364 research outputs found

    Smoking cessation is associated with lower rates of mood/anxiety and alcohol use disorders

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    BACKGROUND: The psychological outcomes that accompany smoking cessation are not yet conclusive but positive outcomes could help to persuade quitting. METHOD: We use data from the longitudinal National Epidemiological Study of Alcohol and Related Conditions. Logistic regression was used to examine associations between cigarette smoking reduction and Wave 2 status of addiction/mental health disorder among daily smokers at Wave 1, stratified by status of the diagnosis of interest at Wave 1. We adjusted for differences in baseline covariates between smokers with different levels of smoking reduction between Wave 1 and Wave 2 using propensity score regression adjustment. RESULTS: After adjusting for propensity scores and other mental health/addiction comorbidities at Wave 2, among daily smokers who had current or lifetime history diagnosis of the outcome of interest at Wave 1, quitting by Wave 2 predicted a decreased risk of mood/anxiety disorder (aOR 0.6, 95% CI 0.4, 0.9) and alcohol disorder (aOR 0.7, 95% CI 0.5, 0.99) at Wave 2. Among daily smokers with no lifetime history diagnosis of the outcome of interest at Wave 1, quitting smoking by Wave 2 predicted a decreased risk of drug use disorder at Wave 2 aOR 0.3, 95% CI 0.1, 0.9). CONCLUSIONS: There is no support in our data for the concern that smoking cessation would result in smokers’ increased risk of some mental disorders. To the contrary, our data suggest that smoking cessation is associated with risk reduction for mood/anxiety or alcohol use disorder, even among smokers who have had a pre-existing disorder

    Should the Health Community Promote Smokeless Tobacco (Snus) as a Harm Reduction Measure?

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    Background to the debate: The tobacco control community is divided on whether or not to inform the public that using oral, smokeless tobacco (Swedish snus) is less hazardous to health than smoking tobacco. Proponents of “harm reduction” point to the Swedish experience. Snus seems to be widely used as an alternative to cigarettes in Sweden, say these proponents, contributing to the low overall prevalence of smoking and smoking-related disease. Harm reduction proponents thus argue that the health community should actively inform inveterate cigarette smokers of the benefits of switching to snus. However, critics of harm reduction say that snus has its own risks, that no form of tobacco should ever be promoted, and that Sweden's experience is likely to be specific to that culture and not transferable to other settings. Critics also remain deeply suspicious that the tobacco industry will use snus marketing as a “gateway” to promote cigarettes. In the interests of promoting debate, the authors (who are collaborators on a research project on the future of tobacco control) have agreed to outline the strongest arguments for and against promoting Swedish snus as a form of harm reduction

    Carotid Artery Wall Imaging: Perspective and Guidelines from the ASNR Vessel Wall Imaging Study Group and Expert Consensus Recommendations of the American Society of Neuroradiology

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    SUMMARY: Identification of carotid artery atherosclerosis is conventionally based on measurements of luminal stenosis and surface irregularities using in vivo imaging techniques including sonography, CT and MR angiography, and digital subtraction angiography. However, histopathologic studies demonstrate considerable differences between plaques with identical degrees of stenosis and indicate that certain plaque features are associated with increased risk for ischemic events. The ability to look beyond the lumen using highly developed vessel wall imaging methods to identify plaque vulnerable to disruption has prompted an active debate as to whether a paradigm shift is needed to move away from relying on measurements of luminal stenosis for gauging the risk of ischemic injury. Further evaluation in randomized clinical trials will help to better define the exact role of plaque imaging in clinical decision-making. However, current carotid vessel wall imaging techniques can be informative. The goal of this article is to present the perspective of the ASNR Vessel Wall Imaging Study Group as it relates to the current status of arterial wall imaging in carotid artery disease

