349 research outputs found

    Field host range of Apanteles opuntiarum (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in Argentina, a potential biocontrol agent of Cactoblastis cactorum (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in North America

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    Field exploration in Argentina for cactophagous lepidopteran hosts parasitized by the recently described braconid parasitoid Apanteles opuntiarum Martínez & Berta (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) revealed a host range restricted to Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and C. doddi. Field collections of cactophagous larvae parasitized by the congeneric and sympatric parasitoid A. alexanderi included the host species C. bucyrus, Sigelgaita nr. chilensis, Tucumania sp., Tucumania tapiacola and Salambona sp. If a narrow host range for A.opuntiarum is confirmed in quarantine with North American cactus-feeding species, then this parasitoid could be released as a biological control agent for C. cactorum with little or no risk to non-target species.Las exploraciones de campo en Argentina de larvas hospedadoras cactófagas parasitadas por Apanteles opuntiarum Martínez & Berta (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), un bracónido recientemente descripto, revelaron un espectro de hospedadores restringido a Cactoblastis cac­torum (Berg) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) y C. doddi. Las colecciones de campo de larvas cactófagas parasitadas por la especie congenérica y simpátrica A. alexanderi identificaron a C. bucyrus, Sigelgaita nr. chi­lensis, Tucumania sp., Tucumania tapiacola y Salambona sp. como es­pecies hospedadoras. Si se confirma en cuarentena el estrecho rango de hospedadores de A. opuntiarum sobre especies norteamericanas que se alimentan de cactus, podría ser liberado como agente de con­trol biológico de C. cactorum, con bajo riesgo o ninguno a especies no blanco.Fil: Varone, Laura. Fundación para el Estudio de Especies Invasivas; ArgentinaFil: Logarzo, Guillermo Alejandro. Fundación para el Estudio de Especies Invasivas; ArgentinaFil: Martinez, Juan Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ; ArgentinaFil: Navarro, Fernando. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Instituto Superior de Entomología; ArgentinaFil: Carpenter, James E.. United States Department of Agriculture; Estados UnidosFil: Hight, Stephen D.. United States Department of Agriculture; Estados Unido

    Geographical Range and Laboratory Studies on Apanteles opuntiarum (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in Argentina, a Candidate for Biological Control of Cactoblastis cactorum (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in North America

