42,067 research outputs found

    Improving the Quality of Supervision Principal Teacher Made Test

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    The objective of this research is to obtain information about the effect of principal supervision, school work climate, and mastery of the subject matter (history) toward quality of teacher test making. This research was conducted at senior high school in Jakarta Selatan involving 50 (fifty) persons of history teachers as the sample of this research. Data were collected using a valid and reliable questionnaire, and were analyzed using path analysis technique.The research finding show that: 1) the principal supervision has a direct positive influence to the quality of teacher test making, 2) the school work climate has a direct, and positive influence to the quality of teacher test making, 3) the mastery of subject matter (history) has a direct positive influence to thequality of teacher test making, 4) the principal supervision has a direct positive influence to the mastery of the subject matter, and 5) the school work climate has a direct positive influence to the mastery of subject matter (history)

    Plagiarisme dan Korupsi Ilmu Pengetahuan

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    Plagiarisme dan Korupsi Ilmu Pengetahuan. Salah satu kasus plagiarisme yang diberitakan secara masif adalah artikel jiplakan Anak Agung Banyu Perwita di The Jakarta Post pada 12 November 2009. Pelbagai kasus plagiarisme dengan beragam modus dan motif disertai sanksi kepada pelakunya bermunculan setelah itu. Meskipun didefinisikan dan dilabeli secara berbeda, tetapi kaum akademisi menilai plagiarisme sebagai aksi antiintelektual yang amat tercela, tak hanya bagi pelakunya tetapi juga buat institusi tempat penjiplak bekerja. Dampak mental terhadap bangsa akibat plagiarisme jauh lebih besar daripada kerugian finansial. Islam mengutuk plagiarisme. Sejak wahyu pertama, Islam telah melekatkan intelektualitas dengan spiritualitas dan etika akademik


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    D. Jupriono[1] Soekarno Hs.[2] Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya [email protected] Abstrak Nilai-nilai etika Jawa direpresentasikan dalam novel karya Suparto Brata, Donyane Wong Culika (2004) adalah prinsip-prinsip menjaga dan memelihara keserasian sosial melalui toleransi, rasa hormat, malu, salut (sungkan), oleh ambisi menekan dan kepentingan pribadi. Representasi nilai-nilai etika Jawa dalam novel ini juga rusak oleh massa serta (bangsawan) priyayi, pejabat, orang-orang kerajaan. Melalui ilustrasi karakter dan perilaku karakter 'dalam novel ini, sebenarnya Suparto Brata protes dengan etika Jawa yang diklaim lebih terhormat karena dalam novel ini membuktikan bahwa massa serta priyayi melakukan urusan tipu dan cinta.kata kunci: sosiologi sastra, pendekatan moral-filosofis, etika jawa, harmoni    Abstract Javanese ethic values represented in the novel by Suparto Brata, Donyane Wong Culika (2004), are the principles of keeping and maintaining the social harmony through tolerance, respect, ashamed, salute (sungkan), by suppressing ambition and personal interest. The representation of Javanese ethic values in this novel is also broken by the masses as well as priyayi (aristocrat), officials, royal people. Through character illustration and characters’ behavior in this novel, actually Suparto Brata protests to Javanese ethics which are claimed to be more honored since in this novel it proves that the masses as well as priyayi do deceitfulness and love affairs. key words: sociology of literarature, moral-phlosophical approach, javanese ethics, harmony [1] Drs. D. Jupriono, M.Si., peminat kajian kebudayaan Jawa; mengajar mata kuliah filsafat Sejarah Pemikiran Modern pada Fakultas Sastra, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 (Untag) Surabaya; aktif di Pusat Penelitian Sastra dan Strategi Kebudayaan (PPSSK), LPPKM, Untag Surabaya.   [2] Dr. Drs. H. Soekarno Hs., M.Si., peminat kajian etika sosial, pengajar mata kuliah Dasar-dasar Filsafat (DDF), Etika, dan Logika, sekaligus Dekan Fakultas Sastra, Untag Surabaya; serta dosen S2-S3 Program Studi Kebijakan Publik, Program Pascasarjana, Untag Surabaya. Â