    Pušenje među makedonskim radnicima pet godina nakon kampanje protiv pušenja

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    To assess the efficacy of a nationwide anti-smoking campaign, we compared the findings of a study on worker smoking performed in 2005 with our latest cross-sectional study completed in 2010. It included 753 randomly selected workers, of whom 126 office, 108 construction, 93 agricultural, 97 petroleum refinery, 114 textile, 117 food processing workers, and 98 cleaners. Information was collected with a selfadministered questionnaire. The prevalence of current smokers among all workers was 35.4 %, ranging from 30.2 % in office workers to 43.5 % in construction workers. It did not significantly differ from the prevalence recorded in 2005 (35.4 % vs. 36.8 %, respectively; P=0.441). Mean pack-years smoked among all smokers was 12.4±2.3, ranging from 10.9 in administrative workers to 13.7 in agricultural workers. We did not find any significant difference in the prevalence of current smokers between male and female workers and between workers aged less or more than 40 years, as well as between workers of higher and lower education. The prevalence of ex-smokers was 10.5 %, ranging from 8.4 % in construction workers to 12.1 % in administrative workers, whereas the prevalence of passive smokers was 29.1 %, ranging from 26.2 % in food processing workers to 32.9 % in agricultural workers. Our findings indicate that the prevalence of current and passive smokers has remained high regardless of the anti-smoking campaign and call for stricter implementation of anti-smoking regulations.Želeći utvrditi djelotvornost kampanje protiv pušenja u Makedoniji, usporedili smo rezultate istraživanja o pušenju u radničkoj populaciji provedenog 2005. s rezultatima našega najnovijega presječnoga randomiziranog ispitivanja koje je dovršeno 2010. Ispitivanje je obuhvatilo 753 radnika, od kojih je 126 uredskih, 108 građevinskih, 93 poljoprivrednih, 97 u rafineriji nafte, 114 tekstilnih, 117 prehrambenih te 98 čistač(ic)a. Podaci su prikupljeni s pomoću upitnika koji su ispunjavali ispitanici. Prevalencija aktivnih pušača među svim radnicima bila je 35,4 %, od 30,2 % u uredskih radnika do 43,5 % u građevinskih. Nije se značajno razlikovala od prevalencije zabilježene 2005. (35,4 % odnosno 36,8 %, P=0,441). Srednja vrijednost kutija/godina u pušača bila je 12,4±2,3, od 10,9 u uredskih do 13,7 u poljoprivrednih radnika. Značajnih razlika u aktivnome pušenju nije bilo među ženama i muškarcima, radnicima starijim i mlađima od 40 godina, niti među radnicima višeg i nižeg obrazovanja. Prevalencija bivših pušača bila je 10,5 %, od 8,4 % u građevinskih do 12,1 % u uredskih radnika, dok je prevalencija pasivnih pušača bila 29,1 %, od 26,2 % u radnika u preradi hrane do 32,9 % u poljoprivrednih radnika. Naši rezultati pokazuju da je prevalencija aktivnih i pasivnih pušača ostala visoka bez obzira na kampanju protiv pušenja te pozivaju na strožu provedbu propisa koji ograničavaju pušenje

    Roadmap consensus on carotid artery plaque imaging and impact on therapy strategies and guidelines: An international, multispecialty, expert review and position statement

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    Current guidelines for primary and secondary prevention of stroke in patients with carotid atherosclerosis are based on the quantification of the degree of stenosis and symptom status. Recent publications have demonstrated that plaque morphology and composition, independent of the degree of stenosis, are important in the risk stratification of carotid atherosclerotic disease. This finding raises the question as to whether current guidelines are adequate or if they should be updated with new evidence, including imaging for plaque phenotyping, risk stratification, and clinical decision-making in addition to the degree of stenosis. To further this discussion, this roadmap consensus article defines the limits of luminal imaging and highlights the current evidence supporting the role of plaque imaging. Furthermore, we identify gaps in current knowledge and suggest steps to generate high-quality evidence, to add relevant information to guidelines currently based on the quantification of stenosis

    Roadmap Consensus on Carotid Artery Plaque Imaging and Impact on Therapy Strategies and Guidelines: An International, Multispecialty, Expert Review and Position Statement