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    La polilla de la tuna, Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), es una plaga que amenaza las Opuntia spp. nativas de América del Norte. Se han implementado varias estrategias para su control, erradicándola de México pero no de los Estados Unidos, donde ha continuado incrementando su distribución geográfica con éxito. Por lo tanto, se propone un enfoque integrado que incluya al control biológico para regular las poblaciones de C. cactorum en América del Norte. Se realizaron relevamientos de campo del parasitoide recientemente descrito, Apanteles opuntiarum Martínez & Berta, dentro del área de distribución nativa de C. cactorum en Argentina, y se realizaron estudios de laboratorio para desarrollar un protocolo de cría del parasitoide. Apanteles opuntiarum fue el parasitoide más común de C. cactorum y sus distribuciones en el campo coincidieron ampliamente. En el laboratorio, el éxito reproductivo del parasitoide se maximizó cuando una o dos avispas estuvieron expuestas a 30 larvas dentro de un recipiente de 500 ml. Hembras criadas en laboratorio fueron menos exitosas parasitando hospedadores que hembras provenientes del campo. A pesar del éxito logrado en la cría de los parasitoides, obtuvimos una proporción de sexos sesgada hacia machos en los experimentos. Como este sesgo podría estar relacionado a la presencia del parásito reproductivo Wolbachia, tanto la colonia de laboratorio como individuos provenientes del campo fueron analizados y poseían Wolbachia. El presente estudio proporcionó información útil de campo y laboratorio para (1) estandarizar una técnica de cría en laboratorio; (2) realizar estudios de especificidad de hospedadores en condiciones de cuarentena; y (3) seleccionar las poblaciones de parasitoides que mejor coinciden con el clima de las áreas invadidas por C. cactorum en América del Norte.The cactus moth, Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), is a pest that threatens native Opuntia spp. in North America. Control tactics developed and implemented against this invasive pest successfully eradicated the moth in Mexico and on barrier islands in the United States. However, with the cancellation of the regional management program in the United States, no control tactics are being implemented to mitigate the expansion of the moth's geographical range. Hence, an integrated approach including biological control is proposed to regulate the population of C. cactorum in North America. Field surveys of the recently described parasitoid, Apanteles opuntiarum Martínez & Berta, were carried out within the C. cactorum native range in Argentina, and laboratory studies were conducted to develop a parasitoid rearing protocol. Apanteles opuntiarum was the most common parasitoid of C. cactorum and their field distributions were similar. In the laboratory, the parasitoid's reproductive success was maximized when one or two female wasps were exposed to 30 host larvae within a 500 ml container. Laboratory reared females were less successful at parasitizing hosts than field collected females. In spite of the success achieved with laboratory rearing, male bias was observed throughout the experiments. Because this bias might be related to the presence of the reproductive parasite Wolbachia, both laboratory colony and field collected individuals were screened and Wolbachia was detected. This study provides useful field and laboratory information on (1) laboratory rearing techniques for A. opuntiarum; (2) developing host specificity test protocols for studies under quarantine conditions; and (3) selecting parasitoid populations that best match the climatic conditions present in the C. cactorum invaded areas of North America.Fil: Mengoni Goñalons, Carolina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias; ArgentinaFil: Varone, Laura. Fundación para el Estudio de Especies Invasivas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Logarzo, Guillermo Alejandro. Fundación para el Estudio de Especies Invasivas; ArgentinaFil: Guala, Mariel. Fundación para el Estudio de Especies Invasivas; ArgentinaFil: Rodriguero, Marcela Silvina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Hight, Stephen D.. United States Department Of Agriculture. Agriculture Research Service; Estados UnidosFil: Carpenter, James E.. United States Department Of Agriculture. Agriculture Research Service; Estados Unido

    Usability of the SedLine® electroencephalographic monitor of depth of anaesthesia in pigs: a pilot study.

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    To investigate the usability of the SedLine® monitor in anaesthetized pigs. Five juvenile healthy pigs underwent balanced isoflurane-based general anaesthesia for surgical placement of a subcutaneous jugular venous port. The SedLine® was applied to continuously monitor electroencephalographic (EEG) activity and its modulation during anaesthesia. Computer tomography and magnetic resonance were performed to investigate the relationship between electrodes' positioning and anatomical structures. The pediatric SedLine® EEG-sensor could be easily applied and SedLine®-generated variables collected. An EEG Density Spectral Array (DS) was displayed over the whole procedure. During surgery, the EEG signal was dominated by elevated power in the delta range (0.5-4 Hz), with an underlying broadband signal (where power decreased with increasing frequency). The emergence period was marked by a decrease in delta power, and a more evenly distributed power over the 4-40 Hz frequency range. From incision to end of surgery, mean SedLine®-generated values (± standard deviation) were overall stable [23.0 (± 2.8) Patient State Index (PSI), 1.0% (± 3.8%) Suppression Ratio (SR), 8.8 Hz (± 2.5 Hz) Spectral Edge Frequency 95% (SEF) left, 7.7 Hz (± 2.4 Hz) SEF right], quickly changing during emergence [75.3 (± 11.1) PSI, 0.0 (± 0.0) SR, 12.5 (± 6.6) SEF left 10.4 (± 6.6) SEF right]. Based on the imaging performed, the sensor does not record EEG signals from the same brain areas as in humans. SedLine®-DSA and -generated variables seemed to reflect variations in depth of anaesthesia in pigs. Further studies are needed to investigate this correlation, as well as to define the species-specific brain structures monitored by the EEG-sensor

    Complex of primary and secondary parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae and Signiphoridae) of Hypogeococcus spp. Mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in the New World

