1,237 research outputs found

    The PSI-U1 snRNP interaction regulates male mating behavior in Drosophila

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    Alternative pre-mRNA splicing (AS) is a critical regulatory mechanism that operates extensively in the nervous system to produce diverse protein isoforms. Fruitless AS isoforms have been shown to influence male courtship behavior, but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. Using genome-wide approaches and quantitative behavioral assays, we show that the P-element somatic inhibitor (PSI) and its interaction with the U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein complex (snRNP) control male courtship behavior. PSI mutants lacking the U1 snRNP-interacting domain (PSIΔAB mutant) exhibit extended but futile mating attempts. The PSIΔAB mutant results in significant changes in the AS patterns of ∼1,200 genes in the Drosophila brain, many of which have been implicated in the regulation of male courtship behavior. PSI directly regulates the AS of at least one-third of these transcripts, suggesting that PSI-U1 snRNP interactions coordinate the behavioral network underlying courtship behavior. Importantly, one of these direct targets is fruitless, the master regulator of courtship. Thus, PSI imposes a specific mode of regulatory control within the neuronal circuit controlling courtship, even though it is broadly expressed in the fly nervous system. This study reinforces the importance of AS in the control of gene activity in neurons and integrated neuronal circuits, and provides a surprising link between a pleiotropic pre-mRNA splicing pathway and the precise control of successful male mating behavior

    Public crowdsourcing: Analyzing the role of government feedback on civic digital platforms

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    Government organizations increasingly use crowdsourcing platforms to interact with citizens and integrate their requests in designing and delivering public services. Drawing on attribution theory, this study asks how the causal attributions of the government response to a citizen request affect continued participation in crowdsourcing platforms. To test our hypotheses, we use a 7-year dataset of both online requests from citizens to government and government responses to citizen requests. We focus on citizen requests that are denied by government, and find that the reasoning for denying a request is related with continued participation behavior. Citizens are less willing to collaborate further with government via the platform, when their requests are denied although the locus of causality is with the government. This study contributes to research on the role of responsiveness in digital interaction between citizens and government and highlights the importance of rationale transparency to sustain citizen participation

    Repression of the Hox gene abd-A by ELAV-mediated Transcriptional Interference

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    Intergenic transcription is a common feature of eukaryotic genomes and performs important and diverse cellular functions. Here, we investigate the iab-8 ncRNA from the Drosophila Bithorax Complex and show that this RNA is able to repress the transcription of genes located at its 3’ end by a sequence-independent, transcriptional interference mechanism. Although this RNA is expressed in the early epidermis and CNS, we find that its repressive activity is limited to the CNS, where, in wild-type embryos, it acts on the Hox gene, abd-A, located immediately downstream of it. The CNS specificity is achieved through a 3’ extension of the transcript, mediated by the neuronal-specific, RNA-binding protein, ELAV. Loss of ELAV activity eliminates the 3’ extension and results in the ectopic activation of abd-A. Thus, a tissue-specific change in the length of a ncRNA is used to generate a precise pattern of gene expression in a higher eukaryote

    A newly developed tool for intra-tracheal temperature and humidity assessment in laryngectomized individuals: the Airway Climate Explorer (ACE)

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    The aim of this study is to develop a postlaryngectomy airway climate explorer (ACE) for assessment of intratracheal temperature and humidity and of influence of heat and moisture exchangers (HMEs). Engineering goals were within-device condensation prevention and fast response time characteristics. The ACE consists of a small diameter, heated air-sampling catheter connected to a heated sensor house, containing a humidity sensor. Air is sucked through the catheter by a controlled-flow pump. Validation was performed in a climate chamber using a calibrated reference sensor and in a two-flow system. Additionally, the analyser was tested in vivo. Over the clinically relevant range of humidity values (5–42 mg H2O/l air) the sensor output highly correlates with the reference sensor readings (R2 > 0.99). The 1–1/e response times are all <0.5 s. A first in vivo pilot measurement was successful. The newly developed, verified, fast-responding ACE is suitable for postlaryngectomy airway climate assessment