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    Current guidelines for primary and secondary prevention of stroke in patients with carotid atherosclerosis are based on the quantification of the degree of stenosis and symptom status. Recent publications have demonstrated that plaque morphology and composition, independent of the degree of stenosis, are important in the risk stratification of carotid atherosclerotic disease. This finding raises the question as to whether current guidelines are adequate or if they should be updated with new evidence, including imaging for plaque phenotyping, risk stratification, and clinical decision-making in addition to the degree of stenosis. To further this discussion, this roadmap consensus article defines the limits of luminal imaging and highlights the current evidence supporting the role of plaque imaging. Furthermore, we identify gaps in current knowledge and suggest steps to generate high-quality evidence, to add relevant information to guidelines currently based on the quantification of stenosis.</p

    Associations between cigarette smoking and mitochondrial DNA abnormalities in buccal cells

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    DNA alterations in mitochondria are believed to play a role in carcinogenesis and are found in smoking-related cancers. We sought to replicate earlier findings for the association of smoking with increased mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content in buccal cells and further hypothesized that there would be an increased number of somatic mtDNA mutations in smokers. Buccal cells and blood lymphocytes were studied from 42 healthy smokers and 30 non-smokers. Temporal temperature gradient electrophoresis screening and sequencing was used to identify mtDNA mutations. The relative mtDNA content was determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Assuming that mtDNA in lymphocytes represents the inherited sequence, it was found that 31% of smokers harbored at least one somatic mtDNA mutation in buccal cells with a total of 39 point mutations and 8 short deletions/insertions. In contrast, only 23% of non-smokers possessed mutations with a total of 10 point mutations and no insertions/deletions detected. mtDNA somatic mutation density was higher in smokers (0.68/10 000 bp per person) than in non-smokers (0.2/10 000 bp per person). There was a statistically significant difference in the pattern of homoplasmy and heteroplasmy mutation changes between smokers and non-smokers. Whereas non-smokers had the most mutations in D-loop region (70%), smokers had mutations in both messenger RNA encoding gene (36%) and D-loop region (49%). The mean ratio of buccal cells to lymphocytes of mtDNA content in smokers was increased (2.81) when compared with non-smokers (0.46). These results indicate that cigarette smoke exposure affects mtDNA in buccal cells of smokers. Additional studies are needed to determine if mitochondrial mutation assays provide new or complementary information for estimating cigarette smoke exposure at the cellular level or as a cancer risk biomarker

    Suicidal Behavior and Depression in Smoking Cessation Treatments

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    BACKGROUND: Two treatments for smoking cessation--varenicline and bupropion--carry Boxed Warnings from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) about suicidal/self-injurious behavior and depression. However, some epidemiological studies report an increased risk in smoking or smoking cessation independent of treatment, and differences between drugs are unknown. METHODOLOGY: From the FDA's Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS) database from 1998 through September 2010 we selected domestic, serious case reports for varenicline (n = 9,575), bupropion for smoking cessation (n = 1,751), and nicotine replacement products (n = 1,917). A composite endpoint of suicidal/self-injurious behavior or depression was defined as a case with one or more Preferred Terms in Standardized MedDRA Query (SMQ) for those adverse effects. The main outcome measure was the ratio of reported suicide/self-injury or depression cases for each drug compared to all other serious events for that drug. RESULTS: Overall we identified 3,249 reported cases of suicidal/self-injurious behavior or depression, 2,925 (90%) for varenicline, 229 (7%) for bupropion, and 95 (3%) for nicotine replacement. Compared to nicotine replacement, the disproportionality results (OR (95% CI)) were varenicline 8.4 (6.8-10.4), and bupropion 2.9 (2.3-3.7). The disproportionality persisted after excluding reports indicating concomitant therapy with any of 58 drugs with suicidal behavior warnings or precautions in the prescribing information. An additional antibiotic comparison group showed that adverse event reports of suicidal/self-injurious behavior or depression were otherwise rare in a healthy population receiving short-term drug treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Varenicline shows a substantial, statistically significant increased risk of reported depression and suicidal/self-injurious behavior. Bupropion for smoking cessation had smaller increased risks. The findings for varenicline, combined with other problems with its safety profile, render it unsuitable for first-line use in smoking cessation