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    Se informan los resultados de los relevamientos de los parasitoides primarios y secundarios (hiperparasitoides) de Hypogeococcus spp. (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) realizados en el Nuevo Mundo durante el período 2009 para 2017 para obtener enemigos naturales de la cochinilla harinosa de los cactus (Harrisia cactus mealybug) Hypogeococcus sp., que está devastando cactus nativos en Puerto Rico y amenaza a los cactus presentes en Islas del Caribe adyacentes. Se registraron cinco especies de Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) como parasitoides primarios de Hypogeococcus spp., incluyendo el recientemente descrito Leptomastidea hypogeococci Triapitsyn sp. n., que es la única especie del género Leptomastidea García Mercet en el Nuevo Mundo cuya clava de la antena de la hembra es contrastantemente blanca. El análisis genético de los individuos de L. hypogeococci de Argentina, Brasil y Puerto Rico (EE. UU.) corrobora los datos morfológicos de que la misma especie se encuentra en América del Sur, las islas del Caribe y Florida (EE. UU.). Se proporciona una clave para las especies del Nuevo Mundo de Leptomastidea. Leptomastidea antillicola Dozier, syn. n. de Puerto Rico es sinonimizado bajo L. abnormis (Girault). Basado en los datos moleculares presentados, Anagyrus ciomperliki Triapitsyn syn. n. (Encyrtidae), originalmente descrito de Puerto Rico, es sinonimizado bajo A. quilmes Triapitsyn, Logarzo & Aguirre, cuyo rango de distribución conocido también se amplía para incluir a Brasil. Anagyrus cachamai Triapitsyn, Logarzo y Aguirre, A. lapachosus Triapitsyn, Aguirre y Logarzo y A. quilmes se registraron recientemente en Paraguay. Se describe el macho previamente desconocido de Prochiloneurus argentinensis (De Santis) (Encyrtidae) de la provincia de Misiones de Argentina, y el de P. narendrani Noyes & Triapitsyn de la Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico. Hasta aquí, Anagyrus cachamai y A. lapachosus se consideran como las principales especies para la introducción desde Argentina y Paraguay a Puerto Rico para el control biológico de la cochinilla harinosa de los cactus. El holotipo de Anagyrus tanystis De Santis de Buenos Aires, Argentina, cuyos hospederos asociados son desconocidos, se ilustra para facilitar su reconocimiento de otras especies congenéricas.Parasitoids, both primary and secondary (hyperparasitoids), of Hypogeococcus spp. mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) are reviewed to report results of the surveys in the New World conducted during 2009 to 2017 for prospective natural enemies of the Harrisia cactus mealybug, Hypogeococcus sp., which is devastating native cacti in Puerto Rico and threatening cacti in the adjacent Caribbean islands. Five species of Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) are recorded as primary parasitoids of Hypogeococcus spp., including the newly described Leptomastidea hypogeococci Triapitsyn sp. n., which is the only species of the genus Leptomastidea García Mercet in the New World where the clava of the female antenna is contrastingly white. Genetic analysis of the individuals of L. hypogeococci from Argentina, Brazil, and Puerto Rico (USA) corroborates the morphological data that the same species occurs in South America, the Caribbean islands, and Florida (USA). A key to the New World species of Leptomastidea is given and taxonomic notes are provided on its other known species in the Neotropical region. Leptomastidea antillicola Dozier, syn. n. from Puerto Rico is synonymized under L. abnormis (Girault). Based on the presented molecular data, Anagyrus ciomperliki Triapitsyn syn. n. (Encyrtidae), originally described from Puerto Rico, is synonymized under A. quilmes Triapitsyn, Logarzo & Aguirre, where the known distributional range is expanded to also include Brazil. Anagyrus cachamai Triapitsyn, Logarzo & Aguirre, A. lapachosus Triapitsyn, Aguirre & Logarzo, and A. quilmes are newly recorded from Paraguay. The previously unknown male of Prochiloneurus argentinensis (De Santis) (Encyrtidae) is described from Misiones Province of Argentina, and that of P. narendrani Noyes & Triapitsyn is described from Mona Island, Puerto Rico. So far, Anagyrus cachamai and A. lapachosus are considered to be the primary target species for introduction from Argentina and Paraguay into Puerto Rico for the biological control of Harrisia cactus mealybug. The holotype of Anagyrus tanystis De Santis from Buenos Aires, Argentina, host associations are unknown, and is illustrated to facilitate its recognition from other congeneric species.Fil: Triapitsyn, Serguei V.. University of California; Estados UnidosFil: Aguirre, María Belén. Fundación para el Estudio de Especies Invasivas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Logarzo, Guillermo Alejandro. Fundación para el Estudio de Especies Invasivas; ArgentinaFil: Hight, Stephen D.. United States Department of Agriculture. Agriculture Research Service; Estados UnidosFil: Ciomperlik, Matthew A.. United States Department of Agriculture. Agriculture Research Service; Estados UnidosFil: Rugman Jones, Paul F.. University of California; Estados UnidosFil: Rodrigues, Jose C. Verle. Universidad de Puerto Rico; Puerto Ric