    Left hepatic trisegmentectomy

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    Left hepatic trisegmentectomy was successfully performed upon four patients in whom the true left lobe of the liver and all, or part, of the anterior segment of the right lobe of the liver were removed in continuity. Three of the patients had carcinoma of the liver, and the fourth patient had a hemangioma and arteriovenous malformation. This procedure, which has not been described before, should allow subtotal hepatic resection to be performed upon some patients who have lesions that have been classified as inoperable, in the past

    Novel intelligent wavelet filtering of embolic signals from TCD ultrasound

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    Transcranial Doppler ultrasound can be used to detect emboli in blood flow for predicting stroke. Embolic signals have characteristic transient chirps suitable for wavelet analysis. We have implemented and evaluated the first on-line intelligent wavelet filter to amplify embolic signals building on our previous work in detection. Our intelligent wavelet amplifier uses the matching filter properties of the Daubechies 8th order wavelet to amplify embolic signals. Even the smallest embolic signal is enhanced without affecting the background blood flow signal. We show an increase of over 2db (on average) in embolic signal strength and an improvement in detection of 10-20%

    Correlation of clinical data, anatomical site and disease stage in colorectal cancer

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    Objective: To evaluate the colorectal cancer clinical data with respect to the anatomical location and stage of disease. Design: Retrospective observational study. Setting: Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH), Nairobi, Kenya. Subjects: Two hundred and fifty three tumours were categorised as right colonic (RCC), left colonic (LCC) and rectal (RC) lesions. The distribution of symptoms (rectal bleeding, tenesmus, change in bowel habits, abdominal pain, intestinal obstruction, rectal mass), anaemia, transfusion requirement, and the Dukes\' stages were compared for right colon, left colon and rectal tumours. Results: There were 54 RCC, 59 LCC, 140 RC lesions. Patient delay from onset of symptom(s) to presentation was a mean of 26.6 ± 43, 20 ± 25 and 33.7 ± 42 weeks for right, left and rectal lesions respectively (p = 0.092). The proportion of patients presenting with rectal bleeding was 21%, 44% and 79% for RCC, LCC and RC lesions, respectively. The prevalence of intestinal obstruction was 14.8%, 27.1% and 43.6% in right, left and rectal lesions, respectively. The haemoglobin levels were significantly lower for right sided lesions (p = 0.05 for right colon/rectum pair; p = 0.059 for right colon/ left colon pair). The sites of the lesions had no relationship to the stage of disease at presentation. Conclusion: In patients with colorectal cancer, the duration of symptoms was prolonged irrespective of the anatomical sub-sites. Symptoms were evenly distributed across the anatomical regions except for bleeding and obstruction which predominated in rectal and left colon cancers respectively. This underlines the need for early investigations in patients with rectal bleeding, change of bowel habit, intestinal obstruction and anaemia. East African Medical Journla Vol. 85 (6) 2008: pp. 259-26

    Effect of alkalinity and calcium concentration of pore solution on the swelling and ionic exchange of superabsorbent polymers in cement paste

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    Swelling kinetics of superabsorbent polymers (SAP) in fresh concrete is complex, but its understanding is crucial for optimisation in practical applications. In this study, the effect of concentration of ions common in pore solution (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Cl−, OH−, SO42−) and cyclic wetting/drying on the swelling and ionic exchange of poly(AA) and poly(AA-co-AM) were investigated. Results show that swelling is not a simple function of concentration or ionic strength. In cement paste, SAP absorbs Ca2+ and releases its counterion (Na+, K+) into pore solution. Ca2+ binds with SAP and decreases initial swelling, but the bound Ca2+ can be displaced and swelling gradually recovers. Swelling increases with increase in alkalinity, but decreases with increase in calcium concentration. The higher the degree of ion exchange, the lower the swelling of SAP. Poly(AA) is more susceptible to Ca2+ complexation and therefore achieves a lower swelling ratio and slower swelling recovery compared to poly(AA-co-AM)
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