-test predictions and data interpretation. Section 5 on program interfaces identifies how information will be transferred to other related DOE projects. A schedule of activities and major milestones (Section 6) and the budget necessary to meet the project objectives (Section 7) are included in the Program Plan. Sections 8 and 9 contain brief descriptions of how the technical and program controls will be established and maintained and an outline of our quality assurance program. This program plan is an initial planning document and provides a general description of activities. An Engineering Test Plan containing detailed experimental test plans, an instrumentation plan and equipment design drawings will be published as a separate document

    Small differences in biohydrogenation resulted from the similar retention times of fluid in the rumen of cattle grazing wet season C3 and C4 forage species

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    The effects of forage type and season on retention time (RT) and the fatty acid (FA) profile of the rumen fluid (RF) of steers grazing a range of grasses and a legume/grass mix were evaluated. Four rumen cannulated steers (790 +/- 17 kg body weight (BW) grazed individual wet season pastures (herbage mass 2600-6200 kg DM/ha of C3 ryegrass Lolium perenne and C4 grasses pangola Digitaria eriantha, signal grass Brachiaria decumbens, star grass Cynodon dactylon, kikuyu Penniseturn clandestinum, and speargrass Heteropogon contortus in both seasons, and a mixture of leucaena Leucaena leucocephala and green panic Panicum maximum in the dry season. Each grazing period consisted of at least 21 d, followed by a 3 d collection period. On d 22 CrEDTA was used to estimate RT (182 mg Cr/100 kg BW via the cannula) and RF samples were collected at 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 28, 32 and 48 h after dosing for Cr analysis. Diet crude protein (CP) and dry matter digestibility (DMD) were estimated by faecal NIBS. Concentration of NH3N and volatile fatty acids (VFA) in RF was determined at 0, 8 and 16 h after dosing. Dry season speargrass had the lowest CP (18 and 39 g/kg DM in plucked sample (PS) and estimated by faecal NIRS, respectively) and DMD (49%), which was associated with a low NH3N (9 mg NH3N/L) and VFA concentration (70 mM) in RF, and much longer RT of Cr (20 h) than the other grasses. The RT of Cr of the other wet season grasses was similar across all forage species (8- to 11 hours). Total VFA in RF was lowest for steers grazing dry season grass, intermediate for grasses in the wet season and highest for steers grazing the legume/grass mix. Speargrass had the highest non-glucogenic:glucogenic VFA. Ryegrass had higher CP (190 g/kg DM) and DMD (68%), but steers grazing this pasture had similar NH3N concentration in RF to steers grazing kikuyu and leaucaena/grass mix (above 100 mg NH3N/L). Palmitic and stearic acid in RF were much higher than in plucked samples, but all grasses had similar total saturated FA in RF with a greater degree of saturation for ryegrass. A higher CLA c9,t11 in RF of steers grazing ryegrass most likely resulted from the linoleic content in the forage and the higher intake of ryegrass resulting in accumulation in RF. Total unsaturated FA (TUFA) content of RF was reduced markedly compared to forage samples with some small differences between species indicating an extensive biohydrogenation despite the grass type and season. It was concluded that RT of Cr in the rumen of cattle grazing wet season grasses was similar across all forage species (8 to 11 hours) and would not result in different times for biohydrogenation within the rumen

    Investigating Intra-Individual Networks of Response Inhibition and Interference Resolution using 7T MRI

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    Response inhibition and interference resolution are often considered subcomponents of an overarching inhibition system that utilizes the so-called cortico-basal-ganglia loop. Up until now, most previous functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) literature has compared the two using between-subject designs, pooling data in the form of a meta-analysis or comparing different groups. Here, we investigate the overlap of activation patterns underlying response inhibition and interference resolution on a within-subject level, using ultra-high field MRI. In this model-based study, we furthered the functional analysis with cognitive modelling techniques to provide a more in-depth understanding of behaviour. We applied the stop-signal task and multi-source interference task to measure response inhibition and interference resolution, respectively. Our results lead us to conclude that these constructs are rooted in anatomically distinct brain areas and provide little evidence for spatial overlap. Across the two tasks, common BOLD responses were observed in the inferior frontal gyrus and anterior insula. Interference resolution relied more heavily on subcortical components, specifically nodes of the commonly referred to indirect and hyperdirect pathways, as well as the anterior cingulate cortex, and pre-supplementary motor area. Our data indicated that orbitofrontal cortex activation is specific to response inhibition. Our model-based approach provided evidence for the dissimilarity in behavioural dynamics between the two tasks. The current work exemplifies the importance of reducing inter-individual variance when comparing network patterns and the value of UHF-MRI for high resolution functional mapping

    Negotiating sacred roles:a sociological exploration of priests who are mothers

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    In 1992, in a historic move, the Church of England voted to allow women's ordination to priesthood and in 1994 the first women priests started to be ordained. Despite much research interest, the experiences of priests who are mothers to dependent children have been minimally investigated. Based on in-depth interviews with seventeen mothers ordained in the Church, this paper will focus on how the sacred-profane boundary is managed. Priests who are mothers have a particular insight into the Church hierarchy as they symbolically straddle the competing discourses of sacred and profane. However, instead of reifying these binaries, the experiences of these women show how such dualisms are challenged and managed in everyday life. Indeed, in terms of experience, ritual, ministry and preaching, priests who are mothers are resisting, recasting and renegotiating sacred terrain in subtle and nuanced ways. Mothers thus not only negotiate the practical and sacramental demands placed on priests, but also illuminate how the sacred domain is regulated and constructed

    Surface properties and the perception of color

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