1,383 research outputs found

    Learning associations between clinical information and motion-based descriptors using a large scale MR-derived cardiac motion atlas

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    The availability of large scale databases containing imaging and non-imaging data, such as the UK Biobank, represents an opportunity to improve our understanding of healthy and diseased bodily function. Cardiac motion atlases provide a space of reference in which the motion fields of a cohort of subjects can be directly compared. In this work, a cardiac motion atlas is built from cine MR data from the UK Biobank (~ 6000 subjects). Two automated quality control strategies are proposed to reject subjects with insufficient image quality. Based on the atlas, three dimensionality reduction algorithms are evaluated to learn data-driven cardiac motion descriptors, and statistical methods used to study the association between these descriptors and non-imaging data. Results show a positive correlation between the atlas motion descriptors and body fat percentage, basal metabolic rate, hypertension, smoking status and alcohol intake frequency. The proposed method outperforms the ability to identify changes in cardiac function due to these known cardiovascular risk factors compared to ejection fraction, the most commonly used descriptor of cardiac function. In conclusion, this work represents a framework for further investigation of the factors influencing cardiac health.Comment: 2018 International Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Modeling of the Hear

    Topology of energy surfaces and existence of transversal Poincar\'e sections

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    Two questions on the topology of compact energy surfaces of natural two degrees of freedom Hamiltonian systems in a magnetic field are discussed. We show that the topology of this 3-manifold (if it is not a unit tangent bundle) is uniquely determined by the Euler characteristic of the accessible region in configuration space. In this class of 3-manifolds for most cases there does not exist a transverse and complete Poincar\'e section. We show that there are topological obstacles for its existence such that only in the cases of S1×S2S^1\times S^2 and T3T^3 such a Poincar\'e section can exist.Comment: 10 pages, LaTe

    Progressive managerial bonuses in a spatial Bertrand duopoly

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    The relationship of managerial bonuses and profit maximization is interesting both from an economic and a managerial viewpoint. Our contribution to this literature is showing that progressive managerial bonuses can increase profits in a spatial Bertrand competition, and furthermore they can help collusion

    A New Technique for Finding Needles in Haystacks: A Geometric Approach to Distinguishing Between a New Source and Random Fluctuations

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    We propose a new test statistic based on a score process for determining the statistical significance of a putative signal that may be a small perturbation to a noisy experimental background. We derive the reference distribution for this score test statistic; it has an elegant geometrical interpretation as well as broad applicability. We illustrate the technique in the context of a model problem from high-energy particle physics. Monte Carlo experimental results confirm that the score test results in a significantly improved rate of signal detection.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Pareto Local Optima of Multiobjective NK-Landscapes with Correlated Objectives

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    International audienceIn this paper, we conduct a fitness landscape analysis for multiobjective combinatorial optimization, based on the local optima of multiobjective NK-landscapes with objective correlation. In single-objective optimization, it has become clear that local optima have a strong impact on the performance of metaheuristics. Here, we propose an extension to the multiobjective case, based on the Pareto dominance. We study the co-influence of the problem dimension, the degree of non-linearity, the number of objectives and the correlation degree between objective functions on the number of Pareto local optima

    Exhaustive and Efficient Constraint Propagation: A Semi-Supervised Learning Perspective and Its Applications

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    This paper presents a novel pairwise constraint propagation approach by decomposing the challenging constraint propagation problem into a set of independent semi-supervised learning subproblems which can be solved in quadratic time using label propagation based on k-nearest neighbor graphs. Considering that this time cost is proportional to the number of all possible pairwise constraints, our approach actually provides an efficient solution for exhaustively propagating pairwise constraints throughout the entire dataset. The resulting exhaustive set of propagated pairwise constraints are further used to adjust the similarity matrix for constrained spectral clustering. Other than the traditional constraint propagation on single-source data, our approach is also extended to more challenging constraint propagation on multi-source data where each pairwise constraint is defined over a pair of data points from different sources. This multi-source constraint propagation has an important application to cross-modal multimedia retrieval. Extensive results have shown the superior performance of our approach.Comment: The short version of this paper appears as oral paper in ECCV 201

    Manifold Elastic Net: A Unified Framework for Sparse Dimension Reduction

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    It is difficult to find the optimal sparse solution of a manifold learning based dimensionality reduction algorithm. The lasso or the elastic net penalized manifold learning based dimensionality reduction is not directly a lasso penalized least square problem and thus the least angle regression (LARS) (Efron et al. \cite{LARS}), one of the most popular algorithms in sparse learning, cannot be applied. Therefore, most current approaches take indirect ways or have strict settings, which can be inconvenient for applications. In this paper, we proposed the manifold elastic net or MEN for short. MEN incorporates the merits of both the manifold learning based dimensionality reduction and the sparse learning based dimensionality reduction. By using a series of equivalent transformations, we show MEN is equivalent to the lasso penalized least square problem and thus LARS is adopted to obtain the optimal sparse solution of MEN. In particular, MEN has the following advantages for subsequent classification: 1) the local geometry of samples is well preserved for low dimensional data representation, 2) both the margin maximization and the classification error minimization are considered for sparse projection calculation, 3) the projection matrix of MEN improves the parsimony in computation, 4) the elastic net penalty reduces the over-fitting problem, and 5) the projection matrix of MEN can be interpreted psychologically and physiologically. Experimental evidence on face recognition over various popular datasets suggests that MEN is superior to top level dimensionality reduction algorithms.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figure

    A Comparison of Clustering Techniques for Meteorological Analysis

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    Present work proposes the application of several clustering techniques (k-means, SOM k-means, k-medoids, and agglomerative hierarchical) to analyze the climatological conditions in different places. To do so, real-life data from data acquisition stations in Spain are analyzed, provided by AEMET (Spanish Meteorological Agency). Some of the main meteorological variables daily acquired by these stations are studied in order to analyse the variability of the environmental conditions in the selected places. Additionally, it is intended to characterize the stations according to their location, which could be applied for any other station. A comprehensive analysis of four different clustering techniques is performed, giving interesting results for a meteorological analysis

    Measuring portfolio performance using a modified measure of risk

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    This paper reports the results of an investigation into the properties of a theoretical modification of beta proposed by Leland (1999) and based on earlier work of Rubinstein (1976). It is shown that when returns are elliptically symmetric, beta is the appropriate measure of risk and that there are other situations in which the modified beta will be similar to the traditional measure based on the capital asset pricing model. For the case where returns have a normal distribution, it is shown that the criterion either does not exist or reduces exactly to the conventional beta. It is therefore conjectured that the modified measure will only be useful for portfolios that have nonstandard return distributions which incorporate skewness. For such situations, it is shown how to estimate the measure using regression and how to compare the resulting statistic with a traditional estimated beta using Hotelling's test. An empirical study based on stocks from the FTSE350 does not find evidence to support the use of the new measure even in the presence of skewness.Journal of Asset Management (2007) 7, 388-403. doi:10.1057/palgrave.jam.225005

    On the lease rate, convenience yield and speculative effects in the gold futures market

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    By examining data on the gold forward offered rate (GOFO) and lease rates over the period 1996- 2009, we conclude that the convenience yield of gold is better approximated by the lease rate than the interest-adjusted spread of Fama & French (1983). Using the latter quantity, we study the relationship between gold leasing and the level of COMEX discretionary inventory and exhibit that lease rates are negatively related to inventories. We also show that Futures prices have increasingly exceeded forward prices over the period, and this effect increases with the speculative pressure and the maturity of the contracts