20 research outputs found

    An on-Line Agglomerative Clustering Method for Non-Stationary Data

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    An on-line agglomerative clustering algorithm for non-stationary data is described. Three issues are addressed. The first regards the temporal aspects of the data. The clustering of stationary data by the proposed algorithm is comparable to the other popular algorithms tested (batch and on-line). The second issue addressed is the number of clusters required to represent the data. The algorithm provides an efficient framework to determine the natural number of clusters given the scale of the problem. Finally, the proposed algorithm implicitly minimizes the local distortion -- a measure whichtakes into account clusters with relatively small mass

    Measurements and Modeling of Atmospheric Pollution over the Paris area: An overview of the ESQUIF project

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    The " Etude et Simulation de la QUalite de l'air en Ile de France" (ESQUIF) project is the first integrated project dedicated to the study of the processes leading to air pollution events over the Paris area. The project was carried out over two years (summer 1998 to winter 2000) to document all types of meteorological conditions favourable to air quality degradation, and in particular to photo oxydant formation. The goals of ESQUIF are (i) to improve our understanding of the relevant chemical and dynamical processes and, in turn, improve their parameterizations in numerical models, and (ii) to improve and validate existing models dedicated to pollution analysis, scenarios and/or forecasting, by establishing a comprehensive and thorough database. In this paper, we present the rationale of the ESQUIF project and we describe the experimental set-up. We also report on the first experiments which took place during the summer of 1998 involving surface networks, remote sensing instruments as well as several aircraft. Focusing on three days of August 1998, the relative contributions of long-range transported and locally-produced ozone to the elevated ozone concentrations observed during this period are discussed and chemistry-transport model preliminary results on this period are compared to measurements

    Avaliação do modelo BRAMS na formação de nevoeiro de radiação em ambiente com turbulência pouco desenvolvida BRAMS model evaluation with relation to formation of the radiation fog in the environment with not well-developed turbulence

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    Nevoeiro de radiação é normalmente precedido por forte resfriamento noturno. Em determinados eventos, a magnitude deste resfriamento é tão intensa que os modelos operacionais de previsão de tempo não conseguem representa-lo adequadamente. Simulações foram realizadas com o objetivo de reproduzir a formação do nevoeiro de radiação, observado na madrugada do dia 18 de abril de 2007. Foram testados parâmetros e parametrizações relacionados a turbulência disponíveis no modelo BRAMS versão 3.2. Para o cálculo do coeficiente de difusão vertical foram testados os esquemas de Mellor-Yamada e Smagorinsky, e para a razão entre os coeficientes de difusão vertical para escalares e para o momentum foram testados os valores 1 e 3. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos com o esquema de Mellor-Yamada e a razão 1 entre os coeficientes. A máxima taxa de resfriamento foi de -5,7ºC/10h e a taxa de umedecimento foi de 27,1%/10h, mas os dados observados indicaram valores de -8,8ºC/10h e 29%/10h, respectivamente. Com relação aos erros e taxas de resfriamento e umedecimento em superfície, as opções testadas geraram apenas pequenas melhoras nos resultados, mas foram suficientes para desenvolver o nevoeiro em superfície.<br>The radiation fog usually is preceded by a strong nocturnal cooling rate. Some times the observed cooling is so high that weather forecast models are not able to reproduce it accurately. Simulations were used to reproduce the formation of radiation fog at dawn on 18 April, 2007. Parameters and parameterizations related to turbulence available in BRAMS version 3.2 were tested. To calculate the vertical diffusion coefficients the Mellor-Yamada and Smagorinsky schemes were tested; and for the ratio of vertical diffusion coefficients between scalars and momentum the values 1 and 3 were tested. The best results were provided by the Mellor-Yamada parameterization scheme and when the ratio of vertical diffusion coefficients equal to 1. The maximum cooling rate obtained was -5,7ºC/10h and the moistening rate was -27,1%/10h, but the observed data showed values of -8,8ºC/10h and 29%/10h, respectively. In terms of surface cooling and moistening rate errors, the tested schemes led to small improvements in the results, but were sufficient to develop the fog over the surface