    Effects of power tension and forms drive belt balancing products in process at zarezonansnom balancing machines pendulum

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    We developed two programs, "Vein Growth" and "Fringe Growth", to investigate progressive growth of crystals in dilation sites (veins and strain fringes). Even though these models are based on a simple anisotropic growth function, they produce complex textures that compare well with natural examples of veins and strain fringes. In our simulations the most important factor that controls the crystal shape in the dilation site is the roughness of the growth surface (defined by asperities on the wall-rock of veins or core-object of fringe structures) and the amplitude of these asperities relative to the width of the dilation site after an opening-event. Fibrous crystals (crystals with a high length to width ratio) which can track the opening trajectory of the dilation site will develop if grain boundaries of crystals are locked to asperities on the wall-rock of veins or core-object of fringes. This happens only if the amplitude of the asperities is large relative to single opening steps of the dilation site and if crystals grow fast enough to close the site. The width of fibres depends on the number of initial nuclei and on the distance of adjacent asperities on the wall-rock- or core-object surface. Our simulations suggest that single fibres should not be used for structural analysis especially in the case of strain fringes since relative rotation between fringes and core-object influences fibre-growth directions. We discuss the implications of our modelling results for the use of crystal textures in veins and strain fringes for structural analysis

    Properties of Saturn Kilometric Radiation measured within its source region

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    On 17 October 2008, the Cassini spacecraft crossed the southern sources of Saturn kilometric radiation (SKR), while flying along high-latitude nightside magnetic field lines. In situ measurements allowed us to characterize for the first time the source region of an extra-terrestrial auroral radio emission. Using radio, magnetic field and particle observations, we show that SKR sources are surrounded by a hot tenuous plasma, in a region of upward field-aligned currents. Magnetic field lines supporting radio sources map a continuous, high-latitude and spiral-shaped auroral oval observed on the dawnside, consistent with enhanced auroral activity. Investigating the Cyclotron Maser Instability (CMI) as a mechanism responsible for SKR generation, we find that observed cutoff frequencies are consistent with radio waves amplified perpendicular to the magnetic field by hot (6 to 9 keV) resonant electrons, measured locally

    The Vienna history Wiki: a collaborative knowledge platform for the city of Vienna

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    The Vienna City Archive and the Vienna City Library have joined forces with several other institutions in Vienna, Austria to create the "Wien Geschichte Wiki" (Vienna History Wiki), a knowledge platform for the history of Vienna with more than 34,000 articles and 120,000 visits per month. The wiki is powered by Semantic MediaWiki and serves not only as an online encyclopedia, based on a digitized printed publication for everybody to use and contribute to, but also as a central knowledge base for several administrative departments of the city administration. In a peer-review process, wiki edits are checked before they become visible. The paper highlights the unique aspects of the Vienna History Wiki related to content creation, governance structures and technology choices. A usage log analysis and an online survey have been carried out to gain first insights after six months of operation

    The long noncoding RNA mimi scaffolds neuronal granules to maintain nervous system maturity

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    RNA binding proteins and messenger RNAs (mRNAs) assemble into ribonucleoprotein granules that regulate mRNA trafficking, local translation, and turnover. The dysregulation of RNA-protein condensation disturbs synaptic plas-ticity and neuron survival and has been widely associated with human neurological disease. Neuronal granules are thought to condense around particular proteins that dictate the identity and composition of each granule type. Here, we show in Drosophila that a previously uncharacterized long noncoding RNA, mimi, is required to scaffold large neuronal granules in the adult nervous system. Neuronal ELAV-like proteins directly bind mimi and mediate granule assembly, while Staufen maintains condensate integrity. mimi granules contain mRNAs and proteins involved in synaptic processes; granule loss in mimi mutant flies impairs nervous system maturity and neuropeptide-mediated signaling and causes phenotypes of neurodegeneration. Our work reports an architectural RNA for a neuronal granule and provides a handle to interrogate functions of a condensate independently of those of its constituent proteins