    Diel Flight Pattern and Flight Performance of Cactoblastis cactorum (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) Measured on a Flight Mill: Influence of Age, Gender, Mating Status, and Body Size

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    Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is an invasive herbivore that poses a serious risk to Opuntia cacti in North America. Knowledge of the flight behavior of the cactus moth is crucial for a better understanding of natural dispersal, and for both monitoring and control. We used computer-linked flight mills to investigate diel flight activity and flight performance in relation to gender, age, mating status, and body size. Maximal flight activity for both mated and unmated moths occurred during twilight, whereas flight activity was low during photophase. The total distance flown and the number of initiated flights within a diel cycle were higher in both unmated and mated females than in males, but the longest single flight was similar in both genders. These findings suggest that pheromone trap captures of males likely indicate the simultaneous presence of females and that mated females might even be in areas where males are not detected yet. Flight performance heterogeneity was large, with a small portion of the population (both males and females) performing long unbroken flights, whereas the majority made short flights. Females had higher pupal and adult body size and shorter longevity than males. A few individuals, particularly young mated females, flying long distances may be important for active spread of a population and the colonization of new habitats. Implications of this study in the control of the cactus moth by using the sterile insect technique are discusse

    Identification of Factors Influencing Flight Performance of Field-Collected and Laboratory-Reared, Overwintered, and Nonoverwintered Cactus Moths Fed with Field-Collected Host Plants

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    Environmental conditions during egg and larval development may influence the dispersal ability of insect pests, thus requiring seasonal adjustment of control strategies. We studied the longest single flight, total distance flown, and the number of flights initiated by wild Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) to determine whether the flight performance of overwintered cactus moths with a prolonged feeding phase during development differs from nonoverwintered cactus moths. Pupae of field-collected and laboratory-reared moths were transported together from the United States to Switzerland, and flight mills were used to characterize the flight capacity of 24- to 48-h-old adults during their most active period of the diel cycle. The lack of seasonal variation in flight performance of those moths that developed under controlled environment but were fed with field-collected Opuntia cacti showed that seasonal changes in host plant quality did not affect flight. This consistent flight performance in the mass-reared laboratory population throughout the year is beneficial for sterile insect technique programs, which aim to limit the dispersal of this pest. For field-collected C. cactorum, the larger overwintered females performed similarly to nonoverwintered females, indicating that longer feeding time at lower temperature increases body size but does not influence female flight capacity. Young mated females had a similar flight capacity to unmated ones, suggesting that gravid females may play an important role in invading new habitats. For males, overwintering increased the proportion of long-distance flyers, suggesting that they are well-adapted to locate the more sparsely dispersed females in the sprin

    UV/Ozone treatment to reduce metal-graphene contact resistance

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    We report reduced contact resistance of single-layer graphene devices by using ultraviolet ozone (UVO) treatment to modify the metal/graphene contact interface. The devices were fabricated from mechanically transferred, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) grown, single layer graphene. UVO treatment of graphene in the contact regions as defined by photolithography and prior to metal deposition was found to reduce interface contamination originating from incomplete removal of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and photoresist. Our control experiment shows that exposure times up to 10 minutes did not introduce significant disorder in the graphene as characterized by Raman spectroscopy. By using the described approach, contact resistance of less than 200 {\Omega} {\mu}m was achieved, while not significantly altering the electrical properties of the graphene channel region of devices.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure